Gender pay gap still
too wide.
Page 4
Shares & Sweden
The government has bought gas
supplier Gasum. 6 . Ac-
cording to the law, the tasks of the
defense forces are limited to the
military defense of Finland, supporting Finnish authorities and
participation in international crisis
The law forbids the separate use
of force in supporting other authorities internationally.
The analysis is based on the 2012
Security Policy report, according to
which Finland will clarify the
needs of the current government
to amend the legislation of the EU
Lisbon Treaty in relation to obligations for military assistance.
Government looking for
a quick fix for employment
JyrkI IIvonEn . 12 NOVEMBER 2014 . H T
thE workInG GroUP of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shows that
Finland could obtain foreign military support for area surveillance.
According to the workingroup, the
main objective for such an effort
would be to develop defense cooperation between Finland and Sweden. he
?The starting point is that the
proposals as a whole don?t cause excess expenses.?
According to Heinonen, a good
example of a proposal would be a
measure which would allow small
The chairperson of the working
group was the Foreign Ministry?s
Legal Director, Päivi Kaukoranta.
The Prime Minister?s Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of
Justice, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defense and the President?s
Office also took part in the working
The proposal still needs to go
through the legislative process, a
task that is left for the next parliament. So far, Finland has only been able to send and
accept soldiers and equipment for
crisis management or exercises.
The main obstacle for giving
military assistance so far has been
the current defense force law. Moreover, this proposal would facilitate sending Finnish
troops abroad as experts or staff
The project set by the Foreign
Ministry evaluated the need to
change the law, while Finland prepares for the possibility to give and
receive military support. the letter reads.
Secretary of State Olli-Pekka
Heinonen (NCP) highlights that the
intent is not to plan structural re-
forms that stretch far in to the long
?We are talking about actions that
are a supplement to next year?s budget, or regulations that are possible to
implement during this electoral cycle.?
Heinonen admits that there is
not much time.
?In this economic situation, we
need to turn over every stone,. H T
SEvErAl ministries have received a
letter signed by Prime Minister Alexander Stubb (NCP) and Minister
of Finance Antti Rinne (SDP) urging
them to draw up proposals for new
measures to encourage growth and
employment opportunities in the
short term.
There isn?t much time, however:
the proposals must be submitted to
the Ministry of Finance by Friday
Stubb and Rinne point out in
the letter that the development of
the economic and employment situation in Finland has been weaker
than a anticipated.
The ministers want the government to construct a structural programme with an aim to encourage
growth, employment and economic stability for the ongoing electoral term, in addition to the cost cuts
and structural measures already
agreed upon.
?The objective is that the proposals inflict no net costs on the
state,. HS
mErlE mUS t . Helsinki Times is also available for sale in more than 140 kiosks across Finland.
L E H T I K U VA / m I K KO S T I G
Newspapers & inequality
Publishers could form joint delivery service. ISSUE 45 (379) . The report was handed over to
the Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja on 4 November.
The proposal also suggested that
Finland could provide military sup-
port in area surveillance to foreign
countries. HS
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Page 7
ScIENcE & TEchNology
So far, Finland has been able to send soldiers to participate in crisis management or exercises, but the proposal by the Foreign Ministry working group would expand the mandate of Finnish troops abroad.
pEoplE & lIfESTylE
Religion & depression
A Freethinker talks religion, state
and family. Disagreement over the
effect of antidepressants.
Pages 10, 11
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Page 9
finland could receive foreign
assistance in area surveillance
Prime Minister Alexander Stubb (pictured) and Minister of Finance Antti
Rinne have urged ministries to draw
up proposals for new measures to encourage growth.
to medium sized enterprises more
room to manoeuvre in terms of
employment.. However, all major parties
supported the security policy report
and the parliamentary proceedings
for giving military support.
L E H T I K U VA / A F P P H O T O / J O N AT H A N N A C K S T R A N D
Diagnoses & genetics
Google experimenting with online
medical service. ?3
between the Syrian war and
a watchful Israel, the petty political games in Beirut
are losing much of their innocence. They
have suffered from having
been a protected minority by
the Assad regime.
THE dISaPPEaRaNCE of these
ancient religious minorities
may be unavoidable because
minorities have always suffered in times of war and
crises. Instead
of individual rights with
guarantees of religious and
political pluralism for each
community, rights are vested
in the sects in ways that their
leaders, often scions of political dynasties, easily usurp
and then trade with external powers seeking to bolster
their interests in the region.?
CaN SuCH a state survive. Many of
them are now in Sweden.
THE THIRd reason is warfare.
Patriarch Gregorios III of Antioch said in March that of a
population of 1.75 million,
450,000 Syrian Christians
have fled their homes. The Sunnis
were politically marginalised when the scene became
dominated by the Shiites
and the Kurds in the North.
Maliki neutralised the Sunni leadership and promoted
the perception that the Sunni quest for power-sharing
in Baghdad represents only
a sectarian agenda, leading
to a radicalisation of Sunni
groups, foremost in Ninewa
and Kirkuk. Many ethnic groups
are defined by their religion
and many policies can be explained by motives based on
religious considerations. The unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in
2005 was a hard blow for the
religious segment. In Syria a war is being waged between a secular
regime with roots in an esoteric Islamic minority sect
and a variety of more or less
radical Islamic groups, one
with a goal to establish a
is ruled by a party
gathering its strength from
a revival of religious sentiment. Perhaps
the world needs a new convention, defining minimum
standards for national legislation regarding religious
rights. Declining birth rates is one. as
in Iraq and Syria . Dictators
have seen a secular constitution as a way to neutralize religious and sectarian
tensions between Sunni and
Shia or as a way to secure the
loyalty of religious minorities. Many Sunni Arabs came to the conclusion
that they must engage in violence based on their confession and the ground was ripe
for the ISIS onslaught. In Egypt, the Muslim
Brotherhood won a majority
in democratic elections, and
its citizens are now paying
the price for that victory in
the hands of the military.
MIddLE Eastern rulers and
people have never adopted the European and North
American doctrine of separating church and state. More than
60 per cent of the worlds population live in countries that
have government restrictions on practicing religion.
MOST influential external power in the Middle
East, the United States, has,
according to foreign policy
research (2005), partly religious-based motives for
its Middle East policies. The Arab Spring
did change very little, Israel is still powerful, Arab and
Islamic unity is but a dream
and foreigners continue to
invade their lands.
THE gROWINg religious intolerance, not only in the
Middle East, raises the
question whether the international instruments to
safeguard freedom of worship are sufficient. Articles should be at least 5,000 characters-with-spaces long
(maximum length 10,000). Yet it is extremely difficult to draw a reliable
picture. One can recognize
the irony in what is happening. they have
lapsed back into a role as defenders of the only true faith.
THE SuNNI . He claims that there is an
irrepressible conflict between
settlement of the West Bank
and mainstream Zionism. So
far, yes. One thing is certain:
regardless of ancient prejudices, the crowds, tribes and
clans are manipulated to believe in perils, dangers and
murderous threats from the
followers of the other group.
SHIa and Sunni groups have
mostly lived in peace with
each other. Once
again, sectarian belonging
seems to become a defining
factor for the political future
If ONE wishes to seek a parallel from history, the Thirty Years´ War comes to mind,
where two interpretations
of Christianity led to a war.
Hopefully this parallel also
means that a Westphalian
peace could rescue Middle
East from total chaos.
daVId Gardner once defined
Lebanon as a country ?saddled with a political class
of warlords in suits, political entrepreneurs who treat
their people not as citizens
but as cattle to be herded inside the country?s 18 officially recognized sects. Palestinians are sometimes seen as
the most secularised Arabs,
but also among them you can
find religious fervour, mostly among followers of Hamas.
NO dOuBT Israeli politics
have strong components derived from the Jewish religion.
The birth of the nation saw
the influx of approximately
850,000 Jews expelled from
Arab countries. How much
of it is motivated by nationalism, history and modern geopolitics. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
Viewpoints are commentaries written by experts and authorities about specific topics. This Israeli experience and the Zionist
tradition are still influencing
domestic policies. The opinions expressed in this section are the writers. These
two ideologies form the fault
line in the body politic. But
the rise of Hezbollah has
changed the playing field
and its involvement in Syria
is drawing Lebanon into the
battle zone stretching from
Beirut to Baghdad. How much of this
fierce struggle has purely religious motives. Travelling by train from Cairo to
Alexandria, the villages are
dotted with not only minarets, but also hundreds of
THERE are three reasons
why the Christian minorities in Middle Eastern countries are diminishing in size
and may soon be extinct. The
national religious segment
is roughly 6-8 per cent of the
population but its influence
is much stronger. Even with
a strong Orthodox representation in Knesset, some privileges for the religious are
rolled back by the right-wing
THE ISRaELI dilemma is a
classic example of how a religious doctrine casts a spell
over the political arena and
can shape the destiny of the
is often ignored
as a political factor; in the
Middle East this is not possible. Persecution is the
second reason; Christians
are being targeted in several countries. Two
brands of Zionism exist: secular Zionism, aimed at securing
the future of Israel proper as
a democratic state, and a religious Zionism believing in
expansion and annexation
along biblical borders. In his book
The Settlers, professor Gadi
Taub describes the long struggle over the meaning of Zionism. The
Evangelical movement has
influenced decisions particularly concerning Israel. The relationship between politics and
Islam seems to remain fundamentally different from
that between politics and
dOMINIquE Moïsi has written (The Geopolitics of Emotion, 2008) that religion in
the Middle East has become
the main channel through
which Muslims fight their
feeling of humiliation, a frustration that has deep roots.
The glorious past has not
been re-created, the leaders
have failed, corruption prevails, and the wave of globalisation has not brought them
the progress they see in Asia
or Europe. The
rise of fundamentalism in
the main religions in the region and the division of Islam
into two warring sects are
decisive factors for the future of the region and a major obstacle to modernisation
and reform. It remains to be
seen if enough cohesion can
be found to save the state of
Lebanon when the corpses
are counted.
in Egypt prevail,
forming perhaps 10 per cent
of the population. But under attack . 2
6 . The
number of Chaldo-Assyrian Christians fell from over
a million to 150 000. Shia struggle for religious and political
dominance is the most impor-
tant feature when trying to
understand the dynamics of
the region. It is often interference
by the West that has led to
persecution and exodus, yet
the West is doing very little
to defend these minorities.
Our secularised societies are
almost ashamed to accept
any responsibility for them;
perhaps some even believe
that they are remnants of
If ONE has problems sympathising with Christian
cousins, it may be easier to
look at their fate as a human
rights issue. In Israel, the rate is 32 births per
thousand Muslims, 22 among
Christians. Helsinki Times reserves the right to accept or reject submissions, as well as to edit or shorten the text. He has been the Independent Monitor of the
International Red Cross and Red Cresent Movement for Israel-Palestine (MDA-PRCS)
from 2007-2013.
Has religion replaced
politics in the Middle East?
LOOKINg at the situation in
the Middle East today, one
must conclude that politics
and religion are irrevocably
IN THE MIddLE Eastern region, one will find some of the
countries most permeated
by religious politics. In Iraq, the once
large Christian community
became the scapegoat for the
American-led invasion and
hundreds of thousands have
since fled or emigrated. A huge Lebanese diaspora takes a keen interest
in their homeland and probably finances a great deal of
political and religious activities within Lebanon. In the end, reciprocity must be respected if religious tolerance is to
prevail.. Take the
theocratic state of Iran, Saudi Arabia, the guardian of the
Holy Places, or Israel, where
the lines between state, politics and religion have been
blurred since 1948.
LEBaNON is another example of a state where religious
sectarianism is forming the
base for the political system
and where the relationships
between sects are a factor in
decision-making and powersharing. Sooner or later, nations will start to look after
their citizens and their coreligionists: Are they receiving the same treatment as
we are granting immigrants
and visitors. According to
Pew Research, restrictions
on practising religion, religious hostilities and violence
to enforce religious norms
are all on the increase all
around the world. But
when it comes to defending the Christian minorities,
United States has been less
effective than other powers, such as Saudi Arabia for
Shias and Russia for Orthodox minorities.
LET ME finally turn to Israel and Palestine. There
were 300 churches before the
invasion, today just 57. own and do not represent
the official policy of the Helsinki Times.
This article is a condensed version of a speech given by Minister Pär Stenbäck,
former Finnish Minister of Education. You can submit your articles to When power structures of the society
were torn apart, as happened
when the US-led alliance
overthrew Saddam Hussein,
the barrages were opened.
IN IRaq, the polarisation be-
tween the Sunni minority
and the government under
Nouri al-Maliki has become
a deadly threat to the stability and future of the postwar country. Kemal Atatürk did it, but his
legacy is fading
?The current city centre is a bourgeois centre, focused on trade,. From the department
store, the two friends are
planning to head towards Punavuori for late breakfast.
?This is an iconic landmark,. DOMESTIC
6 . 52.3%
View details and this week?s question at
Elisabet and Erik Hagström, from Kokkola, were in Helsinki to visit their son who studies in the city. Pigeons also
like to gather at the square.
A couple walks to the statue and stops, gazing towards
Kamppi. ?A city
centre is a place that everyone knows,. For them,
that?s the centre.?
In 1870, when the Old Student House was built on the
edge of Three Smiths Square,
it was outside the city centre,
which back then meant the
area surrounding the Market
Detached house/holiday home 87 m2 in Jämijärvi
Square and Esplanade, explains Laura Kolbe, the professor of European History
at the University of Helsinki.
Töölönlahti, which was
then known as Kluuvinlahti,
and its muddy banks, reached
the street corner where Academic Bookstore stands.
The centre shifted to
its current location only at
the end of the 19th century, spurred by new shops
opening on Aleksanterinkatu and, later on in the 20th
century, the construction of
the Stockmann department
store. H S
NIIN a W O O L L E y . When a central point was calculated on the basis of the
answers, Helsinki centre is located next to the Three Smiths
The answers spread over a wider area, with the region
bounded by the railway station, the Kamppi shopping centre,
erottaja and Senaatintori Square, receiving the highest number of votes. says Loikkanen.
?The reason why New
York?s Manhattan is such an
exciting area is that it offers an amazing range of activities and services. More than 8,000 people participated in the survey. says Andelin, adding
that to her this spot has been
the centre of Helsinki since
?Some people claim that
the centre has shifted to
Kamppi but for me it?s still
Andelin speculates that
the view on the correct location of the centre may be a
question of generation.
?Teenagers used to hang
out at the station, now they
go to Kamppi. A lake, a beach and a sports ground are all located nearby.
For more information please contact Lea Ala-Peijari:
tel. . 050-512 4435,
nomics at the University of
But growth in the number of retail businesses does
not turn a location into a city
centre if there are no people
living in the area, which is
why building housing is one
of the main means of livening up the centre.
?If all new houses are built
around the edges of the city,
the centre will remain an area with an abundance of dead
spots,. H T
flow of people
crosses Three Smiths Square
where the statue depicting the three strongly built
smiths stands at the corner of Aleksanterinkatu and
According to over 8,000
readers of Helsingin Sanomat, who participated in a
survey, the statue marks the
centre of Helsinki.
A handful of girls walk
briskly past the statue laden with shopping bags, ponytails swinging. Erik
Hagström estimates. The trio had agreed to meet by the
Three Smiths Statue.
Helsinki centre
shifting towards Kamppi
over the past
few centuries,
the city centre has
moved away
from Kauppatori.
K a I Su M O IL a NE N . They
think the centre covers an area on both sides of Aleksan-
a STEaDy
?The Programme offers me a great opportunity
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Ben Lundberg, Sweden
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Business and Management
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Quantitative Finance
APPLY 5.1. All of them have had global success.
For example, the tower defense game Clash of Clans is on top of
the sales charts in about 50 countries.
The business magazine Forbes named the Helsinki-based
firm to be the fastest growing game company ever and praised
it for attracting millions of players, who generate a revenue of
about 2.4 million dollars a day.
Question of the week
The chairperson of the Centre party, Juha Sipilä, believes
there are too many public servants in Finland.
Do you agree?
yes . 12 NOVEMBER 2014
l e H T i K u VA
H S / A n n i Ko p o n e n
ilkka paananen (left)
and Mikko Kodisoja
Famous for:
Founders of the game studio
Supercell, the highest earning company in Finland
This Monday, the Finnish Tax Administration released tax data
for the year 2013 which revealed that Supercell?s Ceo paananen
and the creative director Kodisoja declared the highest taxable
incomes of 168.8 million and 170.1 million euros.
The combined incomes of their game studio reached over 460
million euros which is unprecedented in Finnish economic history, as it surpasses previous top earnings, such as the income of the
previous Ceo of nokia, Jorma ollila by tens of millions of euros.
paanan and Kodisoja founded Supercell in 2010 and have
since then released three mobile device games: Clash of Clans,
Hay Day and Boom Beach. in the open questions, Stockmann?s clock
was often mentioned as the central point.
if somebody suggests a meeting in the centre without
specifying the spot, the safest bet is to wait under the Stockmann?s clock gazing towards the Three Smiths Statue.
