Ole hyvä ja käytä tulostamiseen lehden omasta valikosta löytyvää tulostuspainiketta.
Marketing professor Kimmo Alajoutsijärvi discusses how they must take some of the blame for the current crisis and how they can make better businesspeople in the future. A slight thaw is forecast for early next week. "It would mean the loss of thousands of jobs," warns the Federation's chief economist Jaana Kurjenoja. In any case, it will be the first time in 30 years that the country will not have a Social Democratic president. The Federation predicts that growth in trade levels will generally grind to a halt this year, except in retail trade, where 0.5 per cent and one per cent are forecast for this and next year respectively. Advance voting in the second round ended on Tuesday evening, by which time 25 per cent of the overall electorate had voted. The increases have been considered as part of the government's measures for imposing some much-needed balance on state expenditure. See page 12.
S T T, H T
FINLAND and much of Northern Eu-
rope is currently in the grip of an Arctic air mass that made its way
west from Siberia, according to the Finnish Meteorological Institute. From retired postmen to rock stars, the Finnish fascination with spending time on the water is plain to see. Download our free app from the App Store today.
You can buy a single issue, or subscribe to the iPad edition of Helsinki Times and access every issue. We can keep the employment rate of young adults in the sector high, but only if the enabling conditions for sustaining it are kept in order." Read more on page 4.
one to keep his opinions to himself, Henry Rollins, the legendary former frontman of Black Flag and The Rollins Band returns to Finland to kick start the year with an avalanche of social observation, anecdotes and daunting presence. This new
Henry Rollins
Henry Rollins Spoken Word The Long March 2012 8 February, 19:00 Tickets 25 Savoy Theatre Kasarmikatu 46-48 Helsinki
direction has already produced 17 different spoken word releases, a number comparable with his musical output. As an existing print subscriber you can get the iPad edition with an additional charge of only 10/year and access all the past archived issues of Helsinki Times published since April 2007.. See page 2.
Leadership duel ends on Sunday
IT WILL soon become clear which of the two candidates will become the new President. The sounds of The Rollins Band have become increasingly avantgarde at the turn of the century; his subsequent years as a spoken word performer have seen him travelling the world to articulate his thoughts to appreciative crowds. No matter which of the two wins, the new President will make history. "One-third of employees below the age of 30 work in retail, and unemployment among young adults is currently one of our biggest problems in this country. ISSUE 5 (2 36) · 2 8 FEBRUARY 2012 · 3 · W W W.HEL SINKITIMES.FI
Business schools shoulder blame Business schools' influences on our everyday life, through private-sector economic policy, are sometimes all too real. On Sunday, either Sauli Niinistö (NCP) or the underdog, Pekka Haavisto (Greens) will take over from President Tarja Halonen until 2018. Prowling the stage at Savoy Theatre on 8 February in search of topical discussion, Rollins continues with the career that has seen him hang up his singer's microphone for the time being, and move away from his original role as iconic singer and raging frontman. The Institute had forecast the current exceptionally cold spell last week. Read more on page 5.
L E H T I K U VA / K I M M O M Ä N T Y L Ä
Presidential candidates Pekka Haavisto (left) and Sauli Niinistö.
Deep freeze sets in
Why Finns are boat mad. "If the increase were to be implemented during a phase of faster economic growth, the negative effect wouldn't be so dramatic." Because retail sector would be worst hit, the VAT increase would directly contribute to worsening the youth unemployment situation, says the Federation's managing director Juhani Pekkala. The government's planned increase in the level of value added tax (VAT) on goods and services would put an end to what little growth remains in the sector. See page 15.
THE PROGNOSIS for this year and the next by the Federation of Finnish Commerce is not rosy. You can expect to see anybody from a cast of actors to a famous designer here. Amusing, provocative, entertaining and entirely necessary, Rollins won't leave many stones unturned for the Savoy crowd.
Helsinki Times iPad edition
Now you can read Helsinki Times on your iPad just as it was printed. "The general aim is to be better able to anticipate and thereby prevent the most harmful effects of severely cold weather, and thus improve safety. New cold weather warning procedures were taken into use last spring; Reija Ruuhela of the Finnish Meteorologi-
cal Institute explains why. Polls show that Niinistö has a clear lead according to a Helsingin Sanomat survey published on Monday, around 67 per cent. She says that if the gen-
eral VAT level is increased from 23 to 25 per cent, as the government has proposed, it would lead to the loss of between 7,000 and 10,000 jobs in the trade and retail sectors. Rave reviews meant Helsinki Times simply had to check this place out. Helsinki often seems to be crammed with yachts, marinas and boats of every kind. The warnings are particularly directed at those with cardiac and respiratory difficulties, but also at those who work outdoors.
Commercial sector warns Keeping against VAT increase on Rollins
Tori too hip to be square Nestled under an old Methodist church in the fashionable design district is Tori, possibly one of the most Bohemian eateries in the capital. From summer-cabin rowing boats to open powerboats we ask what's the big deal. Most of all the goal is to protect people's health," Ruuhela says. Thursday 2 February is the coldest day of the present spell, with the lowest temperatures being forecast for the east of Finland. The re-
cord for this winter so far was set in Kuusamo on Tuesday morning, when thermometers dropped to 35.9 degrees Celsius
You can submit your articles to viewpoint@helsinkitimes.fi. It's not that it was a good theory ruined by the comrades, but a rotten theory to begin with.
however, incentive systems were originally created to restrict managers' assumed self-interest and encourage them to increase a company's value in the long term. Their focus has been too heavily concentrated on quick profits and too shareholdercentric, which can be fatal for those shareholders who are in it for the long haul. In my opinion the principal/agent theory ranks number two among harmful theories, an example of a dominant theory that has become an empirical truth. However, theories can have a significant impact which may be very beneficial or very harmful to mankind, or something in between. The opinions expressed in this section are the writers' own and do not represent the official policy of the Helsinki Times.
