Ole hyvä ja käytä tulostamiseen lehden omasta valikosta löytyvää tulostuspainiketta.
remaining 5 per cent will be scraped
together by various fees collected by
the state and municipalities.
Originally the government goal
was to achieve a package with half
of the savings coming from tax hikes
and the other half from spending
cuts, a 50/50 guideline which was
important for the Left Alliance and
the Social Democratic Party.
Before the negotiations came
to a deadlock, SDP and the Left Al-
liance managed to press through
a tax hike that will hit harder high
earners than people on low income.
The limit for the solidarity tax
will decrease from 100,000 euros to
Thus the Left Alliance chair Paavo
Arhinmäki was involved in putting
together a framework budget that
the party?s parliamentary group later rejected. ISSUE 13 (347) . Resident furnishes friend?s flat with
items collected through Facebook.
Page 11
people & lifestyle
The Left Alliance announced late
on Tuesday evening that the party will leave Finland?s coalition government after refusing to accept the
proposal for the framework budget.
Talking in a press conference
held in the House of the Estates, the
party?s ministers Paavo Arhinmäki
and Merja Kyllönen said they would
submit their resignations to the
government later this week.
Arhinmäki and Kyllönen walked
down the stairs in front of the
building just before ten o?clock on
Tuesday evening to make their announcement. w w w.helsinkitimes.fi
Available by subscription, on board more than 350 Finnair flights, on Allegro trains and in all top-quality hotels in Finland. Furthermore, the party said that the proposed child benefit cuts will target
working parents on low incomes.
Arhinmäki informed Katainen of
his party?s stance on the matter early on Tuesday evening.
All the other government parties
accepted the package on Tuesday
evening. H S
Nii n a Woolle y . According to STT, this means
that the amount paid for each child
will go down by 7 per cent. The child
benefit is higher for subsequent
children than the first one.
According to SDP, the talks on the
child benefit cuts started from savings totalling 250 million euros, but
this sum came down in negotiations.
The government also decided on a
freeze on index raises to some social
benefits, creating savings amounting to 150 million euros a year. The National Coalition
Party fought tooth and nail against
the solidarity tax.
It seems that capital tax raise
will remain minimal. H T
On Tuesday evening, the government agreed on an austerity package,
which totals around 2.7 to 2.8 billion
euros, therefore remaining below the
3-billion euro mark mentioned earlier.
Spending cuts account for roughly
55 per cent of the package, while only
40 per cent comes from tax hikes. However, Jutta
Urpilainen, SDP?s leader, described
the package as a good compromise.
?We?ve managed to put together
a good package.?
Roughly 110 million euros will be
shaved off child benefits.. According to them,
the party?s decision to leave the
government was not preceded by
any talks with Prime Minister Jyrki
Katainen (NCP).
?We explained that we could not
accept the proposed package and
there were no further negotiations
on the matter,. Metropolitan area
cities spends millions of euros on
Page 4
Renovations & referbishment
Housing companies slow to launch
renovations in the suburbs. A look at the higher
costs of a gluten-free diet
Page 16
P iia E lo n e n , M ar ko J u n k k ari ,
M ar t ta Niemi n e n , O lli P ohja n palo,
J uha - P e k k a R aes t e , H eli S uomi n e n ,
Teija S u t i n e n . Another 50 million euros will be shaved
off from earnings-related unemployment benefits and development aid.
After lengthy talks, the decision
to increase the school-leaving age
to 17 was confirmed. Kyllönen said.
While the ministers stepped in
front of the media to explain their
decision, the aides of the government parties and a handful of ministers gathered on the balcony of
the building?s second floor to witness the historic event, recording it
with their mobile phones.
L E H T I K U VA / J u s s i N ukari
Merja Kyllönen, Paavo Arhinmäki and Annika Lapintie face the press on 25 March.
The Left Alliance parliamentary
group said earlier on Tuesday that
the austerity package needed to be
tweaked or the party would quit
the government. ?3 . Currently the tax rate is 30 per cent up to
40,000 euros and 32 per cent for the
amount exceeding this limit.
In the end, the government decided against raising the VAT rate.
Income taxes will not be revised
according to the inflation index.
The spending cuts that will concern a high number of households
are the reductions to child benefits,
with 110 million euros shaved off
them. The
warmer weather brings the onset
of allergies.
Pages 12, 13
The framework budget means
next year the state has to tighten its
belt to the tune of 1.5 billion euros,
whereas according to earlier plans
the spending cuts together with tax
raises would amount to that sum.
The government made a preliminary announcement on the consensus soon after 5 pm on Tuesday when
Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen, looking tired but also relieved, said the decision had been painful for everyone.
Already at the time, it was
known that the package had been
the hardest to accept for SDP and
the Left Alliance. 2 APRIL 2014 . The party?s unanimous stand was that the proposed
package contained several problem
points, such as the freeze on the social benefit index raises, which will
hit the poor the hardest. 27 MARCH . The Left Alliance leaving
the government does not automatically lead to its dissolution.
Framework budget: child benefit
cuts, tax hike on high income
Granola & gluten-free
Distinguishing between granola
and muesli. The National Coalition Party opposed the decision, for which a 15-million-euro
budget was set aside even though
according to many estimates this
sum will not cover the actual costs.
A ntti A im o - Ko ivi s t o
Blogging & allergies
Timo Hämäläinen?s blog hailed as
one of the best in the world. H T
Jobless & interpreting
Highly educated jobseekers go
without work. Helsinki Times is also available for sale in more than 140 kiosks across Finland.
Left Alliance leaves government
H el s in g in San o mat
Nii n a Woolle y
It did not fit with
most of his previous behaviour. It is clear that proRussians in Donetsk, the
Transnistria region of Moldova, and elsewhere have taken their cue from Crimea in
raising the demand for a referendum on unification with
Russia. This meeting took place
days after the Security Council had rejected any possibility of armed intervention and
after Putin had publicly stated that he would not support
Crimea?s secession.
Customs Union, currently consisting of
Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus, with Armenia set to
join and Kyrgyzstan still considering its options, is an
economic free trade arrangement which is expected to
lead to a broader Eurasian
Union modelled on the European Union. In
The West?s sanctions against Russia have
been widely derided as toothless, but
in the long-term there could be serious
consequences for the Russian economy ?
not just from the sanctions but from loss of
investor confidence.
a cost. When Ukraine?s
President Viktor Yanukovych pulled out of signing an
association agreement with
the EU last November, (one of
the factors which inspired the
Maidan protest movement),
this seemed to pave the way
for Ukraine to join the Eurasian Customs Union. With the setbacks
to the Eurasian integration
project presented by Ukraine?s
withdrawal, and the abandonment of another key Putin aim
of getting Russia accepted as
a leading player on the world
stage, the danger is that an ever more rampant and embattled nationalism will be what
underpins his regime. Helsinki Times reserves the right to accept or reject submissions, as well as to edit or shorten the text. Articles should be at least 5,000 characters-with-spaces long
(maximum length 10,000). It is hard to imagine a sequence of events that
could have enraged Putin
more. Russian forces did advance into Georgia in 2008,
but there are a number of reasons for thinking that was
an exceptional case. Putin?s actions
have gained Russia some territory but will also come at
the Ukraine crisis will undoubtedly accelerate Western efforts to rid Europe of
this energy dependence, and
US President Obama has already indicated his readiness to use US oil reserves in
order to manipulate energy
prices, which could seriously hurt the Russian economy.
Economic interdependence
means a total collapse of economic relations is unlikely,
but a relative decline may follow as sanctions have some
impact and investors become
more cautious.
Russia may also have surrendered much of its influence in global politics. There is little reason to suppose it was
part of some longstanding
plan to re-form the former
Soviet Union. The same
moment was a victory for a
mass movement against a
Moscow-backed president,
and the new government in
Kiev was crass enough to announce immediately that it
was reducing the status of
the Russian language across
Ukraine. The same values are dear to a number of
authoritarian regimes which
are close to Russia . Should such
a scenario arise again, are
western governments likely to even bother consulting
Russia now, or paying any attention to its veto. Intense
diplomatic dialogue with the
west accompanied that invasion, and the army did not
stay long. This crisis goes beyond anything that has happened before. Uncertainty
over Russia?s motives and ultimate intentions is made
greater by the fact that it is
almost impossible to get any
insights into the workings of
Kremlin politics.
I have
here are a few relevant
things we do know about
Vladimir Putin:
? Throughout his Presidencies Putin has affirmed
Russia?s responsibility to
protect the rights and interests of Russians living in
neighbouring countries.
? Putin hates it when established rulers are overthrown
by mass popular action.
. The opinions expressed in this section are the writers. 2
27 MARCH . Over 40 per
cent of all Russian trade is
with the European Union,
a share which the faltering
Russian economy can ill afford to lose. The extension and consolidation of the Eurasian Customs Union has been at the
heart of Putin?s recent international policy.
? According to Steven Lee Myers, writing in the New York
Times, the decision for the
Russian military to intervene in Crimea was taken
in a hurry and by a group of
only four people (Putin, his
Chief of Staff Sergei Ivanov,
secretary of the National Security Council Nikolai
Patrushev, and the director of the Federal Security
Service Aleksandr Bortnikov). But once Putin had
committed troops outside
the official Russian bases in
Crimea, there was no turning
back. But Russia?s recent
actions, which can be seen
as giving encouragement to
separatists as well as upsetting the international order,
have given rise to considerable disquiet, especially in
By pushing ahead with the
annexation of Crimea, it
seems that Putin has decided
the surrender of such international leverage is a price
worth paying. On this occasion I
expected a show of strength
and a bit of sabre rattling before a withdrawal. The West?s
leaders probably hoped much
the same, which explains why
they were too slow to impose
sanctions. It is currently the
focal point of Putin?s aspiration to restore Russia to her
position as a leading power
on the world stage and as the
unchallenged dominant power in its immediate neighbourhood. In future disagreements, he will be relying more on threats than
diplomacy. The consequences will
be enormous, for Ukraine,
for global international relations, and for Russia.
against Russia have been
widely derided as toothless,
but in the long-term there
could be serious consequences for the Russian economy
. not just from the sanctions but from loss of investor confidence. For years
now Russia has insisted on
the supreme role of the UN
and its Security Council in
mediating global disputes,
but by creating such a big
rift with Western countries
at the same time as blatantly
disregarding core UN values
of sovereignty and territorial
integrity it will not be able to
call on UN legality for some
time to come. Russia has
had some success in putting itself at the head of the
group of these kind of countries, in part because it has
been the most vocal world
power in defence of the inviolability of international
borders. (Following this logic to its absurd conclusion,
a group claiming to represent 50,000 Russian wives
of Palestinians has reportedly written to Putin asking him to annex Gaza!) The
problem now for Putin is that
he is going to be under pressure from the more nationalist wing in Russian society to
support those populations.
He can either escalate the
crisis further, or disappoint
those demands.
successes the Putin regime may have had over
the years in strengthening the
state and achieving other aims
for Russia?s economic recovery, that role is now spent, and
for a number of political scientists there is no longer any
purpose to Putin?s power other than enriching himself and
his cronies. You can submit your articles to viewpoint@helsinkitimes.fi. What is more
worrying is that he is clearly ready to use this confrontational stance to create a
qualitatively new type of domestic support for his rule.
The events of last week show
the power that a well orchestrated media, combined with
the natural momentum of
nationalism, can have over a
population. 2 APRIL
Viewpoints are commentaries written by experts and authorities about specific topics. Last year, foreign direct investment (FDI)
to Russia reached a new high
of US 94 billion dollars, most
of it coming from Western
companies. The staged celebrations of the successful annexation and Putin?s central
role in them on last Wednesday have taken the Putin
cult to new levels. His latest book Red Nations: the Nationalities Experience in and after the USSR was published by Cambridge University Press in 2013.
Russia?s uncertain future
after Putin?s Crimean adventure
to confess that, like
many other observers, I did
not expect Russia?s President
Putin to go through with his
annexation of Crimea from
Ukraine. own and do not represent
the official policy of the Helsinki Times.
Jeremy Smith is the VERA (Centre for Russian and Border Studies)
Professor of Russian History and Politics at the University of Eastern Finland. But
the actions and pronouncements of the past few weeks
may have consequences that
have not been fully thought
through. China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan among them. While substantial opposition to the
annexation does exist, as
demonstrations the previous weekend showed, in the
short term Putin?s position
and authority in Russia have
undoubtedly been enhanced.
At present it does not seem
likely that Putin has immediate designs on eastern
Ukraine, let alone Moldova,
Northern Kazakhstan, Estonia or anywhere else. Whatever predictability there was
about Russian politics and foreign policy in the past has now
been swept away.
Whatever. A large chunk of his foreign policy was in tatters and
the West, who he had consistently identified as being behind the Maidan movement,
The Eurasian
seemed to have pulled off a
victory which would hurt Putin?s status at home as well as
contingent plans
for military operations in
Crimea may have been in
place for years, it seems that
the decision to go ahead was
made in a heated moment
and that the annexation was
an attempt to recover some
of that status through a military adventure. Bringing Ukraine,
which has a much bigger
economy than the others
apart from Russia, into the
Customs Union would have
been a huge step forward for
this strategy. For now, Europe
is also dependant on Russia
for energy supplies, although
spite of repeated complaints
that it is frozen out of major
international decisions, Russia has been successful in delaying the deployment of a
NATO missile defence system in Eastern Europe and
in stalling NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine.
While domestic opposition in
the US and UK may have been
the main factor in stopping
NATO military intervention
in Syria, numerous Members
of the British Parliament cited the lack of a UN mandate
as their reason for opposing
In other words, Russia?s veto in the UN Security Council
was significant in preventing
military action. But Yanukovych?s flight from Kiev
meant that Ukraine will most
likely never join
The highest number of
fare dodgers were found on commuter trains, trams and the Metro. 2 APRIL
Customer service points
Rautatientori Metro Station
(by Central Railway Station)
Itäkeskus Metro Station
Pasila, Opastinsilta 6A
Monthly review
HSL Customer service tel. The share of
public transport of all journeys has
increased in all municipalities in the
area, on both commuter and leisure
journeys, among men and women
and in most age groups.
Around 80 per cent of residents
in the metropolitan area use a Travel Card or a similar public transport
ticket, while the corresponding figure for the entire HSL region is 30 per
cent. The service is run by HSL
and HKL and it is first being trialed at Vuosaari Metro Station.
There are both sheltered bicycle racks with a frame locking
system and lockers which work
with a Travel Card.
HSL is collecting feedback on
the pilot with a view to expanding the service to other Metro
stations at a later stage.
My HSL is first released as a
beta version and the service is
further developed on the basis of
user experiences and feedback.
Fare dodging decreased
In 2013, about 2.7 per cent of
were caught fare dodging, while
in 2012 the figure was about 3.2
per cent. work: in 2012, a ticket inspector inspected the tickets of 232 passengers per day on
average, last year the figure was
about 260 per day.
As HSL lost nearly 8 million euros due to fare dodging last year,
fare evasion still makes a significant dent in the public transport
station to be
gaining popularity
The Myllypuro Metro station will
undergo an overhaul in August.
The station will become even more
accessible, as after the work there
will be more lifts to the platforms
along with a new escalator access
to the ticket hall in the Myllyaukio
Besides the paving, seating and
lighting, the roof above the platforms will be replaced and glass
walls added to protect passengers
from the wind and rain.
The surroundings of the station
will be improved by redoing some
of the surfaces, planted areas and
ramps. You can register for the
service at HSL.fi. You can get
the news and alerts via My HSL
or you can have them sent to
your email.
My HSL comprises upgraded versions of Disruption Info
(www.poikkeusinfo.fi) and My
Departures (www.omatlahdot.
fi), which will be closed as separate services in early 2014 but
you will be able to use the familiar services by registering for My
On the new website, Disruption Info and My Departures will
work without any hitches regardless of the device used, so
they are suited to mobile use.
This is particularly important for
Park your bike
with a Travel Card
In My HSL you can also register
to use a new bike parking service, which works with a Travel
Card. HSL is responsible for ticket inspections on the HSL area public
transport services and on longdistance trains across the country.
In 2013, HSL?s goal was to increase the number of tickets inspected and target the inspections
in a certain way to reduce fare
dodging. Once you have
registered, you can select the
routes for which you want to receive traffic bulletins, news and
disruptions alerts. 09 4766 4000
(Mon-Fri 7am-7pm, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm)
Advice on public transport routes,
timetables and tickets, Travel Card
assistance and lost Travel Cards
HSL Helsinki Region Transport
PO BOX 100, 00077 HSL
My HSL provides information about your preferred routes
lauri eriksson
The HSL.fi online service expands with a
new My HSL section, which provides all of
the information you wish to get in one place.
Up to 49 per cent of visits to HSL.fi in February were made from mobile phones or other hand-held devices.
The My HSL service is built
around the routes you use regularly. HELSINKI TIMES
27 MARCH . The station will be in
use throughout the renovations.
According to a study conducted by
HSL, residents of Helsinki spend 73
minutes a day travelling, making 3.4
journeys on average on weekdays.
For the first time in five decades,
public transport is gaining popularity faster than private motoring in
the metropolitan area. In Helsinki, 77 per cent of people
have a driving license, compared with
91 per cent in Nurmijärvi, Tuusula, Sipoo, Mäntsälä and Kauniainen.. In spring
2012, HSL replaced the old devices with new ones. HSL not only reached
the goal but exceeded it, as last
year HSL inspected the tickets of
passengers using public transport because up to 49 per cent
of visits to HSL.fi in February
were made from mobile phones
or other hand-held devices.
some 4 million passengers compared to 3.4 million in 2012.
New technology has played a
key role in making the inspections more effective. Existing areas for bicycles
will also be improved and new ones
The work will be completed in
summer 2016. The new devices clearly speeded up ticket
He believes that a higher education
pays off, as many of his friends are applying for universities.
Work eludes the highly educated
Many apply for income support in the
Helsinki metropolitan area.
This is becoming increasingly visible particularly in Espoo where a
growing number of unemployed engineers have become unemployed, says
Jouni Nupponen, researcher at the Centre for Economic
Development, Transport and
the Environment.
Those who have ?fallen hard,. Nupponen
Unemployment is even
more common amongst
those with business degrees than engineers. We make
sure that this can happen,?
Andrejev says.
Under the Administrative Procedure Act, Finn-
mous Helsinki-based social
?Some keep their expensive cars and apartments
that they cannot afford with
their current wages. Sipola says.
According to him many
highly educated may find it
hard to admit in the social
welfare office that their situations have not improved
through traditional methods
of job seeking.
?Perhaps the ethos of
working is at a breaking
point. In particular, interpreting services were
required by speakers of Russian, Somali and Arabic.
?Officials need interpreters to carry out their official duties properly. Their economies should be adjusted well
in advance.
?Sell their cars and live
in a rental apartment they
can afford. H S
A N N I K A R A U TA KO U R A . The unemployment
of the highly educated has
also increased more rapid-
of unemployed
The group of people receiving
income support is increasingly diverse, Sipola says.
Those who have lost high positions also include many
temporary and arbitrary
students were almost guaranteed a job. Those accustomed to executive positions
could seek expert tasks.
ish authorities are obliged to
organise translation or interpretation in matters initiated by authorities, if a client
has insufficient Finnish or
Swedish skills.
To an extent, the rising
translation and interpretation costs are attributable to
the concentration of immigrants in the Helsinki region.
While roughly 8.4 per cent of
the residents in the region
are foreign citizens, the nationwide average is only 3.6
per cent, Statistics Finland
?The growth in the number of immigrants is very
rapid in the capital region,
and this must be taken into
account also in services,. Now many have
to settle for temporary work,
if they are lucky,. H T
Cities in the Helsinki metropolitan area spend millions
of euros a year on translation
and interpretation services, finds a survey conducted by Helsingin Sanomat.
Altogether, the translation
and interpretation services acquired last year from
the private sector by Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa were
worth 1.5 million euros.
In addition, the cities
spent nearly 4.7 million euros
on services provided by the
Helsinki Region Community
Interpreting Centre.
The Hospital District of
Helsinki and Uusimaa is
alongside the three major
metropolitan cities one of
the largest clients of the interpreting centre. For example in late January 400 jobs in
the Nyland region were open
for design engineers, sales
managers and electrical and
automation engineers.
Despite the regression
work in the field of economics are available.
?Along with company reorganisations some may
even have an increased need
for consultation services,?
Nupponen says.
He says that further education or in-service training
may advance employment.
Expectations should also possibly be lowered. Cutting back on
trips abroad and hobbies, if
Not without hope
The situation of the unemployed highly educated is not
completely hopeless, though,
says Nupponen.
Even though most jobs in
the Nyland are in the service
industry, also engineering
work is available. 44 .4%
Färiborz Firuzabadi (right) interprets while Afghan Farid Ahmad
Omari (left) and an official at the City of Vantaa discuss.
View details and this week?s question at www.helsinkitimes.fi. 2 APRIL
H S / H E I D I P I I RO I N E N
ly than other unemployment
?The figures are worrisome. the social worker reports.