A recently built detached house with three rooms, kitchen and sauna is for sale
in the Satakunta region. 47.7%
No . The answer depended on where the participant
lived and worked. Elisabet and Erik
Hagström, from Kokkola, are
in Helsinki to meet their son
Calle Hagström, who studies
in the city. Loikkanen, emeritus professor of urban eco-
The centre is an area, not a single point on the map
Helsingin Sanomat asked readers to mark Helsinki centre
on a map. says Kolbe.
towards Kamppi
An increase in the number
of shops is pushing the centre towards Kamppi, says
Heikki A. 13.2.2015
terinkatu but do not include
Kamppi in the most central part of Helsinki. Erik Hagström
The Three Smiths Statue
is within a spitting distance
of the front doors of department store Stockmann
where a number of people
stand under the store?s clock,
a well-known meeting place,
shivering in the cold weather.
Iconic landmark
Sanna Andelin, from Helsinki, is waiting for her friend
Kristiina Viikari who is running late, par for the course
for her. When he strides
to the spot, the trio hug and
exchange greetings before
heading to a café to warm up.
Do the visitors have an
opinion on the location of
Helsinki?s centre?
?It?s around here,. And
that?s because there are plenty of people living in the area, creating demand for the
Loikkanen says that decision-makers in Helsinki
should consider whether the
population density in the city
could be increased by building taller houses.
?Helsinki has to decide
whether it wants to be a small
metropolis, with a bustling
centre, or a large city with a
centre that spreads out but is
not very lively.?
Osman thinks
that the fault does not solely lie with Somalis but also
with generous Finnish social
?When a person arrives
here, they are shown a social
worker, a Finnish teacher and
an apartment. JUHA VUOHELAINEN
Newspapers plan
joint delivery service
NEwSPaPER publishers are
looking into a possibility of
founding a joint company
for delivering papers in the
morning. Leaders of the world will meet in Paris to negotiate new global climate targets that aim to complete
the Kyoto principles. Many people see particularly Somalis as the type
who hang around in shopping centres and find it hard
to adjust themselves to Finnish society. At
the time of writing this column, the negotiations on the
EU?s 2030 targets are still in the making.
a gLOBaL climate conference will be arranged in Paris
next year. Neste Oil, the world?s biggest producer of biofuels, is a good example of a successful Finnish cleantech company. I have
worked around them as an engineer and for the last 18
years as politician.
gLOBaL warming is a serious threat but at the same
time it is an opportunity for Finnish companies to create new business. In order to increase the share
of bioenergy, the government of Finland has recently raised subsidies for wood used in energy generation
and decreased taxes on peat.
Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen set up a parliamentary committee on energy and climate issues
in June 2013 to prepare a roadmap of climate and energy policy to the year 2050. The crucial factors are
renewable energy, transportation, energy efficiency,
cleantech and participation by every sector of society. His company, Horn Afrik, provides
workers with immigrant
backgrounds with jobs in the
construction business.
?Work is the best place to
learn,. The committee consists
of two representatives for each parliamentary group.
I represented the National Coalition Party in the committee with the Minister of Economy Jan
A carbon-neutral
Finland by 2050 requires decreasing the
carbon-dioxide emissions by 80-95 per
cent from the level of
the 1990s.
THaT roadmap is now
ready. In these areas, many Finnish companies are already
world class. If personal responsibility is not stressed, a
wrong kind of message might
be sent out.?
Osman describes the
Finnish social security as
wonderful but also ?too soft?.
He is worried about the future of the Finnish welfare
society . According to Rinne, it will not be
achieved. Finland has
been like a mother to me. The entrepreneur holds a critical
view on education programs
for immigrants and the unemployed in Finland. Along with these targets, the EU member states are negotiating on new targets that are supposed to extend to the year 2030. The
increase in prices is the consequence of a severe decline
in delivery volumes, not of
renewing strategies.
Itella is willing to cooperate with journalistic establishments and seek new
delivery solutions, says the
director of public relations
Jukka Rosenberg.
THE cHaIRPERSON of the Social Democratic Party, Minister of Finance Antti Rinne
(SD) wants to see rapid development in reducing the differences in income between
He thinks that after the
parliamentary election the
aim should be to reduce the
income differences between
women and men to 10 per
cent by the end of 2019.
The objective of similar
programs has been to reduce
the income difference between men and women from
approximately 20 per cent to
15 per cent by 2015. This time we must be more successful than in Copenhagen in 2009.
the goal, we should not choose just one
path. It is not
an easy target at all.
A carbon-neutral Finland by 2050 requires
decreasing the carbon-dioxide emissions by 80?95 per
cent from the level of the 1990s. He stresses that he does not accept the
use of illegal work force and
that Horn Afrik follows Finland?s legislation.
?As I arrived here 25 years
ago without a suitcase, only
50 dollars in my pocket and
sandals on my feet, every second I?m grateful. the country is in
growing debt while the population ages. 4
6 . If it was Osman?s choice, the benefits
would not be paid out without compensation.
Horn Afrik is doing well.
The profits were worth a fifth
of the revenue of nearly two
million euros. The strength of Finland lies our diverse
set of energy sources. According to Itella, the
perception is false.
?Accountable and cost-effective delivery is one of the
factors making Finnish papers so successful, and now
we are facing a situation
where new operating models
have to be openly searched
for securing this asset,. He thinks that the
objectives and means should
be more ambitious.
?Due to the unjustified income differences, women
make a financial loss equal
to the worth of a detached
house in Uusimaa during their working careers,?
Rinne said at the general assembly of Social Democratic
Women in Lappeenranta.
L E H T I K U VA / H E I K K I S A U K Ko M A A
Marjo Matikainen-Kallström is a Member of the Parliament of Finland (National Coalition Party), vice-president of the Commerce
Committee and deputy member of the Finance Committee. Officials have
investigated Osman?s company but to no avail. She?s interested in hunting, sports (which
vary with time of the year) and pottery.
VERKKOUUTISET 1 November. A carbon-neutral Finland by 2050 requires actions on all levels: state, regions, municipalities, corporations and households. With the arrangement, they aim to save in
The new joint company is being planned by Sanoma Media Finland, Alma
Media, TS-yhtymä, Kaleva,
Keskisuomalainen, Mediatalo
Esa and Länsi-Savo-konserni.
It would develop cooperation
and logistics of early morning deliveries, and would be
responsible for the national
sales of delivery services.
Such an initiative has
been sparked by a belief by
newspaper publishers that
Itella intends to focus on
Russia?s markets and on delivering web packages in
This has, according to
Finnish newspaper publishers, led to rising delivery
costs. It is based on the European Council?s decision from 2009 to cut emissions.
THE FIRST step is to decrease emissions by 20 per cent
by 2020 and raise the share of renewable energy sources to 20 per cent, while at the same time increasing
energy efficiency by 20 per cent. Therefore the climate change is not only a
threat . Executive Director of Sanoma
Media Finland Pekka Soini
Itella denies that it would
cease the early morning or
day delivery of papers. The cleantech industry is a rising
field of business in Finland and there is lots of knowhow on resource-saving solutions.
FINLaNd is also one of the world?s leading countries in
bioenergy. I?m
happy to pay my taxes here.?
Minister of Finance Antti
Rinne calls for more attention
on reducing the income gap
between men and women.
Winter tyre change
Niittytie 27b, 01300 Vantaa
Tel. says Osman. The target is
for Finland to be a
carbon-neutral society in 2050. He has
noticed that the best workers are recently arrived asylum seekers who have not yet
received a residence permit.
Later on, enthusiasm to work
slows down.
Immigrants arriving in
Finland face a lot of prejudice. They are important for me as well. She is
also a council member of the Bank of Finland and member of the supervisory board of Sitra. SATU SCHAUMAN
Somalian entrepreneur: Finland?s
social security ?too generous?
in the
construction business, Somalian Abdi Osman, sees
the Finnish social security
as problematic as it does not
encourage working. In Paris, the EU should negotiate
as a unified front. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
coMpiled by MARi stoRpelliNeN
L E H T I K U VA / V E S A M o I L A N E N
MTV 1 November.
to be
to 10 per
climate change is a window
of opportunity for Finland
ENERgy and climate policy are key issues for the whole
of humanity because of global warming and climate
change. it is an opportunity as well.
Newspaper publishers are looking in to the possibility of a joint company to deliver papers in the
YLE NEWS 31 October. 044 990 0009
and avoiding all responsibility. So
even though the relative risk
would be increased, the absolute risk is very low,. says Honkanen about how the concept
came about.
?These busy business people have dreams and want to
offer something unique to
their family and children.?...?. for use in food.
Propylene glycol is used
to absorb extra water and
maintain moisture in certain
medicines, cosmetics or food
L E H T I K U VA / M A r T T I K A I n U L A I n E n
to violent or non-violent. The
association between genes
and previous behaviour was
strongest for the 78 who fitted the ?extremely violent offender. fan who
wants his own car chase
caught on video. The column included Kaipiainen offering
?help for those whom are
struggling with their sexual orientation.. A replication group of 114 criminals had all committed at
least one murder.
These all carried a low-activity version of the MAOA
gene, which previous research has dubbed the ?warrior gene. ?Why should bedroom
dynamics should affect team
dynamics,. of
these genes the majority will
never commit a crime, the
lead author of the work Jari
Tiihonen of the Karolinska
Institutet in Sweden said.
?Committing a severe, violent crime is extremely rare
in the general population. The Promise for Equality in Sports,
known by its acronym TAULU, says that there is no room
for homophobia in sports
and that all athletes are valuable no matter their sexual
?I find it appalling that Liiga gives formal blessing to
a blog post like that,. he told
the BBC. health
When you are expecting a baby
dental care
disabled persons
living a healthy life
support during illness
helsinki, espoo,
vantaa, kauniainen,
Turku, Tampere,
Mikkeli, Oulu,
The official blog for Finland?s top pro hockey league has implied gay players should stay in the closet
OUTSPORTS 29 OcTObeR. ?Especially when just a
few days earlier they refused
to sign TAULU, which is a very
loose and easy-to-agree text
without any links to activism
or politics. Or a ?Chronicles of Narnia. profile.
This group had committed a total of 1,154 murders,
manslaughters, attempted
homicides or batteries. The majority
of all individuals who commit
severe violent crime in Finland do so under the influence
of alcohol or drugs??
products. the article said.
When the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat asked
the manager of the league?s
website about the ensuing
controversy, it was told that
?Liiga signs the blog entry,?
thus making it their official
standing. This
comes only about a week after Liiga refused to sign the
Finnish version of You Can
Play, Halme said. FRANceS cHA
owner of high-end travel
company Luxury Action.
The concept goes like this:
the client comes up with a
?literary or visual narrative?
that serves as a script for his
or her ?Hollywood movie.?
This could be parents who
want to travel with their children to Santa?s workshop in
the North Pole.
Or a ?Bourne. especially when an individual
drinks alcohol or takes drugs
such as amphetamines, said
Prof Tiihonen. reader who?d
love to step into the HundredYear Winter.
Vacations built
to look like a
Hollywood movie
watched a movie and
wished that was your life ?
or at least your vacation?
Now it can be, just as long
as your fantasies involve Finland. The study, which
involved analysis of almost
900 criminals, is the first to
have looked at the genetic
make-up of so many violent
criminals in this way.
Each criminal was given
a profile based on their offences, categorising them in-
Two genes linked
with violent crime
?A gENETIc analysis of almost
900 offenders in Finland has
revealed two genes associated with violent crime.
Those with the genes were
13 times more likely to have
a history of repeated violent
behaviour. The authors of the
study, published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, said
at least 5-10 per cent of all violent crime in Finland could
be attributed to individuals
with these genotypes.
But they stressed the
genes could not be used to
screen criminals. The league defended the post by saying it wanted a diversity of opinion. JIM bUZINSKY
Finland?s pro hockey
league wants gay
players to stay in closet
top pro hockey
league has a message for gay
players: Stay in the closet.
Last week, the official blog
for Liiga ran a blog post by
freelance journalist Ari-Pekka Kaipiainen who blamed
the media for asking when a
gay player will come out.
Kaipiainen has worked
for a conservative Christian
radio station and the article
strongly hints that he supports reparative therapy,
said Ossi Halme, a longtime
journalist who has written
for the gay news site In a statement issued on Monday, Finland?s
state alcohol monopoly, Alko,
said Fireball liqueur does not
meet European standards for
According to Yle, it says
that Fireball is prepared according to North American
food regulations but does not
follow the stricter requirements of the European Union.
Alko is the only store in
Finland that sells high-point
beer, wine and spirits.?
Health care services in finland
Children?s health
elderly persons. Halme
6 . Over-the-top dreamsto-reality filmmaking is the
latest luxury travel offering to come out of the Nordic
Called ?The Hollywood
Experience,. Many more
genes may be involved in violent behaviour and environmental factors are also
known to have a fundamental role.
Even if an individual has
a ?high-risk combination. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
compiled by alicia jensen
bbc 28 OcTObeR. the custom-designed travel concept was
created by Janne Honkanen,
L E H T I K U VA / P E K K A S A K K I
finland in your language
JulkaisiJa Helsingin kaupunki Publicerad av Helsingfors stad Published by tHe City of Helsinki
Finland provides the perfect setting for creating your own film,
finds travel company luxury action.
Personalized epics
The company arranges the
on-site production and movie shoot, as well as the final
edit incorporating visual or
sound effects.
?My returning clients are
always looking for something upgraded and more
personalised,. because of its link
to aggressive behaviour.
A deficiency of the enzyme
this controls could result in
?dopamine hyperactivity. The article?s
message, Halme told Outsports, was that gay players
should keep their sexual orientation to themselves and
also indirectly refers to being gay as only being a sexual act. WReG
Fireball liqueur sales
blocked in Finland, Sweden
fiery flavoured
alcoholic drink made in Canada is being pulled from store
shelves in Finland after already being pulled in Sweden.
Finland officials are concerned about the chemical
propylene glycol which is one
of the ingredients in Fireball.
The US Food and Drug Administration has classified
propylene glycol as an additive that is ?generally recognized as safe. On the other hand,
this is pretty much Liiga as I?ve
learned to know it . But the debate will go on, either with or without them.???
cNN 28 OcTObeR
+358 45 265 1309
portion of their working
hours the company?s employees could charge from clients. An unskilled worker in the 1930s could help a
farmer harvest his crops, build roads for the state or
work on an assembly line. The company?s previous annual report states that
if Tiera is not able to sell the
software to municipalities,
the costs involved will put
a considerable strain on the
company finances for a number of years to come.
?In 2013, we had one customer for our enterprise resource planning services, now
we have five,. This is a clear indicator that we
are not matching what employers need: a large number of people either stay in school too long or come out
too early.
Tiera, which produces information systems for municipalities, has office premises in Ruoholahti in Helsinki.
Municipal ICT company
became bottomless pit
in need of funding
Company management believes that
Tiera has finally
turned the corner.
J U H a RO P P O L a . This could be done in various ways, such as giving conditional qualifications to
someone moving from one field to another. He also reduced the
number of members in the
executive team from ten to
But it is not yet all plain
sailing for Tiera. The company has undergone two sets of negotiations
to reduce the number of staff
and has terminated some
projects for which demand
was low. Cord ( is a writer, journalist and
columnist for Helsinki Times. Tiera?s projects related to archiving and the
management of user authorisations are among products
that did not find takers in any
?June was the first month
when our gross operating
surplus was positive. In the
spring, its main owners, Espoo, Turku and Lahti, had to
grant the ailing company a
capital loan amounting to
more than a million euros.
Tiera was launched with
great expectations, which
are mainly to blame for its
current woes. There is nothing more frustrating than having to wait months before a class you
need to find work will begin. I?m afraid
the benefits gained from
greater volumes are lost in
the process.?
? Tiera is an ICT company
owned by municipalities.
? The total number of owners is 250.
? Tiera is a fruit of Sitra?s
municipal Service Centre
? Sitra?s President, Mikko Kosonen, acted as the
chair of Tiera board of directors until 2013.
? Tiera produces ICT services and systems to municipalities in a centralised
manner.. Tiera was established in 2010 by the
Finnish Innovation Fund
(Sitra) and a handful of
According to experts in
the sector, and municipal decision-makers, the idea behind Sitra is still a good one:
instead of individual municipalities digging deep into
their pockets to purchase, for
example a financial management program, acquisitions
could be made jointly through
Tiera. It is not simply
matching those unemployed with those hiring. They point out that providing workers with
new skills . They came to the conclusion that up to a third of the increased unemployment
rate could be explained by mismatch unemployment.