Kimmo Alajoutsijärvi is a marketing professor. It led to the deaths of tens of millions of people, and although today even the most stubborn understand how disastrous it was, in many countries future generations will have to pay the consequences of its application. It is also a crisis of responsible business management, which is why it is also a crisis for the world's business schools. In the case of many major companies, the exact opposite has occurred, however. What is more, the incentive systems have strengthened the belief that managers are opportunistic self-seekers who are unwilling to commit. The language and thinking of business schools has already infiltrated almost all fields of life and its core terminology is rife in universities, secondary schools, hospitals, environmental organisations and
practices can actually be very final. According to surveys conducted in the US, the man or woman in the street actually trusts politicians more than corporate managers. It will be about the competence and ethics of professionals playing a crucial role in the development of society and the economy. I believe that once the financial crisis is behind us, academic management education will stress common sense and responsibility and will see a return of economic history.
sense and a genuinely critical approach are key to everything. For example, sociology and economic history have influenced teaching and research in business schools much more in Europe than in North America. Customers, subcontractors, employees and managers are typically much more committed and carry a much heavier risk.
IN EUROPE , economics and business studies have greatly benefited from its presence in multidisciplinary universities where it enjoys a relatively close relationship with social sciences and the humanities and their basic methods. THEIR
neglect of the teaching and study of economic history has gone too far. He completed his doctorate at the University of Jyväskylä in 1996 on the theme of forest industry business relationships. From the perspective of the global education market, business education has become the largest and the most influential of all fields of university-level education. I firmly believe that enlightened business schools will in the future invest in the teaching and study of economic history, because it will provide both teachers and students with a critical perspective on phenomena such as bubbles and crises.. We should offer management students
ANOTHER basic tenet in the future will be the responsibility of management. It is
ness studies have on society, business and our ideas and
case of the finance sector or especially Wall Street companies, which were the cause of the financial crisis, the harshest criticism has been directed at the corporate management governance systems and incentives, which are based on principal/agent theories developed in the US, whose purpose is to maximise shareholder returns. This is usually impossible for scientists, and many errors have been made that prove this. Since then he has expanded into the areas of research networks, company management, strategic management, in particular in the cyclical sectors, as well as business management skills. To claim that business schools have nothing to do with the financial crisis would be to claim that business schools have nothing to do with financial affairs. While this link is slowly being weakened by Americanisation, we should hold on to it because it provides depth and breadth to issues relevant to business management and reduces the `silo' syndrome or disengagement from other fields, that often troubles business schools. This is how business schools are changing social norms, agendas and language the world over.
COMPARED with scientists, business school faculties and their theories are incomparable in the sense that these researchers can alter the phenomena they study and have actually done so. In fact, the top managers of listed companies can all too easily comprise an enclave of the super rich, where they like to talk about team play but really only care about their bonuses. Customers, subcontractors, employees and managers are typically much more committed and carry a much heavier risk.
even churches. business schools should make it possible to combine theory, practice and implementation. Helsinki Times reserves the right to accept or reject submissions, as well as to edit or shorten the text. The models were, after all, based on an assumption completely at odds with common sense: "Housing prices will continue to rise by 3 to 6 per cent per annum until kingdom come".
ENGINEERS and scientists often downplay business theories as needless claptrap with no practical meaning. Mathematical models have replaced knowledge of economic history, and economic phenomena have not been genuinely linked with their historical contexts, for example. 2
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
Viewpoints are commentaries written by experts and authorities about specific topics. Hardly anyone anymore in any listed company questions this basic principle of neoliberal eco-
THE GREATEST sin of the management incentive systems has been the way they narrow the field of long-term vision down and away from a broad sense of stakeholders. THE FINANCIAL
It is absurd to claim that the shareholders of listed companies carry the greatest risk. It will not be a game and it will not be about making a fast buck. Fortunately for us Finns, our politicians have made sure that the same does not happen here.
get all its stakeholders to cooperate. This leaves for future researchers nothing else to do but record that it happened.
THE FIRST in the ranking of harmful theories is, without doubt, the Marxist theory of capitalism, socialism
THE FINANCIAL crisis is having an immense impact on the global economy and should fundamentally change the financial sector. Owners are only one of these stakeholders; others include customers, suppliers, staff, management and creditors. There are now more than 12,000 business schools around the world, globally competing for students, publication in journals and funding. The power of business schools is so strong because it is supported by the powerful management theory industry which markets its products for practical application through consultancy, training, books and software. Investments are commonly diversified and so the risk from a single company is often quite trivial. In the future, business schools must be able to ensure the high ethics of the managers they train. THE MAINSTREAM
the tools to work in a multicultural and increasingly complex business world that encompasses many perspectives on its truths. In the West, they are typically the largest and most popular faculties and departments of their university, and the money they bring in is used to fund other fields, too.
often said that nothing is as practical as a great theory, but on the other hand hardly anything is as dangerous as a poor but dominant economics theory.