In the worst case scenario this reportedly leads to a
recovery proceeding and excessive debt. highly educat-
PÄ I V I P U N K K A . They apply for income support after they have applied for
loans and become indebted
through consumer credit and
credit cards. ?In particular, services are bought
by providers of health, social and education services
. 55.6%
No . The ICT industry also includes many employees with
degrees in economics, Nupponen reminds.
Leon Robles who returned home from the army put in a job application in Leppävaara on Monday. This
is due to such things as the
closing down of bank offices. H T
of the
highly educated has increased significantly in the
Helsinki metropolitan area.
The number of highly educated people with a history
of long-term unemployment
grew from last year by up to
58 per cent.
ed people who have been laid
off from well-paid positions,
have approached municipalities for income support. 4
27 MARCH . reminds Satu Tyry-Salo, the
communications director at
Question of the week
The Government may soon debate whether to introduce
tuition fees for foreign students.
Should students from outside the European Economic
Area pay for their higher education in Finland?
Yes . says Pasi Sipola, area manager for social
services for adults in Espoo.
More than one in five of
unemployed in the metropolitan are highly educated.
In January they amounted to
12,372. i.e. It is not a phenomenon
that concerns the most recent months. The unemployment of the highly educated
has grown more significantly than other education levels for some time,. says Tatjana Andrejev, a director at the HelH S / R io G a nda r a
Cities in metropolitan area
spend millions on interpreting
sinki Region Community
Interpreting Centre.
Last year, the centre provided over 60,000 hours of interpreting services in roughly
80 different languages, relying on over 400 interpreters
employed as freelancers or at
small companies. They believe
they will pay their debts once
they find another job,. The unemployment
of the highly educated grew
by slightly less than a third
from the previous year. such as hospitals, kindergartens, maternity clinics,
mental health clinics and
schools,. They
too, seek the ultimate form of
a golden handshake or an
earnings-related daily allowance has not taken place with
these people,. H S
A leksi T eivainen . The director general
lauds the proposal unveiled by leading cabinet and opposition members on Sunday.
By assigning organisational responsibility to five large
districts, Eskola views, the proposed model ensures that
the emphasis of social welfare and health care services is
where it should be, ?on primary-level services and preventive work?.
To improve the quality of short-distance services, Eskola reminds that improvements in quality tend to require further investments. The
overall figure of unemployed
was 43,303 in the whole
country, representing 13 per
cent of the total number of
The unemployment of the
highly educated in the metropolitan area has become
more widespread and longterm than elsewhere in the
country. Many no longer consider paid jobs to be the only
thing that provide meaning
in their life, even if this has
previously been the case,?
Sipola ponders.
Not everyone is able to cut
back on spending despite unemployment or decreased
income, observes an anony-
Juhani Eskola
Famous for:
Director general at the
National Institute for Health
and Welfare (THL)
The new proposal to reform the Finnish social welfare and
health care system is a good step forward, views Eskola, ?it
was more ambitious than I thought?. However, he also points out that experts
have only estimated the savings that would be created by
reducing the number of bodies responsible for the organisation of services from the current 170 to 20.
The proposal hammered out by the cabinet and opposition would assign the decision-making authority over social welfare and health care services to five districts, which
are based on the current special responsibility areas and
each comprise some 60 municipalities and 1,000,000 residents.
J yri H änninen
The swindlers have
then impersonated foreign
customs officials, the representatives of courier service
providers or private persons
and requested a payment for
the delivery of the parcel.
?To our knowledge, some
have sent money. The federation is obliged to protect
the students, underlined legal counsel Antti Linna.. ?I have
wronged, I don?t deny that,?
he said, stressing neverthe-
less that he has not infringed
competition rules.
The Equestrian Federation contrastively insists
that it is ?fairly. The men had assured her that she would be
working at a bar.
Regardless, the victim
was pandered to five to six
customers a day and did not
receive a penny of the illegal
proceeds, which were shared
by the two perpetrators.
According to the court,
the victim was also denied
sufficient food and occasionally made to sleep in a
car despite the cold weather.
In addition, she was abused
physically, spat on and overall treated in a derogatory
The victim was consequently deemed entitled to
recover a total of 29,000 euros from the perpetrators in
compensation for suffering,
temporary handicap and loss
of earnings.
Phishing e-mails have also been sent under the guise of a data security threats.
Dozens deceived into revealing
their online bank details
Sums as large as one hundred thousand euros have been lost in previous similar scams.
FINNISH authorities have
stepped up their search for
new measures to combat the
intensifying flow of phishing campaigns, after tens of
Finns have fallen prey to yet
another e-mail scam. At present, fraudulent e-mails are
spammed from accounts that
appear to belong to the Finnish Customs in an attempt to
obtain the online bank details of recipients.
Earlier, similar e-mails
have been sent under the
guise of data security concerns on behalf of banks, tax
authorities and law enforcement officials.
Today, the swindlers also
prey on Facebook and other
social media platforms.
?We?re currently looking into how to combat the
fraudulent e-mails and the
associated crime more ef-
Riding instructor convicted
of sex crimes seeks damages
Susanna R ein b o th . H S
had failed to hear the man
before making its decision.
The instructor is consequently demanding that the
federation be imposed a penalty payment unless it abides
by the ruling of the Sports
Arbitration Board. The
pages are in Finnish and have
been crafted relatively well,?
Hyytiäinen says.
According to the Finnish
Customs, the swindlers have
successfully obtained the
bank details of some Finns
but as of yet no money.
The e-mails are believed
to originate in websites
based in Latvia and other
Baltic countries. Typically, the losses have been in
the region of a few dozen to
one hundred euros,. When such
a page is brought down as
per the request of Finnish
authorities, another one will
appear shortly.
?Unfortunately, this may
continue for days, weeks
or even months,. Thousands, if not
tens of thousands, of e-mails
have probably been sent,. According to the police, the case
is particularly disconcerting,
because the explosives were
discovered in an Oulu flat.
Jail terms of men
who pimped
teenage girl upheld
Victim denied sufficient food, made
to sleep in a car and
abused physically.
Susanna R ein b o th . Two suspects
who remain in detention
are believed to have ties
with the outlaw gang United
In addition, the police
have seized several firearms and over ten kilos of
explosives, primers and detonators in raids conducted as
part of the investigation. The ban was
overturned by the Finnish
Sports Arbitration Board on
grounds that the federation
fectively. At most, individuals have lost tens of
thousands of euros. he stated in court.
Most of the offences, he
has revealed, took place in
by over 50 recipients of such
Overall, we?ve probably
been notified of roughly 300
e-mails. Hyytiäinen says.
L e h t i k u va / M A R TTI KAINULAINEN
L asse K erkel ä . Rantaaho reveals.
A few years ago, sums in
excess of one hundred thousand euros were stolen in
similar scams.
Since early March, reports
of the e-mails purportedly
sent by the Finnish Customs
have increased steadily. says Markku Rantaaho, the head of the Money
Laundering Clearing House
at the National Bureau of
According to him, the
sums involved in the scams
are ?huge?.
streams make great rivers
applies here. The
victim, the court highlighted,
had specifically asked if she
would be made to work as a
prostitute. The federation has
dismissed the demand of the
instructor, viewing that the
suspensions were justified
due to the 18-month probation order handed down to
the instructor for the sexual
abuse of four teenage girls in
the spring of 2011.
The victims were all students of the instructor, the
youngest being 15 and the
others 16-17 years old.
Both the District Court of
Pohjois-Savo and the Itä-Suomi Court of Appeal found the
man guilty of three counts of
sexual abuse and one count
of child sexual abuse.
Following the district
court?s ruling, the Equestrian Federation banned the instructor from participating
in its activities in an attempt
to ensure that he could no
longer represent Finland in
international competitions
or continue working as a riding instructor. Bank
transfers of thousands of euros have been made,. In addition, he is pursuing monetary
compensation for the illegal
In his defence, the man
has pointed out that the offences were committed during his free time. CRIME
27 MARCH . obvious that
the instructor has infringed
competition rules. H S
The instructor pointed out that the offences were committed during his free time.
his home. 2 APRIL
C O M P I L E D b y aleksi tei vainen
l e h t i k u va / J a n n e N o us i a i n e n
Police seize
over ten kilos of
explosives in Oulu
have discovered
one kilo of amphetamine from
an outdoor stash, firearms and
explosives as part of an investigation into the actions of
a criminal organisation suspected of distributing amphetamine in the Oulu region.
The value of the amphetamine sold in the Oulu and
Ylivieska regions in the past
few months is approximately 75,000 euros, the investigators estimate. laments
The Finnish Customs has
said that it will deepen its cooperation with the Finnish
Communications Regulatory
Authority, other authorities
and banks in order to beef
up the fight against phishing
While looking into the
fraudulent e-mails, customs officials have also come
across incidents in which
Finns have been contacted on
Facebook or other social media platforms about a parcel
allegedly intercepted by the
customs. Overall, the
batch of amphetamine would
suffice for approximately
12,000 doses.
The police
The police have hauled
over ten people in for questioning, while three suspects have been detained in
the course of the pre-trial
investigation. ?They took
place when I was off duty,
and consequently the regulations of the federation do not
apply,. The phenomenon
is growing and is about to explode,. H S
The Helsinki Court of Appeal has upheld the prison
terms handed down to two
men for pandering a 16-yearold Romanian girl in Helsinki
over a two-month period in
early 2012.
The court thereby convicted Tudor Stamatie, 28, to
four years and eight months
in prison for aggravated human trafficking and his
31-year-old accomplice, Gheorghe-Cosmin Balasoiu, to
four years and two months?
In its ruling, the court of
appeal called attention to the
deceitful nature of the means
used by the perpetrators. estimates Sami Hyytiäinen,
the head of security at the
Finnish Customs.
The e-mails prompt recipients to either visit a local
customs office or use their
online bank details to claim
a parcel allegedly intercepted by the customs.
The e-mails contain links to
the websites of banks. On
20 March alone, the Finnish Customs were contacted
L asse K erkel ä . He was also convicted for offering alcohol
beverages to minors. H S
A riding instructor convicted of the sexual abuse of his
students is pursuing roughly 70,000 euros in compensation from the Equestrian
Federation of Finland for illegal suspensions imposed
on him. By clicking a link, you will be taken to a
page that resembles the bank?s
log-in page and prompts you
to enter your bank details
The ability
to deal with disappointments,
she says, has weakened with
both parents and children.
?The greatest challenge is
parents who only think of the
interests of their own offspring, instead of that of the
whole community.??
to a poll made
by Yle News, especially over
50-year-olds and under
25-year-olds back Finland?s
defence accord with Sweden.
The accord receives crossparty support.
The defence accord would
ensure that the armies of
both countries help each other, if needed. Misukka writes.
She sees Finland?s falling
Pisa ranking as a possibility to finally move ?from Pisa
prison to a normal discussion?.
According to her, the gap between schools and children?s
everyday life is widening.
?The change in learning
and in the information society has been so great that
it?s reasonable to question
whether the evaluation of
learning results still highlights the appropriate things.
Children find it difficult to
understand why learning by
heart is important as all of
the information can be found
in seconds with the help of a
search engine.?
As a part of the problem Misukka sees parents?
changed attitudes. We are also losing ground to our closest
competitors in the amount of direct foreign investment
money and taking the wooden spoon in the race for investments among the Nordic countries.
For a country such as Finland, built on bold investments, the situation is alarming. 24 MARCH. It?s the
first time such a systematic
L e h t i k u va / K i mm o M ä n t y l ä
Despite this, investments are the gravest concern for
Finland?s economy, with both foreign and domestic investments continuing
In order to beat the their downward spiFor example the
recession and rescue ral.
investment rate of inthe welfare state,
dustrial companies
in Finland is set to rewe need to attract
main at around 12 per
more investments as cent this year, a figure that is clearly bequickly as possible.
low the average on a
European level. Besides the wider economic trends,
growth is dented by our declining competitiveness and
the narrowness of our economic sector. PÄIVI ISOTALUS
Fear of war reducing
numbers travelling to Russia
?the media has given such a
scary image of the situation
in Ukraine that some people think Russia is in a state
of war.
?That is definitely not the
case,. The answer is a resounding ?no?. Her recently published book, Superpower
of Education at a Crossroads,
questions the state of elementary education.
The book was written specifically for municipality decision-makers as, Misukka
says, developing of the school
sector has been neglected by
municipalities. Plans include joint
exercise and training. 23 MARCH.
According to travel agent Aikamatkat, there have been no difficulties at the border.
KAUPPALEHTI. The current situation is problematic as it creates pressure for the guards?
work,. 2 APRIL
from finnish press
compiled by mari storpellinen
L e h t i k u va / M i ll a Ta k a l a
Over half
of Finns
back the
Sinuhe Wallinheimo is a Member of the Parliament for the National
Coalition Party. Currently slowing down investments,
permission processes, which can take up to 6 years,
must be speeded up as such time spans do not encourage investment. Means for doing just this can be found in Jorma
Eloranta?s 2012 report for the Ministry of Employment
and the Economy.
It is to the current government?s credit that they have
wasted no time in implementing some of the proposals,
including cutting corporate taxes to a level lower than the
rates adopted by our competitors. Furthermore, all parties have committed to the abolishment of regulations that
hamper companies. The phenomenon
has now spread to prisons all
over the country.
?We handed out records to
80 prisoners before discovering that they weren?t asked for
personal use but for uncovering which guards are working
on security assignments.?
A number of guards are
employed to prevent crime in
prisons, and cooperate with
the police and customs.
?We have now declined
from handing out records on
grounds of publicity law.?
Tens of prisoners have
since appealed to adminis-
trative Court over the denials. activities, even though the impact of
these measures will only be visible after some time.
More actions are still needed. ASTA TENHUNEN
campaign against the guards
has taken place in Finland.
?Previously, mainly the
prison warden have been
summoned. says Mikko Koistinen,
the General Manager of travel agency Aikamatkat.
According to Koistinen,
there have been no difficulties at the border.
?There is a risk of visa sanctions though, which
would make things more
complicated. But I find it unlikely
that travel for ordinary citizens will be restricted.??. He was elected from Central Finland constituency in
2011 parliamentary elections. General Director of
Criminal Sanctions Agency
Esa Vesterbacka says.
The first requests were received in late autumn 2011 in
Southern Finland when a few
prisoners asked the Criminal
Sanctions Agency for journals of who had been viewing
their data. She reminds
that 70 per cent of the Finn-
ish representatives are over
55 years old and therefore
not necessarily familiar with
the ways of a modern society.
?Municipalities have gotten too comfortable in the
knowledge of the educational success of Finland,. Processing of the appeals
is still ongoing.
?We have found out that
organised activity is behind
some of the requests, and
that all the prisoners may not
have wanted to make the request themselves.?
Prisoners have gone
through the lists of names
in a joint effort and made reports of offences on guards
viewing their data gratuitously. We also need to provide students of all
ages with teaching in a wider range of foreign languages
to ensure our success on a global level.
We should also give serious consideration to tax incentives for businesses and the adoption of innovation box,
a system of applying a lower tax rate to income generated from innovation. They are demanding
compensation of some hundreds of euro.?
The modest
According to Heljä Misukka, schools are struggling to keep up with the changes in information society.
27 MARCH . Even in our traditional fields, the value for money offered by our export products and their marketing is not up to scratch.
?The Educational Director
of Trade Union of OAJ Heljä
Misukka would reform the
funding of elementary schooling and the legislation regarding it. He is also the President of Finnish Ice
Hockey Players´ Association (FHPA).
Investments to boost growth
economic growth has for some time
sparked concerns in Finland, which only in the mid1990s had the fastest growing economy in Europe.
Since then, the situation has changed dramatically.
Last week, the European Commission predicted that
Finland?s economy will only grow by 0.2 per cent this
year, a rate that will leave the country lagging behind
the much pilloried crisis-stricken European countries.
There are several reasons behind the slow economic
growth in Finland. SUVI UUSITALO
School at crossroads: why to
learn by heart as all information
can be found in seconds?
sue 300
?Prisoners have sued approximately 300 prison
guards for viewing their registered data gratuitously. And we can get the Finnish
economy back on rails if we put our minds to it.
YLE NEWS. The impact on investments should be taken into consideration in all political
decision-making. Now it
seems Finns would be willing
to take the cooperation even
The poll shows that only
36 per cent of Finns are objecting the defence accord.
Ten per cent had no opinion.
Although pleased with the
results, Minister of Defence
Carl Haglund stresses that
the defence accord is just one
of Finland?s options.
?Nevertheless, the aim is
not to form any kind of military alliance.?
24 MARCH. Europeans are the
ones to suffer if such restrictions come into effect.?
Aikamatkat has prepared
itself for the worst by investing in other destinations.
?We have taken precautions to make sure our business is not dependent on
Russia. Without investments
we can bury all dreams of developing products with
high added value, making a quick economic recovery
unlikely. In the current situation, renewing our economy and staying abreast with the global development is
becoming increasingly difficult.
In order to beat the recession and rescue the welfare
state, we need to attract more investments as quickly as
possible. According to her, the
obligations of municipalities
in relation to schools are also
in need of revision. In that case,
travelling to Russia via Finland will suffer.?
What would follow possible restrictions in monetary
?Our Russian partners already often use subsidiaries located elsewhere in their
invoicing. According to the
poll, 54 per cent of Finns are
backing it.
Sweden and Finland are
currently in process of deepening their peacetime cooperation. With Finland?s economic growth already stemming from innovations, these measures are
sensible and can help attract more investments from
both Finnish and global companies.
Of course these measures would not be free but can
we really afford to lose any more investments. 24 MARCH
L E H T I K U VA / P E K K A S A K K I
Finland became wellknown in the construction
industry as a product of high
quality, and has long-lasting
value due to superior wood
engineering to make it a viable and smart choice for use
and installation in homes,
whether indoors or outdoors.
Wood from Finland comes
from the durable Finland
(Scots) pine tree, the most
common native tree in Finland. 24 MARCH. TIM HARFORD
Four steps
to fixing
measures, and in
many countries, income inequality has been increasing
for a generation. Its strength is well
appreciated in many countries
around the world, and is now
available in the Philippines.
contrast, Japan is more equal
than the UK and US despite a
tax system that redistributes
less than theirs, because the
country?s economy delivers
more egalitarian outcomes...?
ITHACA. Those who
aren?t worried about increasing inequality should still
be concerned at such widespread stagnation of living
The first step is to be precise. 22 MARCH. Are we using the Gini
coefficient or the share of the
top 1 per cent to measure inequality. As members trickle in they set down
Finnish dishes of bright pink
rosolli with beets, carrots
and pickles, while others go
straight for the coffee.
?My grandparents came
here from Finland in the early 1900s. Before taxes
and benefits or after?
This last question is often ignored but it makes a big
difference. But today, choosing is no longer hard: try Finland Wood . the latest and
most durable choice you can
find. It is also noted for its
beautiful wood grain . A video on Youtube that
already has over half a million views shows Ahonen in
action along with the adorable dogs Elsa, Taitso, Nakke, Gado, Nino, Dumle, Salli,
and Tortsi.
Each dog handles the missing treat confusion in their
own unique way, but none of
them are pleased about losing their tasty morsel...?
Visit www.helsinkitimes.fi
for a daily Finnish news
update in English.. In April last year,
Niinistö visited China and
the two presidents agreed to
develop a new type of coop-
President of Finland Sauli Niinistö met the President of China Xi
Jinping in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, on 23 March.
Nokia on Friday
said it had received a new
300 million euro ($414 million) sales tax claim from a
regional authority in India,
adding that it considered the
claim ?absurd?.
Nokia told Reuters it had
filed a writ to protest Tamil
Nadu authority that claimed
that handsets produced in
the company?s Chennai plant
were not exported but instead sold in India.
?Nokia considers the claim
to be completely without merit and counter to domestic
Finns offer scholarships
to high school students
members of
the Finger Lakes Finns say to
one another as they enter into the Newfield Fire Station
for the group?s monthly meeting on 16 March. Richard Ahola,
Finlandia Foundation National board trustee, is third generation of Finnish decent.
Rusty Wigg is Finnish on her
father?s side.
?My father was born in
this country but he started
school speaking Finnish
as his first language,. But after the tax
system has done its work,
Finland is the least unequal.
Finland?s market economy
delivers outcomes roughly as
unequal as those of the UK
and the US but the tax system
is far more redistributive. Hilarious
footage of a Finnish
mentalist who uses ?magic?
to fool dogs and make
their snacks disappear
?A FINNISH mentalist is up to
some new tricks. 22 MARCH. Wigg
A truck loaded with logs at a rest stop.
pre-tax household incomes,
Finland is the most unequal
of the lot. Wealth, consumpti-
27 MARCH . the company said,
and added the new claim had
nothing to do with the closing of its deal to sell its phone
business to Microsoft...?
The strength of wood from
Finland now in the Philippines
?CHOOSING what wood to
use for your home needs careful thought since many wood
choices are available today
and it is difficult to determine which one is perfect for
your needs. Consider Finland,
France and Japan. environmental protection project, and the FinChi
Innovation Center...?