In particular, it is worse for skilled workers and those
with high education.
a FEW generations ago mismatch unemployment was
rare. The ILO study said that 10-20% of European workers were overqualified for the jobs available. Compensations paid to
the company management
also caused an uproar in the
Normality amidst
staff reductions
Jyrki Halttunen, who took
over as the managing director a year ago, has steered
the company?s operations towards normal company practices. The
company would also bring
new expertise with it and help
the best practices to spread to
other municipalities.
But Tiera bit off more
than it could chew, launching numerous development
projects in the innovative
spirit encouraged by Sitra,
without due consideration
given to whether there would
be enough paying customers for the products in the
future. Yet employers don?t exist in a vacuum. This can be
a serious problem, and it appears to be getting worse.
study by American researchers looked at the
situation in North America. Many economists and commen-
tators are constantly grumbling about the rigidity of
the Finnish labour market and saying companies need
more freedom to hire and fire. says Halttunen.
Tomi Voutilainen, a professor of information and information technology law
at the University of Eastern
Finland, questions the feasibility of a company such as
Tiera, saying that national
projects based on voluntary
participation of municipalities have not produced good
results in the past.
?On a general level, I could
say that municipalities have
no understanding of how information management services are produced. Finland currently
has 32,500 job vacancies, despite an ever-increasing
unemployment rate.
a PERFECT example of our problem is the public sector,
such as in civil service, education and health care. Until march 2015
Marko Roots Project Manager, tel. Today much of Finland?s
economy requires specialised skills. explains Halttunen.
Gross operating surplus is
essentially a company?s net
income with interest, taxes,
depreciation, and amortization added back to it. 6
6 . Because of this we
often have mismatch unemployment, where you just
can?t seem to find what you are looking for. It is not only frustrating
for the unemployed, it is bad for all of us.
Winter campain ?15%. Halttunen says that this figure
has remained positive for
Tiera in September.
?Recently, we also managed to secure a new funding
package from banks.?
?We have also managed
to negotiate agreements
and payment programmes
with service providers,?
Halttunen explains, talking
about companies from which
Tiera has purchased services.
No comment
on public money
Jukka Laiho, deputy chair of
Tiera?s board of directors and
Turku?s director of finance,
will not comment on whether
more public money must be
poured into rescuing Tiera.
In 2012, Tiera acquired
a licence for enterprise resource planning software
developed by SAP Finland
at a great cost, forking out a
whopping 20 million euros
for it. The company administration was also sluggish and behind its
times, with no effort made to
monitor the company?s billing rate as is usually done in
similar expert organisations.
This resulted in a dearth
of information on what pro-
THIS is not easily fixed. the prime response of developed countries
to globalisation . And such customers
failed to materialise.
With a turnover of 23.6
million euros, the company was 5.7 million euros in
the red last year. HT
Tiera, which
produces information systems for municipalities,
has reached a nadir. This is a clear indication that they are having
difficulties matching the supeducated.
ply and demand of specialty
labour: they have too many
people in some areas and not enough in others.
aT THE end of October, the International Labour Organisation published a study about the skills mismatch in
Europe. A centralised acquisition process would guarantee
a stronger position in negotiations and create savings. Investors
must show patience as the
poor bottom line will put a
strain on the company for
some years to come, even
though Halttunen is optimistic. H S
Finland, they found that percentage to be up to 27%.
While 25% of European workers are underqualified, almost 40% of Finns are. He is also a private investor with over
ten years of experience.
Finding the perfect
employment match
market is a tricky place. Looking at the numbers, you can
say we have turned the corner,. We could be
more flexible with education, such as through online
and self-study methods. Education and training also needs
liberalisation and flexibility. A jobseeker wants to find the perfect job, while the HR manager looks for the perfect employee. won?t improve their chances if those
skills don?t match what is demanded by employers.
FINLaND is justifiably proud of the high education of
its workforce, but it is possible that we are incorrectly educated. The
number of employees dropped
by 6,000 over the past year,
It is possible
but they also have 8,400 open
that we are
positions. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
HS / Sa mI K IlpIö
David J. A software developer for a gaming company could have a hard time going to work for a big data consultant
I think it?s a
great opportunity. We take
pride in always providing the customer with accurate,
fact-based and objective information to help them
choose Helsinki and Finland.
SO DON?T get me wrong. H T
A NEW state-owned company was formed in Finland
on Monday as energy companies Fortum and E.On announced that they have sold
their shares in Gasum, a
Finnish importer and supplier of natural gas, to the Finnish Government.
Fortum owned 31 per
cent, and E.On 20 per cent, of
the shares in Gasum.
A quarter of the shares remain in the hands of Russia?s
Rosatom, which also supplies the natural gas distributed through the network of
Kari Kautinen, the CEO at
Fortum, says that the energy company decided to sell its
stake for two reasons: First,
Fortum outlines in its strategy that it will run down its
non-core operations in order to
concentrate on the production
of heat and electricity. we
still have the implementation of the net stable funding
ratio pending and the implementation of the leverage
ratio is also something that
is going to happen in the future,. Uldis Cerps,
executive director for banking at the Stockholm-based
regulator, said by phone.
?The performance largely depends on the fact that
we have imposed higher national requirements in the
context of our domestic supervisory policy.?
Sweden, drawing on lessons from its banking crisis in the early 1990s when it
was forced to nationalise two
lenders, requires its banks
to hold common equity Tier 1
capital ranging from 14.7 per
cent for Nordea Bank to 19
per cent for Swedbank. Second,
if the plans to construct a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal
in Finland are realised, companies selling energy would no
longer be allowed to be stakeholders in distribution networks under an EU directive.
?We believe now is the
right time to divest from
Gasum, even though there
was no absolute need to do
6 . In
Denmark, the Financial Supervisory Authority says the
policy helps create ?maximum credibility.. Kautinen says.
top experts and environment of innovation. Looking back 20
years, that?s a short time.?
Cerps said Sweden?s regulator ?will continue to have a
dialog. Nordea sold
contingent Tier 1 capital at
the lowest dollar yield on record last month.
Nordic banks
performing well
A preference for tighter
rules than those set elsewhere is common among all
Scandinavian regulators. Cerps said.
The biggest risks to Swedish banks ?stem primarily
from the fact that their business model requires dependence on market funding,?
he said. H S
A L E K S I T E I VA I N E N . I am of the opinion that
it means business to the region. Hon-
esty is what we are known and valued for. The ECB identified a ?25
billion shortfall ($32 billion)
after 25 euro-area lenders
failed its stress test.
The Nordic region?s banks
passed the stress test ?with
flying colors,. These are just some examples of the roughly
100 foreign direct investments to have landed in Helsinki so far this year.
who have moved here for professional
reasons are also singing the praises of Helsinki. with banks ?on their
preparedness for resolution,?
as EU nations prepare to implement a directive on winding down insolvent lenders.
?The regulatory agenda is
by no means complete . Tougher requirements to date have helped
Sweden?s banks tap capital
Jenny Antonen is the Marketing and Communications director at
Helsinki Business Hub, and is passionate about honest sales and
bold marketing.
Honestly, Helsinki
FINLAND and Helsinki are doing great. With assistance from
Kasper Viita in Helsinki.
L E H T I K U VA / M A R K K U U L A N d E R
Finland in surprise takeover of Gasum
H E I K K I A RO L A . and hence also why Finland gets only about 3 per cent of the foreign direct investments
globally. Honestly.
This article is provided by Helsinki Business Hub That was the highest simple average of major
banks of any European Union
?It shows that they are capable of coping with a significant stress in their external
environment,. The watchdog is also ?looking closely. at developments in household debt
burdens and their impact on
financial stability and Sweden?s economy, he said.
. Nordic
banks have performed well
on the European scale,. Basel
III sets a 7 per cent minimum.
Sweden?s lenders, whose assets are equivalent to four
times the nation?s $550 billion economy, have met the
stricter rules by retaining
earnings, reducing risks and
cutting costs.
Cerps said the regulator will continue to tighten
standards. I think it would bring
more visitors and visibility to Helsinki. If we receive a compliment we tend
to get self-conscious. The capital region has also
exceeded its neighbouring capital regions in the number of foreign investments it attracts since 2011.
FOREIGN businesses often come to Helsinki due to our
All Nordic banks, including Nordea Bank have performed well on the European scale and were in total 5.3 percentage points above the European average.
All Nordic banks, including Finnish lenders tested
by the ECB, passed, and none
will need to raise fresh capital. In all fairness, we all could make
more noise about this hidden gem called Helsinki.
I OFTEN joke
and say that if we Finns want to become
better at marketing and telling others how great things
are here in Helsinki and Finland; we should make this a
sport. Another aspect that receives praise is the Finnish work
ethic: getting the job done properly and the trust that
is placed in employees.
Guggenheim wants to build a museum in
AT THIS point Finns will start feeling uncomfortable.
And that?s not only because of Guggenheim that clearly
splits the people into lovers and haters.
DESPITE the pride we feel in our country, we don?t go
around shouting from the rooftops about how great we
and our cities are. They
value the city?s ease of living, comfort and safety. But
enough is enough. That?s significantly less than our fair share.
HONESTy is the best policy, no doubt about that. We are such a sport-fanatic nation, that if there
were a national league for tooting your own horn, in no
time the country would be filled with great horn tunes.
about Guggenheim. The Grant Thornton Global Dynamism Index also ranked Finland as the most
dynamic country in Europe.
AccORDING to rankings by Financial Times, Ernst &
Young and IBM-PLI, Helsinki is among the top investment locations in Europe. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
Toughest banker rules
underpin Swedish supremacy
All Nordic banks, including Finnish lenders tested by the European Central Bank (ECB),
passed, and none will need to raise fresh capital. UK-based
Telrock opened an R&D office in Helsinki, Italian Celly
set up its Nordic headquarters in Finland and Russian
companies MyCity and Taist opened offices in Helsinki
this year. In addition to the positive, we always make sure to mention to visitors something that
needs developing, or even a mistake in any report that
dares to praise us.
maybe one reason why we are said to be lousy
in marketing . Even the
banks can see the benefits.
?Of course it will be easier
for us to meet the quality criteria that are set when we?re
more closely supervised and
have stricter limits . Lars Holm and
Thomas Hovard, analysts at
Danske Bank, said in a note.
?The exercise confirmed the
robustness of the Nordic
banks, which we also think
was widely expected in the
With an average ratio of
12.9 per cent in the adverse
scenario and under full CRD4
rules by 2016, the Nordic
banks were 5.3 percentage
points above the European
average, they said.
markets at some of Europe?s
cheapest rates. Finland climbed
to number one in the WEF?s Europe?s top 10 most competitive economies 2014 list. Risto
Tornivaara, chief executive
officer of Danske Bank A/S?s
Finnish unit, said by phone.
The lender?s Helsinki-based
operations were part of the
European Central Bank?s
test to reflect Finland?s euro
yet to develop
The Nordic region has
learned from its 1990s banking crisis, Tornivaara said.
?That affects the regula-
tion environment and requirements. The ECB identified a ?25 billion shortfall
($32 billion) after 25 euro-area lenders failed its stress test.
banks topped the
European Banking Authority?s (EBA?s) examination,
a result the nation?s regulator says is largely due to
its commitment to some of
the world?s strictest capital
In an adverse scenario,
Sweden?s four biggest banks
would have an average capital ratio of 14.6 per cent of
risk-weighted assets, compared with the 5.5 per cent
needed to pass, according to
the EBA and Bloomberg calculations. We don?t say
much, but what we do say can be counted on.
IN OUR business of attracting foreign investments to
the region, honesty is pretty important too. I am a big fan of honesty
Turkey emerged out of
the ashes of that empire and,
under Ataturk?s stewardship,
went down a very different
path: a secular nationalist
state that looked to the West
and rejected elements of the
country?s Muslim, Ottoman
Erdogan, who critics accuse of inspiring a creeping
Islamisation in the country,
has taken pains to reclaim
that legacy. In an interview in
2011, he told me that it would
be ?self-denial. It is
out of the question that we
might deny that presence. The German
government currently encourages immigration to address long-term demographic
concerns as well as shortterm labour force shortages. If Germany?s current low
fertility were to remain un-
of the Turkish president dating back to the republic?s deified founder Mustafa Kemal
Ataturk. It
has almost 50 times the floor
space of the White House.
Activists are also furious
that the gigantic complex has
been erected in an area that
was supposed to be protected forested lands and led to
a significant mowing down
of trees. We paid great
attention to that. First, mortality rates
are expected to remain low
as well as improve. but also a play on the ruling party?s name . 8
6 . Germany?s
was, in fact, the result of declining births as the country?s fertility rate fell below
the replacement level.
For nearly 40 years Germany?s fertility has hovered
around 1.4 births per woman, or a third less than the replacement level of about two
births per woman.
Despite the sustained
negative rate of natural increase, Germany?s population remained close to 80
million largely due to international migration.
At the time of reunification in 1990, Germany?s population numbered
slightly more than 80 million. i P s
L e h T i k u Va / a F P P h o T o / r a i n e r J e n s e n
AS THE WORLD marks the
25th anniversary of the fall
of the Berlin Wall, leading to
the reunification of the country and the end of the cold
war, a little noted event occurred nearly two decades
prior, which ushered in a
trend having profound consequences for the future of
Germany as well as for Europe: German births declined below deaths.
During the 20th century,
except for a few years during the two world wars, the
annual number of births exceeded deaths in Germany
up until 1972. For every year
since, births have never exceeded deaths.
The numbers of deaths decreased during the 1970s and
1980s, and German life expectancies at birth increased
for both males and females
German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomes immigrants to Germany, given Germany?s ageing and declining population.
over the period. one deputy said it made
Moscow?s Kremlin compound
look ?like an outhouse.. Even if fertility
were to rise instantly and remain at the replacement level of 2.1 births per woman,
Germany?s population would
change little.
Germany?s future population is also being impacted by
immigration, which is offsetting declines due to negative
natural population change
as well as the sizeable numbers leaving Germany. Approximately 20 per cent of
women remain childless and
few couples are choosing to
have more than two children.
Third, in contrast to fertility and mortality, future levels
of migration are considerably more volatile. Germany?s current median age of 46 years . We paid attention to Ottoman themes in
the interior, also adding elements reflecting the modern
world. Arguably, no Turkish leader since Ataturk has
dominated the country?s
politics as much as Erdogan, who sees the new palace
as an echo of the new Turkey
emerging under his watch.
?The new Turkey should
assert itself with something
new,. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
L e h T i k u Va / a F P P h o T o / a D e M a LTa n
The White House would be a tiny
wing of Turkey?s new presidential palace
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan poses inside the new Ak Saray presidential palace (White Palace).
The Wa shing Ton Pos T
TuRKEy?S President Recep Tayyip Erdogan this
week unveiled his new palace in the outskirts of the
country?s capital, Ankara.
The gaudy residence boasts
1,000 rooms and apparently cost some 350 million dollars to construct. [Such
are] the requirements of being a great state.?
The Seljuks were a Turkic tribe turned political dynasty that entered Anatolia
beginning in the 11th century AD; they?re considered the
progenitors of the Ottomans
who would go on to build one
of the most powerful empires
in Europe and the Middle
East, which lasted until its
collapse at the end of World
War I. Clearly, that is no longer the case.
Germany now hosts nearly 10 million immigrants, or
12 per cent of its population.
Germany has also become
the second most popular immigration destination after
the United States. We had it constructed
as a smart building. Aside
from large-scale immigration, Germany?s fertility
would need to increase rapidly to avoid a smaller future
population. Since
then, the country?s population has fallen slightly to
about 83 million.
While the future remains
uncertain, the likely paths
for Germany?s key demographic components over the
coming decades appear evident. He went on:
?We were born and raised
on the land that is the legacy of the Ottoman empire.
They are our ancestors. Most immigrants come from other
European countries, particularly from Italy, Poland, Russia and Turkey.
Despite those demographic changes, Chancellor Angela Merkel has concluded that
attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have
?utterly failed.. is expected to increase to 51 years by 2050.
Also, the proportion of the
German population aged 65
years and older is projected to increase from a fifth to
more than a third.
Consequently, Germany?s
potential support ratio is expected to fall to half its current level by mid-century,
declining from about 3 to 1.5
persons aged 20 to 64 years
per person 65 years or older.
A consequence of Germany?s ageing population is the
raising of its retirement age
from 65 to 67 years. It?s a very
natural right for us to use
what was beautiful about the
Ottoman Empire today.?
His new home does little
to dispel the impression that
he sees himself as Turkey?s
new Sultan.
changed, its projected population in 2050 would be 69
If fertility rose steadily
back to the replacement level by 2050, the population
would still be a couple million less than today. the
world?s second highest after Japan . for Turkey
not to embrace its Ottoman
past. Of
course, the empire had some
beautiful parts and some not
so beautiful parts. Consequently, German life expectancies at birth are expected
to increase by six years by
Second, while fertility
may increase from its current level of 1.4 births per
woman, among the lowest
in Europe, few expect that
it will return to the replacement level any time soon. he recently told reporters. If immigration were to cease, the
decline in Germany?s population would even be greater
than noted above, falling to
67 million by 2050.