BUSINESS schools and economics have a huge hidden influence. Instead, managers tend to emphasis on the short-term actions. For instance, the sun did not begin to circle the earth despite the entire scientific community claiming it did. Some economists and business managers actually seem to believe that it is a natural law.
schools have been a global success story in the period since the Second World War. That means their scientific ideal has been borrowed from the hard natural sciences, especially physics. At best or at worst dominant business theories can become self-fulfilling by shaping management practices as well as social norms and expectations about behaviour, thereby creating the behaviour they predict. Noone seems to remember that corporate success depends on how well the company can
business schools of the United States have single-mindedly committed themselves to a positivist and mechanical view of the world. Fortunately, future generations had a chance to correct the errors made by their predecessors. The next generation and elite of business managers will inevitably graduate from the business schools and they will be responsible for the fates of huge numbers of people and immense assets. It is also absurd to claim that the shareholders of listed companies carry the greatest risk. Articles should be at least 5,000 characters-with-spaces long (maximum length 10,000). I WOULD SAY,
though, that there are some very successful companies in Finland too that have succeeded not because of incentive systems but in spite of them. We have seen that this was lacking, even at the very top: the former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, once said in an interview that he understood nothing about the mathematical formulae used in structured products and credit ratings despite what he said was his very robust mathematical background. A company's success is the output resulting from all the human capital and material inputs of these groups. At its worst, such `top science' has been reduced to mathematical gobbledygook that has only a distant connection to the world of business management. By the early years of the new millennium, the factor had grown to 62 the `treatment' has been catastrophically worse than the presumed illness. Business school graduates might boast to engineers and architects that mildew-infested buildings and collapsing bridges are nothing, as it was business school graduates who almost brought the entire global economy down, writes Kimmo Alajoutsijärvi.
nomics that the goal of management is to maximise the value of shares. IN CONTRAST, the impact busi-
crisis has already caused a storm of criticism levelled at business schools, based on the underlying causes of the crisis itself: the greed and shortsightedness of business leaders educated by the schools, the neglect of stakeholders, unfortunate management incentive systems based on theories, and the inability to forecast or solve the financial crisis.
and communism. It is revealing that when this doctrine of greed was first pursued in earnest in the mid1960s, the salary of an average listed US company was five times that of the President of the United States. Crucially, this brings with it the belief that there are permanent and clear laws of business which merely need to be discovered with the aid of statistics and exact testing. His latest research themes are business schools teaching business management and research relevance.
Financial crises and business schools
Misguided incentive schemes are the principal cause of the current financial crisis
Offer closes on 14 February.. This offer is only available to current HT subscribers. HELSINKI TIMES
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
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This represents an important snapshot of unsubsidised daycare, which is also common for children under three in the UK and some other countries where formal education begins at age four or five.
The spouses of the two remaining presidential candidates Sauli Niinistö (NCP) and Pekka Haavisto (Greens) have been in the spotlight during the election campaign. The low costs and high quality services for underthree-year-olds is "outstanding" in Nordic countries compared to other OECD countries. According to Irene Pärssinen-Hentula, the head of the international adoption programmes with the nongovernmental organisation Save the Children Finland, the decline is mainly due to the long waiting times, the highly bureaucratic procedures, and economic uncertainty. Prospective foster children also more frequently find a home in their home country, at least in those developing countries where the standard of living has been improving in recent years HT
State support measures have cut unemployment levels
According to the National Audit Office, infrastructural changes implemented in recent years by the state have reduced unemployment levels in the public sector. Whereas around 300 applications were filed in 2008, the figure for the whole of 2011 was only 120. · Finland ranks around the top of OECD countries in terms of staff qualifications: 1-in-3 teachers at a Finnish daycare must have at least a Bachelor's degree. The National Audit Office is the supervisory authority that oversees state finances and asset management and the spending of public funds.
AFTER FOOTING footing their education bill, Finland has long worried over losing too many of its prodigal children to financially greener pastures. · Finnish families pay 15 per cent of the nation's total government-funded day care costs. The Federation's chief economist Jaana Kurjen-
oja says that the online retail share of the overall Finnish retail trade was between seven and eight per cent in 2010. Returning to Finland was a significantly family-driven decision. · 90 per cent of US daycares are private, for-profit centers. He will put his grant money to work at the Department of Biosciences at the University of Helsinki.
· 90 per cent of Finnish daycares are public. Over 70 per cent of Finland's roughly 16,000 foreign university students move abroad upon graduation, reportedly for lack of professional opportunity. HT
The low costs and high quality services for under-three-year-olds in Nordic countries compare favourably to other OECD countries.
Triumphant returns
Finnish early education lures back some highly skilled expatriates.
Aamulehti: Radical drop in adoptions from abroad
Tampere-based Aamulehti reported on Tuesday that the number of applications for adoptions from outside the country has declined drastically. AlaLaurila's research into the neural circuits of the eye has been published in the world's most prestigious scientific journals and landed him an independent position as an Academy of Finland Research Fellow. · Finnish formal school typically begins at age seven, preceded by one year of pre-school.
Sources: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Program for International Student Assesment (OECD PISA) and Finland's Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
Gloomy outlook
From page 1. That compares with a maximum of 28-45 per cent of total costs in Norway, 33 per
mobile tax. "We administered the survey to 2,500 internet users, and 45 per cent respond-
Jaana Kurjenoja
ed that they would consider doing more of their purchases through foreign online stores if the Finnish VAT level increases.". In the words of the Ministry's press release announcing the publication of the report, the Delegation's task was to create `a strategy for Finland that would convince the world to turn to us more often and more effectively'. The goal was one of many set out in the muchderided Mission for Finland report that was produced by the by the Country Brand Delegation and released in late November 2010. "Back in the States you either put your kids in private school or move to the `right' (read: expensive) neighborhood to get to good public schools," Isola says. But that same precious education system particularly early education seems to draw Finnish expatriate families and all their advanced degrees and taxable incomes back home. It was really only after we moved that we started reading all about the greatly respected quality of the Finnish educational system. Yes 41.5 % No 58.5 %
View details and this week's question at www.helsinkitimes.fi.