T H E P R E S I D E N T I A L O F F I C E / L E H T I K U VA
?CHINESE President Xi Jinping met with his Finnish
counterpart Sauli Niinistö
here on Sunday, and the two
leaders pledged to boost bilateral cooperation.
It was the second meeting
between the two presidents
in a year. member Jeanne Frandsen said.
Frandsen?s story resembles many ancestral backgrounds of members in the
Finger Lakes Finns, FLF, organization. MU XUEQUAN
REUTERS. 21 MARCH. 21 MARCH. My mother?s father was a
coal miner and my grandfat-
her on my father?s side worked in the copper mines in
the Upper Peninsula,. Instead of
playing mind games with humans he?s decided to befuddle dogs.
Jose Ahonen, a magician and mentalist from Tampere, Finland puts treats in
front of a dog?s face and then
makes it mysteriously disappear. making it a great find for those who
want a home with personality, style and character...?
Start your weekend
with news in English.
Why not add Helsinki Times
to your morning coffee?
Stay informed about news and current
affairs in Finland by subscribing to the
weekly Helsinki Times.
To subscribe:
e-mail subscribe@helsinkitimes.fi
Trick or treat. JUSSI ROSENDAHL
Chinese, Finnish
presidents meet
in Netherlands,
pledging closer
Nokia protests against
new 414-million-dollar
tax claim in India
erative partnership between
the two countries.
During Sunday?s meeting,
Xi said China-Finland cooperation on investment, environmental protection, innovation
and urbanization has achieved
new results over the past year,
among which are the ?Beautiful Beijing. My mother?s and
father?s parents came over.
My father settled in Michigan
and my mother in Pennsylvania. Wood from Finland is the
strongest and provides the
best value for whatever lumber or wood requirement one
may have
But it all
started in Finland and we
would be very happy to represent this country all over
the world.?
The West and Russia trade sanctions over Ukraine
DAV I D J . When that
had no effect they announced
sanctions targeted at specific Russian and Ukrainian individuals. So to me it?s not as
much a creative process but a
solution to a problem.?
Contrary to common belief, Huang says, Finnish people like bright colours.
?Marimekko is a good example of that. Soon after
Finnish independence Åland wanted to separate and be
annexed by Sweden, but were stymied by the League of
Nations. Even today there are Ålanders who want to secede from Finland. To follow the theme, the larger bag from our collection
was named Saimaa, and the
smaller Inari.?
David J. Yet it is conceivable
that the Crimeans really would vote to join Russia in a
free and fair referendum. The idea behind the
Global brand
in the making
The bags come in two different sizes, and in three different colours: brown, yellow
and Nordic blue.
?The fabric used in these
bags is really good quality. We sell
them chemicals, paper, metals and especially machinery. Russian entities
have about 140 billion dollars
worth of American Treasury
bonds, about 105 billion dollars of which was suddenly
pulled from custodial accounts at the Federal Reserve.
The Financial Times is reporting that Russian banks
and energy companies have
already begun repatriating
cash held in American banks.
So far there is no indication
Russians are pulling money
from Europe, but if the fear of
escalating sanctions persist it
can only be a matter of time.. To the UK?s credit they are allowing the Scottish referendum to go forward, even if they
aren?t happy about it. If this doesn?t work
either, they could resort to
broader sanctions.
Limited sanctions
American and EU authorities
have issued travel bans and ordered the freezing of assets of
a number of individuals. The idea is to make
finding a certain item easier
and quicker: there are several
small pockets helping to keep
the contents in order, and its
brightly coloured lining makes
spotting the desired item easier. Recently, we secured a seed investment from
two star-investors from the
IT sector. I
thought: if we can make
women happier and their life
easier, why not do it.?
The whole process started only nine months ago, and
the company was officially
founded in December 2013.
?It took about four months
to design the products and
build a team around me. The writer is a journalist and
columnist for Helsinki Times. Six months before deciding to quit my job in China and
come back to Finland, I got the
idea of starting to make these
bags. like South Sudan or the breakup of Yugoslavia . I like the fact that I can
help ordinary people make
their life a little bit easier with
handy solutions.?
Nordic calm
in hectic lives
The idea stemmed from
Huang?s own struggle with
the combination of disorganised bags and a busy lifestyle.
?My job in China involved
a lot of travelling between the
factories. All this trade could be
devastated if the two sides
begin an escalating round of
Both parties seem to
know what is at stake, and it
is likely this is the reason the
sanctions have been more for
appearances than to cause
any real economic hardship.
Fear causes damage
But it is possible that this
economic war could heat
up, and simply thinking of
this risk has already resulted in some financial repercussions. It is to be kept inside your actual handbag,
with all the everyday essentials in it. It was
pretty cool to play with hightech devices, and I was the
only girl in the team at R&D,
too. With the help of bagINbag, switching bags in seconds
without forgetting anything
important is also easy.
May Huang is the Chinese
founder of Insjö. But in the end, the hightech world wasn?t really for
me. Finns might
generally dress in quite dark
colours but I find that they
want to add some colour too,
to add the fun factor to their
style. The
Basques and Catalan movements are well known, and
Scotland has an independence referendum scheduled
for September this year. C OR D
THE EU and US have begun to
impose sanctions on Russian
and Ukrainian officials whom
they deem responsible for the
Crimean situation. First, they cancelled
some meetings and visits
from trade delegations as a
diplomatic signal. I guess it reflects the
typical Finnish personality:
although people might first
seem quiet and shy, after a
few drinks they open up and
reveal that they?ve actually got a really funny side to
them, too.?
In their future plans, the
sky is the limit.
?Our aim is to make Insjö a global brand. If the rouble remains
cheap this will make Finnish exports more expensive,
hurting domestic companies.
The fear that sanctions
could be extended is also being blamed for some unusual
money flows. They support each other?s territorial integrity and do not promote secessionist movements.
There are exceptions . She also designs the bags, with a part-time
designer helping her. The final
product is, however, a result
of cooperation with a testing
group who try out the products.
?I would rather call it cocreational co-design.?
Huang became a bag designer almost accidentally.
Her educational background
is in chemical engineering.
?Before this bag business,
I had a very good job in China.
I was employed by an international corporation, dealing
with consumer gadgets. Notably, the sanctions do not affect top leaders
like President Vladimir Putin or Prime Minister Dmitry
Medvedev. The purpose of
it is to make women?s lives easier by helping them keep their
handbags better organised.
bagINbag is a so called inside bag. We would also like to see the collection
The inspiration for making bagINbag, Huang says, is
purely practical.
?I?m not a designer, I?m
an engineer. Additionally, the
people who are listed apparently have no assets in Europe
or America to freeze.
Finnish politicians have
expressed no desire for real sanctions to be imposed.
Defence Minister Carl Haglund said he didn?t think
they would work, and Minister for European Affairs Alexander Stubb told Yle: ?we
are quite reluctant about the
sanctions themselves.?
Finnish businesses do 16
billion euros in trade with
Russia, and Finland is itself an
important entry point to the
Russian market. Last week the Venice region
voted in a non-binding referendum to break away from
Italy. The Russian stock
market has fallen by about 17
per cent over the past month,
and the rouble has declined
in value against major currencies. With
luck in finding two co-founders and an in-house designer, Insjö?s bagINbag started
its journey. 8
27 MARCH . Countries
tend to support the idea of Westphalian sovereignty of
nation-states. Spain refuses to allow the Catalans such a vote, and would probably decline to recognise an independent Scotland or allow them to join
the EU for fear of encouraging their own separatist
I BELIEVE in the right of people to choose their own gov-
ernment, but broader issues do need to be addressed.
Ukraine has a legitimate concern about national assets
in Crimea, for instance, or for the rights of Ukrainian
citizens there. Almost 9 per
cent of all Russia?s imports, or
approximately 100 billion euros, transit through Finland.
Finland imports about
10-billion-euro worth of
goods from Russia annually, with about 83 per cent of
that being energy, primarily
petroleum. Still, if these concerns are addressed the
people of Crimea, or Catalonia, or Scotland, should be
able to choose their own future. Common
defence treaties, free trade areas, and supranational
partnerships like the EU can give a small country all
the benefits of size. Globalisation has its perks.
and steadily there is a growing movement
for regional self-determination, or separatism. It is their right.
The rise of Insjö has been quick, with the company officially founded in December last year.
The inside bag
M a r i S t o r p ellinen
THERE IS a new brand in town.
Insjö is the result of ChineseFinnish cooperation and their
first product, bagINbag, has
just come out. Today
large multinational
entities can allow smaller nations to thrive. Probably not.
THE problem is that modern states are not very
pleased with the separatism movement. Later on,
we would like to expand to
the rest of Northern Europe,
and further. The referendum was con-
ducted in haste under the watchful gaze of an occupying power and was not legitimate. The members of the European Union
agreed to a series of escalating steps to exert pressure on
Russia. They don?t want cheap
materials that will be worn
out after six months.?
If the business really takes off, the next step
would be expanding to retail
?Our focus during the first
year is on Finland. Cord david@helsinkitimes.fi. The
people under sanction include
politicians and powerful businessmen. The Ålands Framtid party espouses
independence and currently holds 10% of the seats in
the local Parliament, up from 7% in 2007.
IT IS becoming harder and harder to claim with any
moral authority that a region should have no right to
self-determination. He is also a private investor with over
ten years of experience.
The problem
of self-determination
Union says it ?supports the Ukrainian people and their right to choose their own future.?
This sounds moral and noble of us, but it is relevant to
ask exactly how far the EU encourages self-determination. I would always have
to carry samples, computer
and personal items with me,
and got frustrated with constantly wasting time rummaging in my bag for something.
Switching between bags in a
hurry was also a pain. Does it also support the Crimean people?s right to
choose their own future?
THE European
CRIMEA is a tough situation. but
It is becoming harder most countries do not
believe in regional
to claim with any
moral authority
that a region should
have no right to
this traditional view of Westphalian sovereignty is
breaking down. We export more
than 5 billion euros to our
eastern neighbour. The US has done
likewise. 2 APRIL
I ns j ö
name is us wanting to bring
a bit of that beauty and calm
of Nordic lakes into people?s
hectic everyday lives. In
Finland, people really value
that. My inspiration
comes from the data and information that I gather from
our panel. As a result, the Insjö
website store was opened earlier this month.?
Despite being originally founded by a Chinese person, the brand, as well as the
products, has been named
after Nordic nature.
?Insjö means lake in
Swedish. I would
always need to double-check
that I had moved all the important items from the bag I previously used to the one I was
taking with me.?
Eventually, Huang gave up
her high-flying career at R&D
to become a bag designer. She
says that the most common
reaction from women testing
bagINbag has been that they
didn?t realise how much they
needed something like this
before using it.
?I like the practical approach we have at Insjö. If the Crimeans had freely
chosen to separate from Ukraine would the EU support
them. Even in America states are testing the federal
government over some of their rights, like marriage
equality or marijuana use.
FINLAND has its own separatist movement
Hyyppä says.
?Top Finnish artists will perform every night . Before that, Turku
hosted the massive event in 2009 . and we have
some great photos of him on the ships. The highlight is arguably the frigate Shtandart, an exact replica of the first
flagship of the Imperial Russian Navy that was in service until 1727.
?The frigate will be in Turku for the entire duration of the event
[31 July to 3 August]. ?The event will
be a key part of the official programme. The ships set out from Kotka,
participate in the regatta and after a dip into history continue to Turku.?
In Turku, however, the attention shifts away from the gruesome
battle to the magnificent windjammers, which will anchor in the
River Aura for the entire duration of the three-day event. This very naval
battle shifted the entire balance of power on the Baltic Sea: the mighty
Sweden lost and Russia began to strengthen,. Karjalainen and Anna Abreu.?
?The concerts are naturally the main attraction.?
It all sounds like good fun, but special attention has also been
paid to the environmental impact of the event.
?People generally tend to assume that a sailing regatta is an ecological event. Of course, the weather has a notable effect. The event has therefore had a major
impact on the street scene in Turku.?
The year 2017 also marking the centenary of the independence
of Finland, something extraordinary is surely ahead. 2 APRIL
Turku . ?These
include large A-class vessels and two-masted square-rigged ships.
The largest is the Russian Mir . The River Aura was the main
trade and cultural artery of the city up until relatively recently and today allures residents and visitors alike to amble along its café and restaurant laden shores. It will become the Finland
100 Regatta,. being the largest event in Finland. When
I was of toddler age in the 1960s he became my great idol as I passed by at the
monument together with my mom.
In late August, Turku will also host the multinational naval crisis management exercise Northern Coasts.
? Roughly 50 naval vessels from 13 countries, including one to two
submarines and carrying some 3,000 navy soldiers, will anchor in
the River Aura on 30-31 August.
? Turku expects scores of visitors to take advantage of the rare opportunity to witness the naval ships first hand and will organise a number of events for the weekend.
? The exercise itself will take place on the Gulf of Bothnia, the Baltic Sea.
Kiss My Turku is a project that encourages
Turku residents and visitors alike to list and
share their favourite spots in Turku.
3. T he park at Vartiovuori Hill
With it´s magnificent views.
4. It?s a 110-metre long, big sailing ship.?
?Mir will be a sight to behold, being a multiple-masted ship.
[The ships] will arrive on the River Aura and the yacht harbour to
decorate the shores.?
Good, clean fun
The sea continues to define Turku
The Gangut Regatta is hardly the only nautical-themes event in Turku?s
calendar. Hyyppä explains.
In addition, the generators that provide power for the events
this year are fuelled entirely by biofuels.
In fact, even the main event of the regatta is a so-called greening competition, in which the award is presented to the most energy
efficient crew to complete the sailing course.
?There was a battle on the Baltic Sea 300 years ago, but today
there is a battle for the Baltic Sea,. When she arrives on the River Aura she will fire
her cannons as part of the opening ceremony,. explains Kimmo Hyyppä, event co-ordinator at the Central Administration of Turku.
?There will be a re-enactment of the naval battle in Hanko on the
exact anniversary of the battle [27 July]. At the mouth of the river, no more than a few
kilometres from downtown Turku, passenger ferries depart for Stockholm four times a day, gliding past the popular Ruissalo Island . You can then say that Turku has hosted more modernday Tall Ships Races over the past 20 years than any other city in the
world,. That was also the year when
Turku restored the shores of the River Aura to allow people to walk
all the way to the Turku Castle. The M/S Viking Grace was built in Turku and delivered in January
2013. The Resurrection Chapel
A work of the architect Erik Bryggman, with the nearby memorial for seafarers
and the graveyard where many of my family members are buried.
5. Hyyppä enthuses.
Most recently, the city welcomed the tall ships as part of its tenure as the European Capital of Culture in 2011. [The Gangut Regatta] may not be as
large, but we regardless expect tens of thousands of visitors. In Viking Line we are proud to have
the M/S Viking Grace operate on the Turku?Stockholm route, carrying more than
one million passengers yearly.
My favourite places in Turku, which I strongly recommend to any visitor in town are:
Henrik Grönvik
Captain, Senior Master
M/S Viking Grace
1. Total attendance may rise to nearly 100,000,. At present, Hyyppä says, 27 crews have registered. Overall, the Gangut Regatta
Turku is expected to attract up to one hundred thousand attendants.
?It?s always difficult to estimate in advance, but the Tall Ships
Races have always attracted hundreds of thousands of people . which incidentally translates to
peace. the
venue of the annual Ruisrock festival . in 2003 and in 1996.
?One of the highlights of 1996 was when we invited the Duke of
Edinburgh, Prince Philip, to Turku. It?s 85 nautical miles before you reach the open sea from Turku.
Navigating this only with sails is impossible,. Hyyppä tries out the slogan of
the event.
The abundance of attractions not only caters to maritime enthusiasts but also to families with children. In July, Turku will host the annual Gangut Regatta alongside
Hanko and Kotka. In addition, the concerts should draw 10,000-15,000 visitors. Hyyppä speculates.
In my mind south-western Finland with the cities of Turku; and Mariehamn on the
Åland Islands, represent very much the location of the maritime industry in today?s Finland. Juha Tapio, Samuli
Edelmann, J. The passenger terminal in the port
A place I already enjoyed as a kid, close to the nearby Turku Castle and the Forum Marinum exhibitions.
2. T he Per Brahe memorial in the Brahenpuisto
Per Brahe was a general governor in Finland 1637-1640 and 1648-1654 . HELSINKI TIMES
27 MARCH . The British organisers told there?s
absolutely no chance he?s coming, but come he did . Hyyppä promises.
With the registration window still open, the total number of
windjammers that participate in the Gangut Regatta remains unknown. As soon as the windjammers have departed the city, preparations for the forthcoming Tall Ships Races will move into full gear.
?Turku will host the next major Tall Ships Races in 2017, for its
fifth time. when a record-breaking 117 tall
ships took part . while navigating through the
picturesque Archipelago Sea.
And on occasion, the city is virtually taken over by maritime history. Large sailing ships do, however, also use their engines
and cause exhaust emissions. Several workshops and boutiques will be erected by the shores of the
river, and in the evenings front-line Finnish artists will take centre
stage in a concert tent erected specifically for the occasion.
?It is essentially a nautical-themed city festival,. The oak forests on the island of Ruissalo
This makes you believe you are no longer in a cold climate like the one in Finland.. This year, the regatta marks the 300th anniversary of the momentous Battle of Gangut, in which the Russian Imperial Navy recorded its first major victory against the Swedish Navy.
?It was a significant, historic landmark for Russia. says Hyyppä.
o l l i su l in
In addition to the awe-inspiring windjammers, the shores of the River Aura will offer a variety of events throughout the weekend. a city of maritime events
The name Gangut derives from the Russian Cyrillic spelling
of Hangö udd, the Swedish name for the Hanko Peninsula.
The Baltic Sea is ever-present in Turku. There is a cluster of companies and organisations in the field of shipping
and shipbuilding technology involved in various activities in the Turku region.
Turku is the Western gateway to Finland
interest in going to war with Iran
or even defending against it.
?They have the United States
for that,. Porter argues that similar fraudulent claims of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
that were used as a pretext for the US war against Iraq
in 2003 have been used to try to justify a war with Iran.
The idea of an Islamic Republic hell-bent on acquiring WMDs is utterly false. 10
27 MARCH . In January 2014, the US intelligence community issued its annual Worldwide Threat
Assessment to the US Senate. taking the lead,
according to a new study released 17 March by the Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute (SIPRI).
During 2009-2013, 22 per
cent of arms transfers to the
region went to the UAE, 20
per cent to Saudi Arabia and
15 per cent to Turkey.
The United States accounted for 42 per cent of
total arms supplies to the region, SIPRI said.
The rising arms purchases are attributed to several
factors, including perceived
threats from Iran, the growing Sunni-Shia sectarian
strife, widespread fears of
domestic terrorism, political instability and hefty oil
?I definitely think it is a
mixture of all of those factors,. Jones, an associate history professor at Rutgers University, told IPS,
?The Gulf is the Eldorado for
Western arms merchants
and governments that want
to recycle some of the wealth
generated from oil.?
There is no collection of
states on the planet with
more money and more enthusiasm for purchasing expensive weapons systems than in
the Gulf, he pointed out.
Whatever strategic value
these weapons have or do not
have, it is important to keep
in mind these weapons are
mostly useless for ?actual?
war, which is why the United
States continues to keep such
a huge military presence in
the region, he added.
The top three arms importers were India, China and
Pakistan. we assess that Iran would not be able to
divert safeguarded material and produce enough WGU
for a weapon before such activity would be discovered.?
In November 2011, the IAEA corroborated the accusations of ?possible military dimensions. There is a set of myths about
Iran, including its foreign policy and nuclear program,
that dominate the Western narrative of the nuclear issue. and alerted the Bush administration of
its concerns in 2004. . It is the responsibility of Western journalists to do
their job and set the record straight on Iran in order alleviate the threat of yet another US/Israeli-initiated
war in the Middle East.
One troubling media omission in the saga of the Iranian nuclear dispute is that there has never been credible and hard evidence presented to support the claims
of an Iranian nuclear weapons program. Iran is not in violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and its nuclear facilities are operating under international safeguards as required by
the NPT. During the war in the 1980s,
when Iraq was engaging in extensive chemical warfare
against Iranian soldiers and civilians, Iran?s supreme
leader Khomeini refused to weaponise the stockpiles
of chemical agents in order to retaliate. he said.
But, in buying weapons
like these, Gulf regimes claim
they are also looking after US
energy concerns in a tough
?These are specious
claims, designed to reinforce
American anxieties about
dangers in the region in order to keep the US military
there,. 2 APRIL
international news
L E H T IKUVA / A F P P H O T O / M A H M U D A L- H A L A B I
A glance at international affairs
Johannes Hautaviita is a journalist and a columnist for Helsinki Times. His commentaries and analyses on international affairs are regularly published in the Finnish, Swedish
and English-language media.
The fabricated
nuclear threat of the
Islamic Republic
Opposition fighters open fire as they take cover from behind a car during clashes in the Salaheddin district of the northern Syrian city of
Aleppo in October last year.