In addition to being less
populous in the future, Germany?s population will be
older. Mass protests last
year against Erdogan?s government were initially inspired by state plans to build
a commercial development in
a small park in Istanbul.
Erdogan and his ruling Justice and Development Party (known by the
acronym AKP) withstood a
string of corruption scandals and triumphed in elections this year, which led
to the then-Turkish prime
minister taking up the role
of the country?s president.
The opening of the new palace . Also, the
proportion of the population
aged 55 to 64 years who are
in the work force has risen to
62 per cent from 39 per cent
in 2002.
Twenty-five years ago,
former Chancellor Helmut
Kohl declared that Germany
?is not and can never be an
immigration country?. However, with large influxes of immigrants in the
early 1990s, Germany?s population continued to grow
and peaked at almost 84 million about a decade ago. Recognising
Germany?s ageing and declining population, she has made
it clear that immigrants are
welcome in Germany.
By mid-century, differential rates of demographic
growth are expected to result in Germany?s population
falling to fourth place in the
relative population standing
in Europe, below the populations of the Russian Federation, France and the United
Kingdom.. Here?s Erdogan himself on the structure?s
?We need to convey the
message that Ankara is a
Seljuk capital. dubbed the Ak Saray,
or ?white palace,. Its total
area, according to the AFP,
encompasses 20 hectares.
Unsurprisingly, such largesse has led to criticism.
Ahead of the complex?s official unveiling, which took
place on Turkey?s Republic
Day on 29 October, opposition politicians declared that
they would boycott the event
. is intended to be
deep with symbolism.
The new structure marks
a shift from the Canakya palace in downtown Ankara,
which has been the residence
Decline before fall of Berlin wall
K I T T y S TA p p . Figures for 2013 indicate
the highest level of immigration to Germany in 20 years,
yielding a net immigration of
437,000, or more than double
the number of excess deaths
over births.
While the future population size of Germany could
follow a number of possible
scenarios, the overall conclusion of most population
projections is the same: a
smaller German population.
If fertility and life expectancies increase slightly and
net migration levels were
moderate, Germany?s current population of 83 million
would decline to slightly below 73 million by mid-century. ?The presidential office
has been arranged in a very
special way, we have paid
particular attention to this.?
Until now, the post of the
president has been a largely ceremonial role, but under
Erdogan it will clearly not be.
The architecture of the
palace is supposed to be a
blend of modernism with
gestures to Turkey?s Ottoman heritage
and each has an
important role in helping
children achieve the best of
their potential.
Eva Krapohl is a Ph.D. ?When you?re searching for basic health information
. HS
NIINa WOOLLE Y . None of this means that
schools, parents or teachers
aren?t important. If overall, identical
twins are more alike than
non-identical twins on a particular trait, then this implies
there is a genetic influence.
Our study showed that
the mean results in the GCSE
core subjects of English,
mathematics and science is
more heritable (62 per cent)
than the nine other psychological domains (35-58 per
cent) we looked at.
This means that differences in how well children
perform at exams are to a
large extent explained by the
difference in their DNA. F-Secure said to The Guardian
that this was just one of the
many ways malicious hackers can gain access to people?s private data over Wi-Fi.
F-Secure said users are
suffering because the usability of Wi-Fi networks
has been given priority over
security. To the extent
that children?s traits predict
educational achievement,
they do so largely for genetic reasons.
Although intelligence accounts for more of the heritability of GCSE results than
E Va K R a p O H L a N d K a I L I R I M f E L d
The Wa shing Ton Pos T
THE IdEa that children can in-
a live, online doctor consult on Google
H aY L E Y T S u K Ya M a
The Wa shing Ton Pos T
JuST IN TIME for flu season,
Google is experimenting with
a feature that provides live
video-chat advice to searchers looking for information on
some medical conditions.
We?ve all probably convinced ourselves at least
once through frantic online
searching, that we . In genetics,
this is known as ?gene-environment correlation.?
At the practical level, our
findings add support for the
trend in education toward
personalized learning rather
than a one-size fits all model. public
hotspots may hide
nasty surprise
pEKK a TORVINEN . Together
with intelligence, these domains account for 75 per cent
of the heritability of GCSE
Indicator of equality
The children in this study
were all taught the national curriculum, so to some
extent received a similar education. We
obtained exam grades from
over 13,000 identical and
non-identical twins from the
Twins Early Development
Study who were also assessed on nine broad psychological domains, including
intelligence, educational self-
Not just intelligence
When we analysed different traits, we found that educational achievement is
correlated with many characteristics of children, not
just intelligence. Our results
indicate that these correlations are largely mediated by
genetic factors. As children?s learning experiences become
more similar, they begin to
explain the similarities between them rather than the
differences between them.
As a result of these diminished environmental differences, the relative genetic
influences increase. in a post
showing Google offering a video-chat option for his search
on ?knee pain.. student at King?s College London.
She received a master?s degree
in developmental neuroscience from University College
London and Yale University.
Kaili Rimfeld is a Ph.D.
student at the Institute of
psychiatry, psychology and
neuroscience at King?s College
This article was originally published on The Conversation: www.theconversation.
er than have immediate access
to a medical professional.
Telehealth is an area of
medicine that a lot of companies have been looking
at, particularly to improve
health care in rural parts of
the country. part
of Google?s general advice
service, Helpouts . Success
in achieving that goal would
reduce differences in children?s educational achievement, which could change
heritability. Six
people accepted the terms
and conditions.
The experiment was sponsored by Finnish information security
company F-Secure.
WHILE genes are undoubtedly important in educational achievement or intelligence, are they solely responsible for academic achievements?
How genes largely
determine students. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
6 . success
herit the ability to get good
results at school can spark
heated debate. A
Reddit user first brought attention to the feature . Importantly, it does not mean
that genetics explain 62 per
cent of a single child?s school
Twins. the company
European law enforcement agency Europol had
given its stamp of approval to the test organised in
June. or our
children . exam results
Our new study, published in
the journal Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences, focused on the Great
Britain standardised exam
results at age 16, the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). In Westminster,
where 33 devices connected
to the hotspot, the researchers were astounded to realise that the commonly used
POP3 email protocol revealed
passwords in plain text when
used over Wi-Fi.
The vulnerability of the
POP3 protocol has been
known for 13 years now but
no measures have been taken to fix the problem. But, put simply, all this means is that children differ in how easy and
enjoyable they find learning
and that these differences are
to a large extent explained
by differences in their genes,
rather than differences between schools or teachers.
We know from previous
research that educational achievement in primary,
middle school years and at
the end of compulsory education is highly heritable.
Heritability is a population
statistic - it doesn?t tell us anything about a single individual. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
L e h T i K U Va / Ro n i R e Ko m a a
people unwittingly
give up their
eldest child for
free Wi-fi . ability to use
telemedicine technology.. This is an explicit goal of
education in Finland. People should be
much more cautious about
using public networks and
never use unprotected Wi-Fi.
L e h T i K U Va / V i L L e m ä n n i K Kö
a NuMBER of Londoners unwittingly agreed to give up
their first-born child in exchange for free Wi-Fi access,
reported the British newspaper The Guardian recently.
The questionable terms
and conditions people were
asked to sign up to were part
of an experiment carried out
to study risks involved in
the use of free Wi-Fi connections. So in a
way, high heritability is an indicator of equality.
For example, despite high
heritability, with sufficient
educational effort, nearly all
children could reach minimal
levels of literacy and numeracy. Of course
they are . HT
The idea of the test was to
highlight the risks involved
in Wi-Fi usage and raise public awareness of them.
Hiding was easy
According to The Guardian,
a mobile hotspot device built
for less than 200 euros using
a Raspberry Pi computer the
size of a credit card, a battery
pack and Wi-Fi aerial was used
for the experiment. It describes the extent to
which differences between
children can be put down to
DNA differences, on average,
in a particular population at a
particular time.
belief, personality, behaviour
problems and well-being.
Identical twins share
100 per cent of their genes,
whereas non-identical twins,
just like any siblings, share
on average only half of the
genes that vary between
people. Not every
medical query yields the option for a live chat, and in some
cases searchers may be asked
to set up an appointment rath-
for educational achievement
would be 100 per cent.
personalised learning
So what to make of this?
Genes are important, not just
in educational achievement
or intelligence, but in a whole
raft of other traits which contribute to how easy and enjoyable children find learning.
Education is more than what
happens passively to a child.
Children are active participants in selecting, modifying
and creating experiences that
are matched to their genetic
predispositions. The device
was so small that hiding it in a
public place was easy.
After the initial Herod
clause experiment, the research continued without
any terms and conditions being imposed. (Ebola, we?re
looking at you.) With the video-chat option, Google may be
able to alleviate some of those
concerns by providing a real, live doctor to tamp down
that panic level at those times
when you?re trying to figure
out whether it?s worth scheduling a doctor?s appointment.
Google confirmed that it?s
running the program in a lim-
ited trial. ?While terms and conditions are legally binding, it
is contrary to public policy
to sell children in return for
free services, so the clause
would not be enforceable in
a court of law,. But it carries its
own regulatory headaches:
In many cases, states don?t
allow for doctors to practice
across state lines, which limits physicians. Organised by the Cyber
Security Research Institute,
the experiment was sponsored by Finnish information
security company F-Secure.
According to The Guardian, F-Secure were not planning to enforce the Herod
clause of the term and conditions. have some sort of
undiagnosed chronic or catastrophic disease. our goal
is provide you with the most
helpful information available,?
Google said in a statement.
?We?re trying this new feature
to see if it?s useful to people.?
any other single domain, the
joint contribution of children?s self-belief, behavior
problems, personality, wellbeing and their perceptions
of school environment collectively account for about
as much GCSE heritability as intelligence. When people connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot set up
for the test, they were promised free internet access but
only if they ?agreed to assign
their first born child to us for
the duration of eternity?. from conditions like insomnia or food poisoning . Hypothetically,
if all environmental effects
on individual differences
(such as educational inequality) were to be minimalised,
then the heritability estimate
During the trial period,
Google is covering all the costs
of the online consultations
We offer also surgical, medical
and geriatric ward services, physiotherapy and occupational health.
explaining it just felt like the
right thing to do.
The last fight Petri had
with his father took place
when he was 20 years old.
He was visiting his mother, and the whole family had
sat down for a meal when
something snapped. He has always had to
achieve everything through
his own efforts.
His own background has
taught Karisma that part of
the human condition is ?to
live peacefully with the other members of the pack?.
He argues that sacred books
are not needed to teach this
guideline which can also be
found in the law. Escaping
the colder months was also cited as a reason many Scandinavians and Finns head abroad in
record numbers each year.. The average
Finn makes an impressive 7.5
trips a year, including stays
at home and abroad.
In fact northern Europeans
are the world?s biggest travellers full stop, with four Nordic
L E H T i K U VA / A n T T i A i m o - Ko i V i S T o
Do not hesitate to contact us. ?When
you come from an ordinary
background you know how
easy it is to be kept in your
place when you don?t have
money or power.?
An alcoholic father, broken family and workingclass background did not
create a strong foundation
for studies or help him find
work. He never treated
me as his son again.?
Around this time, Karisma started flourishing in
his studies, gaining an engineering degree, completing his military service and
meeting his wife-to-be before getting accepted to
study industrial engineering
at the Tampere University of
He only saw his father
around a dozen times before
his father died of alcohol-related causes in 2000.
It has been only over the
last couple of years that Karisma has become able to
talk about his father but this
does not mean he has forgiven him.
?I?ve come to terms with
it. Petri?s watch
scratched the corner of the
father?s eye, causing a gash
from which blood trickled down his face. my world had
gone of its rails. That is how
the father had been brought
up as well.
Petri?s school report was
good enough to open doors
to a vocational school. But you have
to accept that the media may
not see eye to eye with you on
Not involved in the planning of the campaign, he only
followed it through the media and press releases. PEOPLE
6 . which
makes travelling to a cheaper foreign destination such an
attractive proposition.
The impending gloom of
winter is thought to have considerable influence. he says. Petri
struggled to learn to read in
Finnish, which up until then
had been a language only spoken at home. Appointments (09) 1620 570.
Laivurinkatu 29, 00150 Helsinki
Finns are the world?s biggest travellers.
countries lodging themselves
in the top five. HT
PETRI KARISMA?S whole life
changed when the WTC towers plunged to earth. You can choose your own general practitioner or specialist
doctor and book appointments flexibly, without queues. His frustration manifested itself as
restlessness and fighting.
Two years after their
move to Finland, Petri?s parents divorced because of his
father?s heavy drinking but
they still remained on good
terms. He was
about to finish for the day
at an electronics company,
where he worked as a production manager, when he heard
one of his colleagues call out
that a plane had hit one of the
Twin Towers. The quintet is
rounded out by the United
States, in second position.
However, as fewer than
half of the US population has
a passport, Americans favour
domestic travel. orthopedics, eye laser and lens surgery, plastic surgery, gynecology and urology.
Also laboratory and X-ray services are available. S u L L I VA N
HEL SinK i TimES
article by the Telegraph in Britain reported
that Finland is currently the
most well-travelled coun-
try in the world. After
deciding to qualify as a machinist, the job his father had
had, Petri graduated top of
the class despite missing 80
hours of teaching.
Making his mark
To mark his 18th birthday,
Petri decided to resign from
the church. Over the last three years,
Karisma has introduced
methods borrowed from the
business world into the union?s activities, distributing
tasks between people and
giving everyone their own
area of responsibility.
?I?ve received criticism for
this. Several factors were found to explain
why people from Nordic countries travel so much. These things are sacred to me.?
He believes that the freedom of religion is only one
criteria of equality. It?s much
more natural to talk about
these things on television
than among colleagues.?
These days, Karisma does
not watch his words only in
front of his colleagues but
also in front of his students.
Four years ago, he made one
of his dreams come true by
quitting his job in middle
management and taking up
a position as a teacher in a
vocational college, teaching
students wanting to become
?A lot of it is giving the
adolescents an upbringing,
that is a really big part of the
He seems to have taken a
problem-solving approach to
his work.
?If you can get an adolescent to see that they can get
a job and start a family, to
bring them up from the trouble they had at school then
you know that you stopped
one youngster from slipping
through the net, saving a million and a half euros in costs
brought on by social exclusion. ?Someone could commit this atrocity in the name of his religion
and then believe he had done
the right thing.?
What was particularly
hard for Karisma to fathom
was that one of the terrorists
had trained as an engineer,
as all engineers he knew
were rational atheists.
?That brought me to a
standstill . Petri?s father dropped
by occasionally, sitting on
the sofa of his old home as a
battered man, often reeking
of alcohol.
By his teens, Petri had
started to do well at school
but was having trouble at
home with his father who
tried to assume the role of
the head of the family, despite having moved out. Forgiveness is not
needed anymore.?
Karisma has been the
head of the Union of Freethinkers for three years now
and chats about his work
But he has hit the church
in its soft underbelly as
408,000 members have left
the church over the last decade via the website, a service founded
by Petri and a couple of others to help people wanting
to resign from the church.
The figure accounts for nearly 10 per cent of the church
Campaigns run by the
freethinkers have not become known for the subtlety of their argumentation.
In Helsinki, the members organised an event in which
they swapped bibles for porn
magazines, an approach that
Karisma now regards as a
?That was a flop. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
H S / S A b r i n A b qA i n
Petri Karisma has headed the Union of Freethinkers for almost
three years.
I won?t forgive
Petri Karisma has not forgiven his father,
who was violent. To
begin with, the arguments
were resolved by yelling, but
a few times these shouting
matches spiralled into physical fights when the father hit
or shoved Petri. The
event led to the freethinkers receiving a number of
threats and caused a police
to life and liberty. He is still unable
to give a conclusive reason
for his coming-of-age rite,
Our versatile medical centre in southern Helsinki offers you medical services in
several care areas. While driving
from Kyrönkoski to Ylöjärvi
in Pirkanmaa he heard on the
car radio that there had been
more than one attack.
?That was such a wakeup call; something awful had
happened,. These included relatively high incomes
and low unemployment, as
well as the high cost of living
in these countries . H S
however, freely admits that
often the two amount to the
same thing
The union has also undergone some changes recently. Law and religion are so
closely intertwined.?
Petri argues that atheists are still seen as somehow odd, as people who hold
nothing sacred or worth
?Of course everyone has
something they hold sacred,
things like the human right
Top travelling Finns
J A M E S O . It?s part of my personal
history. Absolute
equality. The father cowered on the sofa,
pleading Petri not to hit him
Reliving the event causes
Karisma?s voice to catch.