Quality care The early childcare education systems of Finland and the Nordic countries rank at the top of OECD countries in terms of years provided, staff qualifications, government funding and family subsidies, according to an article published January 2008 in the Review of Economics of the Household. In most OECD countries, according to the article, the ratio is one-to-10. The support measures have by no means been entirely successful, however. Isola returned to Helsinki with
his wife and their two small children largely for Finland's child-friendly advantages. Depending on household income, Finnish families pay from nothing to a maximum of 15 per cent of those costs, or 254 euros, per child, per month. "I look forward to setting up my own research in Finland while retaining strong connections to the US neuroscience community. Finnish daycare staff are highly qualified. He thought that the school system here made much more sense and was more relaxed and left more time to be a kid." That fact is, educated people appreciate top education, and they'll cross oceans to get it. Does the home life of a president have any bearing on his or her ability to carry out their duties. outlook in the automobile industry is especially bleak this year, with sales predicted to drop by four per cent. According to chief economist Jaana Kurjenoja of the Federation of Finnish Commerce, sales in the automobile sector managed to recuperate from the 2009 recession by as much as 16 per cent, with 2011 being especially good for sales. The grass no longer looks so green for many once they've explored settling children onto foreign educational soil. "In addition to having a large support network here in Helsinki, the school issue certainly was attractive when deciding to move back. Petri Isola, a technical sales engineer moved back to Helsinki in the summer of 2010 after living two decades in Massachusetts, where he sent his first son through Brookline's well-regarded public school system. · The Nordic countries provide free or low-cost daycare earlier and thus longer than many OECD countries, from under one year old to 5. "The figures for 2011 haven't yet been published, but the online share of the market is growing all the time." According to the economist, this is both a threat and an opportunity for Finnish retailers. When purchasing power is generally weak, large outlays are put off, which is evident in the sales of cars, household apTHE ECONOMIC
pliances, and electronics in particular. I am also glad to see that Finland can attract insanely great international post-docs."
Too good to pass up For many Finns and their spouses, Finland's childcare services are too tempting to pass up, even with cushy jobs in a higher-paying country. "During 2009 the automobile sales and wholesale sectors managed to get by with temporary lay-offs, and so managed to hold on to their experienced staff. For example, America's eye-popping salaries can be offset by its educational system's heart-stopping costs and uneven standards, for example in Boston-area daycares whose under-qualified staff and substandard facilities were far less impressive than their price tags of 1,000 to 2,000 US dollars (1,552.50 euros) per child, per month. · Finland and the Nordic countries invest the most in terms of % GDP in early childhood education and care. She cites a recent survey by the Federation that shows generally high interest in purchasing from cheaper foreign-based online stores. In the current economic situation that will no longer be possible."
A family-driven decision Neuroscientist Petri AlaLaurila and his wife Suvi returned with their toddler son, Emil, after several years in Boston and Seattle. Sales were driven up last year also by the knowledge of the impending increase in auto-
Greater interest in foreign-based online stores
of Finnish Commerce fears that the government's planned VAT increases will spur consumers to turn to foreign-based online stores. "The trade that normally would have been done early this year occurred late last year instead." Employment levels in the sector have been predicted to drop by two per cent this year, and Kurjenoja believes that layoffs in wholesale trade are also likely. 4
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
L E H T I K U VA / A N T T I A I M O - KO I V I S TA
However, the Office warns that the positive trend is unlikely to be sustained unless longer-term measures are implemented in the near future. Closures of large operations, such as paper mills, result in the loss of around 500 jobs within a municipality on average. "Also, my first son, who will graduate from Brookline High School, regarded the best public high school in the Boston area, spent a year in a Helsinki school as an exchange student. The numbers even out for kids over three in many OECD countries, where childcare at that age is considered education.
"I am excited to join the Finnish neuroscience community after all these years in the USA," says Ala-Laurila. About 250,000 Finnish citizens live outside of Finland. HT
MTT: Organic food goals set by Finland branding committee unrealistic
The agricultural research institute Agrifood Research Finland (MTT) stated on Monday that the goal of bringing the domestic proportion of organically grown produce up to 50 per cent by 2030 is unrealistically demanding. Finnish education authorities have long stressed the importance of international experience for its graduates, and Finland's early education system can lure some of the family-types back home.
cent max in Denmark (which spends easily the most per child on early childhood education in Europe, roughly doubling Finland's expenditure), and 20 per cent max in Sweden. At present only eight per cent of Finnish produce is organically grown. The Delegation was set up in 2008 by the then-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Stubb. In the last five years, the state has spent 220 million euros on measures to help local authorities adapt to structural changes, most commonly by finding new employment for those whose jobs are lost in process. One in three of the staff must have at least a Bachelor's degree, and the adult-to-child ratio must not exceed one-to-seven for 3-6-year-olds and oneto-four for kids under three
"There were only a very small number of business-
es seriously considering the idea last autumn. the candidate's number, and votes for Donald Duck, [longdeceased former President Urho Kaleva] Kekkonen, and [departing President Tarja] Halonen," says Jukka Jaakkola, the secretary of Uusimaa constituency. The kind of situation in which the UN could ask member states to take part in military action regarding Iran might involve guaranteeing the safe passage of vessels through the Strait of Hormuz, for example. There would have to be a clear indication that Iran has acted in a way that clearly contravenes the Charter of the United Nations, and which justifies crisis measures on the part of the UN. It's been justified on the grounds that they eventually bring additional knowledge and skills back home. as being intended to cover all pets." Punavuoren Ahven only welcomes a well-behaved clientele. Tax havens and states trying to outdo each other at all costs by cutting business taxation levels for instance are not good states of affairs. Haavisto: There should be a stronger presence in UN peacekeeping operations, especially at command level. At present, we are making a smaller contribution to peacekeeping than at almost any time in our peacekeeping history. Human beings are not import products. Sari Palokangas, Tourism and Hospitality Manager at SOK Hotels, a division of S Group, is in agreement with Aittoniemi that most businesses will be reluctant to admit pets. 2. His output since then has included Lovers and Leavers (Kuutamolla) and Tears of April (Käsky). 0.3. "I don't expect we'll be seeing that many more cats and dogs in bars and restaurants anytime soon," she says. "Some people may have allergies, or have a fear of animals. Niinistö: We are now sending a fairly significant number to UNIFIL [the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon], after which we'll have around 400 troops on the ground there. "The most common sorts of inappropriate markings were smiley faces and hearts along with
tory markings and votes with statements of any kind written on them were discounted." The message is clear: the best way to make sure toniemi's view, the new lenient regulations opens the way for a new business idea: pet restaurants. I still take that view. Haavisto: It should. Neither MaRa or the S Group maintain such a list, however.