Middle East sustains
its appetite for arms
to be one of the world?s most
lucrative arms markets, with
two Gulf nations . In a groundbreaking and important new book, Manufactured
Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iranian Nuclear Scare,
Gareth Porter, award-winning investigative journalist and historian, reveals that a part of the evidence
supposedly pointing to ?possible military dimensions?
in Iran?s nuclear program came from the Mujahedine-Khalq (MEK), an Iranian anti-regime armed group.
MEK participated in Saddam Hussein?s, US-supported
invasion of Iran in the 1980s. This was due to the change in the leadership
of the IAEA. The Islamic Republic had
inherited the ability to develop WMDs from the era of
the Shah, a US-ally, whose nuclear program the West
incidentally supported.
During the last decade, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has spent more resources on
inspections in Iran than in any other country in its
history. she said.
The influx of revenue
among the energy-exporting
nations and the high oil price
trend obviously plays a part
as well, she added.
Last year?s 10.5-billiondollar arms deal, one of the
largest in the Middle East
in recent years, included
the sale of 26 F-16 fighter
planes to UAE and sophisticated air-launched and airto-ground missiles to Saudi
These missiles were mostly to arm 154 F-15 fighter
planes, to be delivered beginning 2015, purchased from
the United States in 2010 at
a staggering cost of 29.5 billion dollars.
The missiles were meant
?to address the threat posed
by Iran?, according to a senior
US official quoted in a news
The arms contract also included 1,000 GBU-35 ?bunker busting. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) . Despite IAEA?s suspicions, its reports confirm
that Iran has not diverted any of its nuclear material
for military purposes. ElBaradei?s successor, Yukiya Amano, who, according to cables made public by
WikiLeaks, told US officials that he is ?solidly in the US
court?, reversed Elbaradei?s decision.
According to Porter, the ?record of negotiations between Iran and the IAEA shows Tehran has been ready
for the past two years to provide detailed responses
to all the charges of an Iranian nuclear weapons work,
and that the problem has been the refusal of the IAEA
to share with Iran the documentary evidence on which
those allegations have been based.?
Forty rockets are put on display by the Israeli military on 10 March. Jones said.
The Arab states need ?crisis. During the
war, the US repeatedly blocked the UN Security Council from acting to stop Hussein?s use of chemical weapons against Iranian civilians. The former director general, Mohamed
ElBaradei, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in
2005, had refused to corroborate the claims because
he, like the German foreign intelligence, did not find
the evidence trustworthy. especially between Iran and Gulf States ?
and higher oil prices.
Toby C. And the five largest arms suppliers during
2009-2013 were the United
States (29 per cent of global arms exports), Russia (27
per cent), Germany (seven per
cent), China (six per cent) and
France (five per cent).
Auger told IPS, ?I would
pin Iran as the number one
driver: its ongoing role in
supporting rebel Shiite
groups, cultivating politicalmilitary proxy allies in Hamas and Hezbollah and more
recently its effort to keep
Syria?s Bashar al-Assad in
The Middle East?s major
interest right now in upgrading or purchasing missile defence networks is almost
all in preparation to defend
against long-range attacks
from Iran.
Also, Iran appears to be
the major reason behind the
GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) trying again to form the
US-backed joint military
command, she added.
These GCC countries include Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and
the UAE.
Auger said internal security would be a close second
following the 2011 uprisings,
the ongoing unrest in certain nations and the continuL eht i k u va / A F P ph o t o / J A C K GU E Z
As the second round of talks between Iran and the
Western powers have drawn to a close, it may be useful to take a step back and look at the big picture of the
Iranian nuclear dispute. in its report
on Iran. The report states: ?We do
not know if Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons. said Nicole Auger,
a military analyst covering Middle East/Africa at
Forecast International, a
US-based defence market research firm.
The Middle East defence
market, she told IPS, is growing substantially as a result
of civil unrest, international
instability . to be a permanent condition in order to maximise the
West?s and especially Washington?s security commitment . According to Porter, German foreign intelligence ?did not consider the source
to be reliable. The ammunition was allegedly
transporting arms from Iran to Gaza.
ing threat of established and
emerging Islamic fundamentalist groups.
?This is evident due to
the new focus on special operations, electronic surveillance, and cybersecurity
equipment,. . whether crisis is real
or not, he added.. bombs to Saudi
Arabia and 5,000 to UAE ?
bombs ideally suited to destroy underground nuclear
These weapons will likely never be used in a serious
way in a regional conflict, he
Jones pointed out the purchasing of weapons, especially long range and complex
weapons systems, has little
to do with these states. He specialises in international politics, in particular
the Middle East
Housing companies
have been able to receive a
10-per cent subsidy on the
cost of any repair work they
have ordered.
If the housing in suburbs
is not kept shipshape, the
quality of accommodation
will suffer and energy costs
increase, affecting the value
of the property.
Some of the small suburbs
are located in municipalities
with dwindling populations
where the renovation costs
might exceed the value of the
property, in which case in the
only feasible option is to demolish the whole building, according to the working group.
l i i s a ta k a l a
M ar j a S almela . the overall look she
wanted to achieve for the flat
. Currently, the state
subsidises the construction
of municipal infrastructure in
new suburbs to the tune of 36
million euros a year and a similar sum could allocated for
the renovation of old suburbs
that are in need of more than a
lick and a promise.
The subsidy money could
be used for work on drains
and pipes along with the construction of cycling lanes and
parks, if deemed necessary.
The group suggests that
subsidy systems for housing
companies set up to boost
the construction business
during the economic downturn should be abolished by
2020. Two or more housing companies can join forces
in shopping around for design and construction work,
creating savings and improving quality.
As the blocks of flats were
built using elements, simi-
lar techniques can be applied
to repairs. ?Do these cushions go with the decor?. In practice, municipalities should decrease
the land use charges that are
currently payable for any increase in the value of the
To make the process of
buildings run more smoothly,
municipalities should cut the
red tape involved in getting a
building permit. The working
Decor of dreams for nothing
group expressed a wish that
proposed changes to city
plans could be processed and
decided more quickly.
draw up strategies that apply to an entire suburb, also
addressing social issues such
as home care for the aging
population,. The building on Alakiventie 3
underwent a transformation when its wall surfaces were replaced and two new floors were added.
Selling the right
When a housing company is
granted building permission
for a block of flats or a terraced house to be built in the
woods at the edge of the plot,
the housing company can sell
this right to a construction
firm, earning much needed
cash to pay for work on the
plumbing, façade or the roof.
The working group says
that some of the increase
in the value of the property should be channelled into
the housing company?s renovation fund. 2 APRIL
H S / K a l l e Ko p o n e n
Housing in suburbs
going to rack and ruin ?
housing companies slow
to launch renovations
The renovation of housing in suburbs going to rack
and ruin must be speeded up,
urges the Ministry of the Environment. That?s something for
the Ministry of Justice to do,?
says Teija Ojankoski, the
head of the working group
and the managing director
of VAV Asunnot Oy, a rental
housing company owned by
the city of Vantaa.
The expert group calls
for municipalities to give
a helping hand to housing
companies and allow the
construction of extra buildings on plots in suburbs.
A new wall element being installed in Myllypuro in Helsinki last July. H S
N iina W o o lle y . says Laaksonen.
The harmonious look was
only made possible by her
learning to say ?no, thank
you?. Laaksonen
explains that her aim had not
been to reproduce an image
taken from an interior design
magazine but to create a cosy space where you want to
spend time in.
The goal of the project is
spelled out on the kitchen wall
with embossed letters: home.
?Wall stickers may not
be the height of fashion any
more but my friend wished
for them and of course we
used them as some were
available,. Even getting just the essentials would
have set them back thousands of euros,. H T
Ninni Laaksonen furnished her friend?s two-bedroom flat with
items collected through Facebook.
L ena N elsk y l ä . And
not just anything would do
as Laaksonen had an image
of a home with a warm, cosy
atmosphere on her mind and
she wanted all the pieces to
work with this plan.
Laaksonen kicked off her
nest-building project by setting up a Facebook group
called ?Ninni?s great interior
design challenge?, hoping to
prompt her friends to check
their cellars and cupboards
for any furniture and other
household items going begging but to her surprise the
project attracted more widespread attention.
?We have a cabinet going spare!. With the banks tightening their loan terms particularly in small municipalities
with decreasing populations,
a state guarantee could make
a difference.
?We have to consider
whether the current legislation needs to be changed to
enable housing companies
to launch renovation projects. Even
though all the furniture in
the 80-square-metre flat
comes from different sources the result is not a hotchpotch of styles. says Risto Vahanen, the chair of the Board
of Directors of Vahanen Oy, a
company specialising in maintenance and renovations.
The group proposed two
ways of curbing runaway
renovation costs: joint projects and industrial working
methods. explains
And the hunt for furnishings really had to start from
scratch as the family of three
had rented a fully furnished
flat as their home abroad.
The only piece of furniture
they had bought themselves
was their three-year-old
son?s bed, which they were
bringing with them.
Everything else from a
kitchen table to a toilet brush
needed for the new home had
to be found . ?Even though I
knew it would turn out well I
Unable to find a matching armchair to go with the sofa for free, Ninni Laaksonen sold some objects
that were surplus to requirements on Facebook and bought a second-hand chair.
was still pleasantly surprised
to see how good it all looked.?
Achieving her goal
The family?s English-speaking father described his new
home as fantastic. Keeping her eye on the
prize . Believing it could be done with
time, patience and a little
bit of ingenuity, Ninni Laaksonen (28) decided to put the
idea to a test.
And so last November,
Laaksonen suggested to her
friend that she would furnish
for her and her family the kind
of home they wanted to have
when they returned to Finland in March after several
years spent working abroad.
Excited about the idea,
the friend gave Laaksonen,
an interior design enthusiast, free rein to conjure up a
perfect home for them.
?I wanted to save them
from having to take a loan to
furnish their home. 26 MARCH
. H T
Is it possible to create a cosy and harmonious decor
without spending a cent. With
messages coming thick and
fast, Laaksonen calculated
that she was in contact with
more than a hundred people.
?We all have accumulated all kinds of stuff we don?t
need any more but just don?t
get around to getting rid of.
All that is needed is someone to come and collect the
extra stuff, and that person
was me.?
Diluting stress
Thanks to the deluge of offers of free bits and bobs,
over the last few months she
has spent plenty of time on
the road in Southern Finland
in her estate car picking up
pieces of furniture.
?It might sound crazy
but this project has helped
counterbalance the stress
of day-to-day life,. Built in the 1960s
and 1970s, these blocks of
flats are behind with work
that needs doing, with the
cost of this backlog of maintenance amounting to tens of
billions of euros.
Housing companies, in
particular, have been dragging their feet in getting maintenance work done, largely
because getting a project approved at a housing company
meeting can be a long drawnout process as the aging residents do not have money or
enthusiasm for costly work.
To stall the dilapidation
of suburbs, 15,000 to 20,000
flats should be renovated annually, costing billions of euros a year until the end of the
Suburbs house around 1.5
million Finns, many of whom
have their whole wealth tied
to their flat.
An expert working group
that was established by
Housing Minister Pia Vii-
tanen (SDP) to find ways to
kick-start a renovation boom
submitted its report to the
minister on Tuesday.
The working group proposes that the government
guarantees renovation loans
for housing companies that
draw up a report on the renovation needed and work
plans for the next ten years.
The state guarantee is likely to come under discussion
soon in the budget framework talks.
Housing companies have
already been able to receive
interest subsidies on renovation loans but this system does
not include state guarantee on
the loan. H S
N iina W o o lle y . Preparing the elements that need replacing
in factories in advance saves
money and helps minimise the
time the flats are unliveable.
To make the construction of additional buildings
an attractive proposition for
municipalities, the expert
working group would establish a state infrastructure subsidy fund. the interior designer did not
accept everything that was
offered to her free of charge.
?Of course I was sorry to
have to turn down some very
kind offers.?
Laaksonen sold the objects that did not get used on
her Facebook page and spent
the proceedings on a matching
armchair to go with the sofa as
she was not able to get the right
chair for free or by swopping it
for another piece of furniture.
All the finishing touches, including candles on the
coffee table, are in place, but
Laaksonen is not off duty
quite yet, having promised to
organise the house-warming
party to boot.
After toasting ?Finland?s
most beautiful home furnished without any money?,
she turns her gaze to her next
?Perhaps next I?ll try to get
rid of all the stuff I don?t need.
This project has taught me
that sometimes less is more.?. for free. HOUSING
. explains
Laaksonen, who is currently at home with her children.
She would not have got involved in such a huge interior design project without pay
for just anyone as for several months her and her family?s home served as a storage
space for all the furniture
that had been donated while
her friend was still searching
for a suitable flat.
The numerous encounters with people giving away
household items followed
by an all-hands-on-deck call
gathering friends to help with
the move finally resulted in
just the kind of home in eastern Helsinki that Laaksonen
had planned and her friend
had hoped for
His grandfather was
Pertti Pesonen, professor of
political science and the former editor-in-chief of the
newspaper Aamulehti.
Hämäläinen writes his blog
in English is connected with
his grandfather. Kosta Djordjevi?
Serbia, 2013 | black comedy | 90?
11.4/20.00 LOVE IS BLIND
(Kertu) Dir. Diederick
Koopal | The Netherlands, 2012
comedy, drama, sport, 107?
2.4/19.00 SHOOTER
(Skytten) Dir. Dovile Gasiunaite
Lithuania, 2012 | drama | 95?
31.3/17.30 BROKEN CIRCLE
Dir. The city is still being
built on the 1960s suburban
As proof of this, Hämäläinen offers Ruoholahti and Arabianranta, with their lack of
life on the street level.
In contrast, Kallio, where
Hämäläinen lives, showcases pleasant and sensible city
planning. Pshko Shwany, trainee at Newroz, trimmed Hämäläinen?s hair.
Blogger in search
of a better city
P ips a Pa ltta l a . H T
1988, a new
world opened up to Timo
Hämäläinen. ??????) Dir. ?valds L?cis | Latvia, 2013
children, animation | 10?
29.3/15.00 MOTHER I LOVE
YOU (Mammu, es tevi m?lu)
Dir. Florian Flicker
Austria, 2012 | drama, thriller
(Los Niños Salvajes) Dir. Cyril Mannegun | France,
2011 | drama | 80?
7.4/17.30 PERFECT DAYS
(I zeny maji sve dny) Dir. It?s got all that his-
tory but has transformed
itself into a hotspot of youth
culture. Maggie Peren | Germany,
2011 | drama | 91?
8.4/19.30 MILA TU
Dir. Lisa Barros D?Sa & Glenn
Leyburn | Ireland, UK, 2013
drama, biography, music | 103?
(Kauza Cervanová) Dir. Simon Klose | Sweden, 2013
documentary | 85?
2.4/17.30 THE ORANGE SUN
(Le Soleil Orange) Dir. 12
27 MARCH . Bobo Jel?i?
Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
2013 | drama | 87?
29.3/13.00 DISCO WORMS
(Disco Ormene) Dir. Thomas
Borch Nielsen | Denmark, 2008
children, youth, animation | 78?
29.3/14.30 HEDGEHOGS AND
THE CITY (E?i un Lielpils?ta)
Dir. Paolo Bianchini | Italy, 2012
drama | 100?
3.4/19.30 TROLLING
(S/KIDANJE) Dir. +358 9 6226 5421
Timo Hämäläinen was pleased to find that a new barber?s shop had opened on the ground floor of
his house. Charlotte Bruneau & Laurène
Lepeytre | Luxembourg, 2009
documentary | 52?
9.4/17.30 CROSSING
(Grenzgänger) Dir. The
group raises the stakes.
?When you design densely
built areas, you can easily get
a million residents without
touching the parks and recreational areas.?
The favourite city of this
globe-trotter is New York,
with Berlin close behind.
?Berlin is immensely fascinating. Alice
Nellis | Czech Republic, 2011
tragi-comedy | 108?
8.4/17.30 COLOUR OF THE
OCEAN (Die Farbe des Ozeans)
Dir. Piotr Jaxa
& Ursula Lesiak | Poland, Switzerland, 2006 | documentary | 52?
4.4/18.00 THE LAST BLACK
SEA PIRATES (??????????
??????????. H S
N iin a W oolle y . Iulia Rugina | Romania, 2013
comedy | 85?
29.3/19.00 NARCISSUS
(Narcizas) Dir. The boy, who
had started school in the
small municipality of Kangasala, moved to Saudi Arabia with his family.
His parents, who worked
as doctors, took the family
to Tabuk where they found
a house behind a high wall
with the hustle and bustle of
the city and its bazaars right
on the other side.
?I realised then the attraction of cities,. That means corner
shops and courtyards.?
Hämäläinen calls himself an urbanist. Annette K. Viktor Oszkár Nagy
Hungary, 2009 | drama | 80?
5.4/16.00 GROENTEN UIT
Dir. The compensation
comes in the form of comments by other urban enthusiasts, which can spark a
lively discussion.
The journalist grandfather may well have passed
some of his inquisitiveness
to Hämäläinen, who gives
urban hiking as one of his
?You never know what
you find around the corner.?
Timo Hämäläinen
? Born 21 November 1981 in Kangasala.
? Lives in Sörnäinen, Helsinki.
? Holds master?s degrees in planning Geography from Helsinki University and in European urban cultures from Vrije
Universiteit in Brussels.
? Lists gym, ice hockey and urban blogging and studies as his
hobbies.. O CôNSUL
Dir. People who
believe in the principles of
urbanism want to promote
built-up, urban living environment and lifestyles that
favour walking and green
forms of transport.
With six kindred spirits,
he is involved in drawing up a
shadow city plan as an alternative to the official plan, which
paints a vision of Helsinki with
860,000 residents by 2025. Another claim is
that urban planning in Helsinki is insipid.
?Helsinki could be much
bolder. Svetoslav Stojanov | Bulgaria, 2013
documentary | 70?
4.4/19.30 FATHER?S ACRE
(Apaföld) Dir. Something is on all
the time.?
When in Berlin, he always visits Görlitzer Park in
?It?s a real city park where
you can find people at all
hours of the day. 100 persons.
ec.europa.eu/finland, www.europarl.fi | Contacts: tel. Frank van Mechelen | Belgium, 2011 | historic drama | 110?
5.4/18.00 ARISTIDES DE
SOUSA MENDES . A new barber?s
shop run by men with Iraqi
background just opened its
doors on the street level of
the house Hämäläinen lives
in and gained him as a customer straightaway.
?There are a lot of people
who like to lead a city lifestyle. Ilmar Raag | Estonia,
2013 | romantic drama | 97?
All films with English subtitles
Screenings in EUROOPPASALI (Malminkatu 16, Kamppi, Helsinki)
The event is free of charge.
Seating tickets available in front of Eurooppasali 1 h before each screening .
Eurooppasali fits max. Barbecues
are lit and the place just oozes local history.?
Words for genes
Writing is in Hämäläinen?s
genes. Patricia
Ferreira | Spain, 2012 | drama
10.4/17.30 THE MARATHON
(De Marathon) Dir. Taru Mäkelä
Finland, 2013 | romantic comedy
1.4/19.30 TPB AFK - THE
Dir. While in
New York on a work placement, he visited a friend of
his grandfather?s in a local
old people?s home.
Why write in Finnish when it excludes such a
huge number of people from
the discussion, the friend
Hämäläinen can spend
days on polishing and perfecting his blog texts, which
take him all over the city,
where he takes pictures and
contemplates what he sees.
Unlike fashion blogging
with its perks of free makeup and advertising revenue,
city blogging does not bring
the writer any material benefits. Felix van Groeningen | Belgium, 2012 | romantic drama,
music | 100?
1.4/17.30 AUGUST FOOLS
(Mieletön elokuu) Dir. says the
32-year-old Hämäläinen now.
After the stay in Saudi Arabia, cities followed
one after another: Tampere,
Helsinki, San Diego, Berlin,
New York, Brussels, Tilburg,
Manchester and Tallinn.
Hämäläinen has immersed
himself in the world of cities,
gaining two master?s degrees
on the topic.
?Cities are fascinating because they are so dynamic.?
Earlier this year, a quality
British newspaper, The Guardian, featured Timo Hämäläinen?s blog From Rurban to
Urban, hailing it as one of the
best city blogs in the world.
The number of visitors to
his blog has grown exponentially since then.
In autumn
Another approach
Besides via the article in the
Guardian, readers find their
way to his blog using such
search words as Tapiola,
Puu-Vallila and ?Finland ugly cities?.
arouses interest also outside
the country borders.
Hämäläinen focuses on
Helsinki and the urban planning in the city but the Tourist Board should not rub its
hands with glee as Hämäläinen has a keen eye for flaws.
A typical Finnish cityscape is a shopping centre
next to a motorway, the writ-
er argues. Patricia Ferreira | Portugal,
2012 | drama | 90?
Dir. Robert
Kirchhoff | Slovakia, 2013 | documentary, crime, drama | 100?
11.4/18.00 SUN INSIDE
(Il Sole dentro)
Dir. J?nis Nords | Latvia, 2013
crime, drama | 83?