?What surprised me most
was that he was supposed to
be such a tough guy.?
The incident revealed that
the father?s tyrannical use of
power had been nothing but a
?After that my father aged
really fast. Success requires methodical work.?
And there is still work
to be done, according to
?If the Parliament decided
to spend the next parliamentary term trying to extricate
religion from the legal system, it could not accomplish
it. The church
is surplus to requirements as
a conscience for society, as is
Petri?s statements may
sound strong but he says it
is part of his role as the chair
of the union. That?s the reward.?
Still work to be done
Karisma is much more conciliatory in his tone these
days, claiming that the freethinkers advocate the freedom of religion and are not
opposed to the church. But my training in industrial engineering instilled
the principles of strategic
thinking into me. Karisma got up from the table and
grabbed his father by the
front of his shirt.
His mother and sister
watched on in shock while
Petri pushed the older man
on the sofa and hit him once
in the face. We
thought that you could control the media. Religion had
taken a centre stage in glob-
al politics and had done it in a
very negative way.?
The attacks sparked a
need to act in Karisma, who
approached the question of
what to do in a meticulous
manner suited to an engineering graduate.
He found a solution by
reading books on atheism
and joining the Tampere
chapter of the Union of Freethinkers of Finland, a movement striving to decrease
the power held by religions
while advocating the ideal of
The feeling of equality is
something Petri did not experience as a child.
When he was seven,
Petri?s family moved from
Sweden to Finland, living
in a small rented house in
The new life in Finland
was full of setbacks. Outside this
role, he does not air his views
on political and ideological
?It makes me feel somehow self-conscious. No referral is required.
Under the same roof you can find a wide range of surgical services in i.a. As a teacher, he spends his
days preventing social exclusion of young
people and in his free time he vocally opposes religion.
A N T T I B E Rg
There are also two customs houses built
in 1680 and 1720, as historically, there was a cost to enter the town.
Kristinestad also has a
300 year old Ulrika Eleonora
church, and the famous ?Cat
Whipper?s Alley?, or Kattpiskargränden. The
houses diminish in size the
farther their distance from
the coast, following the social classes of the time. The effect of
treatment that helps stave
off suicidal tendencies takes
more time to develop.
Easy to argue
But the effects of medication
are easy to argue about as
so little is known about the
functioning of the brain.
SSRI medicines control
the quantity of compound
called serotonin in the brain.
SSRI stands for selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors.
For a layman, the phrase is
Double Dutch but even scientists still have only limited knowledge on how our
minds work and the chemistry involved.
?The brain isn?t a bowl of
soup," Thomas Insel, the director of the National Institute for Mental Health of the
United States, told MIT Technology Review in July, adding: ?It?s a really complex
network of networks.?
Research into these networks is taking its first baby steps and scientists are
sounding a note of caution
over the provision of simplistic information as this may
have an opposite outcome to
the one that was hoped for.
In June, medical journal
BMJ published a study by a US
research team on the effect
of communications and media reports on the suicide risk
among young people. effect on suicide risk
The debate on treatment of depression is heating up again.
lifestyle and similar factors
rule out most of the patients.
That is why the effect of antidepressants must be studied
using other means, such as observing patients. making approximately 20 per cent
of Finland?s potatoes. 55.4%
Residents with Finnish as
mother tongue: approx.
682.53 km2 of land
14.66 km2 of fresh water
981.79 km2 of salt water
Women: 3481
Men: 3528
For more fun, visit:
The Cittaslow lifestyle means that the life is lived at a slower
pace in historic Kristinestad.. The street plan of the
Renaissance period also still
exists, although the last hundred years of architectural
development is also evident
in the different styles of
wooden houses.
Perhaps the most spectacular are the Empire style
merchant?s trade buildings.
The houses by the seaside
were home to ship owners
and other bourgeoisie. new port
grew slowly until it established itself as a trading hub
in the 18th century.
In 1792 the city was given
staple rights, the right to require a passing ship either to
pay customs or sell part of its
cargo at the market place. The Wolf Cave
is a short drive away, where
signs of human habitation
120,000 years ago have been
discovered. Gøtzsche, a specialist in internal medicine,
added fuel to the fire in July
when he told science journal
Lancet that antidepressants
do more harm than good.
With experience of working in both the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare
sector, Gøtzsche was involved in setting up the
Cochrane Collaboration, a
network aimed at evaluating medical research, two
decades ago. As
a result trade grew rapidly,
and the market place of Kristinestad has been lively ever since. Fortunately, the
number of deaths from suicide
did not grow accordingly.
discovering Swedish-speaking municipalities: Kristinestad
or Kristiinankaupunki in Finnish, is located
by the Gulf of Bothnia, and is
a part of the Ostrobothnia region. The Swedish Queen
Christina signed the charter
of the town, becoming the
namesake of Kristinestad.
The ?Lilliputian. According to the current Finnish
care guidelines, typical side
effects of SSRIs, a common
class of antidepressants, include nausea, bowel symptoms and sexual dysfunction.
But what medical scientists do not agree on is whether the benefits outweigh the
problems. Previous exports
included tar and timber.
specialises in potatoes . There is a
nature walk near the centre of
the town, where one can see
wetlands, gulfs, and forests.
One can also embark on a journey on the smooth cliffs, and
admire the sea from above.
Boaters have the possibility to
see the rough red granite rock
that rests below the Yttergrund lighthouse in Sideby.
S T udIo SaR a
Residents with Swedish
as mother tongue:
approx. Cittaslow emphasises the value of
art, theatre, and of course cafes and restaurants. In reality,
participants can tell from the
appearance of side effects if
they are receiving an active
The detrimental effects of
antidepressants are commonly known and undeniable. According to one
study, participants receiving
SSRIs were five or six times
more likely to commit suicide
than participants on placebo.
Professor Hannu Lauerma, a specialist in psychiatry
and forensic psychiatry, psychotherapist and the medical
director of the Psychiatric
Hospital for Prisoners, slams
the conclusion: ?Only a small
number of patients are eligible for double-blinded placebo-controlled trials. Criteria for becoming
a Cittaslow town include, for
example, hospitality and locally produced food. The philosophy of Citta-
slow focuses on improving
the quality of life by slowing
down the pace in the community, and building sustainable development. The houses,
300 of which are protected by city plan regulations,
are painted in an array of
colours and have beautifully preserved history. LIFESTyLE
6 . Currently he
acts as the professor of clinical research design and
analysis at the University of
According to studies by
the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the
around 10 per cent of patients with depression benefit from antidepressants.
Gøtzsche believes the figure
to be too optimistic.
The effect of antidepressants has been studied in
blinded trials in which half
of the participants are given medicine while the rest
receive a placebo. The town flourished
with industries in ship building, seafaring, leather factories, breweries, fishing and
various workshops, appealing to the bourgeoisie and
artisans. Services, industry,
agriculture and forestry are at
the core of the city?s business.
Small local industries are central to everyday life. The only
explanation we have come up
with is the increase in use of
Lauerma emphasises that
the risk of suicide may increase during the first weeks
of treatment, whether medication or psychotherapy,
when a person who has been
feeling stagnant and numb
suddenly manages to shrug
off inertia. While Gøtzsche believes that antidepressants
do more harm than good, the
care guidelines take a contrasting stance.
Bone of contention
The main bone of contention
among researchers is whether antidepressants increase
the risk of suicide, as some
scientists, Gøtzsche included, believe. HT
THE dEBaTE on treatment of
depression is heating up yet
Peter C. Many
of the houses in the old town
date to the 18th and 19th centuries. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
Some researchers
claim that antidepressants increase
the risk of suicide
while others hold a
contrasting opinion.
K a L E V I R a N Ta N E N . Wells
around the city have also
been protected. It is a bilingual municipality where the majority of
the population speak Swedish.
Count Peter Brahe founded
Kristinestad on the Koppö
island in the year 1649, having noticed its potential for
a port. In 2003,
the FDA reported that use of
antidepressants may increase
the risk of suicide. The concept
began in a small town in Tuscany, and has become an international network of towns.
Cittaslow is part of a global trend called the Slow Movement. The city still has
a busy market square at its
heart. Leading to the square is
a 300 m stone bridge, opened
to use in 1845.
Kristinestad is Finland?s
first Cittaslow community. Forest
machinery is also exported.
Kristinestad is known for
its low wooden houses and
narrow alleys. Fishing is also prevalent, with two
fishing harbours: Sideby and
Skaftung. As a result
of the media uproar, many
young people stopped taking
their medication.
What happened was that
the number of attempted suicides went up. As such,
Kristinestad boasts museums
and galleries, and a vast array of bistros to choose from.
In general, Kristinestad provides an escape from the frenzied everyday life that is often
characteristic of modernity.
Kristinestad boasts islands,
flourishing gulfs, lakes, two
river valleys, glacially formed
cliffs, and forests. H S
NIINa WOOLLE y . behaviour
and actions in real life.
While the suicide rate
in Finland in general has
dropped by a third, in prisons it has halved. Serious
conditions, concomitant illnesses, unwillingness to participate in a study, irregular
HS / adRIaNa dobRIN
Scientists in disagreement over
Fundamental Matter
Wide-ranging installations
combining sound, light and
moving image
eMMA . Ceramics are an important material
of contemporary art with time-honoured traditions. The exhibition, organized by The Finnish Association of Designers Ornamo in cooperation with the Design Museum and the Association of Finnish
Sculptors, presents contemporary Finnish ceramics and the present state of ceramic art in Finland.
Many of the 66 works selected by the jury address the history of ceramics and
its forms of representation at the present time. espoo Museum
of Modern Art
Ahertajantie 5
Tue, Thu, Fri 11:00-18:00
Wed 11:00-20:00
Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/10/12
Until Sun 18 January
Photographs taken by ordinary
people, images sourced from the
internet, historic snapshots and
selfies as well as an overview of
the history of the selfie
The Finnish Museum of Photography
Tallberginkatu 1 G
Tickets ?0/6/8
Tue-Sun 11:00-18:00
Wed 11:00-20:00
Until Wed 28 January
Edward Munch - The Dance of
exhibition of one of the major
visual artists in Northern europe
of the 20th century
Didrichsen Art Museum
Kuusilahdenkuja 1
Tue-Sun 11:00-18:00
Tickets ?0/8/13
Until Sun 22 March
Sibelius and the World of Art
exhibition explores the links between the composer?s work and the
art scene of his time
Ateneum Art Museum
Kaivokatu 2
Tue, Fri 10:00-18:00
Wed, Thu 10:00-20:00
Sat, Sun 10:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/10/12
From Tue 11 November
Helsinki Short Film Festival
A wide range of the recent Finnish
short films 12
6 . Tuomas
Kantelinen: The Snow Queen
Wintery ballet for the whole family
Finnish National Opera
Helsinginkatu 58
Tickets ?21.50-107.50
Fri 7 November
English Comedy Club Helsinki
Francesco De Carlo (ITA) & Jack
Campbell (UK)
Manala / Botta
Museokatu 10
Tickets ?11.50
Sat 8 November
Sirkus Magenta & The First
Enclownter Network: First
Enclownter Gala Show
Clowns from around the world
Kaasutehtaankatu 1
Tickets ?16.50
Until Sat 8 November
Moving in November
Contemporary dance festival.
Various venues
Tickets ?15-32
From Wed 12 November
Jyrki Karttunen: Jemina . X
Impressive a cappella show
Alexander Theatre
Albertinkatu 32
Fri 7 November
Gommi & Pommi -Midnight Show
Legendary characters of M.A.
Numminen & Pedro Hietanen
Bar Loose
Annankatu 21
Fri 7 November
The Cavern Beatles
Legendary Beatles tribute
Helsinki Hall of Culture
Sturenkatu 4
Tickets ?44/49
Fri 7 November
Anathema (UK)
The Circus
Salomonkatu 1-3
Tickets ?30.50
Fri 7 November
Telakkakatu 8
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Sat 8, Tue 11 & Wed 12 November
Anni Klein . The various
sculpting techniques stand out from the selection of works: ceramics can be handbuilt, cast, broken, illustrated, constructed and combined with other media.
Until Sun 11 January
Design Museum
Korkeavuorenkatu 23
Tue 11:00-20:00
Wed-Sun 11:00-18:00
Tickets ?0/5/8/10
Thu 6 November
Cat Power (USA)
Indie folk/rock
Telakkakatu 8
Tickets ?37.50
Thu 6 November
Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra
Slav Melancholy
Helsinki Music Centre
Concert Hall
Manneheimintie 13
Tickets ?7.50-32.50
Thu 6 November
Etnosoi! Festival: Pohjoinen
Ismo Alanko, Kimmo Pohjonen &
Tuomas Norvio
Kuudes Linja
Hämeentie 13
Tickets ?22
Thu 6 November
Stiff Little Fingers (UK)
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?35.50/36
Thu 6-Sat 8 November
Fork . duo
A star harpist from Wales and a
Senegalese master of the kora
Savoy Theatre
Kasarmikatu 46-48
Tickets ?22/25
Fri 7 November
Angelika Klas &
Ensemble Recordanza
Italian baroque music
Sello Hall
Soittoniekanaukio 1A
Tickets ?11/15
Sat 8 November
Intergalactic Gary
Kaikukatu 4
Tickets ?10.50
Sat 8 November
Jah Cure (JAM)
Teatteri Forum
Yrjönkatu 31
Tickets ?32/39
Sat 8 November
Etnosoi! Festival: Söndörgö
Delicate sounds and explosive energy.
Savoy Theatre
Kasarmikatu 46-48
Tickets ?17/20
Sat 8 November
Mayhem (NOR), Blodhemn (NOR)
Black metal
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?32.50/33
Sat 8 November
Living Colour (USA)
Telakkakatu 8
Tickets ?27
Sat 8 November
Operators (CAN)
Dan Boeckner?s new band
Kuudes Linja
Hämeentie 13
Tickets ?12
Sat 8 November
Rolando Villazon (MEX)
Top tenor
Helsinki Music Centre
Concert Hall
Manneheimintie 13
Tickets ?49-199
Sun 9 November
Hollywood Undead (USA)
The Circus
Salomonkatu 1-3
Tickets ?30.50
Sun 9 November
Marianne Faithfull (UK)
Helsinki Music Centre
Concert Hall
Manneheimintie 13
Tickets ?57.50-67.50
Mon 10 November
Asking Alexandria (UK)
The Circus
Salomonkatu 1-3
Tickets ?32.50/33
Mon 10 November
Elton John (UK)
Follow The Yellow Brick Road
Hartwall Arena
Areenankuja 1
Tickets ?83.50-103.50
Mon 10 November
Journey to Arabjazz
Dive into sensitive, mysterious,
rhythmical and entertaining mixed
genres of jazz and Arabic music
Helsinki Music Centre
Black Box
Manneheimintie 13
Free entry
Tue 11 November
White Lung (USA)
Kuudes Linja
Hämeentie 13
Tickets ?19
Wed 12 November
Timo Rautiainen &
Neljäs Sektori
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?16.50/17
Wed 12 November
Opeth (SWE)
The Circus
Salomonkatu 1-3
Tickets ?45.50
Wed 12 November
Hämeentie 13
Free entry
Wed 12 November
Finnish Radio
Symphony Orchestra
Douglas Boyd & Pieter Wispelwey
Helsinki Music Centre
Concert Hall
Manneheimintie 13
Tickets ?9.50-32.50
From Thu 6 November
Winter Circus Dream
Magical winter circus with acrobats, sleep walkers, magicians and
virtuosos of every kind
Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth
Cable Factory
Tallberginkatu 1 A
Tickets ?15-32
Thu 6 & Sat 8 November
Kenneth Greve . 12 NOVEMBER 2014
compiled by anna-maija lappi
V e e R A TA M M I N e N
Ceramics & Space
The main Autumn season exhibition at the Design Museum celebrates Finnish ceramic art. Jarkko Partanen:
Dirty Dancing
Contemporary dance
Zodiak - Center for New Dance
Tallberginkatu 1B
Tickets ?14/22
Tue 11 November
Impericon Never Say Die!
Tour 2014
Terror (USA), Comeback Kid (CAN),
Stick To Your Guns (USA) etc.
Telakkakatu 8
Tickets ?29.50
From Wed 12 November
Sirkus Supiainen: Manifesti
?Poetic circus?
Kaasutehtaankatu 1
Tickets ?17.50/22.50
Wed 12 November
So Indeed It Was, Blue Water Trip,
Silver Plane
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?6.50
Veera Tamminen: Oona Lisbet, 2013.
