Ole hyvä ja käytä tulostamiseen lehden omasta valikosta löytyvää tulostuspainiketta.
Katainen said when
asked what are the starting points
for the budget negotiations where
decisions should be reached.
The Government?s relations with
trade unions are currently perfunctory, but Katainen hopes that the
unions will also start to ?feel their
sense of responsibility?. Inspector Jussi Oksanen of
NBI says that there are less and less
of such old-fashioned, local gangs.
They have been replaced by clubs
using a vest adorned with skulls
or ?aming balls that have strict
rules and discipline. Now they have
a chapter in almost all of the large
Finnish towns from east to west and
south to north, up until Oulu.
Vests stop bullets
Expansion of the organised biker
gangs has caused speculation about
territorial disputes and even gang
wars. Finland was a vocal advocate
of cutting the budget during negotiations, but its contribution is set to
The Finance Ministry estimates
Finland will end up paying 520 million euro annually, while the EU
Commission reckons we will pay
595 million. One particular
long-standing criticism, huge payments to huge farms, has been ad-
dressed by asking member states to
voluntarily cap them.
Finland, along with Sweden, was
speci?cally mentioned in the budget as deserving special consideration due to its northern location and
sparsely populated regions. According to
the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), the four largest motorcycle gangs now have a total of 59
chapters (sub-gangs), compared to
45 a year ago. H T
motorcycle clubs continue to grow in Finland. In addition to the Helsinki
Metropolitan region, the clubs were
in?uential in Turku, Kajaani, Kouvola and Lappeenranta. It is unclear what Finland?s
net contribution will ?nally be, because that depends upon which future projects we will have funded.
The European Parliament must
approve the budget before it becomes
of?cial. in
its agriculture sector, although we
must pay for part of that ourselves.
Finland has long been a net contributor to the EU budget, and the
Government claims its wealth
means its share will continue to
grow. Furthermore, large
international clubs Mongols MC and
Outlaws MC are competing for a
foothold in Finland. In an interview with
Radio Suomi, Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen explained that both
?gures were released so the public would know both estimates. HT
New voice of fado
Portugese singer Claudio Aurora
brings her powerful voice and the
unique sound of fado to Helsinki
this weekend. Oksanen
says that the situation, as yet, is not so
tense that an explosion is imminent.
?There have been single incidents, old grudges, some shootings
at night, paybacks and some arming going on. ?3 . The
Prime Minister is also in favour of the
bringing forward of wage negotiations
proposed by Minister of Labour Lauri
Ihalainen (Social Democratic Party).
?The sooner we are able to eliminate
the uncertainties, the faster we will be
able to create new jobs.?
Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen (right), with Foreign Trade Minister Alexander Stubb, at EU Headquarters on 8 February, 2013 in Brussels, on the last day of a two-day European Union leaders summit.
EU budget is cut, but Finland?s
overall contribution increases
Opposition parties outraged at new budget deal.
exact method of determining the
contributions can be complicated,
but much is based upon each state?s
particular gross national income
and speci?c VAT revenues.
Opposition politicians were indignant at the deal. Once again, Soini
suggested Finland hold a national referendum on EU membership. says Katainen. ?These gangs
with speci?c identi?cation are taking over new locations like store
chains,. More and more bikers are carrying guns, and the vest
of one of the gangs is actually a bulletproof vest. Some 1.4
billion euro was designated for these
?outermost regions.. New jobs
will not be created if we argue and fail
to make decisions,. 21 . CORD
THE EU agreed to cut the next seven-year budget 3.4 per cent in real
terms. If they fail to reach a deal, the
2013 budget will roll over to 2014.
Biker gangs spreading like store chains
?Local tension, but no immediate danger of explosion.?
TA RU L A I H O . Also the much-anticipated new take on the classic
Les Misérables opens this week
starring Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe.
See page 17
Think global, eat local
We take a look at the popular
trend of ?local food?, as means
of promoting an organic and environmentally sustainable lifestyle. ISSUE 8 (290) . Oksanen says.
In 2000, Hells Angels MC, Cannonball MC and Bandidos MC had
less than ten chapters in whole of
Finland. I don?t think people
would wear such an uncomfortable
vest just for fun.?
Read more on page 3. W W W.HELSINKITIMES.FI
L E H T I K U VA / A F P P H O T O / G E O R G E S GO B E T
Life without income taxes
Is it possible for a modern state
to survive without income taxes?
Our business expert David Cord
examines whether a country really needs to be an oil-rich state to
survive without tax on income.
See pages 8-9
Katainen to
Yle: Shared
goals and
sense of
Pekkarinen of the Centre Party was
likewise angry because of the cuts to
programmes for rural areas.
A series of reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy aims to
reward farmers for being environmentally friendly and reduce discrepancies between payments to
different countries. According to YLE,
Timo Soini, the leader of the Finns
political party, claimed we will pay
almost 7.5 per cent more than the
previous budget. The Prime Minister also hopes that all parties will
have a shared goal.
Katainen says that all types of expenses and taxes will be discussed in
the interim review and it remains to
be seen which of them the Government decides to use.
The Prime Minister says, however, that the cuts should not be as extensive as last year. Finland was also allocated 600 million euro due to
?particular structural challenges. ?We all want to
stop this cycle of getting into debt.
Creating growth, generating new
jobs and promoting the economy in
the long term,. Hells Angels and Bandidos
had a bloody gang war in Finland
in the 1990s. These two groups are
still at war in many other countries
where they are found.
Police have lately estimated that
there are signs of preparations for another gang war in Finland. Also we check out Turku?s
delcious raisin sausage.
See pages 18-21
tickets and
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machines, bus and
tram drivers, as
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or by mobile
phone. He also lamented the fact that a mutual understanding regarding decisions
about prolonging people?s careers
and other issues has not been found.
?Jobs are the key now. 27 FEBRUARY 2013 . You can
transfer from one
vehicle to another
with a single ticket
within the validity
of the ticket.
(National Coalition Party) stressed
in the traditional Yle?s Prime Minister?s interview that future solutions
of the Government must ?rst and
foremost focus on generating new
jobs and promoting growth.
Katainen hopes that the Government could avoid arguments and
work towards a shared goal in its
interim review and budget negotiations next month. These chapters
have a little over 500 members.
There were outlaw clubs in many
towns in the old days too and locals often knew who were members, such was the casualness of the
especially when they were
How did your son feel about
growing up in Ethiopia and
He?d lived in ?ve different
countries by the time he was
12. It
was an overwhelming experience, because at that time
Finland was such a different
country from what it is today. We
Finns . It is not only what
about the history or culture.
Maybe people from other
countries were just as bad,
but the Finns were so blunt
. so
often seem to get upset about
little things: neighbours leaving things in the laundry or
something. like Al Qaeda. There are so many misconceptions, because people have so little real contact
with Africa. with occasional periods in Finland in
between. In Africa I so often
had such great neighbours; so
kind, and helping us in many
ways. Ethiopia
is said to be one of our major
?partner countries?, but I once
saw a list of international donors to Ethiopia, and Finland
did not even make the Top 15!
People perhaps don?t realise that every African country
has its own character. It was such a contrast
from the cold and dark Finnish winter to go straight to a
hot and dusty city with several million people.
Growing up in Nigeria,
did you miss Finland?
As young children, my sisters and I adapted very easily to our new life in Nigeria,
although of course we missed
many things from Finland. But when I
think of Tunisia, the people
that I knew there were mainly very moderate and tolerant.
Many have family in Europe,
and they are familiar with the
Western way of life. there was no email or
texting or Skype, of course,
and even making a phone call
was very dif?cult and very
expensive. Some Perussuomalaiset politicians have
claimed that Finland gives a
lot of aid money to Africa, but
that is not really so. So the distances
felt very big, and you couldn?t
just call or go back for short
But was it a good experience
for a young Finnish girl?
It was wonderful . Nokia has been very active, but you don?t see many
other companies there.
It?s also interesting when
we think of aid. what
are your thoughts on that?
Of course there are elements
we should be concerned about
. And perhaps this
has also been a motivating
factor for me, because I have
always felt very welcome in
And how about the other white people you lived
around. There
is a sizable middle class in
the big cities, and now some
Finnish companies are starting to wake up to the potential, but they are a long way
behind even the rest of Europe. but really it
is the people that I miss when
I?m away. There is something
from us all to learn from that.
And the ?exibility of people,
the way they can ?nd humour
and show generosity even in
very modest circumstances.
And what is next for
you after The Jasmine Years?
I?ve already started writing
my next book, about great
Ethiopian women from the
Queen of Sheba through to
modern businesswomen. Increasingly, women there are
becoming entrepreneurs and
role models, and it?s an interesting contrast from the images of poverty and ?ghting.
So my next trip to Africa will
be to Ethiopia, but this time
to interview people for the
next book.
You?ll love
the way we print it
www.iprint.fi. It?s hard
to imagine that the majority
could ever become extremists.
The biggest problem everywhere is young men, who
are often well-educated but
can?t ?nd work. What were their attitudes towards Africa and
I think the worst I saw was in
Tanzania. There were a few
other Finns there, and I was
sometimes appalled by the
way they talked about Africans, without knowing much
I?d been away for 15 years, and was now in
East Africa for the first time, but my childhood memories came back to me so strongly: the sights and sounds, the feeling of sun
on my skin.
ied here, but I always knew
that I would go back, and
then when I was 26 I got the
chance to go to Tanzania and
carry out research for my
doctoral dissertation there.
I?d been away for 15 years,
and was now in East Africa for the ?rst time, but my
childhood memories came
back to me so strongly: the
sights and sounds, the feeling of sun on my skin. How do you feel
about that?
We only hear about war and
famine, and those issues are
important, but countries
like Finland have never really understood that Africa is
changing very rapidly. On the other hand,
living outside your own country, you also learn to appreciate things like the education
and healthcare systems, the
status of women and the social welfare system.
I?m always hoping that I
can settle more permanently in Africa, and perhaps after my son graduates I?ll look
into that again.
What do you think Finland
could learn from Africa?
Their attitude towards life
and their friendliness. He adapted very well to
our life in Ethiopia when he
was small, but as a teenag-
er he got quite fed up with
all the travelling, and didn?t
want to move to any more
countries. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Not every Finnish girl dreams of living in Ethiopia, Tunisia, Benin and Nigeria, but after a childhood
growing up in Lagos and a career spent working for the African Development Bank and World Food Programme, Johanna Maula got to crisscross Africa and the world . It?s
been a dream that I?ve always
had. Of course in Africa the bureaucracy can be
so frustrating that I think
?Oh, in Finland this would be
so much easier!. this process of trying
to make sense of those differences. myself included . Of course people
have heard of Kenya and Tanzania, but they know very little about French-speaking
Africa and North Africa. I
had wanted to bring my best
friend with me to Africa, and
was very upset when this
wasn?t allowed! And at that
time the differences were so
big . 2
21 . I had to respect
that, so we are here now, but
I hope that as an adult he will
look back on it and ?nd that it
has been great for him.
The images we see of Africa
on TV always seem to be war
and poverty. Undoubtedly one of the
reasons why I became a social
scientist was because I wanted to understand more about
different cultures.
What did it feel like
to come back to Finland?
There were many things that
I missed from Africa. I stud-
you see, it?s everything that
you experience: the heat, the
humidity, even the colour of
the earth and sky.
As a white person living in
Africa, did you ever experience racism yourself?
No, never. Even
internally, there can be huge
differences within the countries, with dozens of different
languages and cultures.
There?s been a lot of talk recently about Mali and the rise
of Islamic extremism . On the publication of her memoir, My Jasmine Years, David Brown sat down for a chat with her.
Out of Africa
How did you ?rst come to
live in Africa?
My father got a job lecturing
at the University of Lagos in
Nigeria, from 1968-1970. Africa
is such an overwhelming experience. I have
told my parents since that it
was the best decision they
ever made as parents! I experienced many totally new
things, and really started to
wonder why there were so
many beggars in Africa, but
not in Finland. So
far the only comments have
been positive, which is lovely.
Where is home for you?
Even living away from Finland so much I never really miss the country as such.
It?s people you miss; family
and friends. Particularly
in countries where they can
clearly see the corruption and
the wealth being controlled
by one family or clan, as happened with Ben Ali in Tunisia.
How did you come
to write the book?
I think I?ve always wanted to
tell people about Africa, ever since my childhood. And it was interesting that I noticed my
son going through the same
process when we lived in Ethiopia . I was
always hoping that I would
move back there
might happen as soon as this
The state can only renounce a majority shareholding based on an authorisation
issued by Parliament. Finnair has not paid any dividend in the past four years. United Brotherhood is the result of a merger of gangs
where one of the preconditions for becoming a member
was having committed a homicide. S T T
TA RU L A I H O . The pre-tax results for the whole of 2012 totalled ?16.5
million, compared to a loss of more than ?110 million the
year before last. The company aims at total
savings of around 200 million
euro by the end of next year. He implemented
major savings while working
for Finnair, but the expense
cuts will not stop at his leaving. 1 802/month
studio+s, 117 m2
. Director Risto
Karhunen, who is in charge
of safety at the Federation
of Finnish Financial Services, says that the lifecycle of a
criminal biker is often short.
?There?s no need to beat
about the bush here: they
are often used as tools when
committing crimes,. 1 972/month. Vehviläinen says that Finnair needs to
resolve a problem called personnel expenses. Other
gangs may prevent them from
entering a large town, provided that a co-operation agreement has not been reached,
whereas in a small town the
gang needs to obtain support
before the members can reveal their ?colours?.
?If you don?t have enough
power to back you up, the
community may kick you
out. In the 1990s, Hells Angels gave an interview where the
members stated that they did what they wanted and would
use any means necessary to protect themselves and the
club. The
biker gangs, in particular, strive to deny this classification.
. Oksanen of NBI
does not remember hearing
of any cases involving actual
protection money.
?There have been cases of
blackmail, such as a recent case
in Pirkanmaa where a made-up
debt was being collected from a
private entrepreneur. Karhunen says.
The police announced
a year ago that bikers had
started to demand protection money from regular
businesses. The company is aiming for savings of 200 million euro.
Finnair achieved savings faster than expected
. At the
end of last year, Finnair employed almost 6,400 people.
It seems that more personnel
cuts may occur. Many of these have several sub-gangs.
. He says that one year
in the aviation industry corresponds to seven years in
any other ?eld. He
has not been bored at Finnair. Vehviläinen says.
Heidi Hautala
Greens), the Minister responsible for state owner-
ship steering, says that the
state should renounce its majority share in Finnair. There are four large gangs using distinctive vests in Finland:
Hells Angels MC, Bandidos MC, Cannonball MC and United
Brotherhood. Vehviläinen says in the CEO?s report.
Reduction of
state ownership
is a good thing
Vehviläinen is in favour of reducing the share of ownership of the state in Finnair.
He says that reducing the
ownership share of a major
shareholder could rejuvenate
the exchange of shares and
increase the company?s val-
ue. On the other hand, power is easier to obtain in a
small town.?
Police say that the gangs
are involved in illegal drug
trade and debt collection.
Their businesses vary from
one end of the spectrum to
the other. It
has currently achieved around
half of the planned savings.
Finnair dismissed almost
1,100 employees in the course
of twelve months. 3 550/month
Eteläinen Makasiinikatu 4, 00130 Helsinki
1br+k+s, 75 m2
. The police classify these four as organised criminal gangs. United Brotherhood is the only one of these that is not a
biker gang.
. 1 690/month
3br+k+s, 170 m2
. This is still
far from the company?s pro?t
margin goal of 6 per cent.
The plan is to question
the old ways of working and
openly think about how profitability could be improved.
?There is room for improvement in speci?c processes and
personnel pro?tability,. He says that the value of
Finnair?s shares is currently not very high. DOMESTIC
21 . came from the Finnish phrase me olemme
rikollisten eliittiä, meaning ?we are elite criminals?.
. Finnair achieved its first positive result since 2007 last
year. Finnair
would have more freedom
in its business if the state?s
share of ownership were
L E H T I K U VA / M A R K K U U L A N D E R
TA RU L A I H O . Vehviläinen admits to STT.
Finnair is focusing more
and more on Asia, where
there is plenty of potential for growth. Finnair?s savings programme has proceeded more quickly
than planned. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Biker gangs now Finnair needs to resolve a problem
popping up in
called personnel expenses
smaller towns
Conintues from page 1
GLOBALLY speaking, Hells
Angels are at odds with Outlaws and Mongols. The
Board will propose paying ?0.10 per share as dividend for
last year.
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SATO Rental and sales, Mikonkatu 7, 00100 Helsinki, Tel. These statements have been used as evidence in
gang-related legal proceedings.
R I K U RO S L U N D . It has now achieved half of the total target
savings of ?200 million.
. 2750/month
Posliinikatu 3, 00560 Helsinki
1br+k+s, 143 m2
. These
clubs cannot challenge
Hells Angels in Finland because they have clearly less
Oksanen says that the
gangs spread to new locations typically through illegal
business and violence. H T
Company let more
than a thousand employees go last year.
Positive result, but
not even near the goal
Last year, Finnair achieved its
?rst positive result since 2007.
The pro?t for the entire year,
before taxes, was 16.5 million euro, compared to a loss
of more than 110 million euro
the year before last. ?It is a lively
The outgoing CEO and President of Finnair Mika Vehviläinen presents the companies third quarter figures for last year. How do
you interpret this??
Finland?s Motorcycle Gangs
. H T
what soon-to-be-ex President and CEO of Finnair, Mika
Vehviläinen, was thinking
when he announced the most
recent key ?gures of Finnair
last Friday. 4 144/month
Perustie 16, 00330 Helsinki
2br+k, 77 m²
. The company?s employee expenses are
clearly higher than those of
its competitors.
Vehviläinen says that discussions on simplifying the
complex wage and bonus
schemes are currently ongoing with different personnel
?I hope and believe that it
is possible to reach a solution
that both parties are able to
accept by discussing the alternatives together,. In the
summer, Finnair will launch
the ?rst direct route from
Europe to Xi?an, China.
?We are a major player in
Asia even though the competition is becoming worse.?
Vehviläinen says that his
time in the lead of Finnair
was a success: the company?s culture of dialogue was
improved and the downward
swing was interrupted. He might have
been relieved.
Vehviläinen will soon start
to manage Cargotec, a manufacturer of cargo handling
equipment. The name of the other
gang, M.O.R.E. The President and CEO has made an
exception in commenting on
state ownership because he
will soon switch to another
?They can no longer ?re
me,. Its pre-tax results for October-December were also
profitable, by ?0.9 million, compared to a loss of more than
?38 million the previous year.
. Bandidos and Hells Angels are global gangs, whereas Cannonball and United Brotherhood were established in Finland.
. The company aims at doubling its
pro?t from ?ights to Asia by
the end of this decade. 3 127/month
1br+k+s, 160,5 m2
. 0201 34 4301
Lönnrotinkatu 32, 00180 Helsinki
1br+k+s, 64,5 m2
. Net sales increased by 8.5 per cent to
more than ?2.4 billion.
No . The products . Currently the main stumbling block
relates to the possible extension to workers. Regardless of successes
of many foreign players in NHL, there has never been a European manager before. We are currently involved in trench warfare, refusing to see that the world
has changed.?
This week EK will present its own proposals on
growth and employment for
the Government?s interim review. Four million
greetings cards were sent last year on this occasion.
Did you send a card or message to someone
this year on Valentine?s Day?
Director General of the Confederation of Finnish Industries Jyri Häkämies says that unions are unaware of the depth of the current crisis.
Trade unions
are ignorant,
says Häkämies
Confederation of Finnish Industries chief
lays blame for struggling negotiations at
door of workers. Customers may return the
products for a full refund.
On Monday, the Finnish
Food Safety Authority, Evira, announced it will begin tests on beef products,
following reports from the
UK, Norway and Sweden of
beef products containing
horse meat.
Efforts to fund
shipbuilding in
Turku continue
Jan Vapaavuori (NCP), the
Minister of Economic Affairs, assures that the
efforts to fund the construction of two cruise
ships . 24,4%
nen said he wants to move
wage talks between unions
and employers, scheduled for
the autumn. from
1989 to 1995. Louis.
Executive Vice President Antti Rinne of Trade Union Pro during negotiations last week.
course of last autumn. were available at all
Finnish Lidl stores. The EK
member unions are set to
start these negotiations focusing on moderate wages
and ?exible solutions.
Does the term ?moderate
wages. His profile includes 55 NHL appearances in his
six-year career. According
to Tuomioja, the demands
for tax structures that encourage healthy cash-?ow
?nancing and its use in investments to create new
jobs are justi?ed.
?The aim, if it is a serious one, is viable, but only
on the condition that the
owners and executives
who enjoy bonuses and
dividends pay more taxes
on their earnings,. I would like
to hear new proposals from
trade unions, since no proposals have been given as of
yet,. They have
been frustrated with the
strictness of the framework
agreement, and this situation has persisted even after
the ?ring of one EK Director General. Louis
Blues, proving to be successful talent-spotter for rising stars.
After his time in St. at STX Finland?s
Turku shipyard continue.
Progress has been made,
but any speculation con-
cerning the conclusions
is premature, he insists.
In addition, Vapaavuori
dismisses the reports by
Kauppalehti which suggest that the Korean parent company is willing
to inject more money into STX Finland. Director General Häkämies says that EK?s proposals
will deal with taxes . ordered by the
German cruise line, TUI
Cruises . The
situation became more dif?cult when employers contested the three-day training
leave and EK demanded
longer working hours and
moderate wages; some interpreted this as meaning that
EK wants wage cuts.
For example, Executive
Vice President Antti Rinne of
Trade Union Pro complained
last Thursday, while the threeday training leave dispute
dragged on, that EK has decided to ?ush our agreementbased society down the toilet
during this agreement period.