your vote gets counted is to stick strictly to the point, and keep anything beyond a single number for other occasions. Businesses are also put off by the prospect of pets causing harm to themselves, other pets, or customers. But in practice, constituency officials have the final say. Deputy managing director Veli-Matti Aittoniemi of the Finnish Hospitality Association (MaRa) does not have precise details on all its member businesses, but estimates that very few have yet been interested in admitting pets. Haavisto: Finland should not participate in any military action against Iran. Peacekeeping operations require broad political support. Of the [five permanent] member states on the United Nations Security Council, Russia and China are in key positions when it comes to possible economic sanctions against Iran. "Everyone thinks their own pet is a little angel, even if to others it's a bit of a thug," says Rantanen, herself a dog owner.
Despite new law, few bars willing to allow pets
PUNAVUOREN Ahven pub has welcomed four-legged visitors since the beginning of the year. Membership of the Security Council may of course bring with it additional responsibilities. This would be a situation similar to the one in Somali's territorial waters,
where efforts are still going on to fight piracy. Some might find animals an annoyance," Palokangas says. HELSINKI TIMES
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
Questions for the presidential hopefuls
In an interview with news agency STT, Pekka Haavisto and Sauli Niinistö, give their views on selection procedures for immigrants, peacekeeping, and eurozone taxation policies.
1. While recuperating, he began planning his upcoming film, Naked Harbour (Vuosaari), which premieres on 3 February.. Some connection with the world's crisis spots would be beneficial to Finland as a member of the UN
Security Council. Others have wanted to know if there's an online list of pet-friendly restaurants and bars. In the first round of this year's presidential election, for instance, a ballot in Pirkanmaa that had a smiley face as well as a candidate's number was allowed, whereas a similar infringement in Uusimaa was discounted. Louhimies lost almost 20 kg in the course of the illness, he said in a recent interview. Ballots on which the candidate's name have been written along with the number were allowed, at least when the two matched: "Contradic-
Haavisto: I'm not categorically against it. Should economic and political cooperation among the euro countries be strength-
L E H T I K U VA / A N T T I A I M O - KO I V I S T O
Pekka Haavisto (left) and Sauli Niinistö.
ened, by harmonising taxation practices for instance. Should Finland increase the amount of resources for military peacekeeping operations. Is it morally justified to try to attract the most-educated citizens in a developing country to countries like Finland. Strong and decisive diplomatic efforts are needed to solve crises. Outdoor beer gardens have been allowed to admit pets on their premises since 2007. Niinistö: I don't like the expression that we have to "bring" people from elsewhere. Under what conditions, if any, could you see Finland supporting the use of military force against Iran. "We interpret the new regulation
Louhimies made his name in 2000 with Restless (original Finnish title, Levottomat), his first feature-length film. He has now made a full recovery. "But it's mean to have to turn someone away just because they happen to be the fifth customer with a dog," Rantanen muses. I consider our overall number of around 700 peacekeeping troops to be fairly appropriate, and we also have civilian crisis management personnel. 4. Aittoniemi has also had an inquiry about whether it's allowed to bring a pet boa constrictor to the pub. 3. By law there should be no additional markings at all on the ballot except one candidate's number. The staff have considered introducing a four-dog-at-a-time limit. yes. Some chain restaurants and bars have decided that local branch managers can make the decision for themselves." Most bars and restaurants are unlikely to adopt the new permissive policy on pets, Aittoniemi reckons. In Canada for example, immigration policy is largely based on attracting educated immigrants, particularly entrepreneurs. But drawing the line isn't always easy. The case
was reported last week by Aamulehti. Such a situation would arise only if the Security Council had confirmed the reasons for military action, and if the Council gave the mandate. I can understand why Finnish employers would want to advertise the opportunities that are available here. It is the responsibility of the premises to ensure that pets don't come into contact with the food. per cent of all votes cast in the Uusimaa constituency in the first round of the presidential election were discounted. Faced with such dilemmas, the staff have decided that they'll play it by ear and develop more precise plans as the need arises.
A Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever at the Punavuoren Ahven pub.
Rarely allowed Very few bars and restaurants in Helsinki began admitting pets, although new regulations have made it possible since the beginning of the year. In 2009, Louhimies was diagnosed with throat cancer, and the following year he separated from his wife, actress Laura Malmivaara. But I can of course much better understand the situation that Finland's working conditions and labour markets are attractive to educated immigrants. Should eurozone's economical and political cooperation be strengthened by harmonising the tax base. So far dogs haven't exactly been queueing up to get in to the Punavuori watering hole, but the staff have begun to wonder what'll happen if canine custom picks up. MaRa has received many inquiries since the start of the year on the prospects for occupying this newly-opened niche in the market. Jaakkola's colleague, second secretary Tuomas Nurmi points out however that Uusimaa officials have not been completely draconian when it comes to some additional markings on ballots. "Our hope is that the place doesn't turn into a kennel," says the manager of the bar
L E H T I K U VA / P E K K A S A K K I
Maija Rantanen. In Ait-
L E H T I K U VA / J U S S I N U K A R I
Who: Aku Louhimies From: Helsinki Famous for: Being a screenwriter and director who's recently recovered from cancer
Beer and boas Pet-friendly establishments are thin on the ground largely because of fears of how other customers will react. According to MaRa, the real change is likely to be seen in the late spring and summer, when summer restaurants and beer gardens come into business. That opportunity hasn't been used to the full. "Tax planning," to put it euphemistically, should be controlled.