29.3/17.00 LOVE BUILDING
Dir. 2 APRIL
hs / H e i d i P i i ro i nen
28.3/17.30 SIX DAYS
Dir. Nikolina Gillgren | Sweden,
2013 | documentary, drama, war
28.3/19.30 A STRANGER
(Obrana i za?tita) Dir. Olesen
Denmark, 2012 | thriller | 90?
In addition
to its impressive collections,
which feature approximately 3,500 items, the museum
also hosts a series of temporary exhibitions and cohosts an international poster
?We present art and shows
in a cozy setting,. Studies generally show that steroid nasal sprays work better
than antihistamines for
symptom relief. ?Allergies last longer.?
Lehach says that, in winter, half of the patients who
come to her are people whose
family doctors have told
them they?re not suffering
from colds.
Eghrari-Sabet says primary-care doctors can miss
an allergy diagnosis when
?A. explains Kallio. ?The collection includes approximately
500 pieces and, in addition to
contemporary Finnish art, it
also features works by Scandinavian and Estonian painters,. Along with his wife Katri
Wanner-Salmi, he gathered
an internationally significant collection of contemporary art, which was donated
to the Hämeenlinna Art Museum in 2010. The items are
shown in different themed
The Lahti Art Museum is
also connected to the Poster Museum, a venue that
displays over 70,000 posters from Finland and abroad
and which will host the international exhibition Lahti
Poster Triennial (13 June-28
Lahti Art Museum
Vesijärvenkatu 11 A
Tel +358 (0)3 814 4547
Tue-Fri 9:00-16:00
Sat-Sun 11:00-17:00
Tickets . Some-
times the congestion is bad
enough to cause sinus pressure and headaches.
But how do you know
which is which . Eghrari-Sabet says. Pay special attention to your bedroom, suggests the American Academy
of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, because you spend
so many hours there. The treatment is delivered in a series
of shots, typically monthly for up to five years. ?The oldest
part of the collections, which
includes 74 works, was received from the Vyborg Art
Museum. ?The
museum always showcases
something new, so depending on when you stop by, you
could find old and modern
art, graphic design displays or
the popular poster exhibition.
Different items are displayed
The versatile Lahti Art Museum presents different forms of art:
old, modern, contemporary and local.
their offices are flooded with
patients who have colds or
the flu.
People with allergies are
more likely than others to
develop asthma, a more serious and chronic condition.
Some studies have shown
that indoor allergies are associated more strongly with
asthma than outdoor (pollen) allergies.
Expert advice
What to do if you think you
might have indoor allergies?
Here?s some suggestions
from experts:
. well, if you have a dog
or a cat, you should at least
keep the animal out of rooms
where you spend a lot of time,
such as your bedroom.
And cockroaches. a
runny or stuffy nose, a cough
and sore throat, and fatigue.
Some symptoms are more
likely to occur with allergies,
such as itchiness of the eyes,
ears and back of the throat.
Other symptoms, such as
aches and fever, indicate a viral infection.
Another key difference is
the course and persistence of
symptoms. But the
very first thing they?ll do is
counsel you to minimize your
So you still have to clean
your house.
J ill U. lifestyle
27 MARCH . and for their scooters, while the motorbikemad rockers had different
lifestyles and tastes in both
fashion and music.
Mods and Rockers, which
is also on display at the Motorcycle Museum of Finland,
Even though it may seem to the contrary, some of the most common allergies are triggered indoors.
homes had high enough levels of dust mite allergens to
produce allergic reactions.)
So, vacuum frequently,
wash bedding in hot water,
remove mold with a bleach
solution. the mods and the
rockers . ?They
are a major allergen,. ?You become
tolerant to it.. was an interesting
but controversial phenomenon in the Lahti of the 1960s
and 1970s. Some allergy
sufferers swear by simple saline sprays and herbal remedies that contain butterbur
or biminne.
If your symptoms are ongoing and annoying enough
to interfere with work, play
or sleep, a visit to an allergy
specialist might be in order. In
a single visit, an allergist can
find out what you?re allergic to
with a simple skin test.
Once you?ve narrowed
down the cause (or causes),
you can target the problem
more directly.
?Allergy shots contain
a small amount of the very
thing you?re allergic to,. With a cold, she says,
this sequence may last a week
or so. is usually not drifting about in cold and snowy
Yet some of the most common allergies are to indoor
things: Dust mites, mold and
animal dander top the list.
And in the winter, we tend
to spend more time indoors
with these potential triggers.
Allergies are overreactions of the immune system to foreign particles that
should be innocuous. 3-7. itchy eyes,
runny nose and sneezing ?
says allergist Jackie Eghrari-Sabet, founder of Family
Allergy and Asthma Care in
Gaithersburg, Md. Nasacort ?
was recently approved for
nonprescription sales. (Nearly half of the
at different times, so make
sure to check the exhibition
programme online.?
Mods, rockers
and Vexi Salmi
At the moment, the Lahti Art
Museum is hosting two temporary showcases. Lehach
says, and are widely prevalent in urban settings ?
both housing and schools. ?Although the museum
space is not extremely big,
our collection is unique and
rich,. Located in the heart of the
city, it presents art collections
and showcases that can rarely
be found anywhere else in the
Nordic Countries.
The Lahti Art Museum is a
versatile venue that presents
different forms of art: old,
modern and contemporary,
as well as local. There?s an antibody response and an inflammatory cascade of
events that leads to the classic symptoms . Kallio adds. A
study of 831 houses across
the country found that twothirds of the homes had detectable levels of cockroach
allergens, and higher levels were found in high-rise
apartments and older, urban
homes. if you have
an allergy or a cold. That?s
why symptoms overlap . ?The exhibition
features a wide range of photographic material sent in
by the public, pictures by Jyväskylä-based photographer
Matti Salmi, items from the
collections of other museums in Lahti, interviews with
former mods and rockers,
vintage motor vehicles, film
footages and other material
related to popular culture.?
The division of young people into two distinct, rival,
groups . ?Those were
the days of gangs, flares,
miniskirts and hanging out
in the vestibule of the local
branch of the KOP bank,. is for art
Artworks, posters
and the eclectic
lifestyle of Lahti?s
mods and rockers.
name suggests, the
Lahti Art Museum is all about
art. 2 APRIL
L e h t i k u va / J a r n o M e l a
Winter stifles pollen, but
other pests can make
allergies worse now
sneezing again. In addition to keeping a clean house,
you might want to invest in
a HEPA air filter, which removes particles from air
passing through it.
If you think you might
have indoor allergies, there
are plenty of over-the-counter products to help relieve
gives visitors the chance to
take a look at the clothes
and rooms of the stereotypical mod and rockers, as well
as the popular hangouts of
young people of the time:
streets, the market square,
the local KOP branch, clubs,
bars and restaurants.
Art As A Passion, the second temporary exhibition,
is also on display at the Lahti Art Museum until 21 May.
Here, museumgoers can admire works from the collections of Hämeenlinna-born
author and lyricist Vexi Salmi. In addition, we have
a great collection of Finnish
drawings, over 1,500 items
from the mid-19th centu-
the symptoms of allergies,
including antihistamines and
decongestants. A dams
The Wa shing ton Pos t
Mods and Rockers takes visitors to the Lahti of the 1960s and
1970s, the times of mods and rockers.
ry to this day. Most
people don?t consider allergies the cause of their coldlike symptoms in the winter,
because the cause of most
respiratory allergies . You?re feeling tired and headachy again.
Perhaps it?s not your third
(or fourth or fifth) cold of the
season, but an allergy. ?With a cold, first
you feel crummy, then you?re
sick and then gradually your
symptoms go away,. Minimize your exposure. Kallio continues.
Incredible collections
The Lahti Art Museum also
has its own stunning collections. Allergists can also prescribe other
types of medications. Dust mites live in bedding, upholstered furniture
and carpeting; mold grows
in damp places such as bathrooms and basements; and
pets . You might also try steroid nasal sprays,
one of which . says Joan
Lehach, an integrative medicine physician specializing in
allergy and asthma at Montefiore Medical Center in New
York. Mods and
Rockers, available until 21
May, takes visitors back to
the Lahti of the late 1960s
and early 1970s. says Maija-Riitta Kallio, Curator of
the Lahti Art Museum. For reasons that scientists don?t fully understand, some people
react to dust mites or mold
spores as if it they were a
pathogen. While
they are caused by different
things, both a virus and an
allergen set off your body?s
immune responses. The mods were
known for being ?smartly
dressed. pollen
Following her triumph on Sunday, however, she appeared
another in the 12.5 kilometre
race, with Mäkäräinen needing five points more than her
Norwegian rival to re-capture the title.
?I felt relatively calm
throughout the race. ?It has been worked
out on the basis of choices
made by the HJK board and approved,. H S
A leksi T ei vainen . I?ll decide on whether to continue my career
next spring. he argues.
Back to the heart
Riihilahti wants to restore
HJK to the heart of the city.
The office of the football club
will move from the higher
floors of the Sonera Stadium
into an open-plan street-level office, next to a fan shop.
?We are a service organisation,. We want a part
of that,. Nieminen told
Helsingin Sanomat after securing his place in the second
round of the tournament.
Nieminen, ranked 40th on
the ATP ladder, was eliminated in the second round by
23rd-ranked Alexander Dolgopolov of Ukraine 6-4, 6-2.
The previous recordholder for the fastest victory on the ATP World Tour
was the British Greg Rusedski, who thumbed Germany?s Carsten Arriens 6-0,
6-0 in Sydney in 1996 in exactly 29 minutes.
HERE is a man who has scored
against Arsenal in the English Premier League. Although I don?t always
feel it, I am getting older,. he bemoans.
On the other hand, also young players must train
harder and more systematically, Riihilahti emphasises.
?I don?t think 15-20-yearold Finns train enough and to
high-enough standards, especially on their own time.?
Young footballers, he
adds, must concentrate on
their strengths.
?I am a good example. H S
A leksi T ei vainen . Winning is always great. H T
Following her triumph on Sunday, however, Mäkäräinen appeared to leave the door ajar for another Olympic challenge.
Mäkäräinen wins her
second biathlon World Cup
J arm o Fä r d i g . Tora
Berger, who finished 14th.
?This is quite special. Never before has
a Finnish football club been
managed by someone with
such merits. I had plenty of
Nieminen breaks
18-year-old record for
fastest ATP Tour win
Nieminen etched
his name in tennis history by
thrashing Australia?s Bernard
Tomic at the Sony Open in Miami, the United States, on the
ATP World Tour on 20 March.
The left-handed Nieminen
needed only 28 minutes and
20 seconds to crush the Australian 6-0 6-1, beating the
previous record for the fastest victory by 40 seconds.
?It?s difficult to imagine
how I could?ve won the match
Nieminen, ranked 40th on the ATP ladder, was eventually eliminated in the second round by 23rd-ranked Alexander Dolgopolov of Ukraine.
to leave the door ajar for another Olympic challenge.
?You should never say
never. he describes his contacts
in the birthplace of football.
First, however, Riihilahti
wants to help his boyhood club.
The Helsinki-based HJK may
be the crown jewel of Finnish football, but its economic
and sporting prowess remains
modest in comparison to other
European countries.
The club operates on a
shoestring budget of approximately 3 million euros and
has an average attendance of
no more than 5,000. he reiterates the
worn-down phrase in a new
For sponsors, Riihilahti
offers more than mere visibility . Riihilahti reminds.
What about the objectives
of HJK?
?We want to become the
best team in the Nordic countries with the fewest resources. It is little wonder the 37-year-old Riihilahti has already been offered a
job in the United Kingdom.
?I have a personal friend at
nearly every top club in England,. Still, this doesn?t
compensate for the disappointment in the Olympics,?
admitted Mäkäräinen, who
finished in the top ten twice
at the Sochi Winter Olympics.
from a cold at the Sochi
Olympics, and in Vancouver
in 2010 she was pestered by
No more than a week ago,
Mäkäräinen was adamant
that she had taken part in
her last Olympic Games. We have to build a
team not dependent on a single player, coach, player acquisition or CEO.?
L e ht i k u va / S a r i Gu sta f ss o n
HJK is implementing a new
strategy, devised by Riihilahti as part of his thesis at the
Harvard Business School under the guidance of esteemed
professor Robert S. 2 APRIL
L e ht i k u va / AF P P h o t o / V e g a r d G ro e tt
Riihilahti to take
HJK to Europe
T ero H ako la . Riihilahti reminds.
The cornerstones of the
strategy are sound youth development work, improved
conditions and the well-being of fans and partners.
In addition, Riihilahti
wants to make HJK the most
interesting sporting brand in
?When the fans. The race
was exciting,. Its adventures in European competitions are usually short-lived.
At present, HJK is implementing a new strategy, devised by Riihilahti as part of his
thesis at the Harvard Business
School under the guidance of
esteemed professor Robert S.
Kaplan. end of the
stadium is full, you have no
need for marketing,. Kaplan.. What is crucial is
whether I still enjoy competing. I
had a number of weaknesses and only a few strengths.
People and clubs will become
interested in you due to your
strengths, not because you
are okay at everything,. His academic
merits do not shy in comparison: he has an MBA from Liverpool and additional studies
at Yale and Harvard.
Having only taken over as
the CEO at HJK four months
ago, Aki Riihilahti remains
reluctant to compare himself
or his club to others in Finnish
Yet, his merits build up expectations. HJK wants
a senior squad with more
home-grown players and
has therefore revamped its
youth development system,
adopting concepts from Denmark and the Netherlands into the Finnish environment.
The youth development
system, Riihilahti underlines, must be effective, because HJK cannot compete
even against other top Nordic clubs in wages. ?Overall, the season was good. We?ll see how I
feel then. states Riihilahti.
The most vital aspect,
however, is to develop training methods. Still, I
dared not to celebrate until
Tora [Berger] had crossed the
finish line.?
The Finn stepped up her
challenge for the World
Cup title in March, capturing four gold and one silver
medals in the run-up to the
final race. H T
L e ht i k u va / M atth e w S t o c k m a n
Kaisa Mäkäräinen showed
nerves of steel in the season-ending, decisive biathlon
race in Oslo, Norway, on Sunday by finishing seventh to
secure her second World Cup
title ahead of Norway. the expertise of the
club. ?Finnish coaches are
pedagogically aware but too
often left alone and lack tools.
Today, many have to turn to
Google for titbits and adopt
them in their own environment,. Its rivals
incidentally have more resources for scouting.
?We are the last club in
line, when promising foreign
players pick their clubs.?
Clear view of realities
Riihilahti has a clear perception
of the current realities of youth
coaching. Mäkäräinen commented to Helsingin Sanomat.
Mäkäräinen and Berger
essentially raced against one
good races. There is a gym in the
depths of the Sonera Stadium
with fitness testing equipment. SPORT
27 MARCH . Last year alone, 160
corporate fitness and wellness events were held in the
stadium to rejuvenate the
mind and body of the partners of HJK.
Fitness and other corporate events have in the past
five years brought roughly
1.5 million euros to the coffers of the club, enabling it
to expand and improve its
training facilities.
?Overall, there is some
100 million euros in sponsorship money in sports in Finland, while 300 million euros
is being spent on corporate
fitness, and the amount continues to grow. the
31-year-old Mäkäräinen told.
Mäkäräinen will at least
continue her career for another year, with her home course
in Kontiolahti, Joensuu, set to
host the Biathlon World Championships in the spring of 2015.
any faster,. He has
played ten years in Europe
and represented Finland on
69 occasions
Pollinating insects must be around when a
plant needs them in order to
reproduce. The gentle female voice informs the user
of this selection by announcing ?illumination on?.
Of course the headphones
can also be used to listen to
music from other devices,
for which purpose the package comes complete with a
standard cable that can, for
example, be connected to a
mobile phone. H S
N iina W o o lle y . H T
Animal and plant species react to early springs in different ways, says Professor
Otso Ovaskainen.
?For us, it is important to
change the tires in our car
from winter tires to spring
ones at the right time. Plant
species have advanced their
lifecycle at the same rate as
the temperature has risen.
Climate change is affecting the annual patterns of
animals and plants every-
K yö sti N iemel ä . discovery has
been one of the most important goals in cosmology,. If the observation proves true it is the
most significant finding in
cosmology since 1998 when
it was shown that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate,. said
the group leader John Kovac
of the Harvard-Smithsonian
Centre for Astrophysics in a
press release.
Under the current theory, the universe was created in the Big Bang 13.8 billion
years ago. to your ear. Another benefit is that
whereas tightly fitting headphones can make the earlobes ache after a while,
wearing these headphones
around the neck does not put
any pressure on the ears.
while a snappy three-minute
charge delivers an hour or so
of listening time.
The 4GB internal memory
allows the storage of around
a thousand tracks.
Not having a display, the
new Walkman headphones
are operated with a voice
When you select a function, a calm female voice
confirms your choice by whispering, for example, ?shuffle
play. It is difficult
to figure out a reason for this
odd design feature, particularly as most people listen to
music via various streaming
services, such as Spotify.
Sony Walkman 3-in-1 headphones, 129 euros
? A new way of enjoying music with your friends.
? An all-in-one package.
? Cannot be used in the speaker mode when connected to an
external player.
? Speakers do not produce bass sounds.
Breakthrough: telescope
finds evidence for Big Bang Climate change
affecting animals?
Gravitational waves provide information on
the first moments of the universe.
annual patterns
L e h t i k u va / A F P P h o e o / S t e ff e n R i c h t e r
Ripples of excitement travelled through the international science community
last week when researchers
published an observation
that seems to provide smoking gun evidence for an
instant expansion of the universe taking place in a fraction of a second after the Big
This phenomenon called
cosmic inflation was already
proposed at the beginning of
1980s. Global warming is not only
pushing spring forward, but
also changing the timing of
various annual phenomena
in relation to each other. But
interactions between different species are so complex
that it is next to impossible
to foresee how global warming will affect different animals and plants and their
population sizes. The observations
by BICEP2 may be further
confirmed in the next few
months when the results
from the data collected with
Planck satellite studying the
same topic are published.
Otso Ovaskainen works as a professor at the Department of Biosciences, University of Helsinki.. And that
was one of the main results
to emerge from our study ?
these changes are extremely
L i i s a Ta k a l a
K alle Ko p o nen . H S
N iina W o o lle y . As the headphones have an in-built digital
music player no other device is
needed to listen to music.
The speaker mode allows also other people to
hear what you are listening
to, even though low frequency sounds are not produced.
When used as headphones,
the sound has the trendy
booming bass quality to it.
For the speaker mode, the
headphones are easy to wear
around your neck, also when
listening to music on your
For example when out
on your bicycle, listening to
music from speakers hanging from your neck is a safer alternative to headphones
which cover any noises coming from your surroundings. says Syksy
Räsänen, a lecturer in theoretical physics at the University of Helsinki.
The observation is a major
milestone on a path to understanding how the universe
The telescope BICEP2 situated on the South Pole, scans a small
sliver of the sky and detects the temperature of the cosmic microwave background.
Climate change, however, affects the timing of snow
thawing, ice melting and temperatures rising at different
rates, changing the synchrony between different species.
Some migrating birds arrive
three weeks earlier than 40
years ago, while some species
make the journey later. If
a migrating bird arrives before insects have appeared
it might not find enough food
to sustain it. Unfortunate-
Upload and listen
Uploading music on Walkman?s MP3 player is easy by
connecting the device to a
computer via a USB cable.
The same cable can be used to
charge the headphones, with
a two-hour charge giving you
20 hours of continuous play,
The headphones. According to the theory, the inflation advancing
at the speed of light would
still be observable as ripples
in space-time, gravitational
A research group working
at the South Pole revealed
on Monday that they had observed these gravitational
waves on the cosmic microwave background for the
first time using a telescope
called BICEP2.
?This is a meticulously
carried out study that should
be taken seriously. science & technology
H S / K i m m o Ta sk i n e n
Test: design flaw mars
otherwise brilliant
new headphones
Olli - P ekka Ko m o nen . The Big Bang theory, however, cannot explain
why the universe is so uniform and this is where the
theory of a blink-of-an-eye
expansion of the universe in
the cosmic inflation comes in
to fill the gap.
The inflation theory,
which the new observation
provides evidence for, complements Albert Einstein?s
general theory of relativity,
which proposed the existence of gravitational waves
created by cosmic events.
The telescope BICEP2,
which stands for Background
Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization, situated on the South Pole, scans
a small sliver of the sky and
detects the temperature and
polarisation of the cosmic
microwave background.
According to Syksy
Räsänen, these are exciting
times for the cosmology community. Changes like this
have made some species rare while others are thriving.
The changes in temperatures can be predicted: summers will become longer. For example the
Brimstone butterfly appears
when the snow on the ground
thaws, while the melting of
the ice on water areas is essential for aquatic species.
The goldeneye migrates to
Finland when the ice cover
has gone and the black fly appears a couple of weeks after
the thaw as it hibernates as
larvae in water.