Häkämies has been leading EK since November. HT-STT
corporate tax
revisions viable,
Tuomioja views
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs, Erkki Tuomioja
(SDP), believes the proposal by the Confederation of
Finnish Industries (EK) to
reduce corporate tax to 15
per cent is viable on certain conditions. After a brief return to Finland, he finished his
playing career in Sweden, where he became involved in front
office work in hockey. But on 13 February, President of Columbus Blue Jackets, John Davidson, offered him the manager?s
job, after having worked together at St. 4
21 . in practice, this would
mean raising the tax rate and
implementing cutbacks.
?These would have a
much more violent impact
on the lives of regular people
and businesses than a controlled increase of the retirement age, let?s say, within ten
years. In 2002 Kekäläinen was assigned as Assistant GM and Director of Amateur Scouting in the St. S T T
TA RU L A I H O . According
to Kauppalehti, also the
Finnish state is poised to
commit to a short-term investment to fund the shipyard?s endeavour. The framework
agreement of some of the unions will expire next autumn.
Very important labour contract negotiations with the
Federation of Finnish Technology Industries and Metalworkers. Häkämies has
suggested that employers?
organisations would be prepared to hold talks, but believes that a quick settlement
will not be found. Louis he was invited to work as GM
at Finnish Elite League with the Helsinki club Jokerit, where
Kekäläinen made an unwritten agreement to leave anytime he
was offered a GM position in the NHL. 75,6%
View details and this week?s question at www.helsinkitimes.fi.
Jarmo Kekäläinen
Famous for:
Being the first European
General Manager of an NHL
team in history.
TRADE UNIONS do not understand the full extent of the
current dif?culties of Finnish economy, says Director
General Jyri Häkämies of the
Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK). representatives.
admits, at least indirectly, that employers have consciously put a strain on the
labour market atmosphere.
Häkämies set ?increasing awareness of the situation. attitude towards suggestions on prolonging people?s careers has
been categorically negative,
even though the life expectancy of Finns has increased
and the poor sustainability
is a fact you cannot escape,?
says Häkämies.
Häkämies says that the
Government has suggested
reorganisation of the national economy as an alternative
if the trade unions are unable to provide any reasonable proposals on careers
. a
beef goulash by the German company, Dreistern,
and ravioli by the French
company, William Saurin . Häkämies says
that the trade unions have
not given any proposals on
how to improve employment.
?Finns fail to understand
just how drastic the economic situation is. as his goal for his ?rst
months at the head of EK.
Employers have had to
deal with a lot. careers beyond the current retirement
age and this must be overcome before a deal can be
struck on wages.
?The unions. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
L E H T I K U VA / M A R K K U U L A N D E R
Horse meat found
in two Lidl beef
Lidl has recalled two beef
products from its shelves
in Finland, after DNA
checks conducted by the
German market chain revealed traces of horse
meat. such
as increasing the household
tax relief, which EK believes
would improve employment.
Jarmo Kekäläinen played junior ice hockey in the Finnish
league, before making the big move to the National Hockey
League with the Boston Bruins and Ottawa Senators . Union will take
place at that time. Tuomioja wrote on his blog
on Monday.
Finns send the highest amount of greetings cards on Valentine?s
Day (Friendship Day in Finland) after Christmas. mean that wage increases will not occur?
?In some cases, we are
talking about zero growth or
something close to that, but
the growth in some sectors
may in?uence the situation,?
Häkämies explains.
EK hopes that more ?exible solutions regarding wages
and the terms and conditions
of employment will be possible in the next negotiations.. Häkämies says in an interview last week.
On the weekend, Employment Minister Lauri Ihalai-
Was atmosphere
impaired on purpose?
The accusations by Häkämies
of trade unions trying to slow
down the negotiations coincide with the increasing
?ow of comments from employers since last autumn.
The atmosphere in the labour
market deteriorated over the
L E H T I K U VA / J A R N O M E L A
assistance in dying administered at the patient?s request . The hall?s
supports, however, were
not inspected. S T T
NIINA WOOLLE Y . says Professor Markku Partinen.
Vaarala, however, emphasises that the vaccine is the
cause of the disease, and not
the risk gene.
?Roughly a quarter of people carry this risk gene but
only a small percentage of
them developed the disease,?
Vaarala said.
Causes still investigated
After the introduction of the
vaccine, there was a steep
rise in the number of narcolepsy incidents among children and teens but no such
increase was seen for adults.
Scientists will now look into
the possibility that vaccinated adults might have a slightly increased risk of developing
narcolepsy compared with
those who were not given the
?u jab. These people
also had a genetic predisposition to the disease, having
inherited a particular tissue
type. ?All halls
used by people should be
inspected regularly?, every ?ve to ten years, he
states. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Several halls at
risk of collapse
Kai Valonen, a chief safety investigator at the Safety Investigation Authority,
cautions of several halls at
risk of collapse, while demanding more resources
for inspections. will begin on 28
February at kansalaisaloite.?, an online system
for citizens. 2
n in 2008
t study f
for the internationally
recognized PSAT
AT, and Cambridge A Level examinations
for entrance into universities in Finland and abroad
t prepare f
for the Finnish matriculation examinations
in bilingual classes
t complete the general upper secondary school
diploma (lukiodiplomi) in Music and Visual Arts
t and receive expert personal advice when applying to
universities abroad
t Y
Your guidance counselor must also send The English School
application fo
f rm to us by March 28, 2013
Street Address:
The English School, Mäntytie
14, 00270 Helsinki
Street Address: The English School, V
Valimotie 17-19, 00380 Helsinki
Mail Address: The English School, Mäntytie 14, 00270 Helsinki
5. Parents can?t work and
the child is practically unable
to attend school,. DOMESTIC
Swine flu vaccine: Quarter of
Finns carry the narcolepsy risk gene
People with the sleep disorder narcolepsy reacted more strongly to
the swine flu vaccine than healthy people.
why some people developed narcolepsy after being vaccinated against
the swine ?u seems to be a
substance in the Pandemrix
vaccine, a study by the National Institute for Health
and Welfare (THL) reveals.
The Arepanrix vaccine,
used to inoculate people in
Canada, increased the narcolepsy risk signi?cantly less
than Pandemrix, the vaccine
of choice in Finland. initiatives.
The initiative will be
submitted to the parliament for consideration, if
a minimum of 50,000 valid signatures are collected
in six months. HT-STT
Välimäki calls for
20 health care
Vaccinations for swine flu using Pandemrix vaccine were halted in 2010.
Kari Välimäki, a former
chief secretary at the
Ministry of Social Affairs
and Health, would establish approximately 20 inter-municipal districts
responsible for organising social and health
care services. According to Välimäki, the co-
operation on health care
would represent a transition period on the path to
as many municipalities.
Välimäki, currently the
managing director at the
Seafarer?s Pension Fund,
believes organising emergency health care services
in more regions would be
Petition for
launches soon
The collection of statements of support for active
euthanasia . In such situations,
the legislation should allow patients to make decisions regarding their own
The English School
Englantilainen koulu
At our High School (lukio)
you can:
t an English immersion program
t respect f
for Christian values
t preparation f
for the Cambridge
Primary Checkpoint
for the
013 f
h 1, 2
rough Marc f
is open th
ol year for
2013 . The safety authority is yet to determine the reason for the
fatal cave in, despite wrapping up its on-site investigation on Monday. Around 27-28 per cent
of Finns have this genetic
?It is less common in
southern Europe,. time. During a routine inspection, the safety documents, facilities and ?rst
aid preparedness of the
collapsed riding academy
in Laukaa were assessed
last summer. HT
There are big differences
in how well the children and
teens with narcolepsy are
coping with their disease.
?Fortunately, most of the
children are doing better
than at the beginning, but
some of them are still struggling. Essentially, the proposal would
allow assisted dying in
medical procedures have
proven futile and the patient is suffering unbearably. Researchers believe
that the disease can be triggered in several ways.
According to studies, people who developed narcolepsy after the swine ?u vaccine
showed a stronger reaction
to the jab and had higher antibody levels against the vaccine components than their
healthy peers. explains
The number of reported side effects caused by the
vaccine has gone down from
the spike in 2010-2011.
21 . The difference between these vaccines is the way their viral
components are produced.
?Arepanrix has a different swine ?u component,?
explained Professor Outi Vaarala from THL in a
conference for narcolepsy experts in Helsinki last
Vaarala says that the viral
component, combined with
an adjuvant added to the vaccine to boost its ef?ciency,
probably caused a reaction
that activated the immune
system, resulting in narcolepsy. Currently, however, it
is not known how many adults
were actually vaccinated.
L E H T I K U VA / P E K K A S A K K I
a roughly 50-year-old man apprehended at the crime
scene and a 31-year-old
man, who turned himself in later . Mäkelä also underlines that no members of the
Saarioinen staff are suspected of complicity in the case.
?However, no one can deny
that surveillance was inadequate,. 6
21 . The suspected economic crimes
took place between 2009
and 2012.
spawns lengthy
jail term for
20-year-old case
The District Court of
Southern Savonia has sentenced a 20-year-old man
to ten years. who is believed to
have left the country last
year . ?Valentine?s Day
traditionally sparks such
messages,. he recognises.
the trio regularly employed
the same strategy: one lifter would grab the attention
of the victim, while another snatched the purse from
the victim?s shopping cart or
handbag. S T T
ON 13 FEBRUARY, the prosecution demanded that food
and its sub-contractor forfeit nearly 400,000 euro in
illegally obtained pro?ts in a
case related to a discovery of
cow intestines in animal feed.
The prosecutor of the District Court of Central Finland
claimed that cow intestines
ended up in feed for fur animals for nearly a decade, instead of being disposed of by
incineration at the Liha-Saarioinen abattoir in Jyväskylä.
The use of cow intestines
has been banned as a precaution against bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE),
commonly known as the mad
cow disease. In
relation to the incident,
two suspects . The prosecution,
however, deemed the evidence
against them insuf?cient.
Ilkka Mäkelä, the CEO at
Saarioinen, reveals that the
revelation of the violations
sparked an internal investigation, whereby changes to
the supply chain, monitoring
and regulations were introduced. On 13 February,
school-days at two schools in
Kuopio were interrupted by
unfounded threats. have been
The police also reveal
that two ?rearms were
used in the clash, in which
no one was injured. checkout queues with one lifter attracting the
victim?s attention while another snatched the purse from the victim?s shopping cart or handbag.
Pickpockets targeted elderly
customers in checkout queues
Gang was caught
when preparing to
leave the country.
A TRIO of professional criminals from abroad is suspected of a string of thefts
committed across Finland
last autumn, the Central
Uusimaa police reveal. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
A shooting incident at
a petrol station in Leppävaara, Espoo, on 12
February is being investigated as attempted murder, the police state. The threats in Kala-
joki and Iisalmi are investigated as menace, and the
threat in Oulu as false report
of danger. The
homicide from two decades ago began to unravel
in late 2011, when the police found a body buried in
an industrial plot in Kangasala, Pirkanmaa.HT-STT
Liha-Saarioinen abattoir in Jyväskylä, where cow intestines ended up in feed for fur animals instead
of being disposed of by incineration.
Food producer?s sub-contractor confessed to violating the Feed Act.
S A A R A KO H O . HT-STT. The company?s
manager has already confessed to the accusation.
According to district prosecutor Marika Visakorpi, the
sub-contractor is also suspected of aggravated accounting offence in a partly related
case. In Kalajoki, a
school was closed on Valen-
tine?s Day, after receiving
a threat by e-mail. In Oulu
and Iisalmi, two schools remained open under police su-
are believed to have begun in
2001 and ended in 2011, after
a complaint from Evira.
Sub-contractor to
answer several charges
The charge of violation of the
Feed Act will be answered by
the sub-contractor responsible for the disposal, and management of by-products at
the abattoir. The gang then ?ed
the scene in a car driven by
the third suspect while ransacking the purse for cash,
cash cards and possible pin
In addition to food, hotel and petrol expenses, a total of 19,600 euro of criminal
pro?ts was sent to the suspects. as well as issued an
international warrant for his
arrest and a requisition to
the Romanian authorities.
pervision, following threats
posted on online discussion
forums. The suspect contested the manslaughter
charges, while claiming
self-defence and pleading guilty to involuntary
manslaughter at most. inspector Jyrki
Kivirinta of the Oulu police
reveals. The sentence of Juutila?s partner, Tauno Luukkala, was
hence reduced to ten
years. the preliminary investigation reports imply ?
transferred over 800,000
euro to his own account
for personal use on online
gaming sites. Their car,
along with goods purchased
with criminal pro?ts, were
seized by the police.
separate offences, including
thefts and means of payment
frauds, between last year?s
September and November.
During their crime spree, the
gang drove around the country and targeted elderly customers in shops. HT-STT
suspected of
800,000 euro
from customers
An accountant from Ahvenanmaa is suspected
of nine counts of aggravated embezzlement and
seven counts of embezzlement, the National
Bureau of Investigation
reveals. Ontronen confessed to the
act in court, but was unable to provide a reason
for it. According to Ilta-Sanomat, the
preliminary investigation reports have been turned over
to a prosecutor for consideration of charges, while a trial at the local district court
is tentatively scheduled for
The Romanian trio are believed to have committed 42
Several schools face threats
Several Finnish schools faced
unfounded threats on 13 and
14 February. Police investigations into the accusations also incorporated the actions of three
abattoir managers and an inspecting vet. As an employee of an accounting ?rm,
the suspect had the right
to use the accounts of
the ?rm?s customers and
. statements in police
interrogations, indicate that
pickpocket on the run
In a similar crime spree, another Romanian man is suspected of 42 counts of theft
and 10 counts of means of
payment fraud, with criminal pro?ts soaring to an estimated 33,000 euro. Evira, the Finnish Food Safety Authority,
however maintains that the
risks associated with cow
intestines remain very low:
Finland?s only BSE case was
recorded in 2001, whereas
cases of transmissible mink
encephalopathy (TME) have
never been detected.
The prosecution?s forfeiture demands are based on
estimates of the pro?ts generated by the suspected violations at the abattoir, which
L E H T I K U VA / M A R K K U U L A N D E R
Shooting at
petrol station
in Espoo
as attempted
Prosecution demands forfeiture of
Saarioinen profits in feedstuffs case
The pickpockets targeted elderly customers in shops. Finnish
police have identi?ed the
man . HT-STT
targets also
Finnish internet
The online ?ransomware?
ring busted recently in
Spain by the Spanish police and Europol also targeted Finnish internet
users, the Eastern Uusimaa police reveal. families in Romania.
The gang was ?nally caught
in a hotel in Salo, as they were
preparing to leave the country on a Stockholm-bound
ferry from Turku. imprisonment. checkout
Security camera footage, corroborated by the suspects. However, the gang is only one
of several to use the same
malware to request 100
euro from internet users
to unlock their computers, after falsely accusing
them of accessing child
pornography or illegal
The police consequently believe attempts will
continue as long as other cyber-crime extortion
rings remain active.
The ransomware distributed by an Eastern
European gang is believed
to have infected millions
of systems. He also revealed
he had known the victim for roughly a year and
thought of her as a friend.
In addition to his jail term,
Ontronen was ordered to
pay compensation to the
victim?s son.
Court of appeal
downgrades 20
year old murder
to manslaughter
The Turku Court of Appeal has reduced the
sentence for the widely
publicised killing of Raija Juutila from murder to
manslaughter on grounds
of lack of indisputable evidence to suggest serious
premeditation. According to the police, intoxicants were involved in
the manslaughter, which
took place in Bollström?s
Man faces 11
years in prison for
A 31-year-old man has
been sentenced to 11 years?
imprisonment for strangling a 23-year-old woman
in Helsinki in November.
The offender, Arto Olavi
Ontronen, had delivered
Subutex to his victim before strangling her with
the scarf around her neck,
the District Court of Helsinki determined. imprisonment for the manslaughter of a 45-year-old man in
Savonlinna in October.
The court found Henry
Rikhard Robertino Bollström guilty of manslaughter and two minor
offences. In addition,
recently a new version of
the malware displaying
indecent pictures on the
screens of infected computers has surfaced in
The Finnish police remind internet users that
the police never lock people?s computers or request
payments through money
sending services
Artek supplies furniture well-known for
its design to Apple stores located around the world, where
consumers accustomed to
quality can see them while they
?ddle with Apple products. 9. bene?ts.
ply weapons to Syria and all
?rearm shipments are legal,?
said Igor Korotshenko, an
arms trade expert on Saturday 16 February.
According to international law, Russia may deliver weapons to Syria. They are
problems that characterise
the EU?s economy in general.
There are at least three
kinds of problems . Korotshenko did not
wish to speculate on who
the sender was. course
The Red Cross is the world?s largest humanitarian aid organisation in the world, millions of voluntary people work wherever
help is needed most. Lehtipuu
says. The
?rst group of engineers will
graduate in the spring and
the rest in July.
?We are currently working out how to employ them
in other tasks, for example summer work,. Would you also like to get involved. In the
words of Tatiana Gavrilova of North-West RST
branch, it might happen
that information can be
submitted about 50 regular busses, but there may
be up to 400 on bigger holidays, for example?.
FONTANKA 16 February
Leading retail malls in Finland
according to tax-free refunding
?MORE that 90 per cent
of all purchases are made
by Russians according to
tax-free refunding. We discussed current affairs,
prospects of development
and found a rapport. On Saturday 9th March at 09:30-15:30
Where. Korotshenko heads the Tsamto Centre,
which focuses on researching the arms trade, and he is
the editor-in-chief of Russian
Defence Policy.
When he is asked more
speci?cally about the spare
parts and about the arms
trade with Syria, he raised
his voice. According to him, many
railroad engineers will retire within the next couple of
years. Overall trade operations of Finnish malls in
2012 constitutes 5.5 billion euro.
1. The media and decision-makers have attempted
to come to an understanding
of Finland?s EU payments.
The planning season
for EU for 2014-2020 have
featured the same basic
problems as the current
2007-2013 has had. According to him the
need for railroad engineers
has decreased, as VR arranges transportation more ef?ciently than previously.
Lehtipuu says that transportation improvements have
been sought in numerous
This is how EU
fools gullible people
EU payments
keep growing, although the
EU expenses are decreasing.
This is a small loss considering that the whole EU budget
is based largely on statistical
distortion and the fooling of
gullible people. Runeberginkatu 3, 4th floor, 00100 Helsinki
Registrations and more information: doinita.negruti@redcross.fi or 020 701 2371
The course is free of charge, is held in the English language and is intended for anyone interested in Red Cross activities!. This collected information is sent
to border guards thereafter. It will
not ask for anyone?s permission, as it is working within
the framework of the United
Korotshenko commented
on a weapons shipment that
Finnish customs found in an
inspection of the Finnsun
vessel of Finnlines on 8
The freight container
held over 9000kg of tank
spare parts. Lehtipuu
says. He does not
reveal the extent of the cuts
by the government-owned
?They are of course signi?cant sums, as it concerns dozens of employees,. Jumalniemi, Kotka. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
L E H T I K U VA / O U T I M U S T O N E N
16 February
has right
to supply
weapons to
??RUSSIA has the right to sup-
Artek?s furniture are now featured in Apple stores located around the world. According to information from Kauppalehti, the
chairs in the Apple stores are
made by Artek.
In this case we can speak of
a win-win situation. 8.
Forum, Helsinki. Photo from exhibition.
Surprising Finnish
partner addition for Apple
which is renowned
for its products and original
store outlook, uses Finland?s
most famous design company Artek?s know-how in its
visual appearance. Kamppi, Helsinki. 6.
Galleria Esplanad, Helsinki 7. Pasaati,
All about Finnish Red Cross . suspension. and they
are all signi?cantly harmful
for Finland and result in excessive payments.
Finland pays EU
for the following reasons:
1) Payments and money allocation of EU member countries favour those countries
with more extensive unreported unemployment and
correspondingly strain those
member countries such as
arranged matters so that Artek does not use Apple as a reference in their own marketing.
The mystery is understandable
in the sense that the company
created by the late Steve Jobs is
known for scant publicity policies and guarding its image.
It is also a mystery when
the collaboration between
Apple and Artek began.
ways. Usually engineers have immediately been employed after
graduation, but now the 80
new engineers have become
All the ?rst engineer courses of the year are also canceled.
Senior Vice President and
Head of Corporate Relations
and the Environment of VR
Group Otto Lehtipuu explains
the situation with budget cuts
and a decreased need for railroad engineers. ?Finnish internal
legislation is not of interest to Russia. Thus,
in January alone Russian
tourists spent 39 million
euro. They were loaded in St.Petersburg, and
customs claimed that the
freight container was headed towards Syria without
Customs did not reveal
the sender or recipient in
public. As
an economic arrangement,
the EU is basically an institution for money distribution, of
which Finland is a small part.
Changes of relative status
of individual member countries vary somewhat, so one
country bene?ts more than
another, while one country
pays for others. They subsequent-
ly can prepare in advance
for peak-hours. claimed Alexandr
FONTANKA 7 February
How to managed buses?
border-crossing without queues?
companies and
border services have experience of collaboration
with each other. Or EU?s internal legislation,. 3. Korotshenko
?Russia does not care one
bit about the decision that
the EU makes. The main
players on the market estimate the system positively, regardless lack of
full participation. Railroad
cargo transport is opening up
for tendering, and VR can no
longer act as a monopoly.
Lehtipuu assures that all
80 employees will be employed in the company. 2. Now the local government are lobbying the
idea of creating an extra
border check-point Parikkala-Syväoro in the Lahdenpohja district, and
modifying existing points
in Niirala-Värtsilä in Sortavala district and in Var-
tius-Lyttä beside the city
of Kostomuksha.
?We are very satis?ed
with this meeting. and pays big chunks
of money to others.