Tue 11 November
Beth Hart (USA)
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?39.50
Fri 7 November
Finnish Radio
Symphony Orchestra
Santtu-Matias Rouvali & Anu
Helsinki Music Centre
Concert Hall
Manneheimintie 13
Tickets ?9.50-32.50
Fri 7 November
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?14.50
Fri 7 November
Etnosoi! Festival:
Helsinki-Cotonou Ensemble
Korjaamo Culture Factory
Töölönkatu 51 B
Tickets ?14.50/16.50
Fri 7 November
Alfahanne (SWE)
On The Rocks
Mikonkatu 15
Tickets ?11.50/12
Fri 7 November
Etnosoi! Festival:
Catrin Finch & Seckou Keita . act as
you?d know her
exciting blend of stand-up
comedy, soft porn cabaret and
contemporary dance
Helsinki City Theatre
Studio elsa
ensi Linja 2
Tickets ?26
Until Sun 16 November
Kiasma goes Kunsthalle
How do the works from Kiasma
look like when they are exhibited
outside their own museum?
Kunsthalle Helsinki
Nervanderinkatu 3
Tue, Thu, Fri 11:00-18:00
Wed 11:00-20:00
Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/7/10
Until Sun 11 January
Ceramics & Space
exhibition of contemporary
Finnish ceramics
Design Museum
Korkeavuorenkatu 23
Tue 11:00-20:00
Wed-Sun 11:00-18:00
Tickets ?0/5/8/10
Until Sun 11 January
Tuomas A. The exhibition will give viewers
a look at the opportunities of different ways of working with ceramics
Although the rents
of studios have increased
by an average of 23 per cent
this decade, the amount of
housing supplement has remained virtually unchanged.
?Despite the fact that the
general housing allowance
will increase at the turn of
the year, the housing supplement for students will remain unchanged,. In the long term, condominium prices have risen,?
she reminds us.
The preliminary data published by the national statistics office incorporate
roughly two-thirds of the
completed sales of old condominiums in blocks of flats
and terraced houses. 12
MaR ja SaL MEL a . acknowledges Heli Kauhanen, a benefits
manager at Kela.
Students, regardless of
their domicile, are entitled
to a housing supplement of
a maximum of 201 euros per
month. H T
for students disbursed by
the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) is not
nearly enough to cover the
housing costs of students ?
especially in the capital region . Kauhanen
Axel Enholm, a 21-year-old student at the Hanken School of Economics, pays 1,000 euros a month
for his studio in Kamppi, Helsinki.
A survey carried out by
the Research Foundation of
Studies and Education (Otus)
shows that two in three students in the capital region
fund their studies by working.
Several managing directors
of student housing foundations
have expressed their concerns about the situation. ?The
housing supplement should be
bumped up to 300 euros, an
amount that is enough for a decent share house,. HS
a L E K S I T E I Va I N E N . HS
a L E K S I T E I Va I N E N . SATO HotelHomes are furnished apartments where you can stay
for several months if necessary. states Kalervo Haverinen from the Student
Village Foundation of Turku.
Prolonged study
Regina Ollila, a benefits
manager at Kela, is similarly in favour of increasing the
housing supplement for students. 020134 4408 and 040 525 1510 Your arrival at the
furnished apartments is as easy as entering a hotel, yet it feels like a home.
See our range of apartments on, where you
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Our customers using and services
have rated SATO HotelHomes as excellent!
Sami Haverinen
Hotelhome Manager
PE TRI Sa jaRI . Matti
Tarhio, the managing director at the Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki
Region (Hoas), highlights that
while a 39.5 square metre
Hoas studio costs 570 euros
per month, a similar flat from
the private rental market will
cost 959 euros per month.
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with news in English
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Finnish news update in English.
SATO HotelHome
Home away from home
Are you in need of a temporary home without the need to commit to a defined
period of time. Today, students move
from one benefit to anoth-
er when their life situation
The roughly 50,000 students who have received a flat
from a student housing foundation can save hundreds
of euros per month. If the
data is compared to that
from last year, condominium
prices have declined by 0.8
per cent in the capital region
and by 1.0 per cent in the entire country.
6 12
. Whether you?re coming solo or with a family,
SATO HotelHome enables a quick and flexible move to Helsinki. as nearly two-thirds
of students are forced to
search for a flat from the redhot private rental market.
?Many spend all of the
over 500 euros they receive in student allowance
and housing supplement on
housing costs,. H T
of old condominiums fell by 1.3 per cent in Greater Helsinki and by 0.7 per cent
in the entire country between
July and September, according
to preliminary data released by
Statistics Finland on Tuesday.
l e H T i K u va / M a r K K u u l a n d e r
As condominium prices have fallen, the number of completed
transactions has increased.
Many students spend benefits on housing
The housing costs
of students vary
across Finland.
HS / K alle K allio
is now a
Elina Vuorio, a senior official
at Statistics Finland, cautions
against drawing too far-reaching conclusions on the basis of
price developments over a single quarter.
?For the present, it remains premature to talk
about a significant change
because other similar changes have occurred in recent
years. ?High housing costs
force many to work and may
prolong study times.?
Kela has duly informed
ministries that it believes a
single housing allowance intended for all citizens would
be the best solution.
?It would also reduce red
He has been a
familiar face on the Helsinki
vegetarian food scene for longer than he cares to remember,
but still he relishes teasing his
customers. and enriched with walnuts, brown sugar and
a bit of butter and cinnamon.
After 30 minutes in the oven, what hits you first is the enticing, warm fragrance that fills your kitchen. made, conveniently, from basic whole-wheat
sandwich bread . The
restaurant sits atop the long
cobbled slope of Porthaninkatu up from Toinen Linja just behind Hakaniementori.
Views from The Hill
Four trams (1, 2, 3 and 9) run
in front of the cafe, almost
touchable through the glass
windows. One of them
is always a veggie dish. For
years it boasted the cheapest
beer in Helsinki, along with
the highest density of second-hand shops, hip bars and
sundry alternative shops. As
residents become more selective it?s also increasingly a home to more upmarket
Originally a video shop,
the restaurant Bergga, its
name inspired by its location,
on one side of the park that
is ?the heart of Kallio?; Karhupuisto (Bear Park) . She blogs and offers a weekly newsletter at
Lunch time 10:30-15:00
Apple cranberry brown betty (6 servings)
The topping, a mix of crumbs made from whole-grain sandwich
bread, walnuts, brown sugar and cinnamon, bakes up crisp and
golden brown, turning the seasonal fruit, easily and healthily,
into an apple pie-like experience.
Serve warm with a scoop of vanilla frozen yogurt.
From registered nutritionist and cookbook author Ellie Krieger.
Nutrition per serving: 220 calories, 2 g protein, 40 g carbohydrates, 7 g fat, 3 g saturated fat, 10 mg cholesterol, 150 mg sodium, 5 g dietary fibre, 29 g sugar
cuisine in Helsinki
Opening hours
mon-thu 10:30-22:00
fri 10:30-23:00
sat 12:00-23:00
sun 12:00-22.00
tel/fax: 09-693 3010
The brown betty is a cousin of the crisp, crumble and cobbler, all
homey fruit dishes baked with some variation of a sweetened,
flour-based topping. Their names can be confusing because
they are often are interchanged, but their toppings officially define them, with crisps and crumbles having a streusel-like crust
(crisps typically with rolled oats and crumbles without) and cobblers studded with biscuit dough. Turning the
place into an eatery required
a total rebuild, giving him the
chance to redesign the café,
starting from the sewage system and finishing at the spice
racks. taste buds with
his Caribbean-tinged food as
much as their ears with his
Birmingham humour.
The man behind the project is owner Jarkko Laitinen,
who has now been in business
on these premises for nearly 10
years, having started with the
video shop in 2005. ?Everything is produced with my
cutting knife and ladles ?
there are no ready-prepared
plastic bags in my kitchen,?
says Wistrand.
Baker Lloyd Polack is often
on hand to introduce you to
his range of vegetarian snacks
and tarts produced daily on
the premises. A handful of cranberries is tossed into the mix, along
with just enough butter to add a modest layer of richness.
The slightly softened fruit is then sprinkled with a mixture
of breadcrumbs . He had originally intended a lighter menu, with the selection displayed in the glass
vitrine. skins
left on for their rustic appeal and nutrition . 14
6 . The windows are
so large that even the tables
at the back have a good view
of the petanque players or the
Russian bear on its plinth.
The decor is functional, industrial-chic I was told,
but stylish with the drinks
displayed on a blackboard
beside the bar. Brown bettys are topped, and
often layered, with sweetened breadcrumbs or cracker crumbs,
which makes them the simplest and most accessible of the bunch.
This brown betty involves briefly cooking fresh apples . in apple cider and
an aromatic drizzle of pure maple syrup, vanilla extract and cinnamon. Open MON?SAT
Apple cranberry brown betty, a cousin of the crisp, crumble
and cobbler.. With its young
staff it is determined to offer a varied and reliable eating experience, tailored to its
customers as much as to the
season. Then there is the
visual appeal of the crisp, golden-brown crust with the applecranberry mixture bubbling beneath it.
Its taste is a celebration of the seasonal fruit, in which the delicate sweetness of the apples and tart punch of the cranberries really shine through and are elevated to an apple-pie-like experience.
I like to serve the brown betty with a small scoop of vanilla frozen yogurt for dessert or, I confess, with a dollop of Greek
yogurt for breakfast.
E L L I E K R I E g E R ? T H E W A S H I N g T o N P o S T
P H o T o f o r T H E W A S H I N g T o N P o S T B y D E B L I N D S E y
Salomonkatu 19, Helsinki
Tel. 09 694 0750
Mon-fri 11-23, Sat 12-23, Sun 12-22
Kasarmikatu 23 . named
Bergga in Swedish. But
Bergga is alone in providing
a wholesome modern menu
with a decidedly stylish environment. It offers
quality lunches from 11 am to
3 pm, and assorted snacks and
drinks from 10 am to 10 pm,
and Sundays until 8 pm. Transfer
the apple mixture to the pie plate or dish.
? Scatter the breadcrumb mixture over the apples. Bake for 30
minutes or until the topping is crisped and lightly browned.
Allow to cool for 10 minutes before serving.
Krieger?s most recent cookbook is Weeknight Wonders: Delicious Healthy Dinners in 30 Minutes or Less (Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt, 2013). The park area
hosts a variety of restaurants, from a traditional Chinese to a rainbow cafe. But the ample kitchen
gave rise to a broader lunchtime concept which kicked off
after the opening in June this
year, making the middle of the
day their busiest hour.
Food for all seasons
Since then the customer
base has built up from local passersby to diners from
all around. Don?t be confused by its second section,
hidden just round the corner,
where the wines are listed!
Lunch cook Emma Wistrand serves a choice of three
main courses on weekdays,
ranging from Pike Fishcakes
to Spinach Soup. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
B E r gg A
To celebrate fall?s fruit,
here?s an apple brown
betty on the healthy side
From video store to café, Bergga has an interesting story to tell.
Tastes on top of a hill
Wholesome menu
and stylish
surrounds in Kallio.
been known that
Kallio is the coolest corner
of Helsinki, not because of
the height of its hills, but because it has traditionally afforded the cheapest private
housing within a kilometre of
the main railway station. Let?s see what they
come up with through the
dark winter days ahead.
Mon-fri: 7:30-22:00
Sat: 10:00-22:00
Sun: 10:00-20:00
tel. 044 988 6119
044 060 0122
Viides linja 14
00530 Helsinki
Itämerenkatu 12, Helsinki
Near Ruoholahti metro station
2 slices wholewheat sandwich bread, 2 tablespoons unsalted
butter, melted, 3 tablespoons chopped walnuts, 2 tablespoons
dark brown sugar, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 2 pinches salt, 4
large (unpeeled) Golden Delicious apples, cored and cut into 1/2
cm-thick slices, 1/4 cup pure maple syrup, 1/3 cup unsweetened
apple cider, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 cup fresh cranberries
? Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Have a 20-cm pie plate or
ceramic baking dish at hand.
? Tear the bread into pieces (crusts included), letting them fall
into a food processor. Pulse for about 15 seconds or until the
pieces are reduced to crumbs. The yield should be about 2
cups. Transfer to a medium bowl along with 1 tablespoon of
the melted butter, the walnuts, brown sugar, ½ teaspoon of
the cinnamon and a pinch of salt; toss to incorporate.
? Combine the apple slices, maple syrup, apple cider, vanilla extract and the remaining ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and
pinch of salt in a large saucepan over medium-high heat.
Cook, stirring occasionally, until the apples are tender but
still retain their shape, about 5 minutes. Stir in the cranberries and the remaining tablespoon of melted butter
Delicious food with tandoor
Welcome to Satkar
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Bear delicacies for all tastes
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Contact: Ratakatu 1B, 00120 Helsinki.
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w w w . c o m
Authentic Chinese food in the heart of Helsinki
Mon-Fri 11am-11pm, Sat Noon-11pm . T h u 11 . EAT & DRINK
6 . 12 NOVEMBER 2014
Nepalese Restaurant
The best Nepalese Restaurant in Helsinki
. f i
Japanese Restaurant Koto
L. nnrotinkatu 22, Helsinki t. 01, S u n 13 . (09) 647 551, mob 040 7347 638
Eteläesplanadi 24
tel. +358 9 7425 5500
Mon?Sat 12?23
Annankatu 22 . Fully licensed
. Suitable for group parties
. r o y a l r a v i n t o l a t . 1972
Neitsytpolku 12
00140 Helsinki
Tel. m a n h a t t a n s t e a k h o u s e . 09 646 080
*China Tiger
Finnish restaurant classic
s i n c e 19 3 2
M o n . (09) 611 217
Forum Mannerheimintie 20
Mon-Fri 16-22.30 . 2 3
E t e l ä i n e n H e s p e r i a n k a t u 2 2 , 0 01 0 0 H e l s i n k i
+ 3 5 8 9 612 8 5 2 0 0
w w w. 2 4 , F r i 11 . 01, S a t 13 . Sat 13-22.30
L U 1 1:
N 00
10 CH -15
.0 B : 0
0 UF 0
Transforming Finnish
gifts of nature in an
innovative manner to
suit modern tastes.
Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7
mon: 11:00-15:00
Helsinki, tel: 045 325 0850
tue-fri: 11:00-22:00
sat:12:00-22:00, sun: closed
Serving traditional Japanese food
in Helsinki for 25 years
Korkeavuorenkatu 27
23.10 Loser FILM
Directed by: Amy
Heckerling. With Children
17.40 The King of Queens
18.50 Senna FILM
Directed by: Asif Kapadia.
Starring: Alain Prost, Ayrton
Senna, Frank Williams.
21.00 The Fast and the Furious
(K16) FILM
Directed by: Rob Cohen.
Starring: Chad Lindberg,
Johnny Strong, Jordana
Brewster. Starring: Steve
Martin, Bonnie Hunt, Piper
Perabo. Starring: Peter
Weller, Nancy Allen, Daniel
O?Herlihy. Starring: Jason
Biggs, Mena Suvari,
Zak Orth.
01.10 The Devil?s Own (K16)
Directed by: Alan J. USA/1998.
00.50 24: Live Another Day (K16)
14.55 Mythbusters
16.00 Anthony Bourdain: Parts
18.00 Jamie and Jimmy?s Food
Fight Club
19.30 Two and a Half Men
20.00 Cheaper by the Dozen
With his wife doing a book
tour, a father of twelve must
handle a new job and his
unstable kids. USA/2003.
23.00 Modern Family
The Mexican
Dante?s Peak
Jerry?s (Brad Pitt) mob boss wants
him to travel to Mexico to get a
priceless antique pistol called
?The Mexican. Directed by:
Shawn Levy. USA/1998.
14.30 Dawson?s Creek
15.30 Gypsy Sisters
Gypsy sisters embark
on a whirlwind journey
of breakups, make-ups,
milestone birthdays,
vacations and even a
16.30 Keasha?s Perfect Dress
17.00 5D: My Crazy Obsession
17.30 Top 20 Funniest
21.00 Along Came Polly
Directed by: John Hamburg.
Starring: Alec Baldwin, Ben
Stiller, Jennifer Aniston.
22.55 Dracula (K16)
23.55 Sexcetera (K18)
01.05 Love and Passion (K18)
03.00 Knight Rider
03.55 Rules of Engagement
10.00 Trinny & Susannah?s
Makeover Mission
14.55 Jamie?s American Road
16.00 Building the Dream
18.00 Grand Designs Australia
19.00 Prince Harry at 30 DOC
This documentary explores
every stage and iconic
moment of the Prince?s life
featuring contributions from
friends, military colleagues,
historians, journalists,
photographers and royal
21.00 Just Married FILM
Directed by: Shawn Levy.
Starring: Ashton Kutcher,
Brittany Murphy, Christian
Kane. New York
01.00 Grimm (K16)
09.15 MasterChef Australia
12.00 Ocean Mysteries with Jeff
13.00 American Restoration
13.30 Ball Boys
14.00 Man vs Food
Richman explores the ?big
food. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
Helsinki Times TV Guide offers a selection of English broadcasting on Finnish television.