L E H T I K U VA / J A R N O M E L A
Niinistö: I was undoubtedly the first European Minister of Finance in the 1990s who said that the European tax base should be harmonised that means that we have uniformity not in taxation levels, but in what is taxed, and in our central taxation principles. The answer is... Having different tax bases that is, taxing different things in different countries creates the worst sort of distorted competition.
Make your mark
A total of 1,493 votes were disqualified in the Uusimaa constituency in the first round of the presidential election, for the following reasons: · more than one ballot in a single envelope, or additional materials in the envelope: 8 votes · inappropriate markings on the envelope: 18 votes · an unstamped vote: 47 votes · candidate's number written illegibly: 147 votes · the voter's name, a symbol, or other inappropriate mark on the ballot: 908 votes · an empty envelope: 365 votes
ELECTORAL officials in different constituencies differ as to how strict they should be about what voters write on the ballot
Noah is a relative newcomer on the Finnish name map. Not enough time is spent sleeping or exercising. Both parties have done badly in traditional surveys, and the Centre was spectacularly relegated to the status of fourth-biggest party in parliamentary elections. We'll just have to wait and see what route the Finnish SDP will take in its attempt to escape the rut in which it finds itself.
Many parents don't know what their kids are up to
Allan Bain allan@helsinkitimes.fi
AS YOU'D imagine, this coming Sunday's presidential election has dominated the Finnish press this week and last. This in turn leads to obesity, neck, shoulder and back pains, tiredness and depression.". No separate question was posed about intolerance. Rather, it's better to compare them
to the local election results from autumn 2008. Almost 4,000 Finnish girls were given the name Sofia in the last two years, but Sophie and Sofie are noticeably rarer (Sophie 53, Sofie 117)."
AAMULEHTI 29 January. The name Jack has been given to only 15 Finns in the last two years. To make the job a bit easier for parents, Iltalehti found out what the trendiest names for children will be in 2012.
ILTALEHTI 28 January
Choosing an exotic name for your child may backfire if your fellow countrymen have difficulty pronouncing it.
name Luka was given to 170 Finns last year and 224 Finns the year before that. Paavo Väyrynen's (Centre) presidential election campaign has revitalised his
party's support, with the latter at 18 per cent, putting the party in second place. Finns living abroad were also asked, `What theme should the President's foreign policy focus on?' Furthering the cause of human rights around the world emerged as the most important issue in respondents' answers. The aforementioned names are becoming more popular internationally and are also a way of standing out from all the people in Finland with Elias, Onni, Eetu, Veeti and Aleksis for a name. Aren't we lucky to live in a representative democracy with a free press! On top of all this, a lot of editorial space was still being used over the weekend and at the start of the week to mull over the ramifications of the election's first-round results. Jack holds first place in Ireland. The situation is even worse for those who happen to have a teacher who doesn't understand them. Conversely, the Social Democrats' fall from grace in the last few years, underlined by the pathetic 6.7 per cent share of first-round votes the party's presidential candidate Paavo Lipponen won, is a far more significant development. The SDP were a bigger party in these than the Centre. Pseudonyms will be accepted only in exceptional cases. Yet it's not only Finnish social democrats who are having a tough time of it at the moment, as editorials in Helsingin Sanomat and Turun Sanomat pointed out with reference to the Swedish Social Democratic Party electing a new party leader, while Keskisuomalainen also brought up the woes of sister parties in Britain, Spain and Germany. Alongside coverage of Sauli Niinistö (NCP) and Pekka Haavisto (Greens) gallivanting all over the country, the media has given us background information on the candidates and their partners, speculated about how Finns who voted for one of the other six candidates in the first round will vote this time
of mothers and fathers are good enough parents. Finland now looks like an intolerant, even racist, country. Both Jyväskyläbased Keskisuomalainen and Lahti's Etelä-Suomen Sanomat picked up on this issue, showing particular interest in veteran politician Mauri Pekkarinen's announcement on 26 January about wanting a position of leadership in the party. However, this figure of 11 per cent is still two times higher than support for the party in the last local elections, which took place in 2008. Helsinki Times reserves the right to accept or reject submissions, and to edit and shorten all submissions chosen for publication. The more Finnish name Nooa was given to 173 Finns last year.
Girls If the leading favourites Emma, Aino, Venla, Aada and Ella aren't to your liking, one name worth considering could be Sophie or Sofie, both of which top name lists in Germany and Scotland. 6
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
Reputation for racism may have spoiled Finland's image overseas
The Centre's Paavo Väyrynen has helped his party regain some of its lost popularity.
to a Helsingin Sanomat poll, Finns living outside Finland reckon that some of the good reputation the country enjoys abroad was lost last year. Many of these Finns think that Finland's image in many countries has been affected by the popularity of the Finns Party (PS) and the comments the party's made which have been perceived as anti-immigrant.