EU?s next seven-year plan
and its expenses have been
recent topics of debate in
Finland. Apparently, fear of future competition is one reason behind the cuts. In the ensuing transition period, however, there
will be a few more engineers
than required.
Finland with less unreported
2) A signi?cant share of EU
expenditure vanishes in irrelevant purposes against
regulations, which result in
unnecessary costs for Finland as well.
3) A large part of regulated expenditure shrinks due to inef?ciency or even goes up in the
air, once again resulting in unnecessary costs for Finland.
The EU?s economy is based
on payments received from
member countries and redistribution of these funds back
to its member countries. For the
past year tourist companies have been sending information on times taken
in border crossings to RST
(Russian Union of Tourist industry) during the
bigger holidays. 5. 4.
Itäkeskus, Helsinki. Opri, Lappeenranta. he continued.?
In the Russian media
Hudilainen, the
governor in Russian
Republic of Karelia, is
?very satisfied. Jumbo, Vantaa. Presumably the companies have
VR suspends all their
new railroad engineers
ordered all railroad
engineers who graduate this
year to be placed on seven
months. Finland belongs to these gullible ones in
21 . Galleria, Lappeenranta. Familycentre, Lappeenranta. Do not hesitate, you?re needed!
Registrations to the course latest by 3rd of March.
When. 10. Want
to find out about different people and at the same time to do
something which brings joy for you and others. We
expressed the willingness to see Finnish PM
Jyrki Katainen in Karelia in foreseeable future.
Katainen answered positively,. If we want to
supply something to Syria
then we will, if it abides by
the norms of international
law,. with
meeting with Finnish
Prime Minister
said that the Karelian Republic?s eagerness to cooperate with Finland is
endorsed by Vladimir Putin. A sharpeyed Scandinavian customer
can spot that Apple furnishes
its stores with familiar-looking seats
21 . Ingenuity would
be required.
A popular idea among proponents of income tax abolishment is the introduction
of fees (or making fees higher) for government services: education, health care,
licenses, or even a ?xed head
tax per person for services
everyone enjoys in common,
such as national defence.
tax would be its effect upon
inequality. However, an alternate scheme would be to
levy progressive taxes upon
real property, such as real estate or the reintroduction of
the wealth tax.
Presently, there is virtually no public support for doing
IT MIGHT seem incredible to
someone living in Finland,
but several nations around
the world have no income
taxes. Here in Europe
the EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barrosco
strongly implied that what is necessary is for America
to raise its regulatory standards to our level.
Life with no income taxes
be bene?cial to both partners. Globally, a small but
growing minority are claiming the income tax is anarchic and should be replaced.
Most recently, in mid-January some American governors proposed eliminating
income taxes in their states.
But could such an idea work
in Finland?
Currently a number of nations have no tax on personal
income. The American
industrial agribusiness colossus will undoubtedly run
amok through Europe?s food industries, which are habituated to cosy protectionism and unwholesome
If I sound cynical
subsidies. C O R D
IN THE US, they see the opposite side of the equation.
They think we need to deregulate to their standard.
Economist Tyler Cowen gave my favourite quote about
this: ?We [the US] think we can deregulate a hydraheaded 27-nation negotiating sclerotic behemoth??
Is it possible for a modern, diversified state to survive without income taxes?
there will be problems. In the 17th and 18th centuries England taxed hats, windows,
fireplaces and bricks.
. I think six is probably likely, but I expect
such substantial watering-down in some areas, particularly agriculture, that this agreement will be much
less than is currently being touted.
IF I SOUND cynical and underwhelmed, it is because I
am. At that time the good experiences of our neighbours
Estonia and Russia pointed to
the viability of such an idea.
Tax ratio 42.1 per cent in 2010
sources of income
If Finland were to abolish personal income taxes, it would
need to raise additional revenue. The Roman Emperor Vespasian instituted a tax on urine from
public latrines.
. Also, there are
and underwhelmed, human health issues to
worry about. There
would also be subsidiary effects: Finnish companies
would have higher sales, higher pro?ts, and would contribute more in corporate taxes.
Yet most scenarios show
that higher tax receipts
from consumption and corporate income taxes would
not offset the loss from individual income, individual
capital gains, and social security taxes. This means, of course, they think it would be a
miracle to ?nish in four years and are realistically expecting six. There has been a steady decline in the tax ratio since the high of the mid- to late-1990s.
Finland?s revenue sources
Personal income and capital gains taxes: 17%
Corporate income taxes: 8%
Value Added Tax: 35%
Excise taxes: 15%
Other taxes: 10%
Interest income, share of state company profits: 4%
Miscellaneous: 11%
Source: Finance Ministry, 2012 budget excluding borrowing, social
security taxes are in a different accounting system.
Some unusual money-raising
schemes throughout history
. They really have no idea, of
course, but it is almost universally acknowledged that
free trade in goods and services increases economic
output. Many oil-rich states
have none, such as Kuwait
and the United Arab Emirates. Taxes on
individuals. Yet a signi?cant
portion of total state income
No support
One of the biggest problems
with jettisoning the income
away with the income tax in
Finland. a one per cent hike on last year.
The tax rate, or the ratio of taxes and compulsory social security
contributions to gross domestic product, was 42.1 per cent in 2010.
One year earlier, it was 42.6 per cent. Some countries had special taxes for foreigners. An alternative idea,
that of a ?at tax on income,
generated public discussion
just prior to the ?nancial crisis. Look at how the
US, Canada and Mexico bene?ted from NAFTA. Our consumers would have cheaper food and
goods. income . Africa would receive a boost of economic production that a few centuries of half-hearted charity
programs could never match. Most countries treat
social security taxes separately and use a completely
segregated accounting system for pension income and
In 2010 Finland raised
22.6 billion euros from social insurance taxes, 24 per
cent of all general government revenue. Other small countries
derive their revenue from
businesses, like Bermuda.
Monaco has no income taxes, but relies heavily on revenue from consumption taxes,
like VAT.
indirectly depends upon individual incomes, and this
is because of social security
taxes. We will be better off because of this.
UNDOUBTEDLY a free trade agreement with the US will
A receipt from early this year showing the VAT (alv in Finnish) charged at the higher rate of 24 per cent . It is rather interesting to listen
to experts on both sides of the Atlantic. American
it is because I am.
farmers are quite happy to
use genetic modi?cation, force-fed antibiotics and other such delights that Europe tends to view with a disapproving air.
DAV I D J . Ideally, if people suddenly had much higher disposable
income they would increase
their consumption and the
state would have vastly improved VAT revenues. One of the biggest issues
is the harmonisation of our unimaginably complicated regulatory systems. whether earned through salaries or
through investment income ?
only contributes 17 per cent of
state revenue.
On the surface, it may
seem Finland does not depend upon income taxes
much, and if they were abolished it would be possible to
increase revenue from other sources. This is because free trade agreements
between near-economic equals do not have the same
bene?ts as a deal between unequals. Many nations and municipalities have special taxes on athletes.
India?s tax was so onerous that some wondered if Formula One
drivers would boycott the first Indian Grand Prix in 2011.. Excise
taxes, income from loans extended for export credit, profits from government-owned
companies and miscellaneous
fees make up almost 40 per
cent of all income. Our companies would have access to a gigantic
market. All of them have signi?cant revenue from other
sources. Yes, if this deal comes to fruition it will give a boost
of sorts to the European economy, but we could have
done better. If this is taken
into consideration, Finland
derives 54 per cent of its revenues from taxes ultimately
dependent upon income.
huge problem is agriculture. Ancient
Athens had a fixed fee for every resident foreigner, and Canada specifically taxed Chinese immigrants.
. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
L E H T I K U VA / A F P P H O T O / S P E N C E R P L AT T
David J. That would have had the potential to literally transform the European economy as well as Africa?s. So a deal with America is
?ne enough, but we can do better.
Finland?s revenues
Finland has a diverse revenue
stream into its public coffers.
The largest money-maker in
the general government budget is VAT, which brings in over
a third of all income. Canadians and Americans were able to increase their standard of living via cheaper goods, and Mexicans gained a
wealth of jobs.
have been very excited if the EU had announced a similar deal with the African Free Trade
Zone. Cord david@helsinkitimes.fi
The writer is a journalist and columnist for Helsinki Times.
He is also a private investor with over ten years of experience.
Free trade with
US is okay, I suppose
Barack Obama announced in the State of
the Union address that negotiations were beginning to
create a free trade agreement between the EU and US.
Free trade is a ?ne thing, but when one considers the
trouble and time this will take, it is easy to think we
could have been more productive with a different free
trade agreement.
have estimated negotiations will last two
years. Some economists have
estimated it will increase GDP growth by anywhere
from 0.5 to 1.5% annually. The United States asks criminals to declare income gained
from illegal activities, such as drug dealing and extortion.
she said.
?This is also an economically rational investment.?
demands an end
to ageism
Prime Minister Jyrki
Katainen (NCP) demands
an end to ageism in the
labour market. Some
models work with iPhones,
which means that all information can be saved.
Previous toothbrushes
have only been able to measure brushing performances
in terms of time, which is why
this brush has been hailed as
innovative. This
is achieved with a motion
sensor located within the
brush that compares each
brushing motion to a target
brushing and how close to
the ideal the performance is.
The result is indicated with
either a green or red light,
informing the user when the
job has been well done, or if
it remains lacking.
The mechanism identi?es
the brush movements and
their angles, so it can recognise how you are brushing
and where. On the other
hand, if the job has not been
well done, you may be forced
to put more effort into improving your dental hygiene.
The intelligent toothbrush
is food for thought, whether you are a parent, child,
dentist or someone suffering from problems related to
dental hygiene. For a perfectionist, the intelligent toothbrush is yet another way to
achieve good performance. It is up to the
user how seriously to take
toothbrushing. The toothbrush
is the result of collaborative
work by Brushgate Oy, a pioneer in dental hygiene, and
Murata (formerly VTI Technologies), which works in
motion sensor technology.
The intelligent toothbrush provides a method for
proving that you have been
following your dentist?s instructions. The lack
of appreciation for experience, he argues, is a
national weakness and
will dissipate as a labour
shortage looms.
During last Thursday?s
question hour, members
of parliament bombarded
Katainen with questions
on the government?s actions to tackle the employment situation.
Katainen declined to
answer, stressing that the
issue will be address in
March?s government session. The proposal would introduce a 0.1%
levy on share and bond,
and a 0.01% levy on derivative transactions.
All member states of
the EU will next haggle
over the tax, but the decision on its implementa-
The toothbrush is the result of collaborative work by Brushgate Oy, a pioneer in dental hygiene, and Murata (formerly VTI Technologies),
which works in motion sensor technology.
tion will be taken by the
eleven countries. What?s
more, many brush their teeth
all wrong, and an expensive electric brush is often
described as the safest and
easiest option for properly
taking care of your teeth.
developments have produced
increasingly adept toothbrushes that reach places
regular toothbrushes don?t,
and apply the right amount
of force, to name but a few
qualities. BUSINESS
21 . It is made
with highly advanced technology, as it not only counts,
but also evaluates brush
movements with its motion-sensor technology and
A LED display informs
the user if the teeth are adequately cleaned or not. One such product,
sold as a tie-in merchandise
of the Finnish ?lm Iron Sky,
is the world?s ?rst intelligent
toothbrush, and it seems to
take the act of perfect brushing onto another level.
In the movie, the toothbrush in question is described as ?the hit product
of the year 2018?. The Finnish premier
also reiterated his disappointment with the inef?ciency of labour market
HT-STT. This may provide motivation for brushing
thoroughly. It
just might spare you one less
awful visit to the dentist.
Production costs
in China not
necessarily lower
Production costs in China have increased and
are no longer invariably
lower than in Finland, the
Research Institute of the
Finnish Economy (ETLA)
In its study, ETLA compared the production
cost-effectiveness of two
similar mechanical engineering industry products
manufactured in China
and Finland.
Chinese production
costs proved lower only
for one of the two products. It can thus evaluate how the user brushes
the surfaces of all their teeth.
The brush also stores information on how well the user
has performed on previous
brushes, with the ability to
save up to ten records. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Intelligent dental care
Finnish company
reinvents the art of
brushing your teeth.
DENTAL hygiene is of utmost
importance, as dentists have
told us for decades. HT-STT
State ups
its stake in
The state-owned asset
management ?rm, Solidium, and the mutual
pension insurer, Varma,
will raise their stakes in
Talvivaara, after the ailing mining company undertook a rights issue of
roughly ?260 million on
According to Heidi Hautala (Greens), the
for corporate governance, the decision to increase state-ownership
was made principally on
environmental grounds.
?Of course, this entails a
number of risks, but letting the company slide
into liquidation is the
greatest risk,. In addition, the
study highlights that
while labour costs in China remain low, companies
often fail to take into account transportation and
storage costs, and thus
the total cost of ownership.
presents proposal
for financial
transaction tax
The European Commission has presented its
proposal for the ?nancial transaction tax to
be adopted by a group of
eleven EU member states.
The Commission projects
that the tax can generate
annual revenue of up to
35 billion euro, but maintains that its implementation would not in?ict
signi?cant costs to regular savers.
Approximately 85%
of the targeted transactions occur between ?nancial institutions, it
meaning that a person?s debts are written off once they have
surrendered their home.
fooled ourselves,. including civil rights issues, transitional
justice, and the demands of
northern Houthi and southerners calling for federalism
or a separate state.
?The problem with delays
is that it pulls people further
apart and we lose momentum,. Sara Vásquez, an
attorney for the PAH in Malaga, said.
For Vásquez, the admission of the ILP project was
the result of arm-twisting
and marks a milestone in this
country. He
spent three years working
for a company with an openended contract when he decided to take out a loan to buy
a bigger second home, offering the ?rst as collateral.
?Everybody did it (bought
property),. 10
21 . I?ve
ular initiative against mortgage-related evictions for
unpaid debts, which in the
past seven days have led to
four suicides.
?The banks chase me to
pay every cent,. It negotiates
payments in kind and relocates families into affordable
rental schemes.
It remains to be seen
whether the measures proposed in the ILP will be incorporated unchanged into a bill
on the same subject which is
already passing through the
If by law the banks apply
payment in kind retroactively, many people who have lost
their homes would avoid facing lifelong debts. ?But
the fact is that today there is
no credit for anyone and the
?nancial system is already
broken,. . It shows that the only way out is pressure by of
citizens, who increasingly
feel less represented by insti-
tutions, and are outraged by
the corruption charges shaking the PP and members of
the royal family.
In the past four months
there have been seven suicides of people who were to
be evicted, including four in
just the last seven days. On
13 February, the judicial commission that was to carry out
the eviction of a man found
him hanging at his home in the
south-eastern city of Alicante.
Unemployment is now
affecting a whopping 26.2
per cent of the workforce in
Spain, even as there are drastic cuts in key areas such as
health and education.
?(The government) is
not rescuing people, but the
banks,. The little
he earns as a street vendor,
he spends on food. said Antonio,
a 22-year-old living with his
wife Encarni, and their twoyear-old daughter. I could
not pay rent,. It also wants a moratorium on
evictions, and the creation
of social housing with homes
con?scated by banks.
?We are the European
country with the most evictions, and at the same time
the one with the largest millions of accumulated empty homes,. But two
years later, many of those
youth are disillusioned.
?Sometimes I regret we
had the revolution . The security and economic outlook has deteriorated and the youth face bleak
education and employment
prospects, as the country remains shackled to a corrupt
system based on tribal networks and nepotism.
The troubled National
Dialogue process has been
pushed back to 18 March.
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) brokered it in an
attempt to unify disparate
interests . youth activists call for justice two years after the revolution.
?THIS WEEK in Sana?a thousands of Yemenis . said youth activist Bara?a Shaiban. Al-Harazi said.
lost everything and I owe
102,000 euro, payable in 28
The Popular Legislative
Initiative (ILP), promoted by
the citizen movement Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH) (Platform for
those Affected by Mortgage),
is backed by nearly a millionand-a-half signatures.
It calls for payment in
kind, meaning that a person?s debts are written off
once they have surrendered
their home, and wants this
to apply retroactively. More than half of 78
men indicted for the crime
remain at large, and only
eight are in jail.
Shatha Al-Harazi now
holds television debates with
youth activists nationwide
to raise awareness about the
National Dialogue. He
is gaining strength, and his
strength is relative to the National Dialogue?s weakness.
I don?t see his immunity revoked, there is pressure for
him to leave politics. If it were not for us
we would be voting (Saleh?s
son) Ahmed Ali into of?ce.
But if we are realistic we
know he still has power.?
Many believe their revolution was hijacked when longtime government allies, like
former General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar of the powerful First Armoured Division
swapped sides in what was
deemed a cynical move for
self-preservation, after the
de?nitive Juma?at al-Karama
(Friday of Dignity) massacre
on 18 March, 2011.
That day an estimated
52 peaceful protestors were
killed and hundreds injured at
Change Square by thugs while
the robust Central Security
Forces, led by Saleh?s nephew,
Yahya Saleh, stood idly by.
Although Saleh was
forced to step down in November 2011, he still resides
in the heart of Sana?a, protected by an immunity deal
hammered out by the US and
the Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) states.
Amnesty International
described the deal as a smack
in the face for justice, and
angry protestors took to the
streets during the brief United Nations Security Council
visit last month, demanding
a trial for Saleh.
President Abdrabu Mansur Hadi, ushered in through
a one-candidate presidential
election last February, now
faces the formidable challenge of rooting out the elite
old guard entrenched in the
government and military.
Yemen?s problems are
many. They were
those who were against
youth and killed youth. I
had no other choice. said Antonio
Alarcón, a core activist of the
Malaga PAH, which in four
years has stopped more than
500 evictions. Independent women and civil society
claim another 40 seats each.
Outraged by this marginalisation, Nobel Peace Prize
winner and revolutionary
youth leader Tawakkol Karman said she will boycott the
six-month National Dialogue,
and will instead work outside the conference to bring
Illustrative of the country?s predicament are the
?ndings of the Human Rights
Watch investigation into the
stalled trial process around
the Juma?at al-Karama killings. ?They will
save me from a 28-year trap,?
said Benigno.
Some in economic circles oppose payment in kind,
arguing it will make credit more expensive and hurt
the ?nancial system. But the youth have the
power and will continue to
?ght.. crowded the highway near the landmark
Change Square to celebrate
the second anniversary of
the revolution. Adjacent to
the university, this was the
site of a tented encampment
that drew tens of thousands
of demonstrators throughout 2011.
But in contrast to the violence between Islamists and
southern separatists that
marred a similar gathering
in Yemen?s port city of Aden,
the capital?s parade was subdued and brief.
?The revolution is only half
done,. without
the need to go to the political parties,. says Shatha Al-Harazi, a 27-year old
journalist. ?The debtors come to
the PAH with complete ignorance about their situation:
they don?t know how to negotiate with the bank or how
their lawyer can help them,?
said Alarcon, who criticised
the lack of training of lawyers
in charge of defending the interests of those affected.. mostly
youth . What she
discovered was that very few
activists themselves understand the process.
When I saw the list of the
National Conference names
I was depressed. ?But at least Saleh
is out and we are forced into
a new era. PAH spokesman,
Ada Colau, said in a televised
interview earlier this month.
Between 2007 and the
third quarter of 2012, there
were 400,000 foreclosures in Spain, according to
data from the General Council of the Judiciary.
?I heard that there were
empty houses and I came. And
the leaders of parties didn?t
give the chance for youth to
lead. Yemeni youth try to maintain a normal everyday
existence, but many fear that the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh will return to power.
Yemenis. said Ziad, a Sana?a university student as he headed
home after the parade. said Nadia Abdulaziz
Al-Sakkaf, member of the
National Dialogue Preparatory Committee.
?Saleh has gradually become stronger and I think he
feels he is coming back. ?But
overnight I was ?red. like we
Tenants in Spain win first
battle against evictions
Spanish parliament successfully lobbied by people?s initiative.
outcry against evictions this week led Spain?s
parliament to accept a pop-
the southern city of Malaga,
which closed down when the
developer went bankrupt.
Benigno has had two
houses foreclosed on. said Alarcon, referring to public money allocated to clean up the ?nancial
institutions and the creation of a so-called bad bank,
a manager of unpaid property loans or unsold homes that
the banks took from bankrupt construction companies to whom they had lent
The PAH has called for
demonstrations this Saturday for the right to housing
and against ?nancial genocide. In Yemen we do things that save
face and we don?t want to
create enemies.?
Yemen?s venerable political parties dominate the National Dialogue?s 565 seats,
with only 40 seats allocated to independent youth and
a 20 per cent youth quota
across party lines. he said. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
L E H T I K U VA / A F P P H O T O/ M O H A M M E D H U W A I S
Yemen?s youth denied the revolutionary change
Young man sells Valentine?s day roses in Sana?a. ?The
most important thing we are
calling for is justice.?
Inspired by the Tunisian
and Egyptian protests, Yem-
en?s youth were at the forefront of the 2011 uprising.
They were united by a common cause to end former president Ali Abdullah Saleh?s
33-year dictatorial rule.
?In the revolution?s ?rst
few months youth felt they
had the power, that they
were shaping the situation,
and that their voices were the
most important . while they
are rescued with public money, complained Benigno, a
47-year old unemployed man,
who with his three children
has for nearly a year occupied one of 29 vacant apartments in a building project in
The ILP calls for ?payment in kind. ?I have no
electricity and water, but at
least I don?t have my daughter on the street.?
?The debate over the ILP,
which given the social pressure was accepted in extremis by the ruling right-wing
Popular Party (PP) with a
parliamentary majority, is
a ?rst step,
If you
see a tilde in front of the minutes shown onscreen, you are
not looking at real time information. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Customer service points
Rautatientori Metro Station
(by Central Railway Station)
Itäkeskus Metro Station
Pasila, Opastinsilta 6A
Monthly review
Screen shows when
tram or bus is coming
You can use the screen at the bus/tram stop to see how
many minutes you still have to wait for your ride. In addition,
they consume clearly less fuel.