MT V3 22.50
09.45 The Bold and the Beautiful
10.10 Emmerdale
11.10 Doctors
13.35 David Attenborough:
Kingdom of Plants
David Attenborough
explores the lives of plants
and their fascinating world,
from the most bizarre to the
most beautiful.
14.35 Back in the Game
17.30 The Bold and the Beautiful
18.00 Emmerdale
22.50 Whiteout (K16)
This thriller follows US
Marshal Carrie Stetko who
tracks a killer in Antarctica,
as the sun is about to
set for six months.
Directed by: Dominic Sena.
Starring: Kate Beckinsale,
Gabriel Macht, Tom Skerritt.
01.45 Those Who Kill (K16)
14.55 Mythbusters
16.00 Walker, Texas Ranger
18.00 Kitchen Nightmares USA
Gordon Ramsay visits
struggling restaurants
across America and spends
one week trying to help
them become successful.
19.30 Two and a Half Men
20.00 Big Bang Theory
21.00 Arrow (K16)
23.00 The 100 (K16)
00.00 Supernatural (K16)
01.00 The Simpsons
11.20 Crocodileman
12.20 JIM D: Modern Marvels
Modern Marvels focuses on
how technologies affect and
are used in today?s society.
13.15 LA Ink
14.10 Shark Tank UK
15.10 MasterChef Australia
MasterChef Australia
gives budding chefs the
ultimate once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to develop
their cooking skills, to be
mentored by the best.
16.05 New York Ink
17.00 LA Ink
18.00 MasterChef Australia
19.00 Shark Tank UK
21.55 Talent USA
22.55 Undercover Boss
00.55 Shark Tank UK
01.55 Guinness World Records
03.25 LA Ink
07.00 Children?s Programming
08.20 Good Luck, Charlie!
09.50 For Rent
13.50 Say Yes to the Dress XL
15.50 Hoarders
16.50 Excused
17.20 Frasier
22.00 The Mechanic (K16) FILM
An elite hit man hired by the
board of trustees of a large
financial firm has a crisis of
conscience when the firm
orders him to take out his
own protege.
Directed by: Simon West.
Starring: Jason Statham,
Ben Foster,
Donald Sutherland.
23.55 NCIS
01.50 Oz (K16)
03.00 Frasier
06.15 Bad Dog!
07.10 MacGyver
08.05 Matlock
12.30 Say Yes to Dress
12.55 Disappeared
13.55 MacGyver
14.55 Matlock
15.55 Rules of Engagement
16.25 Everybody Loves Raymond
16.55 Married. USA/1987.
01.45 Frasier
02.15 Castle
03.15 Iceroad Truckers
06.50 Dogs 101
07.40 Matlock
12.10 Say Yes to Dress
12.40 Disappeared
13.35 MacGyver
14.35 Matlock
15.35 Rules of Engagement
16.00 Everybody Loves Raymond
16.35 Married. terrorist in hiding.
Directed by: Alan J. 16
6 . With Children
18.00 The King of Queens
21.00 The Other Guys FILM
Directed by: Adam McKay.
Starring: Dwayne Johnson,
Eva Mendes,
Mark Wahlberg.
23.55 The Devil?s Own (K16)
A police officer uncovers the
real identity of his house-guest,
an I.R.A. Starring:
Pierce Brosnan, Linda
Hamilton, Charles Hallahan.
23.00 Formula 1: Brasilian
Grand-Prix SPORT
In Finnish.
00.00 C.S.I. The pistol supposedly carries a curse, a curse Jerry is given
every reason to believe, especially
when Samantha is held hostage
by the gay hit man Leroy to ensure the safe return of the pistol.
Directed by: Gore Verbinski.
Starring: Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts,
James Gandolfini. However, at
the same time Jerry?s girlfriend
Samantha (Julia Roberts) wants
him to get out of the business.
Jerry figures that being alive,
although in trouble with his
girlfriend is the better alternative
so he heads south of the border.
Finding the pistol is easy but
getting it home is a whole other
matter. offerings of a different
American city before facing
off against a pre-existing
eating challenge at a local
15.00 Ice Road Truckers
16.00 Gordon?s Great Escape
18.00 Undercover Boss
19.00 Kitchen Nightmares
21.00 Guinness World Records
22.00 Ax Men
00.00 The Deadliest Roads
01.55 NCIS Los Angeles (K16)
07.40 Children?s Programming
08.30 Sea Rescue
10.00 Dogs of Manhattan
14.00 Wipeout
15.00 How to Be a Gentleman
15.30 90210
17.55 Once Upon a Time
21.00 Race to Witch Mountain
Directed by: Andy
Fickman. Pakula.
Starring: Harrison Ford,
Brad Pitt, Margaret Colin.
03.15 Operation Repo
04.10 Rules of Engagement
09.30 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
10.00 Biggest Loser
12.00 Beverly Hills Pawn
12.50 Doctors
13.40 It?s a Brad, Brad World
14.40 Real Housewives of New
York City
15.40 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
16.30 Biggest Loser
18.00 Trinny & Susannah?s
Makeover Mission
21.00 The Mexican (K16) FILM
Directed by: Gore Verbinski.
Starring: Brad Pitt, Julia
Roberts, James Gandolfini.
23.20 First Dates
00.20 Trinny & Susannah?s
Makeover Mission
Prince Harry at 30
AVA 19.00
08.05 Children?s Programming
15.30 Euro Hockey Tour: Russia
. or he will suffer
the consequences. Certain that a
long-dormant volcano is set to
erupt and the townspeople are
in danger, he tries to convince
a cynical Mayor Rachel Wando
(Linda Hamilton) to take action.
Will people?s safety overcome
economic interest of the city?
The race to evacuate the
town begins but it might be
too late. Volcano expert Harry
Dalton (Pierce Brosnan) is
sent to investigate unusual
seismic activity in the quiet
Pacific Northwest community
of Dante?s Peak. USA/
01.50 Conspiracy Theory with
Jesse Ventura
07.10 Top 20 Funniest
08.30 Must Love Cats
12.25 Patch Adams FILM
Directed by: Tom Shadyac.
Starring: Bob Gunton,
Daniel London, Monica
Potter. Pakula.
Starring: Harrison Ford,
Brad Pitt, Margaret Colin.
02.05 5D: My Big Breasts & Me
03.15 Coupling
04.20 Rules of Engagement
09.30 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
10.00 Biggest Loser
12.00 Beverly Hills Pawn
12.50 Doctors
13.40 The Fashion Fund
14.40 Real Housewives of New
York City
15.40 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
16.30 Biggest Loser
18.00 Trinny & Susannah?s
Makeover Mission
21.00 Life as We Know It FILM
Two single adults become
caregivers to an orphaned
girl when their mutual best
friends die in an accident.
Directed by: Greg Berlanti.
Starring: Katherine Heigl,
Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas.
23.10 Real Housewives of New
York City
00.10 Trinny & Susannah?s
Makeover Mission
A Perfect Murder
MTV3 22.40
09.45 The Bold and the Beautiful
10.10 Emmerdale
11.10 Doctors
13.35 Cole?s Art Matters
14.35 Mike & Molly
17.25 The Bold and the Beautiful
18.00 Emmerdale
22.40 A Perfect Murder (K16)
FILM Millionare industrialist
Steven Taylor figures out
that his wife is having an
affair and he sets out to
commit the perfect murder...
Directed by: Andrew Davis.
Starring: Michael Douglas,
Gwyneth Paltrow, Viggo
Mortensen. Finland SPORT
In Finnish.
21.00 Amazing Race
This is a reality television
show in which teams of
two people race around the
world in competition with
other teams.
22.15 Lottery and Joker
22.55 Wallander: New Beginning
(K16) FILM
Directed by: Toby Haynes.
Starring: Kenneth Branagh,
David Warner, Sarah Smart.
00.45 Southland
01.45 Reckless
Two and a Half Men
Undercover Boss USA
Supersize vs Superskinny
X Factor UK
Catching Hell
Follow the heroic lives of
the spear-fishermen who
risk their lives hundreds of
feet below the surface of
the Gulf of Mexico during
hurricane season.
19.55 Dante?s Peak FILM
Directed by: Roger
Donaldson. USA/1994.
23.40 RoboCop (K18) FILM
Directed by: Paul
Verhoeven. USA/2001.
This gripping adventure film is
filled with adrenaline-fuelled
action and spectacular special
effects. USA/1997.
AVA 21.00
Friday 7.11.2014
Sub 19.55
Saturday 8.11.2014. Directed by: Roger
Donaldson. Starring: Pierce
Brosnan, Linda Hamilton,
Charles Hallahan, Jamie Renée
Smith. Starring: Dwayne
Johnson, Anna Sophia
Robb, Alexander Ludwig.
23.05 Under the Dome
00.00 The Last Exorcism (K16)
Directed by: Daniel Stamm.
Starring: Patrick Fabian,
Ashley Bell, Iris Bahr. USA/2003.
23.30 Arrow (K16)
Arrow follows billionaire
Oliver Queen, who, after five
years of being stranded on a
hostile island, returns home
and becomes a bow and
arrow wielding vigilante.
00.35 Catfish
11.15 Crocodileman
12.15 American Pickers
The show follows antique
and collectible pickers
Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz
as they travel around the
United States.
13.10 LA Ink
14.05 Shark Tank UK
15.05 MasterChef Australia
16.05 New York Ink
17.00 LA Ink
18.00 MasterChef Australia
19.00 Shark Tank UK
22.00 Pawn Stars UK
23.00 Shark Tank UK
00.00 JIM D Crime: Gang Life (K16)
01.00 The Squad: Prison Life
01.30 Gene Simmons Family
02.00 Border Security:
Australia?s Front Line
07.00 Children?s Programming
08.20 Good Luck Charlie!
09.50 For Rent
13.50 Say Yes to the Dress XL
15.50 Fashion Star
16.50 Excused
17.20 Frasier
17.50 The Hotel Inspector
21.30 Beverly Hills Cop III FILM
Directed by: John Landis.
Starring: Eddie Murphy,
Judge Reinhold, Hector
TV5 21.00
Sunday 9.11.2014
TV5 21.00
Tuesday 11.11.2014. Directed by: Nora
Ephron. At the same time, in
Hollywood, the egocentric actor
Jack Wyatt is trying to get his
career back on track. New York (K16)
A spinoff of Crime Scene
Investigations set in New
York City.
23.30 Formula 1: Brasilian Grnad
In Finnish.
00.30 The Originals (K16)
08.15 MasterChef Australia
11.05 Man vs. of a make-up brand.
16.00 Catfish
17.00 Pretty Little Liars
18.00 X Factor UK
19.00 Anthony Bourdain: Parts
Today Anthony Bourdain
explores the cuisine and
politics of Mexico City.
20.00 Mythbusters
In this series two Hollywood
special effects experts
attempt to debunk urban
legends by directly testing
22.30 C.S.I. marital
problems derail his plans.
17.25 The Bold and the Beautiful
18.00 Emmerdale
22.35 Rizzoli & Isles (K16)
A seller of rare books is
murdered, drawing Jane
and Maura into a realm of
Celtic writings and coded
23.35 Reckless
00.35 The Good Guys
01.35 Super Fun Night
14.00 X Factor UK
19.30 Two and a Half Men
20.00 Big Bang Theory
This megahit comedy
revolves around four
intelligent physicists and
their beautiful neighbour
Penny who shows them how
little they know about life
outside of the laboratory.
20.30 The Simpsons
23.00 Grimm (K16)
Nick and Hank investigate
a traveling carnival where
someone is suspected of
having committed a double
murder. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
Helsinki Times TV Guide offers a selection of English broadcasting on Finnish television.
Cold Feet
AVA 22.00
08.00 Children?s Programming
13.30 Prince Harry at 30 DOC
01.20 The Gates (K16)
The lives of the Monohan
family become unexpectedly
complicated after moving into
their new home in an exclusive
community called the Gates.
11.00 The Simpsons
14.00 Adventures of Merlin
15.00 The Face
The Face follows three
supermodel coaches as they
compete with each other to find
?the face. Starring: Conan O?Brien,
Jason Schwartzman, Kristin
Chenoweth. Fate steps in
when Jack accidentally runs into
Isabel who is the perfect choice
to play witch-turned-housewife
Samantha. New York (K16)
23.45 Suits
00.45 Glades
14.00 United Bates of America
The series follows the Bates
family as they manage
everyday life in Tennessee.
14.30 The Capones
14.55 Mythbusters
16.00 Walker, Texas Range
Walker, a martial artist,
and his partner Trivette
are Texas Rangers. They
make it their business to
battle crime in Dallas and all
around the State of Texas.
18.00 Supersize vs Superskinny
19.30 Two and a Half Men
20.00 Big Bang Theory
20.30 The Simpsons
21.00 Catfish
This reality show focuses
on social networks users
who purposely misidentify
themselves and what
happens as a result.
23.00 Nikita (K16)
00.00 Shameless
12.15 JIM D Biography: Linda
13.15 LA Ink
14.10 Shark TankUK
15.10 MasterChef Australia
16.05 JIM D: Modern Marvels
17.00 LA Ink
Kat Von D has come home
to Los Angeles to fulfill her
dream of opening up her
own tattoo shop.
18.00 MasterChef Australia
19.00 Shark Tank UK
23.00 Shark Tank UK
00.00 Ice Road Truckers
01.00 The Squad: Prison Life
01.30 Ax Men
07.00 Children?s Programming
08.20 Good Luck Charlie!
This show is about the
Duncan family and how
their lives are turned upside
down with the arrival of a
new baby.
09.50 For Rent
15.50 Beverly Hills Nannies
Caregivers for wealthy
Beverly Hills families deal
with the over-the-top
demands of their employers,
including tasks like ironing
designer baby clothes
and working closely with
personal chefs.
16.50 Excused
17.20 Frasier
17.55 Pawn Stars
23.30 NCIS
00.30 Rescue Me
01.30 NCIS
02.30 Frasier
06.15 Dogs 101
07.10 MacGyver
08.05 Matlock
12.30 Say Yes to Dress
12.55 Disappeared
This show follows the ups
and downs of missing
person cases, showing the
progression of cases that are
opened to try and find out
why people disappear.
13.55 MacGyver
14.55 Matlock
15.55 Rules of Engagement
Two couples and their single
friend, all at different stages
in their relationships, deal
with the complications of
dating, commitment and
16.25 Everybody Loves Raymond
16.55 Married. With Children
18.00 The King of Queens
21.00 Bridesmaids FILM
Competition between
the maid of honor and a
bridesmaid, over who is the
bride?s best friend, threatens
to upend the life of an
out-of-work pastry chef.
Directed by: Paul Feig.
Starring: Chris O?Dowd,
Ellie Kemper, Kristen Wiig.
23.30 My Granny The Escort
00.40 Michael Jackson?s
This Is It FILM
Directed by: Kenny Ortega.
Starring: Michael Jackson,
Alex Al, Alexandra Apjarova.
02.45 Twin Peaks
03.40 Spartacus: Gods of the
Arena (K16)
09.30 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
10.00 Biggest Loser
12.00 Beverly Hills Pawn
12.50 Doctors
13.40 Flipping Out
14.40 Jamie?s American Road
15.40 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
16.30 Biggest Loser
18.00 Trinny & Susannah?s
Makeover Mission
19.00 Grand Designs Australia
21.30 Welcome to Sweden
Bruce signs up for a Swedish
class in hopes of getting
better in using the language
and fitting in with Emma?s
23.00 Revenge
00.00 Trinny & Susannah?s
Makeover Mission
MT V3 21.00
09.45 The Bold and the Beautiful
10.10 Emmerdale
11.10 Doctors
13.35 Undercover Boss
14.35 Modern Family
Three different, but related
families face trials and
tribulations in their own
uniquely comedic ways.
15.15 Jamie?s Great Britain
17.25 The Bold and the Beautiful
18.00 Emmerdale
21.00 Mentalist
The FBI reluctantly enlists
Jane?s help to find a missing
computer programmer,
but he will not help unless
Lisbon is brought on board.
22.45 C.S.I. The series
follows three couples as
they cope with marriage,
children and infidelity.
23.00 Modern Family
00.00 First Dates
The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Nelonen 21.00
09.45 The Bold and the Beautiful
10.10 Emmerdale
11.10 Formula 1: Brasilian Grand
In Finnish.
13.45 Amazing Race
14.45 The Millers
A divorced reporter, looking
forward to the single life,
finds his parents. Monroe and Rosalee
get involved and Rosalee
ends up going undercover.