Respondents to the survey were drawn from an extremely large pool: 1,126 Finns from 78 countries. It hasn't won an election since the 2006 presidential election and is a shadow of the party it once was. Deciding on what to call your child isn't always the easiest task, and in the worst cases differences of opinion between parents can lead to quarrelling. Yet, on the whole, most thought
that Finland enjoyed a good reputation. An increasing amount of children say they don't get help with school-related difficulties. Despite this, Väyrynen's campaign will at best end up becoming a footnote in Finnish party political history when all is said and done. Last year, 57 Noahs were born as opposed to 74 the previous year. Additionally, Joensuu's Karjalainen and Oulu's Kaleva both spoke of the Swedish party returning to its industrial roots by choosing metal union chief Stefan Löfven as its leader. But listen, these children are only 14 to 15 years old and still need to be looked after by their parents, whose full attention they require. The
L E H T I K U VA / P E K K A S A K K I
Survey reveals massive Trendy names uncovered! drop in Finns Party's support
FINLAND, just over 60,000 children are born every year, meaning that loads of names are needed. This is eight hours too many. According to the survey, the National Coalition remains the largest party with 26 per cent. Six out of ten children say that their families don't have a meal together in the afternoon or in the evening. Väyrynen's successful presidential election campaign is the most probable explanatory factor for Centre's increased support. In the MC-Info poll, people were asked about what party they would vote for if local elections were taking place tomorrow. Some children spend six, even ten hours staring at a screen: playing computer games, mobile phone games and game consoles or watching TV. Over 1,300 Finns were interviewed for the purpose of the survey, with 795 revealing what party they'd support."
Helsinki Times wants your views on current issues and comments on news articles as well as anything of interest from a multicultural perspective.
Comments should be no longer than 2,000 characters with spaces. Support for the Finns Party (PS) is only half [sic] of the 19 per cent the party polled in last year's parliamentary elections. Writers should include their name, address and possible daytime telephone number. Luka is the most popular name in Malta, Slovenia and, given certain allowances, in Austria (Lukas) and Norway (Lucas/Lukas) as well. Some of the figures generated by the school health questionnaire, which involved 14 to 18-year-olds in Tampere, are quite unbelievable. Lipponen's failure to make it into the second round, thereby bringing to an end 30 years of uninterrupted Social Democratic dominance of the presidency, has served to highlight the crisis facing the party. But what do you make of the fact that 40 per cent of parents of eighth and ninth graders don't know where their offspring spend their weekend evenings. Comments can be sent by e-mail to: info@helsinkitimes.fi
Boys According to Statistics Finland, the top boys' names in Europe are Luka, Jack and Noah. One surprising development has been the first sign of a change in fortunes for the Centre since being humbled in last year's elections, with Paavo Väyrynen's relative success in the first round perhaps pointing to a new direction for the party. Helsinki Times will not give the information to third parties. Promoting exportation, preventing climate change and mediation in international crises were the next most mentioned topics."
"THE CENTRE are now the second-biggest party, according to a survey commissioned by Ilta-Sanomat. Rather, the topic was raised in answers to the open question, `What feature pertaining to Finland's image should the President improve?' Racism and intolerance were mentioned more often than any other single issue in respondents' answers. During the space of 50 years, the name Noah has been given to only 553 Finns. The Social Democrats (SDP) are supported by 15 per cent, the Greens and the Left Alliance by nine per cent each, the Swedish People's Party by five and the Christian Democrats by four. JUHA LEHTINEN
Looking to the future and the past
around (if at all), and generally reduced politics to the level of gutter entertainment and/ or an exercise in rudimentary statistical analysis. One in ten youths can't have a discussion with his or her parents. If the school doesn't have a
good guidance teacher or a psychologist, the child can become marginalised for no reason and through no fault of their own. The figures can't be compared to traditional opinion polls about parties, as such polls measure support in parliamentary elections
Doubtless such a war would leave Iran far, far worse off
than it would leave us. But it would be painful for us too, and it might last far longer than anyone wants..." Meanwhile, another influential liberal hawk, Princeton Prof. As before, we're letting them quick-march us off to war," warned Gelb, a repentant Iraq-war hawk, about the chorus of neo-conservatives and other hawks with whom he had previously been aligned. Sovereignty issue Argentina had already received renewed support from the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), which gathers the 12 countries of South America, as well as of the recently formed Community of Latin American and Caribbean Nations (including the English-speaking countries of the Caribbean), and
L E H T I K U VA / A F P P H O T O
the Organisation of American States (OAS). British Prime Minister David Cameron rejected Argentina's efforts to renew talks, calling them "unfounded and counterproductive", and went on to describe Buenos Aires's sovereignty claim as "colonialism".
President Fernández responded on Wednesday by noting that 10 of the 16 cases of colonialism pending resolution in the UN Decolonisation Committee involve British colonies. Adding to the sense that war was suddenly a very real possibility, these events more or less coincided with the publication by the influential Foreign Affairs journal of an article entitled Time to Attack Iran: Why a Strike is the Least Bad Option. In an official US State Department press release, the Barack Obama administration repeated the position it has adopted in the past, stating, "We recognise de facto United Kingdom administration of the islands but take no position regarding sovereignty."
Growing elite opposition to military option against Iran
Like the imminent prospect of one's hanging, to paraphrase the 18th century British essayist Dr Samuel Johnson, the suddenly looming possibility of war can concentrate the mind wonderfully.
to `cripple' Iran's economy, Tehran's threat to close the Strait of Hormuz brought the until-then hypothetical possibility of war whether by design, provocation or accident sharply into view. Chile, too, as an associate member of the bloc, declared that it would ban Falkland ships from its ports. "There is a change in Argentina's political stance that's putting Britain on edge, but we don't know what the costs and benefits of this strategy will be," said Federico Merke, an Argentine international relations expert. Amid a crescendo of threats by senior Israeli officials to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, the murder, presumably by Mossad, of a fifth Iranian nuclear scientist in the past several years, and a sharp escalation of Western economic sanctions designed
Implications "We're doing this terrible thing all over again," wrote Leslie Gelb, the president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, the think tank that publishes Foreign Affairs, in the Daily Beast, in an appeal for Senate hearings on the implications of war with Iran. The confluence of all these developments provoked a number of influential members of the foreign policy establishment including several prominent liberal interventionists who had supported the Iraq war to warn against any further escalation either by the US or Israel.