The larger engines allow the
ferry to handle even harsh ice
conditions. 21 . An onboard radio modem
in the bus/tram sends positioning data to the central system
that calculates the estimated arrival time and submits it to the
screens at the stops.
There is also a radio that gives
priority to the approaching bus/
tram at traffic lights. You can get to both of these
stations from the Siilitie station on
bus routes 58 and 58B. All three ferries are
in regular traffic in the summertime. People travelling in the public
transport managed by HSL without a
valid ticket are obligated to pay the
penalty fare plus the price of a single ticket or Travel Card value ticket.
Metro passengers must hold a valid ticket when entering the payment
area. There are a total of
260 intersections with such priority lights. Over the
years, it has carried around
40 million passengers. The
ship?s old engine was replaced
with two new ones during the
overhaul. In addition to bus/tram
stops, the Helmi data is shown
on screens at terminals, hospitals and malls.
The system is also used in HSL?s
My Departures timetable service
where you can create a continuously updated schedule view of
the routes of your choice to use on
your mobile phone, for example.
Traffic lights give
priority to trams and buses
All the buses and trams included
in the scope of the Helmi system
have a positioning system based
Greener ferry
The ferry M/S Suokki was completely overhauled, and it is now
serving the route between the
Market Square and Suomenlinna Island in winter time. In practice,
this means that the bus or tram
orders a green light to ensure a
smooth ride without unnecessary
interruptions. Bus 79 also goes to Herttoniemi station. The
ferry can carry 350 people at
a time.
In addition to Suokki, M/S
Suomenlinna II and a backup ship, M/S Tor, serve the
route to Suomenlinna in winter time. Many
stops offer real-time information about trams and buses.
When waiting at the stop, however, you should note that the
information on some of the
screens is not in real time. In such
a case, the screen will show the
scheduled arrival time.
The real-time information is
provided by a system called
Helmi. Most of them are in Helsinki, but there are also several on
the Jokeri route in Espoo.
All trams and around 600
buses, most of them on routes
within Helsinki, are included
in the scope of Helmi. Passengers paying their
fare with their mobile phone must also have the ticket in their phone prior
to entering this area.
HSL?s ticket inspectors tour the
buses, trains, trams, metros and
Suomenlinna ferries to verify that
people have purchased a ticket.. This area starts at the card readers located at the top of the metro
station stairs. The entire Helsinki region public transport system will be included in
the scope of the real-time passenger information system in a
couple of years when HSL starts
using a new ticketing and information system.
No lift at
Siilitie metro
fare remains
at ?80
The lift at Siilitie metro station will
be unavailable until early March.
The old lift is being replaced with
a new one. HSL procures the
ferry services and is in charge
of designing ferry schedules.
HSL Customer service tel. Other improvements include safety and operational reliability.
Built at Suomenlinna dockyard in 1952, M/S Suokki, formerly M/S Suomenlinna-Sveaborg, recently celebrated
its 60th birthday. 09 4766 4000
(Mon-Fri 7am-7pm, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm)
Advice on public transport routes,
timetables and tickets, Travel Card
assistance and lost Travel Cards
HSL Helsinki Region Transport
PO BOX 100, 00077 HSL
on the odometer and route data
as well as a GPS unit that is used
to determine the locations of
stops. The
buses on all of these routes are of
the low-?oor type.
The Finnish Ministry of Transport and
Communications recently decided
that the public transport penalty fare
will not be increased from ?80 this
year. The metro platform can
only be reached with an escalator
during the renovation, and thus
people in a wheelchair or travelling
with a pram are unable to use the
Those requiring a lift should
take a bus to the closest metro station in Itäkeskus or Herttoniemi instead of coming to the Siilitie station. The wavy line means that
the bus or tram in question is
not connected to the positioning
system for some reason. The new engines are
equipped with catalyzers, and
their ?ne particle emissions are
only a fraction of the old engine?s emissions
She has been living in Helsinki for 8 years
and works as a researcher.
She has a 7-year-old daughter. Free entrance.
Come and join in for the celebration of the Independence Day of Estonia!
Estonian House
A place where Finnish people also learn about Estonia,
is the Estonian House (Eesti
Maja . The Independence
Day morning starts by watching on the internet how the
Estonian flag is raised on the
top of the Toompea hill in Tallinn. She adds with a
smile, ?Last year our Estonian teachers had the possibility to teach in the schools of
Rovaniemi. Kadriorg Park
around the palace celebrates
its 295th anniversary this
European Sauna Marathon took place on 10 February in the Estonian Winter
Capital, Otepää. opened a few weeks
The stunning Baroque
palace and art museum in
Kadriorg was reopened to
the public on 9 February af-
ter renovation works. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Finland Chamber of
Commerce: We need to join
our forces with Estonia to
strengthen the start-up boom
Estonians celebrate their
Independence Day abroad
Estonian 95th Independence Day in Helsinki . We?re planning to visit Joensuu schools
too,. Not only the children learn from Estonians,
but Estonian teachers also
learn about Finland.?
Service at Alppila Church (Kotkankatu 2), music by Jana Abzalon
Visit at the monument of the Estonian Volunteers who fell during the
Finnish wars, Malmi cemetery
4 pm
Visit at the grave of the Finnish Volunteers who fell during the Estonian War of Freedom, Vanhan kirkon puisto (Lönnrotinkatu 6).
5.30-9 pm Estonian House (Sörnäisten rantatie 22 C, Suvilahti) is pleased to invite all Estonians living in Finland, their families and friends to celebrate the 95th Estonian Independence Day, Vabariigi aastapäev, at the
Estonian House. Siller Choir, speech, chance to watch on the screen the
Independence Day Gala of the Republic of Estonia
7 pm
Concert at Alppila Church: Jana Abzalon
On 23 February at 6 pm at Restaurant Villi Wäinö (Kalevankatu 4, Helsinki) an Estonian folk music ensemble Untsakad gives a concert for
the 10th Birthday of the Society Friends of Viljandi. What does Estonian Independence Day mean to her?
?Our bilingual family
finds it important to raise our
daughter both Estonian and
Finnish. he wondered. The number of participants, 449 sauna
friends, shows the great interest in this event.
More news from Estonia
on our website:
and on FB-Visit Estonia.. Manager Illimar
Lehtikuva / Pekka Sakki
An Estonia grandmother and granddaughter pictured wearing traditional costume which many Estonians will wear as they celebrate Independence Day.
Even though the economic sky might well be darkening in Europe, the dynamic
duo of Finland and Estonia
proved to be full of fruitful
ideas how to facilitate the conditions of entrepreneurship.
?Finland and Estonia are
experiencing a strong startup boom?, said Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen in the Estonian-Finnish Forum, held 19
November in Helsinki. The main goal is to bring
Estonia closer to Finnish
youngsters and present the
southern neighbour country.
?This year Estonia goes to
school in Kotka. Annually Eesti Maja celebrates
Estonian Independence Day,
especially important for the
Estonians living abroad. This
year will mark 95 years since
the declaration of Estonian
independence, a year deserving of more than the usual
amount of attention.
Estonian Institute In Finland
Estonian President to
lead EU cloud computing
new European Cloud Partnership by the European Commission?s digital development
Commissioner, Neelie Kroes.
?Leading the council is a
great opportunity for Estonia
to have a role in shaping the
course of Europe and to work
in cooperation with visionaries and technological leaders
such as Amazon, Ericsson, FSecure and Telefónica Digital.
Cloud computing is the today
of information technology, it
cally change the financial administration of internationally operating companies,
including those doing business between Finland and
Estonia. Viro-keskus) in Helsinki, a vibrant cultural and
information centre for everyone, who is interested in Estonia and the Estonians. We also have a tiny flag
of our own on the table to remind us about this important
day. ?Now
we need to join our forces, so
that we can together strengthen this positive boom.. ?
Vice-President Gunnar Okk.
Rail Baltica is a priority for
Estonia and Finland because
it allows easy access to Central Europe. CEO Risto E. . During the
project, Estonian teachers
visit Finnish schools, where
secondary school students
are introduced to the Estonian language and culture, history and media, art and music. Sunday 24 February
11 am
12 pm
Tiina Hakman comes from
Estonia. Participants
had to visit all the saunas
in the Otepää area as quickly as possible. A concrete measure that he suggested was the joining of venture
capitalists and start-up entrepreneurs through a shared
Finnish-Estonian network.
Andrus Ansip, Prime
Minister of Estonia, also had
a pragmatic approach to enhancing the collaboration of
Finland and Estonia. Indeed,
global electronic invoicing is
something that would drasti-
is important to us that all the
data on Europeans is under
European rules and control,. The collaborative exhibition of the Ateneum Art Museum in Helsinki and the Kadriorg Art
Museum brings to viewers
the artist?s sensitive portraiture and reveals the creative
background of the famous
compositions. . As a bonus,
there where ice holes, plunge
pools and other attractions
and entertainment provided
by sauna owners. I guess in Estonia, we
wouldn?t find it so important.
Abroad, it?s good to remember where one comes from.?
Lehtikuva / Petras Malukas
Estonian Culture
for Estonians and Finns
The educational project of the
Estonian Institute, Estonian
Embassy and Archimedes
President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik
Ilves will chair the Steering Board of
the new European Cloud Partnership.
President Toomas Hendrik
Ilves is set to head the European Union?s cloud computing council, which aims to
develop crossborder digital
public services in the public
and private sectors.
President Ilves was invited to
chair the Steering Board of the
Foundation, Estonia goes to
school (Viro käy koulua), has
interested secondary school
children and adults for four
years already. Peipsi and
Pihkva . says Grete Ahtola, head
of the Estonian Institute in
Finland. Ilves said in a press
The Estonian president
said that one of the challenges ahead is skepticism toward
digital public services, including cross-border services, as
well as security and interoperability of applications.
The council led by President Ilves will also include
several connoisseurs and
spokesmen of the field, including former Hewlett-Packard CEO Lèo Apotheker,
F-Secure Corporation CEO
Christian Fredrikson, Ericsson CEO Hans Vestberg, Amazon Vice President Werner
Vogels, CEO of ATOS Thierry Breton, and Dassault Systèmes CEO Bernard Charles.
Magazine ?Life in Estonia?,
Winter 2012/2013
This spread is provided by Enterprise Estonia
Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip and Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen
at a press conference in Helsinki on 19 November, 2012.
winter with
Repin and
ice roads
Season?s fi rst
ice roads are open.
While ice roads between the
mainland and Estonia?s two
largest islands, Hiiumaa and
Saaremaa, have yet to reach
the required thickness of 2025 cm, those crossing lakes
and connecting to smaller islands are now open. 12
21 . Since both countries
are now using the same currency, why global electronic
invoicing is still impossible
in the 21st century is a question worth asking.
In the three panel discussions of the Estonian-Finnish
Forum, high-ranking speakers and panelists discussed
important current topics:
Finland should take the
example of elegance and simplicity in the Estonian tax system. J. ?Why is
it still impossible to pay bills
by computer when the beneficiaries are in another country?. Penttilä.
Our common challenges
are limited resources, aging
population, bad weather and
complicated local language. The sauna marathon was being held
for the fourth time. The connection from Haapsalu across
the bay to nearby Noarootsi
and Vormsi Island opened in
mid-January, and ice roads
on lakes straddling the border with Russia . The
first exhibition will present
Russian master?s Repin?s work
and life in Finland
disease treatment and surgery as well as nuclear medicine. The hourly cost
is expected to remain below
10 euro and everything can be
managed with a smartphone.
Enterprise Estonia
of Education and Research,
and the Enterprise Estonia in
Helsinki. Alexander Stubb at the Inno
Camp in Vierumäki at the
end of November 2012.
The camp was funded by
the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, the Regional Council of PäijätHäme, the Estonian Ministry
the chargers have been used
more than 6500 times.
Apart from this, a new
electric car rental scheme is
on the way. Besides the students,
five sport business companies from Finland and Estonia participated in the camp
(Sportlyzer Oü, Polar Electro
Oy, ZeroPoint Oy, Kerko Sport
Oy and Footbalance Oy). Other popular choices
among Finnish patients in
Estonia are diagnostics and
laboratory services, dentistry, orthopaedics, plastic surgery and bariatrics.
Estonia has successfully
been exporting medical services for some time now, and
the trend is on the increase,
especially in the light of the
EU directive of free movement of patients, which comes
into effect this fall. As of January,
The Sport Inno Camp ?
From an idea to reality
In spring 2012, the idea of organising a Sport Inno Camp
was developed. This would
be the first camp ever with an
international concept to be organised in Finland with the
focus on Research and Development in sport-related businesses; so far, camps have always been organised with a
focus on entrepreneurship.
The camp took place in Vierumäki in November 2012.
The student participants of
the camp came from several
Universities of Applied Sciences from all around Finland and from five universities in Estonia. Additional financial support came from the
Sport Institute of Finland and
HAAGA-HELIA University of
Applied Sciences.
Looking back at the camp
now, it can be said that it was a
success and the next camp is already under preparation. According to
the CHAdeMO organisation, this is nearly 10 per cent
of all fast chargers installed
in the world. These were the
opening words of Dr. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Lehtikuva / Heikki saukkomaa
Electric mobility
gaining ground in Estonia
Estonia focuses
on medical tourism
Estonia has recently created
an export cluster Medicine
Estonia to promote export of
medical services.
High quality of treatment,
devotion to innovation, multilingual service, shorter
waiting lists, and comparatively better prices make Estonia an attractive destination for medical tourism.
Proximity and convenient
travel options also factor in.
Besides the good overall reputation of Estonian
medical care, there is highly specialised expertise in
two fields in particular . Already this summer you can rent one of 24
cars in Tallinn or Tartu for
short periods. At the
same time the directive will
also make it easier for Estonian patients to travel for medical care, especially to Finland.
Thus, the directive will likely encourage and strengthen
the cooperation between Estonian and Finnish medical organisations, benefiting both
sides as well as the patients.
Medicine Estonia
IN 2011 Estonian government
initiated the ELMO (electric
mobility) programme with the
aim of making people familiar with new technologies and
cleaner modes of transport.
The three pillars of the programme are: acquiring electric
cars for social workers; giving
500 grants to buy electric vehicles; and covering the country
with a fast-charging network.
Today 507 social workers
all over the country use Mitsubishi iMievs for their daily trips. ESTONIA ESTONIA IN FINLAND
21 . In total 54
students attended the camp,
28 from Estonia and 26 from
Finland. Viro-keskus
Sörnäisten rantatie 22 C
00540 Helsinki
Mrs Kati Mihkelsaar
+358 400 799 762
Investments and Cooperation
Mr Valdar Liive
Export & Trade
Mrs Irene Surva-Lehtonen
Estonian Tourist Board
Representative in Finland
Mr Toomas Tärk
Useful links:
www.garage48.org. The interest in buying electric cars is mainly encouraged by the wider choice
of cars available, progress of
the fast-charging network and
more information and personal experience with electric
vehicles. Further camps with a similar structure are planned for the
future in Sweden and Russia.?
Sport Institute Of Finland
The camp took place in Vierumäki in November 2012. The student participants of
the camp came from several Universities of Applied Sciences from all around Finland and from five universities in Estonia.
This spread is provided by Enterprise Estonia
Tuglas Society
The Association
of Estonian-Finnish
Friendship Organizations
Association of Designers
Enterprise Estonia in Helsinki
Eesti Maja . Brave social workers
have had the first experiences with an electric car in the
cold and snow of winter.
The overall awareness of
electromobility has increased
rapidly. This
is the largest fast-charging network in Europe, with
165 ABB CHAdeMO standard chargers. Today Estonia is the
in Finland
The Estonian Embassy
Estonian Institute
People recognise the blue-white car with the ELMO logo even in smaller villages.
second country after Norway
for the electric vehicle share
among passenger cars.
The installation of the
fast-charging network was
completed in February. People recognise the
blue-white car with the ELMO logo even in smaller villages. It will
be held in autumn 2013 in Estonia. The
companies sought to present
the students with interesting
tasks and problems that they
would solve with new and innovative approaches.
Welfare, lifestyle and
healthcare are the main targets for the future of Sports
in Finland
Gross domestic product, adjusted for
seasonal variations, was estimated to have shrunk 0.5
per cent in the fourth quarter from the previous three
months, Statistics Finland said on its website toend of last year as the euro day, citing preliminary data
?FINLAND?S economy probably contracted for a third area?s deepening recession based on a monthly trend
consecutive quarter at the sti?ed demand in its north- indicator??
Finland?s recession
deepened last year as
crisis extends reach
FARSNEWS 16 February
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Tel. In the
worst case, the child is alienated from their other parent. If it has no
relevance to demand, I wonder why alcohol is advertised
in the ?rst place. Baseless prevention of access to a child is violence. Drunken oafs incur a cost of billions
to themselves, their relatives, and society through
?ghts, traf?c accidents and crime. I have received messages to
remind me that the ?nances of, for example, radio stations and sports clubs would be jeopardised if advertising were to be restricted. MPs have to decide on the basis of their own values, what is the message they want to send to children and
young people, and whose interests are primary.
Finland has an education system
the US should envy . PAULINE CURTET
Residents in Finland share
leftover food to cut waste
has just
come home from the shop
with a bag of clementines,
but he?s disappointed to discover they?re too acidic for
his taste.
Instead of throwing them
out, Peltonen, the head of a
public relations ?rm, offers
them to his neighbours by
placing them in a communal
pantry located in the cellar of
?nished 25th in math, 17th
in science and 12th in reading on the latest PISA assessment. The lobbying for and
against has begun. I doubt anyone markets just for the fun of it. He is a member of both the Culture and Environment
Committees, as well as a member of the city council of his hometown, Valkeakoski.
Children?s access rights
and alcohol advertising
BEHIND the headlines stemming from social exclusion,
bullying, and violence lies an injustice that affects
thousands of children, their parents and grandparents.
Some 15 year-old 9th graders of Lauttasaari Comprehensive and Upper Secondary School during
the natural sciences class at their school in Helsinki. +372 6 645 250
Iran ready to
with Finland
in building
is ready to cooperate
with Finland to build passenger vessels, an Iranian of?cial
said on Saturday, and added
that the two countries are also eager to pave the ground
for increasing their cooperation in the tourism sector??
?IRAN. Obviously, in our
global economy, this nation?s
international educational attainment is discouraging for
our future prospects...?
his apartment complex in the
Helsinki suburb of Roihuvuori.
The pioneering project,
aimed at reducing food waste
among the complex?s 200 residents, has been in place for
the past four months, and is
part of a growing worldwide
trend of initiatives undertaken by consumers to live greener lives, such as carpooling,
composting and city biking??
?FINLAND needs to enact
measures that lengthen careers to achieve balanced public ?nances in the long term,
the country?s auditor said.
The Cabinet of Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen is unlikely to reach its targets to
stop debt growth by 2015
and keep the budget de?cit
in check, the Helsinki-based
National Audit Of?ce said in
a report to lawmakers today.
The government is committed to extra austerity if the
central government?s de?cit
exceeds one percent of gross
domestic product...?
EUOBSERVER 13 February.
Two EU
shut down
and Austria have
said their companies did no
wrong in a case of suspected Russia-EU money laundering. But victims of the crime
disagree. Alcohol advertising both
precipitates and increases young people?s use of alcohol. In a divorce situation, parents can make
a child custody and visitation agreement, which is con?rmed by a social authority. divorce. The sums involved
are not so big, 199,500 dollars in Finland. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
L E H T I K U VA / S E P P O S A M U L I
BLOOMBERG 15 February.
to close
debt gap,
Pauli Kiuru is a National Coalition Party MP from the Pirkanmaa
constituency. Initiatives count, even if they do not immediately lead to a change in the law.
Alcohol law reform
60 PER CENT of all assaults are committed under the
in?uence of alcohol. The
world of Formula 1 has not crashed due to banning tobacco
adverts, though this was implied. Grandparents and other relatives are collateral
sufferers. Finnish students came first on the OECD?s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) on sciences.
EACH year, about 30 000 children experience their par-
THE GUARDIAN 15 February. Many of those involved have economic interests to defend. The book arrives after Finland scored ?rst in sci-
ence and second in reading
and math on the standardised test administered by the
Program for International
Student Assessment??
Conducted among industrialised nations every three
years, American students
INSING 15 February. The purpose of marketing is to increase
turnover, and the purpose of turnover is to increase profits. It is a question of realising children?s rights, and the issue will no longer be
silenced. The initiative, of course, is gender-neutral.
was sent to the law committee, which
has received an opinion from the Ministry of Justice.
The committee will decide on the further course of action during the spring session. LINDA MOORE
ents. Its aim is to penalise the willful and repeated obstruction of access rights. The only
loophole in the proposed logic is that alcohol advertising
only competes for market share, while overall demand remains unchanged. and learn from
?A NEW book has attracted
much interest in the Washington DC, especially on Capitol Hill, Finnish Lessons:
What Can the World Learn
From Educational Change in
Finland. Disturbing behaviour causes general insecurity, the economic impact of
which is hard to measure.
advertising of alcohol is under scrutiny.
The goal is to at least toughen-up on advertising aimed
at children and young people. In
addition, attention must be paid to upbringing, availability
and price. I do not believe in this zero-sum game.
SIMILAR arguments regarding prohibiting or restricting advertising have been used regarding the law on tobacco. If we do not impose sanctions on violence, we
are quietly accepting it.
2012 I initiated a bill to amend the criminal
code. The initiative was signed by
141 MPs, which is an exceptional number. In the case of a dispute,
the matter is settled in court.
instances, the children?s best interests are
forgotten, and the agreements are not followed. 14
ernmost member. The brewing industry is also
championing its interests, and many MPs must have
received electoral support from that direction.