00.00 Gang Related (K16)
11.15 Ocean Mysteries with Jeff
12.15 Undercover Boss
13.10 LA Ink
14.05 Shark Tank UK
15.05 MasterChef Australia
17.00 LA Ink
18.00 MasterChef Australia
19.00 Shark TankUK
20.00 Kitchen Nightmares
21.00 Aussie Pickers
Aussie Pickers follows
Lucas Callaghan and Adam
McDonald as they travel
around Australia, buying
antiques and collectibles.
23.00 Shark TankUK
00.00 Ice Road Truckers
01.00 NCIS Los Angeles (K16)
02.00 JIM D Crime: Gang Life
07.00 Children?s Programming
08.20 Good Luck Charlie!
09.50 For Rent
15.30 How to Be a Gentleman
16.00 Once Upon a Time
21.00 Anchorman: The Legend of
Ron Burgundy FILM
Ron Burgundy is San
Diego?s top rated newsman
in the male-dominated
broadcasting of the 70?s,
but everything is going to
change when an ambitious
woman is hired as
a new anchor.
Directed by: Adam McKay.
Starring: Will Ferrell,
Christina Applegate,
Paul Rudd.
23.00 Oz (K16)
00.10 NCIS
06.15 Cats 101
07.10 MacGyver
08.05 Matlock
12.30 Say Yes to Dress
12.55 Disappeared
13.55 MacGyver
14.55 Matlock
15.55 Rules of Engagement
16.25 Everybody Loves Raymond
16.55 Married. USA/1995.
23.30 Spartacus: Gods of the
Arena (K16)
00.50 House
01.45 Loser FILM
Directed by: Amy
Heckerling. With Children
18.00 The King of Queens
19.00 Lindsay
21.00 Bewitched FILM
Directed by: Nora Ephron.
Starring: Conan O?Brien,
Jason Schwartzman, Kristin
23.05 Chicago Fire
01.05 Fame
02.05 Chicago Fire
02.55 Rules of Engagement
09.30 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
10.00 Biggest Loser
12.00 Beverly Hills Pawn
12.50 Doctors
13.40 Cole?s Art Matters
14.40 Project Runway
Heidi Klum hosts a reality
series where aspiring
fashion designers compete
for a chance to break into
the industry.
15.40 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
16.30 Biggest Loser
18.00 Trinny & Susannah?s
Makeover Mission
22.00 First Dates
23.00 Cold Feet
Cutthroat Island
Cutthroat Island is a romantic
action adventure film directed
by Renny Harlin. TV GUIDE
6 . USA/Sweden/
02.10 NCIS
03.05 Fear Factor
04.05 American Pickers
06.55 Growing Up
07.50 Gypsy Sisters
08.40 Dawson?s Creek
15.30 The Goldbergs
16.00 Monk
17.00 Knight Rider
18.05 House
19.05 The Pirates! FILM
Directed by: Jeff Newitt,
Peter Lord. Determined to disavow her
supernatural powers and to live
a normal life, Isabel moves to
California. Jack agrees
to star in a film version of the
once-popular television series
Bewitched, under the condition
that an unknown actress be cast
as the female lead so he will
not be upstaged. Geena Davis
stars as a pirate?s daughter,
Morgan Adams, who needs to
get the remaining two parts of
a treasure map from her evil
uncles, Captain Dawg Brown
and Mordachai Fingers, in order
to find her dead father?s hidden
treasure which is hidden on a
mysterious Cutthroat Island.
However, her crew is skeptical
of her leadership abilities, so
she must complete her quest
before they mutiny against her.
This is made yet more difficult
by the efforts of the British
crown to end her piratical raids.
Directed by: Renny Harlin.
Starring: Geena Davis, Matthew Modine, Frank Langella.
Nicole Kidman stars as a
lovely and charming witch Isabel
Bigelow in this comedy fantasy
film. Food
12.30 Ice Road Truckers
This series features the
activities of drivers who
operate trucks on seasonal
routes crossing frozen lakes
and rivers in remote Arctic
territories in Canada and
13.25 Mountain Men
14.20 Talent USA
15.10 Undercover Boss
16.05 Ax Men
18.00 Pawn Stars UK
20.00 Gordon?s Great Escape
22.00 Mountain Men
Eustace Conway lives on a
parcel of land in the Blue
Ridge Mountains and hosts
people to whom he teaches
basic wilderness survival skills.
00.00 Strange or What?
01.00 American Restoration
01.30 Ball Boys
02.00 Master Shooter
07.40 Children?s Programming
09.00 Extreme Makeover: Home
A family that has faced
hardship has their
dilapidated house
completely rebuilt while
they are away on vacation
for a week.
13.00 Sea Rescue
13.30 The Hotel Inspector
16.30 Body of Proof
21.00 The Girl with the Dragon
Tattoo (K16) FILM
Directed by: David Fincher.
Starring: Daniel Craig,
Rooney Mara, Christopher
Plummer. Starring: Ashley
Jensen, Brendan Gleeson,
Brian Blessed.
21.00 Cutthroat Island (K16)
Directed by: Renny Harlin.
Starring: Geena Davis,
Matthew Modine, Frank
Langella. Starring: Jason
Biggs, Mena Suvari,
Zak Orth.
Grand Designs
Lucky Dog
Auf Wiedersehen, My Pet!
How to Find Love Online
Real Housewives of New
York City
20.00 Reign
A plague sweeps across
the land and threatens the
stability of the kingdom.
Meanwhile, Francis and Lola
are not allowed back home
because of the quarantine.
21.00 Revenge
Emily hosts a party full of
surprises and Victoria tries
to turn her misfortune into
something beneficial.
22.00 Cold Feet
Starring: Sylvester
Stallone. Hietaniemen kauppahalli (?Hietaniemi Market Hall?) holds until summer 2014 the majority shops from Wanha Kauppahalli.
Restaurants. Banks are usually open Mon-Fri
10-16:30 except for the bank at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, which is
open 6-22 daily. USA/1985.
TV5 21.00
Wednesday 12.11.2014
Airport buses.Finnair?s airport bus operates daily between Helsinki Airport and Helsinki city centre (platform 30 at Helsinki Central
Railway Station, just beside the restaurant Vltava), 35 minutes, ?6.
On its way to the centre it stops several times but on the way to
the airport only at Scandic Hotel Continental, close to the Helsinki Olympic Stadium.
Patents received
by Finnish enterprises
and associations
decreased in 2013 by some
Statistics Finland
SOLUTION ON PAGE 23. 09 3101 3300. 18
6 . Post offices are usually open Mon-Fri 8-20 and SatSun 10-14. Stenbäckinkatu 11, 09 471 72783
(between 6:00 and 22:00), 09 471 72751 (between 22:00 and
Tue 11/11
Sun 11/9 Mon 11/10 Tue 11/11 Wed 11/12
Fri 11/7
Sat 11/8
Grocery stores. Restaurants in the Helsinki area can be found from
the internet service, which provides information on restaurants, their menus, opening hours and some user rating etc.
Internet. Wanha Kauppahalli (?Old Market Hall?) at the Market square and Hakaniemen Kauppahalli (?Hakaniemi Market Hall?)
are the most popular. Directed by: George
Pan Cosmatos. The currency exchange counter at the harbour in
Katajanokka, Helsinki is open everyday (Mon-Fri 15-17:30 Sat-Sun
10-11, 15-17:30). Grocery stores in the Helsinki Central Railway
Station tunnel are open Mon-Sat 7-22 and Sun 10-22.
Fri 11/7
Wed 11/12
Thursday 11/6
7:54 am 4:11 pm
8:20 am 3:39 pm
8:06 am 4:20 pm
8:32 am 3:26 pm
8:06 am 4:09 pm
9:00 am 2:47 pm
Telephone. Public phones
are scarce. 09 4711.
Children in need of urgent medical treatment should be taken to
Lastenklinikka children?s hospital. Yliopiston apteekki (tel. 09 471 72432; Töölö hospital, Topeliuksenkatu 5,
tel. For more information, see
Tourist Information.Helsinki City Tourist & Convention Bureau
(Pohjoisesplanadi 19, Aleksanterinkatu 20) is open Mon-Fri 9-20
and Sat-Sun 9-18 between 15 May and 14 September; at other times
of the year, Mon-Fri 9-18 and Sat-Sun 10-16, tel. 0300 20200, calls are
charged), Mannerheimintie 96, is open 24 hours; its branch at Mannerheimintie 5/Kaivopiha is open daily 7-24.
Public Transport. Richard Crenna, Charles
Napier. Most
hotels as well as the Helsinki Tourist Office and Helsinki?s General
Post Office have a computer terminal. Night buses operate extensively at weekends.
Night buses have an extra fee. See for more
Thu 11/6
Thu 11/6
Post Offices. Most grocery stores are open Mon-Fri 7-21, Sat
7-18 and Sun 12-21. With Children
18.00 The King of Queens
20.30 Brooklyn 99
21.00 Rambo: First Blood Part II
(K16) FILM
Directed by: George
Pan Cosmatos. Helsinki?s General Post Office is also open at the weekend 10-18. The Forex desk at Helsinki Central Railway Station
is open Mon-Fri 8-20 and Sat-Sun 9-19. Single ticket
First Blood Part II
Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) is back
in this second instalment in the
Rambo series. Finland?s international country
code is +358 and to ring abroad from Finland dial 00. Both are open Mon-Fri 8-18 and Sat 8-16 but
are closed on Sundays. 09 471 87383; Vantaa: Peijas hospital, Sairaalakatu 1, tel. For non-urgent ambulance services, dial 09 394 600, and non-urgent police matters, dial 09 1891.
Market halls. Operator number 118. For
more information, see Starring:
Sylvester Stallone.
Richard Crenna,
Charles Napier.
23.00 Deadly Affairs
00.00 5D: My Crazy Obsession
00.35 The Son of No One (K16)
Directed by: Dito Montiel.
02.25 Call Me Fitz
03.25 Rules of Engagement
09.30 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
10.00 Biggest Loser
This series features obese
people competing to win
a cash prize by losing
the highest percentage
of weight to their initial
12.00 Beverly Hills Pawn
12.50 Doctors
13.40 All On The Line
Domino Dollhouse, a fashion
house for XL women, is
challenged to design a dress
for Octavia Spencer and a
collection for Lane Bryant.
14.40 Royal Inquest
15.40 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
16.30 Biggest Loser
18.00 Trinny & Susannah?s
Makeover Mission
21.00 Reign
22.00 Real Housewives of New
York City
23.00 Trinny & Susannah?s
Makeover Mission
Banks and Bureaux de Change. Includes commuter trains, buses, trams and metro. Dial 112. The Tourist Bureau provides information about the city and its sights.
Pharmacies. In the evenings and at weekends adults in need of urgent medical treatment in Helsinki should go to emergency health
centres at Haartman hospital (Haartmaninkatu 4) or Maria hospital
(Lapinlahdenkatu 16).
Emergency clinics in Helsinki and Uusimaa area hospitals that are
on call 24 hours a day: Helsinki: Meilahti hospital, 2nd floor, Haartmaninkatu 4, tel. Instead of just taking
pictures of the places where
prisoners are being held, Rambo
wants to get the prisoners out of
Vietnam. In a number of Finnish towns public internet posts are
quite rare due to extensive per-person internet use at home. Both telephone cards and Finnish SIM cards for mobile
phones can be bought at R-kioski shops.
fares: Helsinki (one zone) ?2.80/?2.20 from ticket machine, Helsinki-Espoo or Helsinki-Vantaa (two zones) ?4.50 and whole area
(three zones) ?7.00. Health centres around the country are open
Mon-Fri 8-16. This time ex-Green
Beret and Vietnam veteran John
Rambo is sent on assignment
back to Southeast Asia to uncover
evidence of still missing prisoners
of war. 09 100 23.
Medical services. See
Emergency Numbers. At these public terminals internet use is usually free of charge.
Sat 11/8
Sun 11/9
Mon 11/10
Health advice and information call centre (if you are unsure of
what to do) . 09
471 67371; Espoo: Jorvi hospital, Turuntie 150, tel. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
Finland inFo
Sons of Anarchy
Sub 23.00
09.45 The Bold and the Beautiful
10.10 Emmerdale
11.10 Doctors
13.35 Marven?s Penguin Safari
Nigel Marven travels to
the sub-Antarctic island of
South Georgia to document
king, macaroni and gentoo
penguins, along with a
variety of other creatures in
their natural environment.
14.35 How I Met Your Mother
15.15 Obsessive Compulsive
17.25 The Bold and the Beautiful
18.00 Emmerdale
Emmerdale is a British soap
opera set in Emmerdale,
a fictional village in the
Yorkshire Dales.
23.45 Revolution (K16)
14.00 Obsessive Compulsive
14.55 Mythbusters
16.00 Walker, Texas Ranger
18.00 Catfish
19.30 Two and a Half Men
20.00 Big Bang Theory
The guys camp out all night
waiting to see a new movie
while Penny and Bernadette
invite Amy to her first
slumber party.
20.30 The Simpsons
21.00 Top Chef USA
23.00 Sons of Anarchy (K16)
A man in his early 30s
struggles to find a balance
in his life between being a
new dad and his involvement
in a motorcycle club
00.00 Star-Crossed
01.00 The Simpsons
11.25 Extreme Fishing
12.20 Undercover Boss
In this hidden-camera
show an executive goes
undercover in his or her own
company to get a raw look at
how people really work.
13.15 LA Ink
14.10 Shark Tank UK
15.10 MasterChef Australia
16.05 New York Ink
17.00 LA Ink
18.00 MasterChef Australia
19.00 Shark Tank UK
23.00 Shark Tank UK
00.00 Mountain Men
01.00 Ramsay?s Great Escape
02.00 Anthony Bourdain: The
02.55 LA Ink
07.00 Children?s Programming
08.20 Good Luck Charlie!
09.50 For Rent
This show features Jodi
Gilmour as she helps people
find places to rent that are
within their budget.
16.50 Excused
17.20 Frasier
21.00 Under the Dome
00.00 Castle
01.00 NCIS (K16)
02.00 Frasier
02.30 Rescue Me
03.25 Undercover Boss
06.15 My Cat from Hell
07.10 MacGyver
08.05 Matlock
12.30 Say Yes to Dress
12.55 Disappeared
This show follows the ups
and downs of missing
person cases, showing the
progression of cases that are
opened to try and find out
why people disappear.
13.55 MacGyver
14.55 Matlock
15.55 Rules of Engagement
16.25 Everybody Loves Raymond
16.55 Married. Teamed up with female
Vietnamese freedom fighter Co
Bao, Rambo embarks on a mission
to rescue the prisoners of war,
who are being held by sadistic
Vietnamese Captain and his Russian comrade. Public transport operates in Helsinki and its surrounding regions
from around 5:30 (6:30 at weekends) until midnight
and education. especially Paula at the university . Unlike in Ghana where the views
of the youth are normally not
considered, I realised that in
Finland their contributions
are welcome. It was
nice to see employees drinking coffee in the same restaurant as the management.
Even at University I once saw
my Professor with a tray in
hand, queuing for food among
the students. After graduation I
was able to secure an internship with the Finnish Association of Nature Conservation
(Ekoenergy), a member of the
Green peace organization
and am currently waiting to
start my Phd at the University of Aberdeen in the UK.
is on stands now!
Grab a copy from your
nearest pick-up point!. I
have to wear gloves, a winter
jacket and heavy socks. I experienced -38
In this series expatriates write about their lives in Finland.
Send us your story to
degrees Celsius in Kuopio
where I studied.
I also loved the difference
in foods in the university, although in the beginning it
was difficult to cope. In Ghana there
are senior and junior common
rooms for students and lecturers respectively.
Individualism refers to the
level of independence in society. I remember once getting my fingers frozen to the point that
I couldn?t open the door to
my room. Hundreds of customers visit our facility in Helsinki each month to receive holistic treatment and relaxing massage.
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Helsinki Times
Originally from Ghana, Kwaku Lokko studied in Finland.
My Finnish experience
for quality education took me to Finland
in 2007. Finns are more independent due to the higher level of
their social system i.e. There is
generally a higher standard of
living. The government provides adequate social security for its citizens
while in Ghana most of the
same functions are taken
care of by the family. African
foods are more spicy, and in
Helsinki I sometimes snuck to
the African market to get myself some spicy African foods.
It has been nice living in
Finland, meeting nice people
. People are also more
concerned about their extended families, and Finns are
more time conscious which
can be seen at university and
at the work place.
The weather in Ghana is
rainy but in Finland it was
nice to enjoy the cold winters
with the nice sight of snow. 12 NOVEMBER 2014
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6 . As a student and a
graduate of the University
of Eastern Finland in Kuopio, my experience throughout my stay can be grouped
under: power distance, individualism, food and weather.
Power distance refers to
how the elderly in the society
cope with the youth and how
those in higher authority cope
with their subordinates. Success of the largest chain
of spas in China, Liangtse, continues in Europe. At the work
place, those in higher author-
My quEST
ity listen to, and mingle with,
their subordinates