In the Kivats National
Park in Russian Karelia, researchers have collected detailed information on the
weather and the cycle of nature for 40 years. H T
came to be and developed into a collection of galaxies and
stars and huge, almost empty
stretches of space between
?The waves. We worked
together with Russian scientists to study environmental factors affecting the
lifecycles of various species
and the impact of climate
Over the four decades,
the summer has lengthened
by two weeks and this is also
changing the environment.
where in the world. For animals and plants, it is even
more essential to do the right
things at the right time.
Some species fit their lifecycles to the melting of the
snow cover. internal memory can store about a thousand tracks.
ly, the design is far from perfect here. When listening to
music from a mobile or other external player, the headphones cannot be used in the
speaker mode. H T
you walk around with
big headphones covering
your ears you are forever being stopped by people asking
what you are listening to.
With Sony?s new Walkman headphones you do not
actually need to reply but can
let music do the talking for
As their name implies,
Walkman 3-in-1 headphones
pack three gadgets in one package: headphones, speakers and
an MP3 player. H S
N iina W o o lle y . As a stylistic flourish, the headphones
sport a Sony logo that can be
A N N I K A R A U TA KO U R A . The
Finnish Coeliac Society is
concerned how people with
low income can cope with following the diet.
?The amount of the dietary grant by the Social Insurance Institution should be
increased and tied to the costof-living index. H T
may be up to nine times
higher than those of regular
The price survey surveyed
the prices of 117 gluten-free
products from 65 municipalities and 116 grocery shops.
People with coeliac disease
pay approximately 500 euros
per year for their gluten-free
diet more than people who
consume grain, the Finnish Coeliac Society reports.
According to a study by the
Coeliac Society and Tampere
University of Applied Sciences the prices of gluten-free
products in grocery stores
The greatest price differences when compared to regular products lie in gluten-free flours and flour
mixtures that are about nine times more costly than the corresponding products containing gluten.
The prices were compiled in
November 2013. If the mushrooms
release a lot of liquid, cook until that liquid has reduced to a
syrupy consistency.
? Stir in the sesame oil and the soy sauce. entrepreneur and
media professional Saku
Tuominen declares on his Facebook wall.
What on earth is he talking about?
The next post clarifies the
matter: Tuominen reports that
he cooked a mixture of oatmeal, peanuts, seeds, egg yolk
and maple syrup in the oven.
He ate the treat with yoghurt.
But that is muesli!
Tuominen disagrees. 16
27 MARCH . Culinary magazines, blogs and
the social media are practically bulging with granola recipes.
In addition to being roasted and crunchy, granola differs from muesli with its
thick lumps.
Those addicted to it compete in sharing tips on how
to make extra lumpy granola
over Twitter and Instagram.
One way of adding lumps
is through adding whipped
egg yolk into granola, roasting it thoroughly at a low
temperature and allowing
it to cool before breaking it.
Tempting sticky lumps can
be produced with honey.
Granola chefs are allowed
to be creative. If you don?t have a big enough pan, cook the
mushroom-scallion mixture in two batches.
The vegetables can be prepped and refrigerated several
hours in advance. The
only treatment for the lifetime condition is to follow a
strictly gluten-free diet. Kellogg later developed a new,
highly successful product:
Granola is no longer a
health food. 2 APRIL
Mushroom and scallion lo mein
S teph a nie W itt S e d g wi c k / T h e W a sh i n g t o n P o st
The scallions are an oniony counterpoint to the mushrooms here, and a modest amount of soy sauce and sesame oil give the dish a light Asian taste without drowning
the mushrooms. Currently it is
part of a wellbeing trend that
includes enjoyment, homemade dishes and food prepared with care from quality
The trend also involves
leniency: granola is allowed
to be highly sweet and fatty.
What counts is its structure
as well as flavour.
Gourmets eat granola
According to enthusiasts, granola and muesli differ from each other.
T U O M A S TA N T T U . The average
price per kilo for gluten-free
flour mixtures is 5.95 euros,
whereas regular what flour
costs 0.66 euros per kilo according to Statistics Finland.
Differences in prices are
also significant in pasta products, oatmeal and porridge
ingredients, as well as glutenfree crisp bread. Remove the pan
from the heat; transfer the mixture to a large serving bowl.
Add the drained noodles and toss to combine. Once the oil
shimmers, add the ginger and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes.
Add the scallions and cook, stirring, until they start to wilt,
2 to 3 minutes.
? Add the mushrooms; cook, stirring occasionally, for 8 to 10
minutes, until they are cooked through. H S
A N N I K A R A U TA KO U R A . Granola is cooked
?I have
in the oven until crispy, as opposed to muesli. At Moko granola is used to accompany yoghurt and salad.
? Cook the noodles according to the package directions.
? Heat the peanut or vegetable oil in a large nonstick braising pan or skillet over medium-high heat. According to the
Finnish Coeliac Society prices have not dropped, though.. The survey
was published on Thursday
13 March.
The prices of gluten-free
products were compared
with consumer prices from
Statistics Finland. There are plenty
of ideas going around too. flour prices up to nine times higher
doctor James Caleb Jackson is
considered its inventor. Most often
it is accompanied by Greek
Athletes and busy workers often bulk up on energy
deb lindse y
Anna-Liisa Mäkelä preparing granola at the Moko café in Sörnäinen. Taste, and
add sesame oil and/or soy sauce as needed.
? Serve warm.
Nutrition Per serving: 350 calories, 12 g protein, 53 g carbohydrates, 12 g fat, 2 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 320
mg sodium, 5 g dietary fiber, 5 g sugar.
Goan-Style Mussels (Thisra) is a dish rooted in the small
western India state of Goa.
A gluten-free diet is costly . The amount adds up
to 816 euros in a year.
Once the 23.60 euros dietary grant provided every
month by the Social Insurance Institution is deducted
from the sum the additional monthly bill amounts to
44.40 euros monthly and
532.80 euros a year.
The greatest price gaps in
comparison to regular prod-
ucts involve flours and flour
mixtures that are about nine
times more costly than the
corresponding products that
contain gluten. They
have a slight, but significant
difference. Soon, Jackson?s competitor John Harvey
Kellogg copied the invention.
He named it granola to avoid
infringing the trademark. H T
lost my granola virginity!. Gluten-free
bread costs almost twice as
much as the regular kind.
Two per cent affected
Finland has approximately 33,000 people diagnosed
with coeliac disease. Cardamom
during Christmas, sometimes also ginger and coconut,. The evaluation of the overall prices of
the diet was based on the new
nutrition recommendations
from the National Nutrition
Council, their reference evaluations and grain consumption recommendations.
According to the estimate,
coeliac disease results in 68
euros of additional costs in a
month. says Executive Director of the society Laila
Kekkonen in a press release.
The society previously
carried out a corresponding
price comparison in 2011.
The selection of glutenfree products has significantly gown within the last
three years. Basic recipes
can be modified and spiced up.
?I often try out different
kinds of spices. This
corresponds to over a hundred thousand Finns.
The body of someone with
coeliac disease cannot toler-
ate rye, wheat or barley. Tuominen says.
In the United States, the
fixation on granola is apparent in coffee shops that
compete to provide the best
homemade granola mix.
?It is virtually impossible
to have breakfast in the United States without encountering granola. The majority of those with the disease are yet to be discovered,
as they amount to about 2 per
cent of the population. Jackson ran the eponymous health
spa in the late 1800s and developed a roasted breakfast
dish from Graham flour sold
under the name of granula.
The term most likely derives from the Spanish word
for seed, grano. Granola is also sweeter and fattier.?
Granola is sold in delis and
cafés, but trendy home cooks
prepare the crunchy treat by
themselves. According to him, granola is no
?I hate the easily mashed
muesli, but I love granola. 4 servings
? 225 grams dried lo mein noodles (may substitute linguine).
? 2 tablespoons peanut oil or vegetable oil.
? 115-gram piece peeled ginger root, cut crosswise into thin
coins, each coin then cut into thin strips.
? 275 grams scallions, trimmed, cut in half horizontally, then
cut lengthwise into thin strips
? 1/2 kg assorted mushrooms, such as a combination of oyster, shiitake, king trumpet, cremini and/or white button,
stemmed as needed and thinly sliced.
? 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil, or more to taste.
? 2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce, or more to taste.
by eating compressed granola bars for lunch.
Where does the name
granola derive from. We are very
concerned over the ability of
low-income people, the unemployed, students and pensioners to care for themselves
with such costly gluten-free
products,. flavor.
You?ll need a large pan for this; I use a shallow 13-inch
According to exbread, cold cuts and sausag- perts, increased use of salt
poses a more significant risk
for national health than sugar.
Excessive use of salt raises blood pressure and increases the risk of a heart
attack or stroke. 09-6128 5200
Japanese Restaurant Koto
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Korkeavuorenkatu 47 . A salty diet
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National nutritional recommendations
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w w w . PUBS . 2 APRIL
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Culinary journey to the north
Hidden salt eaten by Finns
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Come and have
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27 MARCH . The
may also be lower, says research professor Antti Jula
from the National Institute
of Health and Welfare.
?By reducing the daily inSalomonkatu 19, Helsinki
take of salt to less than three
Tel. The Original Sunday Session! Monday ?Can you beat the Phonebox. BARS
play punk.
Kuudes Linja
Hämeentie 13
Sat 29 March
Hopeajärvi, Suomen
Karvapääkuninkaat 1968
On The Rocks
Mikonkatu 15
Sat 29 March
Ice Blue Grass Band
Säästöpankinranta 6
Free entry
Sat 29 March
Funkdoobiest (USA)
Virgin Oil CO.
Mannerheimintie 5
Tickets ?16.50/17
Sat 29 March
Unique electronic pop.
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?23
Sat 29 March
Andy Stott (UK),
Demdike Stare (UK)
Pälkäneentie 13
Tickets ?8/15
Sat 29 March
Brilliant female choir conducted by
Marjukka Riihimäki.
Music Centre
Concert Hall
Mannerheimintie 13
Tickets ?34.50-48.50
Sun 30 March
Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino
Italian folk.
Savoy Theatre
Kasarmikatu 46-48
Tickets ?32/36
Sun 30 March
K&K Philharmoniker and K&K
Opera pearls.
Music Centre
Concert Hall
Mannerheimintie 13
Tickets ?73.50/88.50/98.50
Tue 1 April
Finnish rock/pop legend.
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?24/25
Tue 1 April
Erja Lyytinen: The Sky Is Crying
Tour 2014
?The queen of the slide guitar.?
Sello Hall
Soittoniekanaukio 1A
Tickets ?29.50
Tue 1 April
Kuudes Linja
Hämeentie 13
Tickets ?5
Tue 1 April
Color Dolor
Experimental pop.
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?10.50
Wed 2 April
Helsinki Philharmonic
Rafael Payare,
conductor & Paavali Jumppanen,
Music Centre
Concert Hall
Mannerheimintie 13
Tickets ?6-25
Wed 2 April
Armand Sabal-Lecco
with Strandberg Project
featuring Esa Kotilainen,
Jukka Gustavson
Progressive music meets
Sello Hall
Soittoniekanaukio 1A
Tickets ?17.50/18
Wed 2 April
Comeback Kid (CAN), Xibalba
(USA), The Greenery (USA),
Malevolance (UK)
The Circus
Salomonkatu 1-3
Tickets ?20.50/22
Wed 2 April
Hämeentie 13 B
Fri 28 March-Wed 2 April
Joona Halonen:
Kuka pelkää tappajahaita
Contemporary dance.
Helsinki City Theatre
Studio Elsa
Ensi linja 2
Tickets ?18-24
Fri 28 March & Tue 1 April
Javier Torres: Beauty
and the Beast
Ballet version of the charming
fairy tale.
Finnish National Opera
Helsinginkatu 58
Until Sun 20 April
Ars Fennica 2014
Exhibition by the 2014 Ars
Fennica candidates . Rudolf Steiner
Nearly 400 objects,
from artworks to furniture
and scale models.
EMMA . Kiesi
Grandes, WHC etc. 18
27 MARCH . (1895), Aphorism (1895), Irma (1895?
1896) and Pastorale (Primavera, 1897).
The exhibition is accompanied by the publication of the first monograph on
Stjernschantz, with art historical essays by Anna-Maria von Bonsdorff PhD, Riikka
Stewen PhD, Juha-Heikki Tihinen PhD, Edyta Barucka PhD, Marja Lahelma MA, and
Bart Pushaw MA.
Until Sun 31 August
Amos Anderson Art Museum
Yrjönkatu 27
Mon, Thu, Fri 10:00-18:00
Wed 10:00-20:00
Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/2/8/10
Thu 27 March
New Better Spring Band
Säästöpankinranta 6
Free entry
Thu 27 March
Sarah Kivi & Non-Orchestra, KXP
Full Steam Ahead launch party.
Kuudes Linja
Hämeentie 13
Thu 27 March
Hippie diktat (FRA)
Korjaamo Culture Factory
Töölönkatu 51 B
Tickets ?8.50
Thu 27 March
Riitta Paakki Quartet
Koko Jazz Club
Hämeentie 3
Tickets ?11.50/16.50
Beda Stjernschantz: Glassblowers (1894).
Thu 27 March
Saatanan Marionetit, Nemeh?s
OD, The Purifiction
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?6.50
Thu 27 March
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?47.50
Thu 27 March
Phenomenal Japanese drum group.
Savoy Theatre
Kasarmikatu 46-48
Tickets ?45/49
Thu 27, Sat 29 March & Wed
2 April
Giacomo Puccini: La Bohème
One of the world?s most beloved
Finnish National Opera
Helsinginkatu 58
Tickets ?24-115
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Fri 28 March
Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra
Richard Strauss.
Music Centre
Concert Hall
Mannerheimintie 13
Tickets ?6-25
Fri 28 March
Deep Space Helsinki
Max_M (ITA), Samuli
Kemppi & Juho Kusti.
Kuudes Linja
Hämeentie 13
Tickets ?10
Fri 28 March
Profane Omen, Amoral, Mygrain
Telakkakatu 8
Tickets ?13.50
Fri 28 March
Drag Me to HEL 2014
Twisted cabaret night with Meth
(UK), Lou Safire (UK), Malvina von
Begemot (RUS), Lola Vanilla, Gigi
Praline etc.
Eerikinkatu 11
Tickets ?22
Fri 28 March
Samuli Putro
Pop rock.
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Tickets ?22
Fri 28 March
Gloria Morti, Whorion
Death metal.
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6
Fri 28 March
The Yardbirds (UK)
Savoy Theatre
Kasarmikatu 46-48
Tickets ?37/39
Sat 29 March
Teksti-T V 666, The Splits,
Seksihullut, Katujen Äänet, J. 2 APRIL
compiled by Anna-maija lappi
Tickets ?24-115
K . The exhibition on display is
part of the museum?s series of classics that showcases overlooked artists. H . Espoo Museum
of Modern Art
Ahertajantie 5
Tue, Thu, Fri 11:00-18:00
Wed 11:00-20:00
Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/10/12
Until Mon 26 May
Jean Tinguely
Modernist known for his noisy,
spectacular, motorized machine
Amos Anderson Art Museum
Yrjönkatu 27
Mon, Thu, Fri 10:00-18:00
Wed 10:00-20:00
Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/2/8/10
Until Sun 13 July
Chaplin in Pictures
The incredible life and
career of the mythic artist
told through pictures.
Helsinki Art Museum
Tennis Palace
Salomonkatu 15
Tue-Sun 11:00-19:00
Tickets ?0/8/10
Until Sun 7 September
Tove Jansson
Major centenary exhibition
presenting Jansson?s
impressive career as an
artist, illustrator,
political caricaturist,
author and creator of
the Moomin
characters and stories.
Ateneum Art Museum
Kaivokatu 2
Tue, Fri 10:00-18:00
Wed, Thu 10:00-20:00
Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/10/12
www.ateneum.fi. R enlund M useum
Beda Stjernschantz
Until Sun 6 April
The Hunters Group:
Heart Side Up
Works by Heini Aho,
Sirkku Ketola and
Tamara Piilola.
Kunsthalle Helsinki
Nervanderinkatu 3
Tue, Thu, Fri 11:00-18:00
Wed 11:00-20:00
Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/7/10
Amos Anderson Art Museum hosts the first ever solo exhibition of the Finnish
symbolist painter Beda Stjernschantz until 31 August. Beda
Maria Stjernschantz is one of the foremost symbolist artists in Finland, but poor
health and financial hardship complicated her artistic career.
The exhibition, presenting some sixty paintings and about twenty drawings,
highlights lesser-known aspects of Stjernschantz?s work such as her landscape
paintings and botanical drawings, not forgetting key pieces such as Glassblowers (1894), Everywhere A Voice Invites Us... IC -98
(Patrik Söderlund and Visa
Suonpää), Riitta Ikonen,
Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver
Kochta-Kalleinen, Leena Nio
and Pauliina Turakka Purhonen.
Mannerheiminaukio 2
Tue 10:00-17:00
Wed-Fri 10:00-20:30
Sat 10:00-18:00
Sun 10:00-17:00
Tickets ?0/8/10
Until Sun 11 May
Henrik Vibskov
A pioneer of contemporary
Danish fashion design and
a boundless inventor.
Design Museum
Korkeavuorenkatu 23
Tue 11:00-20:00
Wed-Sun 11:00-18:00
Tickets ?0/5/8/10
Until Sun 11 May
Designer of the
But just when
you think The Square is going to offer yet another hopeless portrait of impotent rage
and thwarted hopes, it takes
an altogether unexpected
turn, as Ahmed reminds us
that revolution is less about
outcomes than about a way
of apprehending the world.
Filmed on the streets with
the protesters . The film?s narrator, Ahmed Hassan, is a
fiery young man in his 20s
who argues until he?s hoarse
in defense of the ideals of the
Tahrir revolution. The
Square puts the audience into the lifeblood and nervous
system of a movement that
shows no signs of defeat or
It?s no surprise that Noujaim, best known for 2004?s
gripping Control Room, has
made a superb film.
Season Film Festival offers a wide variety of films, including Bollywood favourite Ram-Leela.
Film is in Season
J A M E S O . Composed by Giacomo
Puccini to an Italian libretto
by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe
Giacosa, based on Scènes de
la vie de bohème by Henri
An opera in four parts, here
events are set in the Paris wintertime, as young bohemians
Mimì and Rodolfo enjoy happiness in each other?s company. Meanwhile, the
acclaimed anime of Hayao
Miyazaki films will be on
display for kindergarten
and lower level secondary
school classes at Pulpettikino screenings.
Finally, the festival?s
theme of women onscreen
and different female roles
and issues culminates in
a panel discussion on 27
Season Film Festival
27-30 March
Bio Rex and Maxim
Puccini at his most popular
J A M E S O . S U L L I VA N
ONE of the most frequently performed operas in the
world, La Bohème is being
staged at Finnish Opera until
3 May. It will
astonish you, in all the right
The Square is being
screened for free as part of
Back to (The) Square 1 at Kino
Engel on 27 March.
Giacomo Puccini?s beloved opera is making a welcome return to
Helsinki, with a fresh new production.
This fresh new production
of La Bohème at Finnish National Opera is being directed
by Katariina Lahti. Furthermore, the festival programme includes
many examples of international cinema that otherwise
would not be seen on the big
Opening proceedings is
Ritesh Batra?s acclaimed
The Lunchbox, offering an acclaimed look at modern life
in India, through the looking
glass of Mumbai?s lunch delivery system.
Other films of interest include David Lowery?s Ain?t
Them Bodies Saints, Roman
Polanski?s Venus in Fur and
the acclaimed comedy of David Gordon Green?s Prince
Iranian-Swedish director
Mani Maserrat Agah is a guest
of the festival, presenting his
latest film, Us, depicting two
people trapped by their contradictory personalities.
Furthermore, the festival
is teaming up with the Fashion Film Festival, with a selection of films dealing with
fashion and design and their
to cinema. The actor
Khalid Abdalla, best known
for his work in The Kite Runner, is the British-educated
son of an exiled activist and
continually consults with his
father on tactics and goals.
Magdy Ashour, a member of
the Muslim Brotherhood, at
first opposes Mubarak because of the historic oppression of his fellow Islamists
but comes to question the
methods of the Brotherhood
once it makes political deals
Näin unta elämästä takes a sobering look at suicide.
Elsewhere on screens
Captain America: The Winter Soldier comes to the
box office rescue in the
umpteenth Marvel flick in
the past few years. Sign-language spectators will receive a 10-euro
discount off the normal ticket price.
Those seeking such tickets are advised to select the
stalls in the centre of rows
8 to 12 and the seats on the
right-hand side to maximize
their viewing pleasure.
La Bohème
Until 3 May
Finnish National Opera ?
Helsinginkatu 58
Helsinki. S U L L I VA N
the more
pleasant weather currently
experienced in the capital region, Season Film Festival is
being held for the second occasion, from 27-30 March.
21 feature leangths and
five short films are on offer
this year, with a number of
films being screened in advance of their official release
date. On a more sobering
note, local documentary
Näin unta elämästä takes a
look at the social phenomena of suicide. Meanwhile,
The Railway Man sees Colin Firth?s British Army officer coming to terms with
being a prisoner of war at a
Japanese labour camp during World War II. But that?s exactly
what it is, thanks to an amazing cast of real-life characters that Noujaim has
assembled to tell Egypt?s political story of the past three
years. With
all of the familiar faces returning from the first installment, it remains to be
seen in what direction the
sequel?s tone will take:
overblown and empty, dark
and brooding or big and
better. This being opera, inevitably
their budding romance eventually fades to black when tuberculosis claims the life of Mimì.