THE MESSAGES I have received reiterate that advertising
has no relevance to the overall demand for alcohol, and
therefore a change in the law is unnecessary. Documents
sent by Hermitage to Finland
show that the same year a
second Moldovan ?rm made
a payment to Finnish fur
BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK 14 February. The number of children placed in
care is increasing, and alcohol abuse is often an underlying problem
a tenant desires it, they can
obtain traditional, private
areas for of?ces. Originally built in the
19th century as an engineering centre for the national
railroad, Logomo now offers
everything from desk space
for a sole proprietor to a venue for thousands to gather.
Metamorphosing hall
One of the jewels in Logomo?s
crown has to be the state-of
-the-art concert hall . During evenings catering facilities can handle
up to a thousand guests, or
even more if buffet services
are desired.
A variety of rooms offer
enormous ?exibility for almost any conceivable need.
One hall, Move 2, is a ?xed
auditorium which can be
used as a cinema. In keeping with their mission of attracting creative types, they
are also focusing on artists.
?There is a 500 square
metre room for painters and
other artists, and in the future we will have an 800
square metre work room.?
In addition, Logomo has
space available for seminars, conferences and other
business events. Some
halls even have a view of the
concert hall, so a private
gathering can get a view worthy of VIPS of whatever event
is happening below.
Logomo has already
proven itself as a main venue for exhibitions and concerts, and is now doing so as
a working space, but Rytsä is
ambitious and con?dent that
it can do even more. The larger areas can be tailored to the tenant?s wishes.
Some of the entrepreneurs and companies which
have expressed interest include designers, those in advertising and marketing,
communication specialists,
professionals in the music
and television industries,
software engineers, mo-
bile application experts and
game developers.
It has been quite popular, and Rytsä is encouraged
that companies from beyond
the Turku region are inquiring after space. or actually halls would be more
correct, because the amazing
room can change its shape. Others are
appropriate for weddings or
similar private events. she says.
Logomo?s transformation is
continuing. One fascinating development is joint projects,
where several different companies come together in our
Traditional offices
Yet Logomo offers more than
simple coworking space. Rytsä explains.
?The largest tenant has 450
square metres, while the
smallest rents a table in the
coworking space. Rock the Ballet. It will have
a great atmosphere for creative types.?
Coworking is a concept
that is gaining in popularity among creative professionals. CORD
cements its role as creative heart of Turku
was built in 1876 and used as
an engineering workshop for
the state railway company
VR. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Originally built in the 19th Century as an engineering centre for the national railroad, Logomo now offers everything from desk space for a sole proprietor to a venue for thousands to gather.
TEXT: DAVID J. ?We also hope to be the conference
centre of choice for European
corporations looking for conference facilities.?
Logomo?s state of the art concert hall can transform from compact space for a smaller audience into
a rectangle to handle thousands.
This page is provided by the City of Turku.. ?We have
hosted everything from rock
bands to ballet.?
A state-of-the-art Meyer Sound Constellation system allows the acoustics to
change both with the size
of the hall and the type of
event, so visitors enjoying
an intimate opera or a soldout rowdy heavy metal concert would still have superb
acoustics despite the vastly
different requirements.
This year Logomo has
concerts with performers as
diverse as singer Jari Sillanpää, the Turku Jazz Orchestra, French singer Patricia
Kaas and American Rasta
Thomas. It
can be a compact space for a
smaller audience, or it can
transform into a rectangle to
handle thousands.
?The concert hall can accommodate anywhere between 700 and 3,500 people,?
Rytsä explains. ?It is
quite remarkable when you
think we just started at the
end of 2011.?
Events at Logomo included everything from art exhibitions and Little Christmas
parties to gatherings for
morning coffees and theatrical performances. Small entrepreneurs
and small companies are interested. International conferences have been
booked for 2013, and reservations already stretch out
to 2018, especially with concerts, conferences and other
business events.
?In the future we hope to
be the new home for international companies coming
to Finland for the ?rst time,?
Rytsä concludes. RO N I R A N TA S A L O
21 . One
of the most prominent events
is the Voice of Finland, the
popular reality singing competition now in its second
year which is broadcast on
Space for creators
Logomo has already established itself as one of the
premier venues for performances, but one of its most
exciting developments for
this spring is the unveiling
of new space devoted to the
burgeoning creative sectors.
?In May we will have
5,000 square metres of new
working space for creative
industries,. Small of?ces can range from 14 to
67 square metres, and larger
premises run from 94 to 450
square metres. Turku is
also easily connected to the
Nordic area: Stockholm is only a 45-minute ?ight away,
and one and a half hours will
put you in Copenhagen.
?It is interesting that
many companies from the
Helsinki area look to Logomo when they want to open
a new Turku of?ce,. As Turku is
about two hours or less by
train from both Tampere and
Helsinki, it makes travel between the largest Finnish cities quick and easy. It involves a shared
working environment among
many people from different companies or industries.
The dynamic environment
creates a synergy of sorts,
and individuals can be inspired by interactions with
their fellows and the shared
Rytsä says: ?It will be a
different kind of place to
work. A few
of the most notable exhibitions from the past included
Alice in Wonderland, which
was the largest contemporary photography exhibition
ever staged in Finland, and
Fire! Fire!, which explored the
Great Fire of Turku in 1827.
In fact, the diversity of
events shows the great ?exibility and adaptability of the
space. It was expanded multiple
times over the years, and now
occupies a prime piece of real
estate in downtown Turku.
The 137-year-old structure has become one of the most adaptable, cutting-edge spaces in Finland.
was the European Capital of Culture, Logomo was the capital of Turku.
The striking structure was
the host for a plethora of cultural activities during Turku?s
reign, and after it was over Logomo ably transitioned itself
into one of the most soughtafter venues in Finland.
?Last year we had 350
events and 180,000 visitors,?
says Logomo?s managing director Päivi Rytsä. In total, the centre will have 24,000 square
metres of space, and this
spring about 70 per cent will
be ready, Rytsä says. The Kitchen is a 200-seat restaurant
which serves lunches during
the day
09 670 918
Riikka is student at University of Helsinki.
1. You may
want to have a look at the online ski track information
info pages, you will get more
info about the resorts and
their services in English.
service. What do you think about immigration?
I think immigration is good because we can have people with
different backgrounds.
4. If you go to, say, Paloheinä in Helsinki, you can
rent cross-country skis at
the service point of Suomen
Latu (a countrywide organisation promoting outdoor
exercise), and they will also
service the gear for you for a
small charge.
New skiing equipment
can be bought at different
sports shops, and there is also second-hand stuff available. By clicking the arrow for a given resort (for
example, Talma Ski in Sipoo)
and navigating further to the
A beginners course is recommended for those who want to try snow sports for the first time.
Gear up
How do you get started?
?The main thing is to dress
for the weather. Maisniemi says.
First-timers in crosscountry skiing may want to
rent the equipment before
You can consult experts to
get the kind of gear that you
need. After trying it out for two hours
with the coach, you will know
if it?s your cup of tea or not,?
Maisniemi says. How do you see Finland 30 years form now?
I believe that Finland is a modern country which is developing
fast with quite high educational standard.. English is available. ?We recommend you book in advance,
which you can do online or by
phone, so that we can agree
about matters such as what
snow sport you want to do,
the language of instruction,
etc. Fortunately for Helsinki dwellers, they
don?t have to travel all the
way to Lapland or the Alps
to ful?l that desire, because
there are alternatives available near them.
To try cross-country skiing, you don?t even have to
leave Helsinki; there are a
good number of maintained
ski tracks available in different parts of the city. If you come
to do some snowboarding,
for example, you ought to
get yourself the kind of mittens that keep the water out
for a couple of hours. What worries you?
What I don?t like most about Finland is that people?s attitudes
are still strict about certain things.
5. You can
get them at any major sports
shop . Who is a Finn in your opinion?
I don?t know who is exactly a Finn, maybe someone who lives
in Finland.
2. What do you like and dislike most about Finland?
This is my home country and I like its seasons, proper winter,
summer and the snow, but I don?t like the darkness.
3. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Paloheinä is one of the most popular places in Helsinki for cross-country skiing but there are numerous other alternatives too.
How to get started with snow sports
You can take part in cross-country skiing in
Helsinki, and Alpine skiing close to the capital.
snowy winter days
tempt for outdoors activities
and snow sports. What are you dreams?
I wish to live a happy life.
6. Our
snowboarding rental package comprises the snowboard, boots and helmet,?
says Kari Maisniemi, the ski
school manager of Talma Ski
When a person comes to
do snowboarding at Talma,
what kind of money are we
talking about. ?For beginners, I recommend a package of 2x50 minutes that
includes two private lessons
with a coach for 90 euros
plus gear rental for 20 euros,
which is 110 euros in total. b Óebe, bË`ËÓÓË,
jeããËj?ll Ó=?Ë?e ä=?=ÏlÓ=.
Noa Noa Helsinki
Yliopistonkatu 7
Tel. 16
21 . We
will then con?rm the booking and sort out any necessary details.?
Is any winter weather inopportune for snow sports?
?Well, if the temperature
dips below ?20 degrees Celsius, it may be too cold, especially for beginners, because
the cold makes it more dif?cult to move your body nimbly,. The service provides
city-speci?c information on
ski tracks, including intended style of skiing, track condition, maintenance status,
route length and weather
On the website of the
Finnish Ski Area Association,
you will see that there are ski
resorts not far from where
you are, de?nitely doable in
one day. For instance, on the web
pages of Helsingin SporttiDivari they list cross-country and downhill skiing gear
available for sale, including
ski boots.
Remember that when you
do snow sports, your personal insurance policy may not
necessarily cover the health
care in case of accidents occurring on the piste. Before
heading to the ski resort, you
may want to consult your insurance provider and adjust
your coverage as necessary.
Online ski track
information service
(information in Finnish
and Swedish only):
Web site of the Finnish
Ski Area Association:
Web site of
Talma Ski School:
Web site of
Helsingin Sportti-Divari:
Real Finns
Helsinki Times asks some questions from regular Finns about what it is to be Finnish, what they think
about immigration, what they like and dislike about the country and their hopes for the future.
Beautiful feminine clothing
with a touch of nostalgia,
now with the new spring
collection in our store.
J!=`lb= `ËÓ`j= e?Ë`?= ` errËÓjeä
Óe`r=ã??ll, rË#Ë!. the rest of the gear
you can rent from us
Les Misérables (K12)
Release Date: 22 February
Director: Tom Hooper
Starring: Hugh Jackman,
Russell Crowe
re of traditional Portuguese
Singing in a powerful, intense voice, Aurora made
waves with the release of her
debut album Silêncio, which
contained original songs
that were the ?rst fados to
be written in the UK. Crowe?s police
of?cer Javert keeps former
prisoner Jean Valjean (Hugh
Jackman) in his sights over a
number of decades.
After spending 19 years in
prison for stealing a loaf of
bread, Valjean is nearly sent
back when he steals from a
local priest not long after his
release. ?The play?s language
is contemporary, the characters are from our everyday life, and the traditional
Greek chorus is represented by three amusing ?Stones?
who are like something out
of Monty Python. S U L L I VA N
Crowe?s career has
gone from a number of electrifying roles in Australian
cinema to intense impact in
Hollywood, making him one
of the most respected ?lm
actors in the world. On the heels of last
year?s Vuosaari, Louhimies
gives us the tale of Pike, who
has just been released from
prison. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
It?s a
J A M E S O . This approach
certainly works well in the
early part of proceedings,
with Hooper?s use of camera angles coupled with the
sheer joy of watching these
big-name actors deliver lungbursting performances.
However, once the story locks into place and the
freshness of the concept
wears a little thin, so too
does one?s patience. However, her story contains a modern twist
on the beloved musical gen-
Release Date: 22 February
Director: Aku Louhimies
Starring: Jessica Grabowsky,
Mikko Leppilampi
Parker (K16)
Release Date: 22 February
Director: Taylor Hackford
Starring: Jason Statham,
Jennifer Lopez
Searching for Sugar Man
Release Date: 22 February
Director: Malik Bendjelloul
Starring: Sixto Rogriquez
al fado themes of life, destiny, longing and despair, the
album was also the ?rst fado album to be recorded in
England, following Amália
Rodrigues?s recording at the
Abbey Road studios in 1952.
Performing in Finland for
the ?rst time, Aurora will
take the stage at Savoy Thea-
Claudia Aurora . After the release of a follow-up
album that again was critically acclaimed but commercially ignored, American
artist Sixto Diaz Rodriguez
disappeared into the quicksand, believed to be dead.
However, when the devoted fans set about uncovering
what fate befell Rodriguez,
their journey leads them to a
surprising outcome.
Claudia Aurora is the latest in a long line of acclaimed vocalists from Portugal.
New voice of fado
J A M E S O . After the gloomy modern masterpiece that was
2006?s Paha Maa, Louhimies
has proven himself a director
to watch, even if his oeuvre is
somewhat heavy going.
Lightening the tone, Jason Statham and Jennifer
Lopez team up in Parker. Ruhl?s depiction of the Underworld
is a fantasy full of surreal
The performances have a
truly international ?avour,
with Russian-born Ameri-
The Finnish National Theatre?s new production of American playwright Sarah Ruhl?s Eurydice.
can director Yana Ross at
the helm, sound design by
Lithuanian composer Anta-
nas Jasenka and set and costumes by American designer
Zane Pihlstrom.. This
time around, the thief seeks
revenge against the gang of
criminals who left him for
dead after a major heist. Silêncio
23 February
Tickets ?30-69
Savoy Theatre
Kasamikatu 46-48
English-language roll of the ?dice
J A M E S O . Rather than sing
about her experience and
be chased around by Russell
Crowe for the ?lm?s duration
like our other jailbird this
week, she struggles when
her ex-lover comes back into
her life, dragging them both
back into the past via their
passionate connection. Some,
such as Jackman and Anne
Hathaway?s wounded prostitute, come off unscathed,
but Crowe struggles within
the con?nes of a strained delivery. But
with the responsibility of a
young child to take care of,
Pike decides not to return to
her old ways, whatever the
21 . S U L L I VA N
from the birthplace of fado, Claudia Aurora is the latest in a long line
of acclaimed vocalists from
Portugal. However, various tales of nightclub brawling and telephone
throwing, and the emergence
of his pub rock band 40-odd
Foot of Grunts, belie his reputation as a serious thespian.
This week, audiences are
privy to a singing Crowe of
another kind, the sweeping
people-pleasing antics of Les
Director Tom Hooper (The
King?s Speech, 2010) adapts
Cameron Mackintosh?s beloved musical, based on Victor Hugo?s classic novel, to
the big screen. Westlake?s eponymous anti-hero returns to
the screen once again. explains Finnish National Theatre?s Eva
?This is also a rare chance
to see a play by one of America?s leading contemporary
playwrights, moreover one
of her most popular plays.
What the audience will enjoy
is the modern twist on classical drama.?
In contrast to the Greek
myth, Ruhl tells the story from Eurydice?s perspective, rather than Orpheus?s.
?Ruhl plays with images of
(subtitles in English and Russian)
23 February, 7 March,
4 & 20 April, 17 May
Tickets ?19.50-34.50
Finnish National Theatre
Läntinen Teatterikuja 1
male archetypes in the lover,
the seducer and the father,
who all play a big role in Eurydice?s life,. While
dealing with the tradition-
tre on Saturday 23 February,
kicking off her Silêncio Tour
for 2013, which will see her
performing around Europe
until August.
IN GOOD news for theatre
a?cionados seeking English or Russian-language
comprehension, the Finnish
National Theatre?s new production of American playwright Sarah Ruhl?s Eurydice
will include ?ve performances with subtitles in English
and Russian.
?This is the ?rst time the
FNT is providing English language subtitles for one of
its productions in the main
programme,. all of this
told through song.
Much has been made
about the use of on-set singing during the production of
the ?lm, focusing on the individuality of each take from
the actors. Narrowly escaping
incarceration, our ex-convict
changes his ways, becomes
a pillar of society, adopts
the child of a prostitute and
watches as she grows up and
falls in love with a French
revolutionary . This
offering comes from veteran
Hollywood director Taylor
Hackford (The Devil?s Advocate, 1997; , 2004).
Finally, two South African music lovers embark on
a mission to uncover the fate
of an obscure, 1970s-era US
rock artist whose debut album had become a surprise
hit in their home country. It?s an interesting experiment, and one that has
already done well at the international box of?ce, but
160 minutes of the same may
stretch your patience past
breaking point.
The local scene offers
up an interesting ?ick from
one of its most respected
?lmmakers, Aku Louhimies?
8-ball. Buchwald explains. After popping up in the likes
of Payback (1999), author
Donald E
Helsinki Times
Vilhonkatu 4
Korkeavuorenkatu 27
. PUBS . (09) 611 217
Forum Mannerheimintie 20
tel. m a n h a t t a n s t e a k h o u s e . -SHTPUNV =HU[HH
of beers
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. (09) 694 4207
Mon-Fri 10.30-21.00
w w w . BARS
Mediterranean cuisine and lively bar
Aleksanterinkatu 46, Helsinki.
5 . KITCHEN 11-23
FRI 11-02 . 2LZR\ZRH[\ /LSZPURP ;
. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
SUN 12-24 . KITCHEN 12-23
Et. 09 6981225,
MON-THU 11-24 . PUBS . KITCHEN 11-24
. Hesperiankatu 22 tel. +358 9 6128 5200
mon-thu 11-24, fri 11-01, sat 13-01, sun 13-23
Eteläesplanadi 24
tel. 18
21 . +358 9 635 732
Transforming Finnish
gifts of nature in an
innovative manner to
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topics and current
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Mon-Thu 13?02,
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Send your suggestions
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Since 1993
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Tapas, wines,
. taste & enjoy!
Aleksanterinkatu 46
www.dongbeihu.fi. This devotion to quality and freshness earned A&A
Anton & Anton
Museokatu 19
00100 Helsinki
Tel. Despite
its bustling location, Eat &
Joy cherishes the spirit of old
markets. Situated in Eira, Helsinki, the restaurant has managed to make
strengths out of its limitations. The online shopping is currently focused on the Helsinki
area but the service will
be offered in the rest of
the country, although in
sparsely populated areas
the distribution costs can
make the service too expensive. The lähiruoka (local
food) movement aims to re-
invent farmers. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Chef & Sommelier;
restaurant of the
Eat and Joy maatilatori in Prisma in Kannelmäki has a huge range of delicious local food.
Think global, eat local
Helsinki is experiencing a boom in
local food stores.
increasing awareness
and interest in the quality
and origin of food, more people are turning from major
grocery chains to old-fashioned corner shops with local food. Visitors to Helsinki
can buy and taste authentic
Finnish food there: be it wild
reindeer (poro), salmon, beer
from small breweries, kyyttö
forest cow or different jams.
They also have an outlet at
Helsinki-Vantaa airport for
those just passing through.
Eat & Joy is open seven days
a week and deals with more
than 500 small producers
across the country. 050 427 8481
a prize in the retail awards of
2011. Helsinki . Over 13
kg of high quality bacon is
needed for every 780-litre
batch of beer. In the
last six months many new
players have entered the
food e-commerce market.
S-Group, one of Finland?s
biggest retail companies,
has started an online food
purchasing service with
deliveries in Helsinki,
Kuopio and Oulu. The Aporkalypse Now will be available exclusively on draught
beer at selected pubs in
Ottawa for the month of
Compiled by:
Alvaro Sotomayor
*China Tiger
Authentic Chinese food in the heart of Helsinki
Fresh fruit and vegetables for sale at A&A, and below, some of
the fish available to purchase.
Mon-Fri 11am-11pm, Sat Noon-11pm . EAT & DRINK
21 . She aimed to establish the type of service that
she would like to use. The success of
food e-commerce depends
largely on logistics and
supply development. Schengen
050 534 5510
050 546 1059
Eat&Joy Maatilatori
Prisma Jumbo
Kauppakeskus Jumbo
Vantaanportinkatu 3
01510 Vantaa
Tel. Tel +358 (0)9 495 098
hu@dongbeihu.fi . Despite its gradual expansion, it will always be a
neighbourhood market.
The full list of the local
food shops across the Finland can be found on the site
of Luomuliitto (the Association for natural food) www.
The Finnish Gastronomy
Society (Suomen Gastronomien Seura) has granted
2013 Restaurant of the Year
Award to the Chef & Sommelier restaurant. The Gastronomy Society said that
the reasons for this year?s
election have been Chef
and Sommelier?s passionate devotion to raw materials and customer service.
The freshness of ingredients and consciousness
regarding sustainable development are re?ected
in the restaurant?s menu.
The restaurant?s head
chef Sasu Laukkonen and
sommelier Johan Borgar
have been committed to
offering organic and fair
trade products from the
beginning, even in their
drink list. The price drop
would occur because the
retail monopoly Alko is an
inef?cient distributor, according to PTT?s Managing Director Pasi Holm.
This survey collides with
the recent petition signed
The Canadian brewing
company HogsBack will
release the Aporkalypse
Now Oatmeal Bacon Stout
this month, and, as its
name indicates, the beer
contains bacon. The A&A web
page also contains a calendar
that tracks the months when
seasonal foods arrive to the
store. The Finnish Grocery Trade Association believes this proposal would
bankrupt shops and kiosks
without reducing alcohol
food shopping
A research from the consultancy company TNS
Gallup has observed that
online food purchasing is
still limited but the sector
is growing rapidly. 040 145 6808
Mariankatu 18
00170 Helsinki
Tel: 040 773 8484
Svinhufvudintie 1
00570 Helsinki
Tel: 040 595 2999
Eat & Joy Maatilatori
Prisma Kannelmäki
Kantelettarentie 1
00420 Helsinki
Tel. Ecological concerns also play an important
role in the local food movement, as local products shorten supply chains and hence
reduce carbon emissions.
The local food movement
has gained momentum in
Finland, and around 30 shops
have opened in the Uusimaa
region. It has also received
an award as a top retailer of
The Anton & Anton
shops, on the other hand,
are located in the peaceful
neighbourhoods of Töölö,
Kruununhaka and Kulosaari.
Niina Hietalahti, the founder of the chain, wanted to
create a ?grocery store with
a heart?. markets and
boost the domestic agriculture, while also helping to
bolster proper standards of
living in rural regions and
preserve local cuisine.
It also promotes organic food, as some farmers will
avoid the use of preservatives
if they think they can sell their
product in nearby markets
more quickly. Now
her business deals with dozens of local farmers who provide all kinds of handpicked
foodstuff: vegetables, ?sh,
fruits, cheeses, freshly baked
organic bread. MT
Bacon Beer
Beer could
be cheaper
According to a survey carried out by the Pellervo
Economic Research Institute (PTT), allowing grocery stores to sell stronger
beer of over 4.7% alcohol
content (also called Class
III beers) would make beer
prices plunge up to 25%.
In Finland, all beverages with an alcohol content
over 4.7% are sold exclusively by the state-owned
Alko stores. Despite sharing similar values, these places are
not identical.
Eat & Joy Farmers Market
(Maatilatori) in the city centre is more of a tourist destination. 050 5345760
Eat&Joy Farmer?s
Market Helsinki-Vantaa
Tel. Sun 2pm-10pm
Korkeavuorenkatu 47 . HogsBack
says that the dark beer has
?...a sweet caramel aroma
and a rich and creamy unbridled taste that comes
from a unique infusion of
local bacon.. Being a small
25-seat restaurant, it has
been able to balance ?rst
class organic ingredients
with reasonable prices.
Chef & Sommelier has taken advantage of social media channels where they,
amongst other things, can
?ll up last minute cancelled reservations via Facebook or Twitter.
by 21 health organisations
asking for the removal of
(2,8-3,7% of alcohol content) from grocery stores
and kiosks, and restricting the sale of alcohol on
It is also possible to enjoy
it on its own, but, according
to some sources it tastes way
too sweet, clearly offering
nothing but disappointment
for meat enthusiasts.
It could be argued that
this is why it divides opinions so much, some simply
loving it, and others refusing to put it in their mouth.
One might also claim that
it fails to please because it
shares such a similar ?avour
palette with liver casserole
Finnish favourite . 08 312 3255
KOLI: Ylä-Kolintie 39 | 83960 Koli | Tel. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Two more
Finnish foods
VA L U R A U DA L L A . The
supply chain reportedly led
back to ?ve abattoirs in Poland where the horses were
slaughtered. The main producer
of raisin sausages, Turun Mestaripalvi, markets them in
its webpage as one of many
Finnish Christmas delicacies
. The horsemeat
was later distributed in Europe by a Romanian company. Turku natives are ?ercely proud of it,
as it is nothing like any conventional sausage out there.
HELSINKI: Runeberginkatu 2 | 00100 Helsinki
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel | Tel. probably just because raisins are part of the mix. However, they are also sold all year
round in Turku?s market hall,
where people queue up to the
Mestaripalvi kiosk for a round
of fresh sausage.
After being heated up, the
sausage is rolled around in paper and is sold to the satis?ed
customer accompanied by a
large dollop of lingonberry
jam. There are now calls to
show the country of origin
on processed meat, but the
cost of doing that may trigger opposition from food
The lasagna was manufactured by French company
Comigel on behalf of Findus.
Comigel denied wrongdoing,
saying it had acquired the
meat from a ?rm in southern France via a Comigel sub-
sidiary in Luxembourg. 020 1234 800
OULU: Kauppurienkatu 24 A | 90100 Oulu | Tel. Or
should it just be con?ned to
the Christmas table?
Answering the above
questions is only possible
once you give this controversial piece of sausage a try...
possibly involving an element of positive surprise!
sis. version of
a traditional sausage. 20
21 . sausage should
taste like. 010 7623 635
Turku Market Hall (Turun kauppahalli) is one of the best places
to buy rusinamakkara.
Horsemeat Lasagne
THE FROZEN food company
Findus has been selling lasagna with up to 60-100 per
cent horsemeat in Great Brit-
ain, Ireland and Sweden, instead of the 100 per cent
beef declared in the list of
Findus France has temporarily withdrawn three
dishes (lasagna bolognese,
shepherd?s pie and moussaka) from sale because
of the discovery of horsemeat in falsely-labelled beef
According to the European Health Commission
representatives, the horsemeat scandal is not a health
crisis but a labelling cri-. a claim
making reference to a time
when intestines used as sausage ?casings. The Finnish Food Safety
Authority Evira has said however that some 200-300 boxes of hamburgers containing
horsemeat were imported for
use in Lidl stores.
Turku?s raisin sausage is like no sausage you have tasted before.
APART from the horse sausage featured in a previous issue, Turku has another
unusual type of sausage to
display, the raisin sausage
(rusinamakkara). were hard to
?nd, and, as soon as they ran
out, the mixture intended for
the raisin sausages was used
in the making liver casserole
The raisin sausage therefore clashes in many ways
with the regular concept of
how a ?true. Could we describe
it as a ?gourmet. B L O G S P O T
Keskuskatu 6, Citykäytävä, Helsinki
Rusinamakkara?s appearance may be a little off-putting, but appearances can be deceptive and it actually tastes delicious.
Sweet sausage not just for Christmas
In fact, the ingredients
used in its preparation include barley ?akes, milk, pork
meat, onion, syrup, salt, allspice and white pepper, to
which the sweetness of the
added raisins is a perfect complement
Sat 13-22.30
Thursday 21/2 Live Music on stage form 21:30 with Dave Dusch, Drink
Specials 19-23. www.lappires.com
Mon-Fri 12-22.30 . +358 9 6871 8840
MON-FRI 11-22 SAT-SUN 12-22
Culinary journey to the north
Open: 14-02 Sunday-Tuesday 12-03 Wednesday-Saturday
Annankatu 22 . Saturday 23/2 RBS Six Nations Continues with 16:30 Italy v Wales, 19:00 England V France then DJ Mojito from 21:30. 00100 HELSINKI
Tel (09) 645 550 . BARS
Serving traditional Japanese food
in Helsinki for 25 years
. Puh. +358 (0) 9 737 373
E-mail: aussiebar@aussiebar.net
www.aussiebar.net. PUBS . EAT & DRINK
21 . TEL. PUBS . PUBS . Tuesday
26/2 CLosed for Extreme Makeover. Sunday 24/2 RBS Six Nations at 16:00 Scotland v Ireland.
Pie n Beer specials. c o m
mon-fri 11-15
lunch buffet 9,50 ?
Proudly sponsored by:
Vuorikatu 18, Helsinki
Tel. Monday 25/2 Closed for Extreme Makeover. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
RESTAURANTS . Wednesday 27/2 Back in the game
with live music and drink specials!! Music 21:30, drinks 19-23.
Come and have
a Tooheys
or two!
Salomonkatu 5, Kamppi
00100 Helsinki, Finland
Te n n i s p a l a t s i n a u k i o 4 - H e l s i n k i - o l u t h u o n e . BARS
RESTAURANTS . +358 10 766 4300
Japanese Restaurant Koto
Lönnrotinkatu 22, Helsinki t. Friday 22/2 Apres Work and Apres Week games begin!!
DJ Oakncoak from 21:30 Shenanigans till late. 09 646 080
cuisine influenced
with Finnish
traditional cuisine
Aleksanterinkatu 15
00100 Helsinki
Open: Mon-Sat
p.+358 9635940
Das Lokal mit der
besonderen Note
Neben Spezialitäten
aus den verschiedenen
Regionen servieren wir Ihnen
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Helsinki, tel: 045 325 0850
mon-fri: 11:00-22:00
sat: 12:00-02:00
sun: closed
Meritullinkatu 25, 00170 Helsinki
The gig at Club YK was highly appraised and described as the gig of the year,
by Jarkko Jokelainen from Helsingin Sanomat.
ChessnuT T rose to world fame in 2002 with his ambitious, double-disc home studio album,
The Headphone Masterpiece, with a cavalcade of soul-, hip hop-, and rock-influenced songs.
The significant breakthrough happened later that year, when ChessnuT T?s song, The Seed,
was reworked by The Roots, the American hip hop group. To subscribe, e-mail subscribe@helsinkitimes.fi
Visit www.helsinkitimes.fi
for a daily Finnish news update in English.
Until Sun 3 March
Tiger Drawer
Colourful and strangely mysterious
works of Leena Luostarinen.
Kunsthalle Helsinki
Nervanderinkatu 3
Tue, Thu, Fri 11:00-18:00
Wed 11:00-20:00
Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/5.50/8
Tue 26 February
Jules Massenet: Thaïs
An opera of blazing colour.
Finnish National Opera
Helsinginkatu 58
Tickets ?22-107
Wed 27 February
Yona & Orkesteri Liikkuvat Pilvet, Kari Tapiiri
Enchanting folk pop.
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?12/14
Wed 27 February
Sibelius Academy:
The Big Combo
Jazz and Film Noir.
Helsinki Music Centre
Black Box
Mannerheimintie 13
Wed 27 February
Ruber: The Light Middle Ages
The concert resonates with the echoes
of Northern folk music and the medieval aesthetics of Southern Europe.
Helsinki Music Centre
Mannerheimintie 13
Tickets ?5/10/15
Wed 27 February
Radio Symphony Orchestra
RSO with Andrew Manze, conductor.
Helsinki Music Centre
Mannerheimintie 13
Tickets ?7-25
Thu 21-Sat 23 February
Eifman: Anna Karenina
The highly exalted dance company,
Eifman Ballet, will perform a piece
based on Leo Tolstoy?s novel Anna
Finnish National Opera
Helsinginkatu 58
Wed 27 February
Bella Figura
Triple bill featuring works by three
world-famous choreographers.
Finnish National Opera
Helsinginkatu 58
Tickets ?12-77
From Wed 27 February
Veli Lehtovaara: City of bodies
Contemporary dance.
Zodiak - Center for New Dance
Tallberginkatu 1B
Tickets ?14/22
Until Sun 3 March
Teemu Mäki
Contemporary artist and photographer.
Photographic Gallery Hippolyte
Yrjönkatu 8-10
Tue-Fri 12:00-17:00
Sat-Sun 12:00-16:00
Free entry
Until Sun 21 April
Photography Into Art . The much-awaited third album, Landing on a Hundred, was
released in autumn 2012 and with influences from the late 60s. ChessnuT T, one of the brightest stars in today?s
soul scene, was performing in Finland in 2011 at Ilosaarirock and in 2010 at the former Club
YK in Helsinki. and early70s. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Soul Time
Having just released his third album, Cody ChessnuT T (USA), the Atlanta-born American soul
artist and singer-songwriter will visit Helsinki on Saturday 23 February as he performs at the
stage of Tavastia with his background band. The Root?s version of the song, The
Seed 2.0 became a big hit across Europe and the stylish music video with ChessnuT T playing
guitar and singing on it, was nominated for an MTV Video Music Award.
After the surprise-success, ChessnuT T disappeared from the great publicity, but continued
writing songs and performing live. The
Hannula & Hinkka Collection
The exhibition tells a unique story
of the Finnish photography art.
The Finnish Museum of Photography
The Cable Factory
Tue-Sun 11:00-18:00
Wed 11:00-20:00
Tallberginkatu 1
Tickets ?0/4/6
Until Sun 21 April
Nelli Palomäki
Captivating portraits.
The Finnish Museum of Photography
The Cable Factory
Tue-Sun 11:00-18:00
Wed 11:00-20:00
Tallberginkatu 1
Tickets ?0/4/6
Until Sun 28 April
Eero Järnefelt
One of the most important painters
of the golden age of Finnish art.
Ateneum Art Museum
Kaivokatu 2
Tue, Fri 10:00-18:00
Wed, Thu 10:00-20:00
Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/6/8
Until Sun 19 May
Michelangelo and the
Sistine Chapel
Drawings and artworks from Casa
Buonarroti, Florence.
Sinebrychoff Art Museum
Bulevardi 40
Tue 10:00-18:00
Wed, Thu 10:00-20:00
Fri 10:00-18:00
Sat 11:00-17:00
Sun 11:00-17:00
Tickets ?0-10
Until Sun 26 May
Marjatta Tapiola
Expressionist and passionate art of
Marjatta Tapola.
Helsinki Art Museum Tennis Palace
Salomonkatu 15
Tue-Sun 11:00-19:00
Tickets ?0/8/10
Until Sun 28 July
MAYA III- Life ?Death-Time
Exhibition presents the dualistic
world view of the Maya Indians in
which life, death and time are intimately intertwined.
Didrichen Art Museum
Kuusilahdenkuja 1
Tue-Sun 11:00-18:00
Wed 11:00-20:00
Tickets ?0/3/7/10
Until Sun 18 August
Jouko Lehtola . End of Innocence
Finnish contemporary
Mannerheiminaukio 2
Tue 10:00-17:00
Wed-Fri 10:00-20:30
Sat 10:00-18:00
Sun 10:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/8/10
www.kiasma.fi. soul, definitely
proves ChessnuT T?s talents and the ability to follow in the footsteps of the soul greats, from
Curtis Mayfield to Marvin Gaye.
Sat 23 February
Cody ChesnuT T (USA)
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?22/25
Thu 21 February
Club Törstdag: GB (USA)
Producer from LA.
Kuudes Linja
Hämeentie 13
Free entry
Thu 21 February
Signs of May, Under Halo
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?5/6
Thu 21 February
Le Bonk
Yrjönkatu 24
Tickets ?5
Thu 21 February
Tuure Kilpeläinen & Kaihon
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?17/30
Until Sun 10 March
Hannu Väisänen
Singing Ray and other paintings.
Galerie Forsblom
Lönnrotinkatu 5
Tue-Fri 11:00-18:00
Sat 11:00-16:00
Sun 12:00-16:00
Until Sun 7 April
Ivana Helsinki 15
A versatile selection on Ivana Helsinki?s fashion and design.
Design Museum
Korkeavuorenkatu 23
Tue 11:00-20:00
Wed-Sun 11:00-18:00
Tickets ?0/3/8
Cody ChessnuTT will play Tavastia this Saturday
Fri 22 February
Erol Alkan
One of the most remarkable figures
in the electronic music scene.
Erottajankatu 15-17
Tickets ?12
Fri 22 February
Showtek (NLD)
Dutch EDM act.
The Circus
Salomonkatu 1-3
Tickets ?18-33
Fri 22 February
One Morning Left, Beyond All
Recognition (SWE), Madcraft
Crab-core, dub-core and pop punk.
Telakkakatu 8
Tickets ?12
Fri 22 February
Big Wave Riders
Big sound from Finland.
Korjaamo Culture Factory
Töölönkatu 51 B
Tickets ?7/9
Fri 22 February
Fields Of The Nephilim (UK)
Gothic rock.
Virgin Oil CO.
Mannerheimintie 5
Tickets ?32/35
Fri 22 February
Digital Tunes Presents:
Bass Sessions Vol 2
Seba album launch and D-Bridge
Kuudes Linja
Hämeentie 13
Tickets ?15
Fri 22 February
Pop rock with metal attitude.
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?7/8
Fri 22 February
Steen1 Orkestra
Combination of rap and rock.
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?12/14
Fri 22 February
Pää Kii
Punk rock.
On The Rocks
Mikonkatu 15
Tickets ?6/8
Sat 23 February
Claudia Aurora (PRT)
Intense fado.
Savoy Theatre
Kasarmikatu 46-48
Tickets ?30/32
Fri 22 February
Patrick Wolf (UK)
One of the most intriguing pop artists in Great Britain.
Savoy Theatre
Kasarmikatu 46-48
Tickets ?26/28
Sat 23 February
Roberto Rodriguez
Techno and house.
Erottajankatu 15-17
Tickets ?7
Sat 23 February
Cody ChesnuT T (USA)
Soul and r´n´b.
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?22/25
Sat 23 February
Anna Puu, Pikku Kukka
Acoustic pop.
Korjaamo Culture Factory
Töölönkatu 51 B
Tickets ?12/14
Sat 23 February
Inna (ROM)
Romanian pop artist.
The Circus
Salomonkatu 1-3
Tickets ?29-45
Sat 23 February
Ruger Hauer, Gasellit, Kemmuru,
Virgin Oil CO.
Mannerheimintie 5
Tickets ?10/12
Sun 24 February
Matthias Georg Kendlingerin &
K&K Philharmoniker & K&K
Wiener Johann Strauss
Helsinki Music Centre
Mannerheimintie 13
Tickets ?86/96
Sun 24 February
The Jacksons (USA)
The legendary r´n´b group.
Hartwall Areena
Areenakuja 1
Tickets ?59/69
Mon 25 February
Dinosaur Jr. (USA)
Legend of alternative rock.
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?35/38
Tue 26 February
The Killers (USA)
World-famous rock.
Hartwall Areena
Areenakuja 1
Tickets ?59
Tue 26 February
High On Fire (USA)
Stoner rock.
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?33/35
Start your weekend
with news in English
Why not add Helsinki Times to your morning coffee?
Stay informed about news and current affairs in Finland by subscribing to
t weekly Helsinki Times. 22
Natalie displays
surprising superstition
when Monk consults
on a case that involves
Voodoo. Starring: Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Danny
DeVito, Kelly Preston.
23:45 C.S.I. Starring:
Nastassia Kinski, Malcolm
McDowell, John Heard.
09:25 Eastenders
10:00 Sturm der Liebe
In German.
14:25 Bill Engvall Show
14:55 Undercover Boss
Lucky Strike Lanes CEO
Steven Foster works
undercover at his business
and experiences life as
his company?s mascot, a
walking bowling pin.
15:55 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
16:25 Eastenders
17:00 Sturm der Liebe
In German.
18:00 Supersize vs Superskinny
19:00 Two and a Half Men
19:30 Raising Hope
When Hope catches a cold,
Jimmy panics because the
family does not have health
insurance. Identity. Den Canada
13:35 Dinner Impossible
Robert goes to Sesame
Place in Langhorne, PA
for Sesame Street?s 40th
birthday. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Helsinki Times TV Guide offers a selection of English and other language broadcasting on Finnish television.
10:00 Heartbeat
11:05 Yle News in English
12:35 Last of the Summer Wine
The trio takes a little holiday
in Scarbourgh.
14:30 Kvinnornan i Tunis
In Swedish.
17:05 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship,
In Finnish. This
new five part series is the
story of how this famous
ship was built, as a team
of engineers builds iconic
sections of the world?s
most famous ship, using the
methods of 100 years ago.
19:00 Lark Rise to Candleford
20:30 Cosmic Vistas
Part 8/12.
Superscopes. Val di Fiemme,
19:00 Rev.
19:30 Pojken Med De Tre
In Swedish.
23:00 Monk
Mr. Den Canada
12:05 The Opener
12:55 To Build or Not to Build
13:45 JIM D: Ax Men
Ax Men tells remarkable
stories, detailing the history
of the logging industry
and how technology has
transformed life for today?s
logger, even as they struggle
in the ultimate battle of man
vs. Monk and the Voodoo
Curse. Miami (K16)
22:40 Play Misty for Me (K16)
A brief fling between a
male disc jockey and an
obsessed female fan takes a
frightening, and perhaps even
deadly turn when another
woman enters the picture.
Directed by: Clint Eastwood.
Starring: Clint Eastwood,
Jessica Walter, Donna Mills.
00:40 Past Life
09:25 Eastenders
10:00 Sturm der Liebe
In German.
14:00 Cleveland Show
Two episodes.
14:55 Masterchef USA
15:55 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
16:25 Eastenders
17:00 Sturm der Liebe
In German.
19:00 Two and a Half Men
19:30 Middle
20:00 The Simpsons
Two episodes.
21:00 Twins FILM
A physically perfect, but
innocent, man goes in
search of his twin brother,
who is a short small-time
crook. Val di Fiemme,
17:00 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
18:00 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship, Ski
Jumping Ladies SPORT
In Finnish. TV GUIDE
21 . Science.
22:00 Desperately Seeking
Susan FILM
Directed by: Susan
Seidelman. Unfortunately her
uneasiness turns to terror
when the killer targets her.
06:53 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
08:50 Emily of New Moon
11:30 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship
In Finnish. At only 30 years
of age, this former athlete
weighs 250 kilos. Pleading to save
the guest?s life
with the help of a little
Vegas magic, Danny and Ed
introduce him to the joys of
gambling, but their plans
backfire when he hits a
major winning streak.
20:00 Navy NCIS
21:00 Men in Black FILM
Directed by: Barry
Sonnenfeld. nature.
14:40 Talent USA
15:30 LA Ink
16:25 Dragons. The guy
has everything except his
health. Directed by:
Paul Schrader. Directed by: Ivan
Reitman. James
is partnered with K (Tommy
Lee Jones) and soon they
find themselves in the middle of the deadly plot by an
intergalactic terrorist (Vincent
D?Onofrio) who has arrived
on Earth to assassinate two
ambassadors from opposing
galaxies. Stephen
Fry charts the shifting
patterns of lingua franca
and the spread of Globish.
Programmes on Yle Teema
may be viewed in the original
language(s) by changing the
digital receiver?s settings.
09:45 The Young and the Restless
10:40 Emmerdale
11:40 Doctors
14:10 Jamie at Home
14:45 Oliver?s Twist
15:20 Middle
17:00 The Bold and the Beautiful
18:00 Emmerdale
21:00 Mentalist
23:20 Cat People (K16) FILM
A brother and sister who
have been condemned by
an ancient curse turn into
panthers when sexually
aroused. Den Canada
17:20 Talent USA
21:25 JIM D: Batman Premiere
22:25 Weird or What?