S av oy T heatre
An exhilarating
portrait of
Egyptian politics
with the Egyptian military.
Ramy Essam, a singer who
becomes the musical voice of
the protests, is a warm, smiling presence who eventually
comes under sadistic torture
by police forces.
Essam?s wounds are in full
view in The Square, as are the
lifeless faces of victims run
over by the military?s tanks,
shot by its bullets and otherwise immobilized by brutal
responses to the popular uprisings that began with such
giddy promise. In this
vibrant, lyrical, graphic, sobering and finally soaring
The Square
Release Date: 27 March
Director: Jehane Noujaim
Starring: Khalid Abdalla,
Magdy Ashour
Captain America:
The Winter Soldier (K12)
Release Date: 26 March
Directors: Anthony and
Joe Russo
Starring: Chris Evans,
Scarlett Johansson
The Railway Man (K12)
Release Date: 28 March
Director: Jonathan Teplitzky
Starring: Colin Firth,
Nicole Kidman
Näin unta elämästä (K7)
Release Date: 28 March
Directors: Jukka Kärkkäinen
and Sini Liimatainen
testament to aesthetic and
political expression, Noujaim consistently provides
light where once there was
heat. 2 APRIL
A nn H o rna day
The Square, a stunning new
documentary by Jehane Noujaim about the 2011 uprising in Cairo?s Tahrir Square
and its aftermath, epitomizes nonfiction film not just
as a way to deepen knowledge and understanding, but
also as an art form. With lucidity and compassion, The Square threads
viewers through a complicated thicket of alliances and
motivations and, most important, takes them on an
immensely moving emotional journey through hope, betrayal, perseverance and
surpassing courage.
Considering the sacrifice, pain and bloodshed that
has ensued on Tahrir Square
since demonstrators first
took to the Cairo streets in
2011, it feels bizarre to describe The Square as a feelgood film. Whatever you
thought you knew about the
country?s contemporary history, see The Square. Taking to the streets
first to remove the dictator
Hosni Mubarak, then to protest military rule and finally
to rise up against the presidency of Mohamed Morsi,
the group that has continually returned to Tahrir Square
is a loose conglomeration of
the many sides of Egyptian
society: religious, secular,
progressive, conservative,
working-class and elite.
Seen through their eyes
and related through their
often excruciating personal stories, what has often
looked like an incomprehensible series of mass demonstrations comes into sharp,
urgent focus. But
even considering the filmmaker?s impressive résumé,
The Square is altogether remarkable: elegantly shot and
structured, but infused with
rough, spontaneous energy;
global in its consciousness
but intimate in its approach;
carefully pitched but emotionally wrenching; deeply troubling but ultimately
With Egyptians voting
on yet another constitution in the midst of violence
and chaos this week, The
Square?s refusal to succumb
to despair is particularly
meaningful. Furthermore, sign
language interpretation will
be provided for the performances on 2 and 4 April. CULTURE
27 MARCH . Conductors Michael Güttler and
Mikhail Agrest are at the
podium, with the main roles
taken by Zach Borichevsky,
Stefanna Kybalova and Marjukka Tepponen.
The opera is being performed in Italian, with Finnish, Swedish and English
surtitles. Interpreters will be standing
on the right-hand side of the
stage focusing both on the
story and a description of the
music. the camera
following them into meetings, bedrooms, hospitals
and, always, back to the Cairo roundabout that comes
to stand for so much
With Children
17.20 Everybody Loves Raymond
17.50 The King of Queens
18.50 O Brother, Where Art
Thou. While looking into
the racetrack enthusiast?s
death, Walter finds a link to
an inheritance.
09.25 Eastenders
13.55 Mythbusters
14.55 One Born Every Minute
15.55 Oliver?s Twist
16.25 Eastenders
18.00 How I Met Your Mother
18.30 Project Runway
19.30 2 Broke Girls
20.00 The Simpsons
20.30 Two and a Half Men
21.00 Arrow
Officer Lance asks the
Arrow for help in stopping
a serial killer who goes
after women, and Felicity
volunteers to help.
22.00 Revolution (K16)
A group of revolutionaries
confronts an authoritarian
regime 15 years after
an instantaneous global
shutdown of all electrical
23.00 Entourage
23.36 C.S.I. USA/2006.
00.00 5D: Body Shockers (K16)
01.00 Britain?s Happy Hookers
02.00 Deadliest Catch
02.55 MacGyver
03.50 Defying Gravity
04.35 I Can?t Believe I?m Still
08.10 Namaste
09.40 Doctors
10.35 Find My Family UK
11.50 You Deserve This House
12.50 Million Dollar Decorators
13.45 It?s a Brad, Brad World
14.45 Double Your House For
Half The Money
15.45 Doctors
17.25 Eastenders
18.00 Friends
19.00 Jamie?s Great Italian
As Jamie Oliver starts his
Italian tour, he is astounded
by the quality of foods served
in Sicily?s street markets.
21.00 Titanic FILM
Directed by: James
Cameron. Rose (Kate Winslet) is a
young upper-class woman suffocating under the thumb of her
arrogant fiancé. (K16)
00.10 Sleepy Hollow (K16)
01.05 Grimm (K16)
02.00 Cops
11.05 Crocodileman
12.30 Top Secret Recipe
13.20 Meat Men
13.50 Man vs. Directed
by: Irvin Kershner. Food
14.50 Britain?s Best Bakery
15.45 Shark Tank USA
16.40 The Voice of USA
18.30 Hotel Hell
19.30 Man vs. Populated
with strange characters, including
a blind prophet, sexy sirens, and a
one-eyed Bible salesman, it is an
odyssey filled with chases, close
calls, near misses, and betrayal that
will leave you laughing at every
outrageous and surprising twist and
turn. When the
ship collides with an iceberg in
the frigid North Atlantic, the
young lovers. Starring: George
Clooney, Holly Hunter, John
Goodman. FILM
Directed by: Ethan Coen,
Joel Coen. Starring: George Clooney,
Holly Hunter, John Goodman.
TV5 18.50
Friday 28.3.2014. USA/1997.
AVA 21.00
Thursday 27.3.2014
07.00 Children?s Programming
08.40 French Food at Home
10.20 For Rent
13.50 For Rent
14.20 French Food at Home
14.50 Bridezillas
15.50 Supernanny
16.55 Excused
18.25 Frasier
22.00 Bruno (K16) FILM
As Bruno travels the world
in search of fame, everyone
he encounters becomes a
stepping-stone to stardom,
with hilarious results.
Directed by: Larry Charles.
Starring: Sacha Baron
Cohen, Gustaf Hammarsten,
Clifford Banagale.
01.50 Frasier
02.20 Falling Skies
03.10 Excused
06.00 Married. (K16)
00.10 Shameless (K16)
01.10 Eureka
09.50 Britain?s Best Bakery
13.30 Chuck?s Day Off
13.55 Dinner: Impossible
14.45 Mountain Men
15.40 Anthony Bourdain: The
16.30 Man vs. Starring: Crystal
Allen, Calin Stanciu,
Linden Ashby. 2 APRIL
Helsinki Times TV Guide offers a selection of English broadcasting on Finnish television.
Jamie?s Great Italian Escape
AVA 19.00
09.45 The Bold and the Beautiful
10.10 Two and a Half Men
10.40 Emmerdale
11.40 Doctors
14.10 The Great British Bake Off
15.20 Middle
15.45 Oliver?s Twist
Jamie Oliver invites friends
and relatives over for
mouthwatering food and
travels around London.
17.25 The Bold and the Beautiful
18.00 Emmerdale
23.20 The Finder
A friend of Isabel?s wants
Walter to find those
responsible for her father?s
death. USA/1999.
23.05 C.S.I. USA/1997.
00.35 The Americans
New Girl
Sub 19.30
09.45 The Bold and the Beautiful
10.10 Two and a Half Men
10.40 Emmerdale
11.40 Doctors
14.10 Farm Kings
17.25 The Bold and the Beautiful
18.00 Emmerdale
22.35 Dallas
23.35 Lights Out (K16)
Leary is threatened with
criminal charges, so he must
work for Hal Brennan to
get them cleared. With Children
06.40 Absolutely Fabulous
07.15 Cats 101
08.05 Matlock
12.00 Kitchen Boss
In this cooking program
Buddy Valastro cooks various
Italian-American dishes from
his family?s recipes.
12.25 Cake Boss
12.55 Cats 101
13.50 Absolutely Fabulous
14.30 Smack the Pony
15.00 Matlock
16.00 3rd Rock from the Sun
17.00 Married. Starring: Bruce
Willis, Alan Rickman,
Alexander Godunov.
23.10 C.S.I. With nothing to lose,
the three embark on the adventure of a lifetime in this hilarious
offbeat road picture. Starring:
Sean Connery, Kim Basinger,
Klaus Maria Brandauer.
23.40 Anacondas: Trail of Blood
(K16) FILM
Directed by: Don E. USA/2000.
21.00 The Big Lebowski (K16)
Dude Lebowski, mistaken for
a millionaire Lebowski, seeks
restitution for his ruined
rug and enlists his bowling
buddies to help get it.
Directed by: Joel Coen.
Starring: David Huddleston,
David Thewlis.
00.25 Knight Rider
01.30 Just for Laughs
02.25 Deadliest Catch
03.20 MacGyver
04.10 Child Chain Smokers
08.10 Namaste
09.40 Doctors
10.35 Real Housewives of
Beverly Hills
11.50 Vanderpump Rules
12.55 Top Chef Masters
15.45 Doctors
17.25 Eastenders
18.00 Friends
19.00 Million Dollar Decorators
20.00 Obsessive Compulsive
Obsessive cleaners team up
to clean some of Britain?s
dirty homes.
Royal Inquest
Ava 10.05
08.10 Children?s Programming
15.30 Top Gear USA
21.00 Survivor
In this reality game show
contestants are isolated in
the wilderness and compete
for cash and other prizes.
22.15 Lottery and Joker
00.25 Broadchurch
11.00 Work It
11.30 I Hate My Teenage
12.00 Whitney
12.30 The New Normal
13.00 How to Live with Your
Parents (for the Rest of
Your Life)
13.30 Middle
15.00 World Palooza
17.00 Beverly Hills Pawn
19.00 Formula 1: Malaysia Grand
In Finnish.
21.00 Die Hard (K16) FILM
John McClane, officer of the
NYPD, tries to save wife Holly
Gennaro and several others,
taken hostage by German
terrorist Hans Gruber during
a Christmas party at the
Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles.
Directed by: John
McTiernan. With Children
17.30 Everybody Loves Raymond
18.00 The King of Queens
19.00 Deadliest Catch
21.00 Talladega Nights: The
Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Directed by: Adam McKay.
Starring: Gary Cole, Jane
Lynch. The film is James
Cameron?s epic masterpiece
and Winner of 11 Academy
Awards including Best Picture
and Best Director. Starring: Kate
Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio,
Gloria Stuart. In this
series the most compelling
royal scandals are discussed.
11.00 Inside the Actors Studio
12.00 Don?t Blame the Dog
13.00 Obsessive Compulsive
14.00 Breaking Pointe
15.00 It?s a Brad, Brad World
16.55 Find My Family UK
18.00 Grand Designs 19.00 Jamie Oliver Happy Days
20.00 American Idol
22.50 Royal Pains
Dmitry is hurt and Boris asks
for Hank?s help. Food
14.50 Britain?s Best Bakery
15.45 Shark Tank USA
16.40 The Voice of USA
18.30 Britain?s Best Bakery
19.30 The Voice of USA
21.00 Talent USA
23.40 Trigger Happy T V
00.10 Border Security:
Australia?s Front Line
00.40 South Park
01.05 JIM D Crime: Hidden City
02.00 Shark Tank USA
02.50 The Voice of USA
07.00 Children?s Programming
08.40 French Food at Home
10.20 For Rent
13.50 For Rent
14.20 French Food at Home
14.50 Bridezillas
15.50 Supernanny
16.55 Excused
18.25 Frasier
20.00 Criss Angel Believe
21.00 Criminal Minds (K16)
The team travels to Chicago
to profile mass murderers
believed to be missing
23.30 Blue Bloods
00.30 Frasier
01.00 Red Widow
02.00 Greyn?s Anatomy
02.55 Excused
06.10 Married. Directed by: Ethan Coen, Joel
Coen. Faunt
LeRoy. A woman
claiming to be Paige?s
biological mother meets
with Evan and Paige.
23.45 Reign
O Brother,
Where Art Thou?
Ulysses Everett McGill escapes
from a prison chain gang while still
handcuffed to two fellow prisoners.
McGill is on a mission to remarry
his wife and invents a story about a
buried treasure in order to keep his
two hapless friends cooperating in
the adventure. USA/2004.
23.05 Sexcetera (K18)
00.25 Embrace the Darkness
(K18) FILM
Directed by: Kelley Cauthen.
02.30 Dead or Alive FILM
04.00 5D: Teenage Gambler
08.05 Namaste
10.05 Royal Inquest
SERIES BEGINS. With Children
06.25 Absolutely Fabulous
07.00 Extraordinary Dogs
07.25 The King of Queens
07.50 Matlock
11.45 Kitchen Boss
12.15 Say Yes to Dress
12.40 Dogs 101
13.35 Absolutely Fabulous
14.15 Smack the Pony
14.50 Matlock
15.45 3rd Rock from the Sun
16.45 Married. Jack (Leonardo
DiCaprio) is the free-spirited
artist who opens Rose?s eyes
and steals her heart. Directed by:
James Cameron. Food
18.00 Undecover Boss
21.00 Ice Road Truckers
22.00 Hotel Hell
In Hotell Hell Gordon
Ramsay travels across
the USA visiting hopeless
hotels, mediocre motels
and just plain bad B&Bs,
attempting to fix their
problems and turn
around the struggling
23.00 New York Ink
23.55 Border Security:
Australia?s Front Line
00.50 Beck
01.45 Bondi Rescue
07.40 Children?s Programming
10.00 Supernanny
13.15 Dog Rescue
14.25 Zoo
14.55 Animal ABC
15.55 Shake It Up
21.00 007: Never Say Never
Again (K16) FILM
A Spectre agent has stolen
two American nuclear
warheads and James Bond
must find their targets
before it is too late. (K16)
00.35 Bones (K16)
01.30 Cops
11.00 Crocodileman
13.50 Man vs. Starring: Kate
Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio,
Gloria Stuart. 20
27 MARCH . Leary?s
daughter finds out about his
diagnosis and confronts him
about it.
09.25 Eastenders
13.55 Mythbusters
14.55 Model Employee
15.55 Oliver?s Twist
16.25 Eastenders
17.00 One Tree Hill
19.30 New Girl
When Jess and Sam plan on a
cabin retreat, she invites Nick
and Angie and discovers it
was a bad idea and Winston
attempts to educate Schmidt
on race relations.
20.00 The Simpsons
20.30 Two and a Half Men
21.00 Galaxy Quest FILM
The alumni cast of a cult
space T V show have to play
their roles as the real thing
when an alien race needs
their help. USA/2011.
14.00 90 Day Fiancé
15.30 Here Comes Honey Boo Boo
16.30 Long Island Medium
17.00 MacGyver
18.00 Monk
20.00 30 Rock
20.30 Fool Britannia
21.00 Bridget Jones: The Edge of
Reason FILM
Directed by: Beeban Kidron.
Starring: Renée Zellweger,
Colin Firth, Gemma Jones,
Hugh Grant. Starring: Tim
Allen, Sigourney Weaver,
Alan Rickman. Food
22.00 American Pickers
Mike and Frank are pickers
that travel the country and
literally would go anywhere
just for the prospects of
finding antique gold.
23.00 Splash! USA
23.55 Container Wars
00.20 Ball Boys
00.50 Speeders
Titanic is not only one of the
most expensive movie in history
but it is also one of the greatest
and touching love movies of all
time. Directed by:
Dean Parisot. USA/
01.30 Dexter (K16)
06.35 Breaking Amish
07.30 Dogs 101
08.20 Matlock
12.25 Love, Wedding, Marriage
Directed by: Dermot
Mulroney. journey is transformed into a breathtaking race
for survival
TV5 21.00
Monday 31.3.2014. A documentary film
crew, headed by anthropologist
Steve Cale (Stoltz) and director
Terri Flores (Lopez), ventures
into the world?s most isolated
jungle . He has a creative
and instinctive ability to
connect with his canine
customers while solving
dilemmas for their twolegged masters.
14.50 America?s Next Topmodel
15.50 Criss Angel Believe
21.00 Burn After Reading FILM
A disk containing the
memoirs of a CIA agent
ends up in the hands of
two unscrupulous gym
employees who attempt to
sell it.
Directed by: Joel and Ethan
Coen Starring: Brad Pitt,
George Clooney.
01.35 Elementary
02.35 Blue Bloods
03.30 Dr. TV GUIDE
27 MARCH . With Children
17.30 Everybody Loves Raymond
18.00 The King of Queens
19.00 Deadliest Catch
21.00 Anaconda (K16) FILM
Directed by: Luis Llosa.
Starring: Eric Stolz, Ice
Cube, Jennifer Lopez.
22.50 5D: Bitches and Bastards
00.25 Karate Kid 3 FILM
Directed by: John G.
02.35 MacGyver
03.30 Flashpoint
08.10 Namaste
09.40 Doctors
11.50 Selling Spelling Manor
12.45 American Idol
15.45 Doctors
17.25 Eastenders
18.00 Friends
20.00 Grand Designs
This series follows people
building their dream houses
and all the dilemmas that
come with it.
21.30 Modern Family
It is Jay?s birthday and he
does not want any surprises.
Phil decides to take Jay
fishing with some of his
friends, and Gloria does not
know how to tell Jay that she
is pregnant.
23.00 Revenge
Sleepy Hollow
Sub 23.00
09.45 The Bold and the Beautiful
10.10 Two and a Half Men
10.40 Emmerdale
11.40 Doctors
14.10 Grand Designs
15.15 Modern Family
17.25 The Bold and the Beautiful
18.00 Emmerdale
20.05 Undercover Boss
21.00 Person of Interest
A software genius and an exCIA operative work together
to prevent violent crimes
before they can happen.
22.35 Suits
23.35 666 Park Avenue (K16)
Jane is hurled back in time
to October 1927 by the
mysterious Maris Elder,
who hypnotizes her in an
effort to find out where she
disappeared down the spiral
00.35 Legit
09.25 Eastenders
13.55 Mythbusters
14.55 The Face
15.55 Oliver?s Twist
16.25 Eastenders
18.00 Don?t Trust the B**** in
Apartment 23
18.30 Jamie?s Chef
19.30 Mom
20.00 The Simpsons
20.30 Big Bang Theory
23.00 Sleepy Hollow (K16)
The two worlds collide as
Sleepy Hollow is rocked to
its core in the final battle
between Good and Evil.
00.00 Mom
00.30 Nikita (K16)
01.30 Bones (K16)
10.55 Crocodileman
14.40 Britain?s Best Bakery
15.40 Shark Tank USA
16.35 The Voice of USA
18.30 Britain?s Best Bakery
19.30 The Voice of USA
22.00 Pawn Stars
22.30 Border Security:
Australia?s Front Line
The show follows the work
of Border Security Officers
as they enforce Australian
customs, quarantine,
immigration and finance laws.
23.30 Speeders
00.00 World?s Weirdest Restaurants
00.30 South Park
01.00 Ax Men
01.50 Shark Tank USA
02.40 The Voice of USA
07.00 Children?s Programming
08.40 French Food at Home
10.20 For Rent
13.50 Marriage Under Construct
14.20 French Food at Home
14.50 4 Weddings
15.50 Supernanny
16.55 Excused
18.25 Frasier
21.00 Elementary
While Holmes tries to make
amends with Detective Bell,
he and Watson look into the
mafia?s association with a
body found in a barrel.
22.30 Criminal Minds: Under
00.00 Californication (K16)
00.35 Frasier
01.05 Elementary
02.05 Excused
06.10 Married. With Children
06.40 Smack the Pony
07.15 Must Love Cats
08.05 Matlock
12.00 Kitchen Boss
12.55 Must Love Cats
13.50 Coupling
14.30 Smack the Pony
15.00 Matlock
16.00 3rd Rock from the Sun
17.00 Married. USA/1989.
TV5 17.45
Sunday 30.3.2014
07.00 Children?s Programming
08.40 French Food at Home
10.20 For Rent
13.50 For Rent
14.20 French Food at Home
14.50 4 Weddings
15.50 Supernanny
Supernanny Jo Frost is on a
mission to help desperate
parents deal with their badly
behaved children.