23:55 Cooks to Market
00:50 South Park
01:40 Naked and Funny (K16)
Sub 21:00
07:10 Children?s Programming
09:25 Luxury Mamas
09:55 Pretty Hurts
10:25 Property Virgins
12:55 Eukanuba Extraordinary
A fascinating, compelling
and sometimes emotional
series exploring the
wonderful and often
extraordinary nature of
man?s best friend.
13:25 Pretty Hurts
13:55 Marriage Under
15:00 Dance Your Ass Off
16:00 Extreme Makeover:
Weigthloss Edition
17:00 Rules of Engagement
22:00 Hannibal Rising (K16)
Directed by: Peter Webber.
Starring: Gaspard Ulliel,
Dominic West, Kevin
McKidd. Jonathan
is unable to play ball with his
kids or sleep in bed next to
his wife. USA/1997.
TV5 21:00
Thursday 21.2.2013
10:00 Science of Animal
11:05 Yle News in English
12:35 Last of the Summer Wine
14:30 Bag Facaden: Det Store
In Danish.
16:00 Horsepower with Martin
Part 1/2.
17:05 Cross Country Skiing: World
Championship, Women
SPORT In Finnish.
Val di Fiemme, Italy.
19:00 Call the Midwife
22:55 Desperate Romantics
Part 6/6.
06:52 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
08:50 Emily of New Moon
10:45 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship,
Nordic Combined SPORT
In Finnish. USA/2010.
22:50 Spartacus: Blood and Sand
00:00 Men in Black FILM
Directed by: Barry
Starring: Tommy Lee Jones,
Tony Shalhoub, Will Smith.
01:50 NCIS
5D: The Man
with 20 Kids
The Man with 20 Kids is an
intimate and honest documentary following daily life with
49-year-old Mike Holpin and
his controversial and ever-expanding family. Starring: Clive
Owen, Julianne Moore,
Michael Caine.
03:45 All in the Family
07:20 The Kings of Queens
08:40 Matlock
12:35 5D: The Man with 20 Kids
13:30 Packed to the Rafters
14:25 Matlock
15:20 My Wife and Kids
16:15 America?s Funniest Home
17:10 The Kings of Queens
18:40 70?s Show
19:15 Daddy Day Camp FILM
Directed by: Fred Savage.
Starring: Lochlyn Munro,
Paul Rae, Richard Gant,
Tamala Jones.
21:00 The Client List (K16) FILM
Directed by: Eric Laneuville.
Starring: Jennifer
LoveHewitt, Teddy Sears,
Sonja Bennett, Cybill
Shepherd. Miami (K16)
00:40 Entourage (K16)
01:10 30 Rock
01:40 It?s Always Sunny in
09:25 MasterChef Australia
10:45 Dragons. Val di Fiemme,
13:30 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship, Final
Sprint SPORT
In Finnish.
17:00 Children?s Programming
22:05 Game of Thrones (K16)
23:25 Game of Thrones (K16)
Five episodes.
18:00 Titanic: The Mission DOC
Part 1/5. Titanic was the
largest, heaviest, most
expensive and most
luxurious man-made moving
object on the planet. Starring:
Madonna, Rosanna
Arquette, Aidan Quinn.
Call the Midwife
Yle T V1 19:00
09:45 The Young and the Restless
10:40 Emmerdale
11:40 Doctors
14:15 Minute to Win It
15:20 Sons of Tucson
17:00 The Bold and the Beautiful
Two episodes.
18:00 Emmerdale
Two episodes.
21:00 C.S.I. He is given
8 hours to cook for 250
people and everything on
the menu must start with
the letter ?B?.
14:25 Talent USA
16:05 LA Ink
17:05 Dragons. Jimmy figures out
a way to get a second job at
Sabrina?s grocery store so
he can afford to take Hope
to the pediatrician.
20:00 The Simpsons
22:00 Nikita
23:00 House
00:00 Dollhouse (K16)
01:00 The Simpsons
01:30 Numb3rs
11:40 MasterChef Australia
12:10 Dragons. Discover the
most powerful telescopes
on the planet as they search
for the mysteries of the
21:00 Fry?s Planet Word
Part 2/5. Phil
21:00 Criminal Minds (K16)
22:00 Falling Skies
23:20 Frasier
00:45 Big Love
01:55 Lost
02:50 All in the Family
07:10 The Kings of Queens
08:30 Matlock
13:20 Amazing Wedding Cakes
14:10 Matlock
15:05 My Wife and Kids
16:00 America?s Funniest Home
17:00 The Kings of Queens
18:30 70?s Show
19:00 Las Vegas
When a suicidal hotel guest
declares his life-ending
intentions, Danny and Ed
race to stop him from taking
a flying leap off of the
Montecito. He needs help.
17:00 Melissa and Joey
17:30 Dr. Val di Fiemme,
19:30 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship, Ski
Jumping SPORT
In Finnish.
22:05 Law and Order (K16)
23:15 Girls (K16)
Part 3/10.
17:10 Arkitektens Hjem
In Danish.
19:00 Civilization: Is the West
History. DOC
Part 2/6. With benefits of 27,000
pounds sterling a year to live
on, however, Mike appears
oblivious to what other people
think of his family and we follow
them through the chaos and
extravagance of Christmas, the
prospect of Mike being jailed for
drink-driving, and his boys getting in trouble with the police.
TV5 12:35
Friday 22.2.2013. Den Canada
18:05 Talent USA
19:00 LA Ink
21:00 JIM D: Brad Meltzer?s
22:40 Border Security:
Australia?s Front Line
23:10 South Park
23:40 Naked and Funny (K16)
00:10 Grimefighters
00:40 JIM D: Ax Men
Raising Hope
Sub 19:30 Sub
07:10 Children?s Programming
09:25 Luxury Mamas
09:55 Pretty Hurts
10:25 Property Virgins
12:55 Luxury Mamas
13:25 Pretty Hurts
13:55 Property Virgins
15:00 Dance Your Ass Off
16:00 Extreme Makeover:
Weigthloss Edition
Jonathan is a devoted
husband and father of
two young sons. Starring:
Linda Fiorentino, Tommy
Lee Jones, Will Smith.
00:10 Navy NCIS
01:05 Sorority Wars FILM
Directed by: James Hayman.
Starring: Lucy Hale,
Courtney Thorne-Smith,
Amanda Schull.
02:50 Harry Enfield Show
03:20 Jersey Shore
Men in Black
After chasing a fugitive with
an advanced alien weapon,
New York cop James Edwards
(Will Smith) finds himself
recruited to the Men in Black
(M.I.B), a secret non-government agency that polices
extraterrestrial aliens seeking
refuge on Earth, living normal
lives in disguise as humans
around New York City. Directed by: Barry
Sonnenfeld. Living with his
third wife Petrina and their nine
children in a three-bedroom
terraced house, Mike?s home
is hugely overcrowded and the
kids often double up because
there is not enough space for
them each to have their own
bed. Val di Fiemme,
13:25 Ut I Naturen
In Norwegian.
13:55 Norsk Attraksjon
In Norwegian.
15:45 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship,
Nordic Combined 10 km
In Finnish. Starring: Linda
Fiorentino, Tommy Lee Jones,
Will Smith, Siobhan Fallon
Hogan. Great Britain/
00:40 Children of Men (K16)
Directed by: Alfonso
Starring: Mia
Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Anne
Hathaway. Each year, two
boys from far less wealthy
families are offered the
chance of a scholarship.
14:20 DC Cupcakes
15:15 Amazing Wedding Cakes
17:30 Hanging Up FILM
Directed by: Diane Keaton.
Starring: Meg Ryan, Diane
Keaton, Lisa Kudrow.
19:25 The Benchwarmers FILM
Directed by: Dennis Dugan.
Starring: David Spade,
Jon Heder, Rob Schneider.
21:00 The Tourist FILM
Directed by: Florian Henckel
von Donnersmarck. New York (K16)
00:15 Grimm
01:10 Sons of Anarchy (K16)
09:05 Talent USA
13:05 Gordon Ramsay?s Best
14:00 JIM D: Ax Men
A group of hardworking
loggers use both old and
new technology along with
a considerable amount of
14:55 American Pickers
16:40 The Delinquent Gourmet
17:40 Anthony Bourdain: The
22:55 MTV?s Flash Pranks
23:25 South Park
00:20 Naked and Funny (K16)
01:20 Meet the Parents
Too Poor for Posh School
T V5 13:25
Wild Life at the Zoo
Animal ABC
Animal Rescue
The Secret Life of the
American Teenager
15:00 Wizards of Waverly Place
15:30 Miss Guided
16:00 Rules of Engagement
19:00 Taxi 4 FILM
Directed by: Gerard
Krawczyk. This is why they
built the gigantic pyramids,
the splendid temples and the
magnificent tombs that have
become the hallmark of their
18:15 Polseres Vermelles
In Catalonian.
19:00 Glenn Gould
The Changing Ape
MTV3 11:30
08:00 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
11:30 The Changing Ape DOC
Anthropologist Jill Pruetz
takes us deep into the
fascinating world of the
creatures she has studied
for 9 years, giving us
exclusive access to not
only their groundbreaking
hunting skills but their other
strangely human ways.
16:55 Top Gear
22:30 Lottery and Joker
22:35 Miss Congeniality 2 FILM
Directed by: John Passquin.
Starring: Sandra Bullock,
Regina King, Enrique
00:50 Saving Grace
American Idol
World Palooza
Better Off Ted
Got to Dance
Tabatha?s Salon Takeover
Jamie?s Food Escapes
Jamie is in Stockholm where
he samples reindeer heart,
a fermented herring and
picks wild mushrooms and
blueberries on the islands
nearby. The extraordinary
characters you have loved come
to life richer and more colourful
than ever. Inviting
and magical, Alice In Wonderland
is an imaginative new twist on
one of the most beloved stories of
all time. Starring:
Anne Judson-Yager, Bree
Turner, Kevin Cooney.
16:25 Modern Family
16:55 Mike & Molly
19:30 Two and a Half Men
21:00 Revenge
22:35 Homeland (K16)
As Carrie and Saul reel from
the news that Walker is alive,
the intelligence community
clashes on the best way to
capture him. Starring: Song Kangho, Doona Bae, Park Hae-il.
South Korea/Japan/2006.
03:00 Elementary
07:40 Matlock
12:30 The Real Wedding Crashers
13:25 5D: Too Poor for Posh
London?s elite Harrow
School is one of the world?s
most famous private
schools. USA/2010
Tumble down the rabbit hole
with Alice for a fantastical new
adventure from Walt Disney
Pictures and Tim Burton. USA/1990.
23:20 C.S.I. Starring:
Samy Naceri, Emma
Wiklund, Bernard Farcy.
21:00 Imagine That FILM
Directed by: Karey
Starring: Eddie Murphy,
Ronny Cox, Yara Shahidi.
23:35 Legend of Seeker
00:35 Gwoemul (K16) FILM
Directed by: Bong Joonho. USA/2010.
TV5 21:00
Saturday 23.2.2013
Nelonen 21:00
Sunday 24.2.2013. Alice In Wonderland is
an incredible feast for your eyes,
ears and heart that will captivate
audiences of all sizes. USA/2007.
00:30 The Wire (K16)
14:55 Yle Live: EBBA Awards 2013
16:25 Fry?s Planet Word
17:25 Planet Egypt: Quest for
From the days of the first
Pharaoh?s tombs to the end
of their era, Egyptians were
united by one burning desire:
to extend their lives to all
eternity. USA/1995.
22:45 Las Vegas
02:25 The Client List (K16) FILM
Directed by: Eric Laneuville.
Starring: Jennifer Love
Hewitt, Teddy Sears, Sonja
Bennett. USA/2010.
The Tourist
Alice in Wonderland
Johnny Depp stars as an
American tourist whose playful dalliance with a stranger
leads to a web of intrigue,
romance and danger in The
Tourist. USA/1938.
21:00 British Invasion
21:55 Yle Live: Grammy Awards
You Can?t Take It With You
Yle Teema 18:00
08:00 Children?s Programming
13:00 Smash
14:00 Bring It On Again FILM
Directed by: Damon
Santostefano. When a lawyer (Peter
MacNicol) shows up at
the vampire?s doorstep, he
falls prey to his charms and
joins him in his search for
fresh blood. Directed by:
Christopher Nolan. Starring: Amy
Yasbeck, Peter MacNicol,
Leslie Nielsen. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
08:05 Horsepower with Martin
11:15 L?Instit
In French.
14:15 Nigel Slater?s Simple
Suppers: Making It UP
Isn?t Making Do
15:20 Hercule Poirot
17:05 Call the Midwife
SERIES BEGINS. Directed by:
Mel Brooks. Alice, now 19 years old,
returns to the whimsical world
she first entered as a child and
embarks on a journey to discover
her true destiny. USA/2010.
23:00 Sexcetera (K18)
00:05 The Secret Cellar (K18)
Directed by: John Quinn.
Starring: Glen Meadows,
Christina Baby, Anthony
Bates. Starring:
Christian Bale, Michael
Caine, Katie Holmes.
23:50 Person of Interest
00:45 Nikita
02:15 Southland (K16)
09:00 Talent USA
09:50 Talent USA
14:20 JIM D Biography: Ricky
This documentary follows
the life of Latino pop star
Ricky Martin.
15:20 The Opener
16:15 Cowboy Builders
17:10 JIM D History: Brad
Meltzer?s Decoded
18:05 Cooks to Market
19:05 Gordon Ramsay?s Best
20:05 Anthony Bourdain: The
21:05 JIM D Biography: Anthony
22:05 Ink Master
22:55 Speeders
23:25 Weird or What?
00:20 JIM D: Batman Premiere
MTV3 22:35
08:25 Extreme Makeover: Home
11:25 Animal ABC
11:55 Dog Rescue
13:00 Animal Rescue
Documentary series
following the work of
RSPCA officers in Australia
as they help animals in need.
13:30 Melissa and Joey
Two episodes.
14:30 Frasier
Four episodes.
20:00 Once Upon a Time
21:00 Alice in Wonderland FILM
Directed by: Tim Burton.
Starring: Mia Wasikowska,
Johnny Depp, Anne
Hathaway. Val di Fiemme,
15:00 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship,
Skiathlon Men SPORT
17:45 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship,
Skijumping SPORT
21:00 Ein Fall für Zwei
In German.
22:35 We Own the Night (K16)
A New York nightclub
manager tries to save his
brother and father from
Russian mafia hit men.
Directed by: James Gray.
Starring: Joaquin Phoenix,
Mark Wahlberg, Eva Mendes,
Robert Duvall. Directed by: Florian
Henckel von Donnersmarck.
Starring: Angelina Jolie,
Johnny Depp, Timothy Dalton,
Steven Berkoff. USA/2010.
03:30 Oscars 2013
Watch a live stream of the
nominations of the 2013
06:25 The Kings of Queens
11:40 Matlock
13:25 Zoo Days
Two episodes.
14:25 70?s Show
Five episodes.
16:45 Magicians
Incredible illusions and
mind-bending magic
and classic tricks with
a contemporary twist,
performed by some of the
world?s best magicians.
17:50 Fly Away Home FILM
A father and daughter
decide to attempt to lead a
flock of orphaned Canada
Geese south by air.
Directed by: Carroll Ballard.
Starring: Anna Paquin,
Dana Delany, Jeff Daniels.
20:00 NCIS
21:00 Dracula: Dead and Loving
Leslie Nielsen stars as Count
Dracula in Mel Brooks?s
delightful send-up of the
decades-old Transylvanian
tale. Here Jamie indulges
in the Swede life by making
pike perch, gravadlax and
roasted beetroot salad.
18:00 American Idol
21:00 Die Hard 2 (K16) FILM
John McClane, officer of
the LAPD and hero of the
Nakatomi Hostage Crisis,
attempts to avert disaster
as rogue military officials
seize control of Dulles
International Airport in
Washington, D.C.
Directed by: Renny Harlin.
Starring: Bruce Willis,
Bonnie Bedelia, William
Atherton. Directed
by: Tim Burton. USA/2002.
02:05 Daddy Day Camp FILM
Directed by: Fred Savage.
Starring: Cuba Gooding Jr,
Lochlyn Munro, Paul Rae.
10:00 Dokument Inifrån: Vi Gav
Dom Vår Pappa
In Swedish.
11:15 L?Instit
In French.
13:05 To Boldy Go DOC
14:25 Trapped on Bitter Lake DOC
15:20 Hercule Poirot
19:15 Nature Wonder Land
21:55 Silent Witness (K16)
07:45 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
10:45 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship, Ski
Jumping Team Mix SPORT
In Finnish. Starring:
Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp,
Timothy Dalton. Brody learns
a shocking truth about his
23:40 Without a Trace
10:30 The Simpsons
Six episodes.
13:30 Don?t Trust the B**** in
Apartment 23
14:00 Big Bang Theory
14:30 2 Broke Girls
15:00 Raising Hope
15:30 Middle
16:00 Tabatha?s Salon Takeover
17:00 Glee
17:55 American Idol
19:55 Mythbusters
It is time to separate
fact from fiction in the
Mythbusters Ninja special.
21:00 Batman Begins
Batman begins his war on
crime after training with
his mentor to free the
crime-ridden Gotham city
from corruption that the
Scarecrow and the league
of shadows have cast
upon the city. While Marcus is
worrying about his health,
Escalante is forced by Ace
to swap Leon for a more
experienced jockey
22:30 Girls (K16)
23:00 How to Make it in America
23:25 The Wire (K16)
14:20 Glenn Gould
Glenn Gould was the
mysterious and influential
Canadian pianist.
16:10 The Young Ones
18:00 You Can?t Take It With You
A man from a family of rich
snobs becomes engaged to a
woman from a good-natured
but decidedly eccentric
family. Call the
Midwife is a moving and
intimate insight into the colorful
world of midwifery and family
life in 1950?s East London.
19:40 Midsomer?s Murders
20:45 Lottery
In Finnish.
22:00 Enlightened (K16)
22:25 A Touch of Frost (K16)
07:47 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
13:30 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship,
Skiathlon Ladies SPORT
In Finnish. Starring: Jean Arthur,
James Stewart, Lionel
Barrymore. 24
21 . Val di Fiemme,
12:00 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship, Team
Sprint SPORT
In Finnish
13:00 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship, Final
Team Sprint SPORT
In Finnish
15:45 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship,
Nordic Combined SPORT
17:00 Jobben Er Livet
In Swedish.
17:45 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship, Ski
Jumping Team Mix SPORT
18:45 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship, Ski
Jumping Team Mix SPORT
21:00 Luck (K16)
Part 5/9. During an impromptu
trip to Europe to mend a
broken heart, Frank (Depp)
unexpectedly finds himself
in a flirtatious encounter
with Elise (Angelina Jolie),
an extraordinary woman who
deliberately crosses his path.
Against the breathtaking
backdrop of Paris and Venice,
their whirlwind romance
quickly evolves as they find
themselves unwittingly thrust
into a deadly game of cat and
mouse. Directed by: Frank
Capra. This Wonderland
is a world beyond your imagination and unlike anything you have
seen before
00:25 Once Upon a Time
01:25 Legend of Seeker
02:25 All in the Family
07:40 Amazing Wedding Cakes
08:30 Matlock
12:25 Losing It with Jillian
13:15 Junior MasterChef
14:10 Matlock
15:00 My Wife and Kids
16:00 America?s Funniest Home
17:00 The Kings of Queens
18:30 70?s Show
19:00 Las Vegas
20:00 NCIS
21:00 Zombieland (K16) FILM
Directed by: Ruben
Fleischer. John, Charles Gray. USA/1995.
01:10 Deadline (K16)
5 Broken Cameras
An extraordinary work of both
cinematic and political activism,
5 Broken Cameras is a deeply
personal, first-hand account of
non-violent resistance in Bil?in,
a West Bank village threatened
by encroaching Israeli settlements. Starring: Gene
Hackman, Dustin Hoffman,
John Cusack. Directed by:
Yorgos Zois. Directed by: Emad Burant
and Guy Davidi. collaboration
follows one family?s evolution over five years of turmoil.
Burnat watches from behind the
lens as olive trees are bulldozed,
protests intensify, and lives are
lost. Please send a brief email to dave@helsinkitimes.fi with some information
about yourself and what kind of experiences you would like to write about, and we will
give you more information on how to proceed with your story.
www.helsinkitimes.fi. Phil
21:00 Elementary
Sherlock sets out to prove it
was not mechanical error when
a body is found in the wreckage
of a small plane crash. Den Canada
17:20 Talent USA
19:00 LA Ink
20:00 Border Security:
Australia?s Front Line
This series follows
the work of officers of
Australian Customs and
Border Protection, the
Australian Quarantine and
Inspection Service, and the
Department of Immigration
and Citizenship as they
enforce Australian customs,
quarantine, immigration and
finance laws.
23:10 South Park
23:40 Naked and Funny (K16)
00:10 Grimefighters
01:10 JIM D Crime: Crimestories
Around the World
Runaway Jury
TV5 21:00
07:00 Children?s Programming
09:15 Eukanuba Extraordinary
09:50 Pretty Hurts
10:20 Marriage Under
12:50 Eukanuba Extraordinary
13:20 Pretty Hurts
13:50 Marriage Under
14:55 Dance Your Ass Off
15:55 Extreme Makeover:
Weigthloss Edition
17:00 Animal Rescue
17:30 Dr. USA/2003.
23:30 Dracula: Dead and
Loving It FILM
Directed by: Mel Brooks.
Starring: Amy Yasbeck,
Anne Bancroft, Leslie
Nielsen. Structured
around the violent destruction
of each one of Burnat?s cameras,
the filmmakers. He encounters
Plenty O?Toole, steals a
moon buggy, gets beaten
up by a couple of female
karate experts known as
Bambi and Thumper, before
he will finally be face-toface with Blofeld who is
intent on nuclear blackmail
and world domination.
Directed by: Guy Hamilton.
Starring: Sean Connery, Jill
St. kræft
In Danish.
17:08 Heartbeat
19:00 To Boldy Go DOC
Dr Fong finds out how the
body responds to altitude
and climbs one of the tallest
mountains in the Alps.
21:30 5 Broken Cameras DOC
00:10 Rev.
06:53 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
08:50 Emily of New Moon
09:40 Den Norska Kusten
In Norwegian.
10:20 Animal Hospital
11:55 Mitt in Naturen
In Swedish.
12:30 Solens Mat
In Swedish.
14:00 Spice med Price
In Danish.
17:00 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
18:01 William & Mary
22:35 Misfits (K16)
23:50 Game of Thrones (K16)
17:00 Civilization: Is the West
History. Starring: Iris
Ponkina, Hara Aga, Iosif Ali.
23:00 One Step Ahead DOC
To Boldy Go
Yle T V1 19:00
21 . Watson
tries to get Sherlock to meet
with his father.
22:00 Oscars 2013
00:20 Frasier
00:50 The Game
01:50 Pawn Stars
02:50 All in the Family
07:00 The Kings of Queens
08:20 Matlock
14:00 Matlock
15:05 My Wife and Kids
16:00 America?s Funniest Home
17:00 The Kings of Queens
18:30 70?s Show
19:00 Las Vegas
When a whale blows town
while owing the Montecito
almost $4.5 million, Ed has
36 hours to find the missing
trust-fund baby and force
him to make good on the
debt. Starring:
Jesse Eisenberg, Emma
Stone, Woody Harrelson.
22:40 Best of Pamela Anderson
23:55 The Benchwarmers FILM
Directed by: Dennis Dugan.
Starring: David Spade,
Jon Heder, Rob Schneider.
01:30 72 Hours: Crime (K16)
10:00 Heartbeat
11:05 Yle News in English
11:10 Dokument Inifrån: Vi Gav
Dom Vår Pappa
In Swedish.
12:30 Last of the Summer Wine
17:08 Heartbeat
19:00 Horsepower with Martin
Clunes DOC
22:55 To Boldy Go DOC
Dr Kevin Fong goes up
to find out how the body
responds to altitude.
09:45 The Young and the Restless
10:40 Emmerdale
Two episodes.
11:40 Doctors
14:15 Harry?s Law
15:20 Better with You
17:00 The Bold and the Beautiful
Two episodes.
18:00 Emmerdale
Two episodes.
22:35 C.S.I. However, when the
AWOL gambler turns up at
the Montecito?s sister resort
in New Orleans, Danny,
Sam and Ed hop a plane to
The Big Easy to track their
fugitive player.
20:00 Navy NCIS
21:00 Runaway Jury FILM
A juror on the inside and
a woman on the outside
manipulate a court trial
involving a major gun
manufacturer. New York (K16)
23:35 Royal Pains
00:35 Big Bang Theory
06:53 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
08:50 Die Winzerkönig
In German.
12:30 Solens Mat
In Swedish.
13:30 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship, 10
km Ladies SPORT
In Finnish.
Val di Fiemme, Italy.
17:00 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
23:15 Copycat (K18) FILM
An agoraphobic
psychologist and a female
detective must work
together to take down a
serial killer who copies
serial killers from the past.
Directed by: Jon Amiel.
Starring: Sigourney Weaver,
Holly Hunter, Dermot
Mulroney. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
09:45 The Young and the
10:40 Emmerdale
Two episodes.
15:20 Better Off Ted
17:00 The Bold and the Beautiful
Two episodes.
18:00 Emmerdale
Two episodes.
21:00 House
23:35 Human Target (K16)
09:25 Eastenders
10:00 Sturm der Liebe
In German.
14:00 Hell?s Kitchen
14:55 ER
15:55 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
Jamie knocks up broccoli
orecchiette with courgette
and bocconcini salad, plus
prosciutto and melon salad.
All in 30 minutes.
16:25 Eastenders
17:00 Sturm der Liebe
In German.
18:00 Mythbusters
It is time to separate
fact from fiction in the
Mythbusters Ninja special.
19:00 Two and a Half Men
19:30 Don?t Trust the B**** in
Apartment 23
20:00 The Simpsons
20:30 Big Bang Theory
21:00 Meet the Parents FILM
In this hilarious hit comedy
male nurse Gaylord ?Greg?
Focker is ready to marry
his girlfriend, Pam, but
before he pops the question,
he must win over her
formidable father, humorless
former CIA agent Jack
Byrnes, at the wedding of
Pam?s sister.
Directed by: Jay Roach.
Starring: Robert De Niro,
Ben Stiller, Blythe Danner.
23:15 C.S.I.
00:10 Vampire Diaries (K16)
01:05 The Simpsons
01:35 Numb3rs
10:55 MasterChef Australia
12:25 To Build or Not to Build
13:25 Cooks to Market
Amateur cooks get the
chance to turn their
homemade food products
into life-changing business.
14:25 Talent USA
16:10 Anthony Bourdain: The
17:05 Gordon Ramsay?s Best
18:05 Talent USA
19:00 LA Ink
21:30 NCIS Los Angeles
23:10 MTV?s Flash Pranks
23:40 South Park
00:10 Naked and Funny (K16)
00:40 Grimefighters
01:10 JIM D Biography: Anthony
Meet the Parents
Sub 21:00
07:00 Children?s Programming
08:15 Miss Guided
09:15 Eukanuba Extraordinary
09:50 Pretty Hurts
10:20 Marriage Under
12:50 Eukanuba Extraordinary
13:20 Pretty Hurts
13:50 Marriage Under
14:55 The Secret Life of the
American Teenager
15:55 Extreme Makeover:
Weigthloss Edition
17:00 Animal ABC
20:00 America?s Next Topmodel
21:00 007 . Directed by:
Gary Fleder. DOC
Professor Ferguson asks why
North America succeeded
while South America for so
many centuries lagged behind.
The two had much in common,
but they differed profoundly
on individual property
rights, the rule of law and
representative government.
18:00 The Days and Nights of
19:00 Cuentame Como Paso
In Spanish.
20:30 Arkitektens Hjem
In Danish.
22:00 Prisoners of War (K16)
22:50 Casus belli FILM
In Greek. Its iconic 16
ton steel bow anchor was
the biggest anchor the
world had ever seen.
21:00 Apocalypse Hitler
In French and German.
Infamous for his crimes
against humanity,
Hitler?s rise to power
was unexpected and
23:20 Prisoners of War (K16)
Yle TV2 23:15
09:25 Eastenders
10:00 Sturm der Liebe
In German.
14:00 One Born Every Minute
One Born Every Minute is
focused on providing helpful
insights into the realities of
giving birth, especially in a
hospital environment.
14:55 ER
15:55 Jamie?s 30 Minute Meals
Today Jamie makes smoked
salmon accompanied by
potato salad, beets and
cottage cheese, with rye
bread and homemade butter,
all in half an hour.
16:25 Eastenders
17:00 Sturm der Liebe
In German.
18:00 Jamie?s Food Escapes
19:00 Two and a Half Men
19:30 How I Met Your Mother
20:00 The Simpsons
Two episodes.
22:00 Grimm (K16)
23:00 House
00:00 Supernatural (K16)
01:00 The Simpsons
01:30 Numb3rs
10:00 MasterChef Australia
10:55 Dragons. TV GUIDE
09:30 Nature Wonder Land
09:55 Holy Wars DOC
Take one Muslim advocate
for global jihad and put
him in a room with one
conservative Christian on
a mission to evangelize the
world?s Muslims. Diamonds Are
Forever (K16) FILM
James Bond needs to
infiltrate a worldwide
diamond smuggling
operation. Shot almost entirely by
Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat,
who bought his first camera in
2005 to record the birth of his
youngest son, the footage was
later given to Israeli co-director
Guy Davidi to edit. Den Canada
11:50 Cooks to Market
Amateur cooks get the
chance to turn their
homemade food products
into life-changing business.
14:40 Talent USA
15:30 LA Ink
16:25 Dragons. USA/1995.
17:00 The Days and Nights of
Netuk DOC
The documentary follows
the life of an old farmer and
shaman in India.
18:15 Bossa Nova, La Vague de Rio
In French.
19:00 Londynczycy
In Polish.
20:00 Titanic: The Mission DOC
The Titanic was made up of
hundreds of thousands of
individually crafted steel
components. 2011.
Yle TV1 21:30
Monday 25.2
Have you got expat views?
Helsinki Times runs a column series called EXPAT VIEWS,
where we publish voluntary contributions written by expats,
and we?re interested in your experiences.
Share your funny, memorable, frustrating or great experiences of Finland with our
readers. Which man
will be left standing?
11:05 Yle News in English
12:30 Last of the Summer Wine
14:10 Fuck Cancer - Chris
MacDonald vs
Karl Comes Home.
Having returned back to
the United Kingdom, Karl
talks to Ricky Gervais and
Stephen Merchant about his
23:25 Luck (K16)
Part 5/9.
While Marcus is worrying
about his health, Escalante is
forced by Ace to swap Leon for
a more experienced jockey.
17:00 The Young Ones
Part 4/5.
18:30 Cosmic Vistas
19:00 Donna Leon
20:30 Flygtrafiken
In Swedish.
21:45 Four Lions FILM
In English, Urdu and Arabic.
Four incompetent British
jihadists set out to train for
and commit an act of terror.
Directed by: Chris Morris.
Starring: Will Adamsdale,
Riz Ahmed, Adeel Akhtar.
Great Britain/France/2010.
23:25 A Letter to Elia DOC
Martin Scorsese takes a
look at the controversial late
filmmaker, Elia Kazan.
Four Lions
Yle Teema 21:45
09:45 The Young and the Restless
10:40 Emmerdale
Two episodes.
11:40 Doctors
14:15 Smash
15:20 Last Man Standing
17:00 The Bold and the Beautiful
Two episodes.
18:00 Emmerdale
Two episodes.
21:00 Person of Interest (K16)
When the Machine turns
up a deceased individual as
a person of interest, Finch
must remember how he
came to create the machine
and determine how the
apparent error could have
23:05 Mythbusters
00:10 Fringe (K16)
01:10 Big Bang Theory.
09:25 Eastenders
10:00 Sturm der Liebe
In German.
14:00 My Antonio
14:55 My Life As An Animal
Extreme sportsman Ed Leigh
moves into a kennel with
33 male foxhounds, while
former Lara Croft model
Lucy Clarkson tries life as
a sheepdog on a working
sheep farm.
15:55 Jamie?s Great Italian
When Jamie Oliver started
his Italian tour, he was
stunned at the quality of the
food served in Sicily?s street
markets. In Sicily shoppers
can eat like kings as they
buy their weekly groceries.
16:25 Eastenders
17:00 Sturm der Liebe
In German.
19:00 Two and a Half Men
19:30 2 Broke Girls
20:00 The Simpsons
Two episodes.
21:00 Kitchen Nightmares
23:00 House
00:00 Eureka
01:00 The Simpsons
02:00 Numb3rs
10:45 MasterChef Australia
11:15 Dragons. In what
year did Estonia first declare its independence?
A) 1908 B) 1918 C) 1939
Fri 2/22
3) The swine flu vaccination Pandmerix has been linked with
the onset of what disease?
A) narcolepsy B) asthma C) heart disease
Sun 2/24 Mon 2/25 Tue 2/26 Wed 2/27
07:10 The Kings of Queens
Three episodes.
08:30 Matlock
12:35 Zoo Days
13:35 You?re Cut Off
14:20 Matlock
15:05 My Wife and Kids
16:00 America?s Funniest Home
17:00 The Kings of Queens
17:30 3rd Rock from the Sun
18:00 70?s Show
19:00 Las Vegas
20:00 Navy NCIS
21:00 Basic (K16) FILM
A DEA agent investigates
the disappearance of a
legendary Army ranger drill
sergeant and several of his
cadets during a training
exercise gone severely awry.
Directed: John McTiernan.
Starring: Samuel L. The path back to
physical fitness is isometrics
or is it?
17:08 Heartbeat
19:00 Palme . Den Canada
12:10 Cowboy Builders
A series which involves
exposing cowboy builders
and helping those families
whose lives and homes have
been affected by them.
14:35 Talent USA
16:15 LA Ink
17:10 Dragons. Starring: Aesop
Aquarian, Lexi Baxter,
Freddy Bouciegues, Stacy
Keach, Johnny Messner.
01:35 Tough Love Couples (K16)
Sat 2/23
07:00 Children?s Programming
09:15 Eukanuba Extraordinary
09:50 Pretty Hurts
10:20 Marriage Under
12:50 Eukanuba Extraordinary
13:20 Pretty Hurts
13:50 Marriage Under
15:55 Extreme Makeover:
Weigthloss Edition
17:00 Melissa and Joey
21:00 Naked Gun 33 1/3: The
Final Insult FILM
Frank Drebin comes out of
retirement to help Police
Squad infiltrate a gang
of terrorists planning to
detonate a bomb at the
Academy Awards.
Directed by: Peter Segal
Starring: Lesley Nielsen,
George Kennedy, O. A 20th Century
In Swedish.
22:00 Treme
Part 5/10.
06:52 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
08:50 Die Winzerkönig
In German.
13:00 Mette Blomster Baker
In Norwegian.
13:30 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship, 15
km Men SPORT In Finnish.
Val di Fiemme, Italy.
17:00 Children?s Programming
In Finnish.
17:55 Cross Country Skiing:
World Championship, Ski
Jumping SPORT
In Finnish. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
Thu 2/21
27 .2.
10:00 Heartbeat
11:05 Yle News in English
12:30 Last of the Summer Wine
Foggy decides Compo and
Clegg are not as fit as they
should be. Den Canada
18:05 Talent USA
19:00 LA Ink
20:00 Speeders
21:00 JIM D: Ax Men
22:40 Rude Tube (K16)
23:10 South Park
23:40 Naked and Funny (K16)
00:10 Grimefighters
00:40 JIM D: Ancient Aliens
Thu 2/21
Jamie?s Great Italian Escape
Sub 15:55
Sat 2/23
Sun 2/24
Mon 2/25
Wed 2/27
Tue 2/26
Thursday 2/21
7:43 am 5:25 pm
7:57 am 5:06 pm
7:55 am 5:35 pm
8:04 am 4:59 pm
7:52 am 5:26 pm
8:17 am 4:36 pm
See answers on the next page.
1) Johanna Maula?s book, My Jasmine Years, is based on her
experiences living in which continent?
A) Africa B) South America C) Asia
2) How many employees did Finnair lay off last year?
A) 500 B) 1,100 C) 750
5) In the Tom Hooper-directed movie adaptation of Victor
Hugo?s Les Miserables, who plays the role of the protagonist Jean Valjean?
A) Russell Crowe B) Hugh Jackman C) Eric Bana
4) Estonia celebrates Independence Day next week. Val di Fiemme,
22:10 Idiot Abroad
Part 8/8. Jackson,
John Travolta, Connie
Nielsen, Timothy Daly.
23:00 NCIS: Los Angeles
00:00 Ring of Death (K16) FILM
Directed by: Bradford
May. J.
Simpson, Anna Nicole Smith.
23:05 Frasier
23:35 The Game
01:05 Body of Proof
02:05 All in the Family
Fri 2/22
Finland has the same
amount of teachers
as New York City,
but far fewer students.
students compared to
in NYC.
I?m surrounded
by a group of Finnish youngsters. Dial 112. Plane
lands, ?rst stop: Helsinki.
The highway, the signs,
the landscape, they don?t differ much from what I am used
to. In the evenings and at weekends adults in need of urgent medical
treatment in Helsinki should go to emergency health centres at Haartman hospital (Haartmaninkatu 4) or Maria hospital (Lapinlahdenkatu 16).
Enjoy Tuscany as the natives do. Built
during 1900?s it clearly resembles a country in?uenced
by the Russian Empire (a majestic empire back then). Most
hotels as well as the Helsinki Tourist Office and Helsinki?s General
Post Office have a computer terminal. 27 FEBRUARY 2013
This issue of Helsinki Times has been
sent to hundreds of foreign students for free.
Their subscription has been sponsored by:
Greater Helsinki Promotion
Helsinki Education and Research Area
Grocery stores. My mind is evoking images about their comments: a
wooden house, a ?replace and
a bowl of porridge; my ?rst
glimpse of Finland.
It was not during my exchange in Malaysia that I
pictured myself in a Nordic
country; it happened when
I arrived in Mexico to ?nish
my Architecture Degree. See www.posti.fi
Emergency Numbers. A sweat drop rolls from
my forehead, which I wipe
with my hand. We approach downtown. What an
honour! I can?t imagine how
the city would look like and
my heart beats faster. We offer a 150 ha
private property with very special views.
Nine luxurious and very comfortable double rooms,
tel, fridge, air con. Most grocery stores are open Mon-Fri 7-21, Sat
7-18 and Sun 12-21. Finland?s architecture may not be as iconic, but it is inspirational as it
carries a long and heavy historical baggage. Restaurants in the Helsinki area can be found from
the internet service www.eat.fi, which provides information on restaurants, their menus, opening hours and some user rating etc.
Internet. How would it
Jason Ivors
Skilled Carpenter
0440 100 538
Banks and Bureaux de Change. All with bathroom en suite.
Superb Tuscan foods and wines.
For more info: info@casamazzoni.it
Or visit us at: www.tuscanyrural.com
phone: +34 647353488
three years of Chinese
holistic massage in Helsinki
Our beautiful facility in Helsinki is a genuine Chinese oasis to
which you are heartfelt welcome. This tells about
a society that has learned
that the wel-being of its citizens is the number one priority. For non-urgent ambulance services, dial 09 394 600, and non-urgent police matters, dial 09 1891.
Market halls. Italy
Medical services. Health centres around the country are open Mon-Fri
8-16. In a number of Finnish towns public internet posts are
quite rare due to extensive per-person internet use at home. Both are open Mon-Fri 8-18 and Sat 8-16 but are
closed on Sundays.
Restaurants. I consider this to be a settling point
in the country?s architecture as housing starts being
more functional and industrial buildings proliferating
around the country, specifically in Tampere (a neverending industrial charm).
After eight months living
here, I came to the following
conclusion. Hundreds of customers visit our facility in Helsinki each month to receive holistic treatment and relaxing massage.
In 2013 you?ll be able to choose the one you want from two
facilities: Liangtse will open a second facility at Arkadiankatu
in Helsinki.
Natalia Rincon is a 29-year-old Mexican student at Tampere University in MSc. Post offices are usually open Mon-Fri 10-18. 09 100 23.
Tuscany . What does a country needs to be ?it?. Grocery stores in the Helsinki Central Railway
Station tunnel are open Mon-Sat 7-22 and Sun 10-22.
Post Offices. Wanha Kauppahalli (?Old Market Hall?) at the Market
Square and Hakaniemen Kauppahalli (?Hakaniemi Market Hall?) are
the most popular. Architecture.
A glimpse of Finland
day at the pool
and I can?t seem to get rid of the
heat. The currency exchange counter at the harbour
in Katajanokka, Helsinki is open every day (Mon-Sat 10-11:30, 1617:30 and 19:30-21:15, Sun 10-11:30, 16-17:30 and 6:30-8). Continuing along the street I spot
the main railway station, an
example of strong character
and permanent architecture.
In this series expatriates write about their lives in Finland.
While Finland was experiencing independence, a Civil
War and the First World War,
architecture was slowed,
but not stopped. I have seen
that in this Nordic latitude
sublime design can be found,
not only in architecture, but
also in furniture, shower
curtains, kitchenware or any
other object. At these public terminals internet use is usually free of charge.
Health advice and information call centre (if you are unsure of what
to do) . Good design in daily
products expresses a pragmatic, independent, respectful society that is open to
Now I understand; this is
what it takes to be a Design
Capital of the world, an atemporal state of striving for
the best.
Back and neck massage: 39?/30 min
Meridian massage: 69?/50 min
Full body massage: 75?/60 min
Also many other treatments...
China Liangtse Wellness Oy
Open: Mon-Sat 10:00-21:00, Sun 12:00-20:00
Arkadiankatu 17 LH B, Helsinki
Tel: 09 454 6301 I info2@liangtse.fi
Iso Roobertinkatu 8, LH 1, Helsinki
Tel: 09 278 4201 I info@liangtse.fi
www.liangtse.fi. During this
period numerous buildings
were created with strong façades made from stone, and
motives that evoked a sense
of reliability.
It is also during these
years that Finland starts reconstructing itself. Banks are usually open Mon-Fri
9:15-16:15 except for the bank at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, which
is open 6-22 daily. Seven months later
I?m in a transatlantic ?ight
to the Design Capital of the
World 2012. Helsinki?s
General Post Office is also open at the weekend 10-18. The Forex desk at Helsinki Central Railway Station is open Mon-Sun 8-21.
See www.forex.fi for more information.
Golden Dust Cleaning Services offers
a comprehensive selection of cleaning services.
Golden Dust also offers snow plowing, elderly
assistance and baby sitting services.
Service times: Mon-Sun 8:00-20:00
Service area: Capital area and surrounding municipalities
Hämeentie 5B, 00530 Helsinki, tel 044 364 1719
Construction Oy
All types of work
undertaken, no job
too big or too small!
21 . Success of the largest chain
of spas in China, Liangtse, continues in Europe. Just
then I thought: I?m going to
Finland. The need
of work and homes makes architects socially responsible
of providing solutions to the
planning of industrial facilities and housing. A
series of pragmatic boxes parades along Mannerheimintie
and I?m wondering about the
architecture trends that this
country has encountered
through the years.
While passing downtown,
Aleksanterinkatu displays
the Lundqvist commercial
building which has central
European art nouveau and
neo-gothic motives