16.55 Excused
18.25 Frasier
20.00 America?s Next Topmodel
22.00 Red Widow
Marta?s plan to flee the
country with her children is
ruined when Irwin, released
early, decides to expand
the business via a deal with
23.30 Frasier
00.00 Mad Men
02.00 Excused
06.20 Married. Starring: Christian
Bale, Michael Caine, Liam
Neeson. Directed by:
Luis Llosa. 2 APRIL
Helsinki Times TV Guide offers a selection of English broadcasting on Finnish television.
Antony Bourdain: Layover
JIM 19.00
08.05 Children?s Programming
10.20 Grand Designs
14.20 Inside the Actors Studio
15.40 Pink Panther 2 FILM
Directed by: Harald Zwart.
Starring: Steve Martin,
Alfred Molina, Andy Garcia.
21.00 Revenge
Emily must rely on help from
an unlikely source after
her biggest takedown goes
22.45 The Americans (K16)
Phillip and his wife find
that they are racing against
their FBI neighbor when
tasked with preventing the
assassinations of top US
23.50 Southland (K16)
11.00 The Simpsons
14.00 Farm Kings
15.00 Jamie?s Chef
16.00 Lying Game
17.00 Pretty Little Liars
18.00 Project Runway
19.00 Formula 1: Malaysia Grand
In Finnish.
20.00 Mythbusters
21.00 Batman Begins FILM
After training with his
mentor, Batman begins his
war on crime to free the
crime-ridden Gotham City
from corruption that the
Scarecrow and the League of
Shadows have cast upon it.
Directed by: Christopher
Nolan. But after Daniel finds
himself trapped at the bottom
of a cliff and Daniel?s girlfriend,
Jessica, has her life threatened,
Mr. Reddington, joins the
FBI in an attempt to work
together and bring down
criminals and terrorists.
23.00 Motive
01.00 Anaconda (K16) FILM
Directed by: Luis Llosa.
Starring: Eric Stolz,
Ice Cube, Jennifer Lopez.
02.40 The Only Way is Essex
03.50 Deadliest Catch
04.40 MacGyver
08.10 Namaste
09.40 Doctors
10.35 Undercover Boss USA
11.50 All On The Line
12.45 Perfect Party
13.45 Grand Designs
14.45 Famous Rich & Homeless
15.45 Doctors
17.25 Eastenders
This British television soap
opera follows the domestic
and professional lives of
the people who live and
work in the fictional London
Borough of Walford in the
East of London.
18.00 Friends
19.00 Jamie?s Kitchen
20.00 Double Your House For
Half The Money
21.30 Modern Family
23.00 Rizzoli & Isles (K16)
Get ready for a wild thriller about
the world?s largest and deadliest anaconda which takes your
breath away. USA/2005.
23.40 Grimm
00.40 Revolution (K16)
01.40 Supernatural (K16)
02.40 Cops
08.10 Britain?s Best Bakery
11.50 Top Secret Recipe
13.40 Splash! USA
14.35 Talent USA
16.10 Undercover Boss
17.05 Hotel Hell
19.00 Anthony Bourdain: The
22.00 American Pickers
23.00 Border Security:
Australia?s Front Line
00.00 World?s Weirdest
00.30 Ice Road Truckers
01.25 Bondi Rescue
01.55 Top Shot
07.40 Children?s Programming
12.30 Animal ABC
13.00 Zoo
13.30 Dogs in the City
In Manhattan, Justin Silver
is known as the ?go-to
guy. Miyagi realizes the bad guys
have gone too far and agrees to
coach Daniel for the tournament.
Directed by: John G. But Serone is
actually a poacher on the trail
of a legendary snake. Avildsen.
Starring: Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio, Robyn Lively. Starring: Eric Stolz, Ice
Cube, Jennifer Lopez. With Children
17.30 Everybody Loves Raymond
18.00 The King of Queens
19.00 Deadliest Catch
20.00 Naked and Afraid
21.00 The Blacklist
An FBI fugitive, Raymond
?Red. Miyagi, Daniel will
defend his karate title in the
upcoming karate championship
arranged by his nemesis Kreese,
whose karate studio folded after
his star student lost the championship to Daniel. Phil
11.35 Everybody Loves Raymond
13.35 Matlock
14.30 30 Rock
15.00 Fool Britannia
15.30 Zoo Days
16.35 Knight Rider
17.45 The Karate Kid 3 FILM
Directed by: John G.
Starring: Pat Morita, Ralph
Macchio, Robyn Lively.
21.00 Leap Year FILM
Anna Brady plans to
travel to Dublin, Ireland to
propose marriage to her
boyfriend Jeremy on Leap
Day, because, according to
Irish tradition, a man who
receives a marriage proposal
on a leap day must accept.
Directed by: Anand Tucker.
Starring: Adam Scott,
Alan Devlin, Amy Adams.
23.00 Numb3rs
00.00 Call Me Fitz (K16)
01.15 Twin Peaks
02.10 Danny the Dog (K16) FILM
Directed by: Louis Leterrier.
08.05 Namaste
10.35 American Idol
14.55 Double Your House For
Half The Money
16.00 Top Chef Masters
In the series, worldrenowned chefs compete
against each other in weekly
17.00 Double Your House For
Half The Money
20.00 Reign
23.00 Law & Order: Los Angeles
4 Weddings
Nelonen 14.50
09.45 The Bold and the Beautiful
10.10 Two and a Half Men
10.40 Emmerdale
11.40 Formula 1: Malaysia Grand
In Finnish.
14.05 Survivor
15.10 Whitney
17.25 The Bold and the Beautiful
18.00 Emmerdale
22.35 Rizzoli & Isles (K16)
23.35 Psych (K16)
00.35 Louie
09.25 Eastenders
13.55 Mythbusters
14.55 Beverly Hills Pawn
15.55 Oliwer?s Twist
16.25 Eastenders
18.00 How I Met Your Mother
18.30 Beverly Hills Pawn
19.30 Suburgatory
20.00 The Simpsons
20.30 Big Bang Theory
21.00 The Hangover Part II FILM
Directed by: Todd Phillips.
Starring: Bradley Cooper,
Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms.
00.05 Suburgatory
00.35 Chuck
01.35 Bones (K16)
02.30 Cops
11.35 Crocodileman
12.00 Ink Master
12.50 Dinner: Impossible
13.45 Mountain Men
Eustace Conway lives on a
parcel of land in the Blue
Ridge Mountains and hosts
people to whom he teaches
basic wilderness survival
14.40 Splash! USA
15.35 Anthony Bourdain:
17.30 American Pickers
18.30 Britain?s Best Bakery
19.30 The Voice of USA
21.00 American Pickers
22.00 Pawn Stars
In Pawn Stars Rick Harrison
and his family buy, sell, and
appraise items of historical
22.30 Ball Boys
23.30 Trigger Happy TV
00.00 Hotel Hell
00.55 South Park
01.25 JIM D: Toba Volcanic
02.20 Shark Tank USA
03.15 The Voice of USA
The Karate Kid 3
Going against the wishes of his
mentor, Mr. When
Serone hijacks the boat and its
crew on his quest to track and
kill the giant snake, he steers the
expedition right into the path of
the deadly monster. for all things dogrelated. When Mr.
Miyagi refuses to train Daniel, he
turns to another karate instructor, Terry Silver, whose violent
combat techniques are directly
opposed to Miyagi?s wise instruction. Early in their journey, they
come to the aid of Paul Serone,
a Paraguayan guide, who joins
their expedition. the Amazon Rainforest
. With Children
06.50 The King of Queens
07.15 Dogs 101
08.05 Matlock
12.00 Kitchen Boss
12.25 DC Cupcakes
12.55 Dogs 101
13.50 Absolutely Fabulous
Absolutely Fabulous is an
Award-winning sitcom set in
the world of fashion and PR.
14.30 Smack the Pony
15.00 Matlock
16.00 3rd Rock from the Sun
17.00 Married. in search of a long-lost Indian
Yliopiston apteekki (tel. Starring:
Bridget Fonda, Chris Tucker, Lisa
Gay Hamilton. Directed
by: Quentin Tarantino. Both telephone cards and Finnish SIM cards for mobile
phones can be bought at R-kioski shops.
fares: Helsinki (one zone) ?2.80/?2.20 from ticket machine, Helsinki-Espoo or Helsinki-Vantaa (two zones) ?4.50 and whole area
(three zones) ?7.00. Public transport operates in Helsinki and its surrounding regions
from around 5:30 (6:30 at weekends) until midnight. Operator number 118. 09 471 72432; Töölö hospital, Topeliuksenkatu 5,
tel. Or
get the money for herself. Banks are usually open Mon-Fri
10-16:30 except for the bank at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, which is
open 6-22 daily. For non-urgent ambulance services, dial 09 394 600, and non-urgent police matters, dial 09 1891.
Market halls. See www.forex.fi for more
Thu 3/27
Thu 3/27
Emergency Numbers. At these public terminals internet use is usually free of charge.
Sat 3/29
Sun 3/30
Mon 3/31
Health advice and information call centre (if you are unsure of
what to do) . 22
27 MARCH . With Children
06.40 Coupling
07.15 The Jeff Corwin Experience
08.05 Matlock
12.00 Kitchen Boss
12.25 Extreme Couponing
12.55 The Jeff Corwin Experience
13.50 Coupling
14.30 Smack the Pony
15.00 Matlock
16.00 3rd Rock from the Sun
17.00 Married. 09 3101 3300. Stenbäckinkatu 11, 09 471 72783
(between 6:00 and 22:00), 09 471 72751 (between 22:00 and
Wed 4/2
Fri 3/28
Tue 4/1
Sun 3/30 Mon 3/31
Post Offices. Post offices are usually open Mon-Fri 8-20 and SatSun 10-14. 09
471 67371; Espoo: Jorvi hospital, Turuntie 150, tel. Includes commuter trains, buses, trams and metro. Dial 112. Her boss is
willing to have her killed to keep
her testimony secret, but Jackie
assures him that she is just playing
with the feds. 09 471 87383; Vantaa: Peijas hospital, Sairaalakatu 1, tel. New York (K16)
23.10 Major Crimes
00.05 Fringe
09.25 Eastenders
13.55 Mythbusters
14.55 Flipping Out
15.55 Oliver?s Twist
16.25 Eastenders
18.00 Don?t Trust the B**** in
Apartment 23
19.30 Raising Hope
Raising Hope revolves
around Jimmy Chance who
has not made the best
decisions in life but is trying
his best to raise his daughter
with the help of his family.
20.00 The Simpsons
20.30 Two and a Half Men
21.00 Project Runway
Heidi Klum hosts a reality
series where aspiring
fashion designers compete
for a chance to break into
the industry.
23.00 Raising Hope
23.30 Vampire Diaries
00.30 Bones (K16)
11.15 Crocodileman
11.45 Chuck?s Day Off
14.45 Britain?s Best Bakery
15.40 Shark Tank USA
16.35 The Voice of USA
18.30 Britain?s Best Bakery
19.30 The Voice of USA
22.00 Pawn Star
22.30 Ice Road Truckers
This series features the
activities of drivers who
operate trucks on seasonal
routes crossing frozen lakes
and rivers in remote Arctic
territories in Canada and
00.00 Beck
00.55 South Park
01.25 Ax Men
02.20 Shark Tank USA
07.00 Children?s Programming
08.40 French Food at Home
10.20 Marriage Under
13.50 Marriage Under
14.20 French Food at Home
14.50 4 Weddings
15.50 Supernanny
16.55 Excused
17.25 Criss Angel Believe
18.25 Frasier
21.00 Grey?s Anatomy
Ben worries that a casual
conversation with Derek
could potentially cause
issues for Bailey. Then again, maybe
she is just trying to stay alive. USA/1997.
00.05 My Strange Addiction
01.10 Call Me Fitz
02.20 Numb3rs
03.10 Twin Peaks
04.00 I Can?t Believe I?m Still
05.05 MacGyver
08.10 Namaste
09.40 Doctors
10.35 Baby Borrowers on Holiday
12.45 Obsessive Compulsive
13.45 Jamie?s Kitchen
14.45 Double Your House For
Half The Money
15.45 Doctors
17.25 Eastenders
18.00 Friends
19.00 It?s a Brad, Brad World
20.00 Double Your House For
Half The Money
21.30 Modern Family
22.00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall
(K16) FILM
Directed by: Nicholas
Stoller. Helsinki?s General Post Office is also open at the weekend 10-18. To make ends meet,
she smuggles money from Mexico
into the United States for Ordell
Robbie, a black-market gun
runner. 0300 20200, calls are
charged), Mannerheimintie 96, is open 24 hours; its branch at Mannerheimintie 5/Kaivopiha is open daily 7-24.
Public Transport. Starring: Bridget
Fonda, Chris Tucker, Lisa
Gay Hamilton. USA/1997.
TV5 21.00
Wednesday 2.4.2014
Airport buses.Finnair?s airport bus operates daily between Helsinki Airport and Helsinki city centre (platform 30 at Helsinki Central
Railway Station, just beside the restaurant Vltava), 35 min., ?5.90
or ?3.80 with Helsinki Card. Most
hotels as well as the Helsinki Tourist Office and Helsinki?s General
Post Office have a computer terminal. The Tourist Bureau provides information about the city and its sights.
Pharmacies. See www.posti.fi
Sat 3/29
Grocery stores. Jackie Brown is a flight
attendant for a small Mexican
airline, the latest step down for
her career. For more information, see www.hsl.fi.
Tourist Information.Helsinki City Tourist & Convention Bureau
(Pohjoisesplanadi 19, Aleksanterinkatu 20) is open Mon-Fri 9-20
and Sat-Sun 9-18 between 15 May and 14 September; at other times
of the year, Mon-Fri 9-18 and Sat-Sun 10-16, tel. 09 100 23.
Medical services. 2 APRIL
Finland info
Grey?s Anatomy
Nelonen 21.00
09.45 The Bold and the Beautiful
10.10 Two and a Half Men
10.40 Emmerdale
11.40 Doctors
14.10 Animals Behaving Worse
This series explores the
wickedly ingenious ways our
wild neighbors are staking
their claim for territory in
an increasingly humancontrolled world.
15.20 Up All Night
16.15 Undercover Boss
17.25 The Bold and the Beautiful
18.00 Emmerdale
21.00 C.S.I. With Children
17.30 Everybody Loves Raymond
18.00 The King of Queens
19.00 Deadliest Catch
20.00 Breaking Amish
21.00 Jackie Brown (K16) FILM
Directed by: Quentin
Tarantino. The currency exchange counter at the harbour in
Katajanokka, Helsinki is open everyday (Mon-Fri 15-17:30 Sat-Sun
10-11, 15-17:30). On its way to the centre it stops several times but on the way to the airport only at Scandic Hotel Continental, close to the Helsinki Olympic Stadium.
Finns spent around
50 %
more in 2012
than in 1985
Statistics Finland
SOLUTION ON PAGE 23. Most grocery stores are open Mon-Fri 7-21, Sat
7-18 and Sun 12-21. In the evenings and at weekends adults in need of urgent medical treatment in Helsinki should go to emergency health
centres at Haartman hospital (Haartmaninkatu 4) or Maria hospital
(Lapinlahdenkatu 16).
Emergency clinics in Helsinki and Uusimaa area hospitals that are
on call 24 hours a day: Helsinki: Meilahti hospital, 2nd floor, Haartmaninkatu 4, tel. Starring: Bill Hader,
Jason Segel, Kristen Bell.
00.10 I Hate My Teenage Daughter
Banks and Bureaux de Change. However, the feds catch
on and try to persuade her into
ratting out her boss. Restaurants in the Helsinki area can be found from
the internet service www.eat.fi, which provides information on restaurants, their menus, opening hours and some user rating etc.
Internet. Wanha Kauppahalli (?Old Market Hall?) at the Market square and Hakaniemen Kauppahalli (?Hakaniemi Market Hall?)
are the most popular. 09 4711.
Tue 4/1
Wed 4/2
Children in need of urgent medical treatment should be taken to
Lastenklinikka children?s hospital. Phil
06.10 Married. In a number of Finnish towns public internet posts are
quite rare due to extensive per-person internet use at home. Single ticket
Jackie Brown
Quentin Tarantino wrote and
directed this adaptation of Elmore
Leonard?s 1995 Rum Punch,
switching the action from Miami
to LA. Both are open Mon-Fri 8-18 and Sat 8-16 but
are closed on Sundays. Night buses operate extensively at weekends.
Night buses have an extra fee. The Forex desk at Helsinki Central Railway Station
is open Mon-Fri 8-20 and Sat-Sun 9-19. Grocery stores in the Helsinki Central Railway
Station tunnel are open Mon-Sat 7-22 and Sun 10-22.
Fri 3/28
Thursday 3/27
6:01 am 6:50 pm
5:54 am 6:53 pm
6:12 am 7:01 pm
5:51 am 6:55 pm
6:05 am 6:57 pm
5:41 am 6:55 pm
Telephone. Public phones
are scarce. Hietaniemen kauppahalli (?Hietalahti Market Hall?) holds until summer 2014 the majority shops from Wanha Kauppahalli.
Restaurants. Health centres around the country are open
Mon-Fri 8-16. Cristina
turns to Shane as tension
grows with Meredith.
23.30 Dexter (K16)
00.35 Frasier
01.05 Criminal Minds: Under
02.00 Excused
02.30 Dr. For
more information, see www.visithelsinki.fi. Finland?s international country
code is +358 and to ring abroad from Finland dial 00
(59?) 50 min
? Meridian Massage
56. I must admit, in the
beginning I forgot a couple
of times. The Finn-
In this series expatriates write about their lives in Finland.
ish language is in many ways
one of the most exquisite
yet challenging languages I
have encountered, especially in the way it sounds. We experienced many
fun excursions together, like
sauna, which was a big nono to me, coming from a hot
country. I expected winter to
be colder, darker and longer.
Finns are quite reserved
yet they have always responded when I needed help
in any situation, whether on
the street, at university, grocery shopping or at the bank.
Some would even kindly give
me minutes of their time by
using their phone?s GPS to tell
me which direction to take.
For that reason, I do not feel
like a stranger in this country, and indeed Finland feels
like home to me. Helsinki is a
unique capital city that does
not have the same characteristics as other countries. I still
have not fulfilled my dream
of making a snowman but it
looks like I?ll have to postpone that to next winter ?
speaking of which, is it spring
already. He helped
me with the luggage and as
we were walking out of the
airport, I said, ?Wait, what
about the luggage??
He said, ?What about the
I said, ?No security
He laughed and said, ?No,
welcome to Finland.?
I remember how I was
looking at the trees, buildings, houses and people who
were walking their dogs from
the taxi?s window in fascination. popular crowded cities. (39?) 30 min
? Foot Reflexology Massage 48. However, it has become a habit.
I arrived in August for an
intensive Finnish course at
the University of Helsinki,
before starting my academic year as a master?s degree
student in Media and Global
Communication. The thought of it
was ridiculous to me until I
tried it, and ever since, I have
joined every sauna event my
friends planned. Here
came the handy idea of the
second hand shops that my
friend told me about, where I
found all basic pieces of furniture for a very low cost. Seeing the
snow for the very first time
felt like a dream: its beauty left me speechless. My friend, who like
me was an Egyptian studying at the University of Helsinki, reminded me to take
off my shoes by the door
when I arrived at my shared
apartment student housing
and when I visit any Finn?s
home. 10:00-21:00 www.liangtse.fi
Helsinki Times iPad edition
Shaden Kamel is an Egyptian master?s student at the University of Helsinki, who is very
driven and passionate about her media studies.
Finland?s unique combination
Gloomy sky, freezing weather and depressed people were
the images I had in mind of
Finland before getting there.
In reality, once I walked out
of the terminal to the airport?s arrival hall, which
seemed like a café, I was surprised to see plenty of people
sitting, chatting while having coffee and enjoying the
Usually, when I arrive in
my home country?s airport,
people are welcomed with
security checks. (69?) 50 min
and other treatments
solution sudoku
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Tel.: +358 9 2784201, info@liangtse.fi
Open: Mon.-Sat. 2 APRIL
To celebrate our 5th anniversary
we are delighted to offer you
Have you got expat views?
Helsinki Times runs a column series called EXPAT VIEWS, where we publish voluntary
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Share your funny, memorable, frustrating or great experiences of Finland with our readers.
Please send a brief email to expatview@helsinkitimes.fi with some information about yourself and what kind of experiences you would like to write about, and we will give you more information on how to proceed with your story.
The offer is valid on
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Helsinki Times
? Back and Neck Massage 32. This
has made the idea of furnishing a room from being a total
nightmare to a piece of cake.
When I started my academic year in September,
I was very blessed to have
made such great friends who
come from different countries. During this
month, I had the opportunity to enjoy the lovely weather (it got scarily rainy, but
still), witness how aggressive seagulls are in stealing
people?s ice cream and learn
some basic Finnish. CLASSIFIEDS & SERVICES
27 MARCH . But no, not
in Finland: I was welcomed
with this lovely positive vibe.
After I had picked up my luggage, I found my friend there
waiting for me. I also had to furnish my empty
student housing room, which
I thought was strange. It has a
unique combination of city
and town features, as well as
a unique authenticity in its
culture, people and language.
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