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said his government is ready to sit down with world powers for talks on its nuclear programme as he brushed off the harmful effect of newly imposed sanctions.
IF THAT aphorism didn't apply in the run-up to the US invasion of Iraq 10 years ago, it appears to be the case now for key sectors of the US foreign-policy elite notably, liberal hawks who supported the Iraq war with regard to the sharp rise in tensions between Iran and both the US and Israel earlier this month. Nonetheless, London continues to refuse to engage in bilateral negotiations on the sovereignty issue, claiming to defend the islanders' right to self-determination, and has responded to Argentina's demands by reinforcing the number of troops deployed there. The hawkish declarations by Republican presidential candidates eager to prove their love for Israel to Christian fundamentalists and Jewish voters and donors didn't help, nor did a renewed and intensified drumbeat for "regime change" by some of the same neo-conservatives from institutions like the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Foundation for the Defence of Democracies (FDD) that led the drive to war in Iraq. Dialogue and negotiations Argentina "is going to continue demanding dialogue and negotiations" and "gathering (international) support", President Cristina Fernández declared on 25 January, in what was her first public appearance following her recovery from thyroid surgery earlier this month. At its biannual summit held in Montevideo in December, Mercosur (the Southern Common Market), South America's biggest trade bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, passed a resolution preventing ships sailing under the Falkland flag from putting in at any member's port. The dictatorship went ahead with its decision to invade the islands despite a United Nations resolution adopted in 1966 that called on both countries to negotiate the territory's sovereignty. Relations between the two countries were severed until the 1990s, but Argentina has consistently called for peaceful talks at every international forum where it is represented. On the pages of The New Republic, Kenneth Pollack, a former top CIA analyst at the Brookings Institution whose 2002 book, The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq, was cited frequently by liberal hawks before the war, argued not only against any further escalation, but also suggested that the sanctions track on which the Barack Obama administration and the European Union have increasingly relied was proving counterproductive.
"The problem is that these sanctions (against the Central Bank of Iran) are potentially so damaging that they could backfire," he wrote, citing their possible negative impact on the West's own struggling economies and the difficulty of sustaining them diplomatically over time if they resulted in the kind of "humanitarian catastrophe" inflicted by the sanctions regime against Iraq from 1992 until the invasion.
Fight back Moreover, he went on, "...the more we turn up the heat on Iran, the more Iran will fight back, and the way they like to fight back could easily lead to unintended escalation. Anne-Marie Slaughter, argued in project-syndicate.org that the West and Iran were playing a "dangerous game of chicken" and that the West's current course "leaves Iran's government no alternative between publicly backing down, which it will not do, and escalating its provocations." "The more publicly the West threatens Iran, the more easily Iranian leaders can portray America as the Great Satan to parts of the Iranian population that have recently been inclined to see the US as their friend," wrote Slaughter.. But, he said, "There's still a long
Argentine activists hold a poster reading "We'll be back!" as they take part in a demonstration in front of the British embassy in Buenos Aires against the recent statements made by British Prime Minister David Cameron about Argentina's claims to the Falkland Islands/Malvinas.
Argentine Foreign Secretary Héctor Timerman toured Central America this month and garnered the support of Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Guatemala. HELSINKI TIMES
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
Falklands/Malvinas, from rhetoric to pressure
Although the latest rhetoric seems to signal a hardening of the historical sovereignty dispute between Argentina and Britain over the Malvinas/Falkland Islands, even the United States is noncommital on the subject.
way to go before there can be any negotiations." The Malvinas/Falkland Islands, occupied by Britain since 1833, were invaded by Argentina on 2 April, 1982 when the country was under military rule (1976-1983). However, it has not yet taken a position with respect to Argentina's repeated request to cancel passenger and supply flights from the southern Chilean city of Punta Arenas to the Malvinas/Falklands.
THE SHARP exchange of words between representatives of Buenos Aires and London intensified over the past few weeks, creating a tense climate on the 30th anniversary of the war over this southern archipelago lying 450 kilometres off the continental coast of Argentina in the Atlantic Ocean. It advocated a limited and carefully calibrated US aerial attack on Iran's air defences and nuclear sites, and was authored by an academic, Matthew Kroenig, who had just completed a one-year stint as a strategic analyst in the office of the secretary of defence. "If they're saying that it's because they have no grounds or arguments," she said. Over the last two months, the Fernández' administration sought and secured the support of other Latin American nations, which pledged to back Argentina's sovereignty claim over the archipelago. According to Merke, who teaches at the private Salvador and San Andrés Universities, what Argentina is trying to do is "push up the costs of occupation" for Britain. The armed conflict, which cost some 900 lives, lasted until 10 June, 1983, when Argentine forces surrendered in the face of the military and technological superiority of the British troops. "As before, we're letting a bunch of ignorant, sloppythinking politicians and polit-
icised foreign-policy experts draw `red line' ultimatums. The decision was ratified individually by the governments of the Mercosur countries and communicated to British Foreign Secretary William Hague during his visit to Brazil
A slaughterhouse worker takes a cigarette break in Romania.
Uncomfortable facts Gauriloff's Canned Dreams (Säilöttyjä unelmia) was given an advance screening recently at an event organised by Finland's Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK). On first glance, this may sound terrible. Both nations face staggering youth unemployment rates.
Men, women and children working at a Brazilian open-cast mine from which metal for the can of ravioli featured in the documentary was sourced.
Canned Dreams and modern nightmares
Katja Gauriloff's film traces the massively convoluted path in the production of an innocent-looking tin of ravioli, and shows the often-nighmarish reality behind everyday goods.
very good idea to encourage people to move abroad for work. The product includes materials from around a dozen countries, including Brazil, from where the metal for the container was mined. 8
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
David J. The biggest surprises were how difficult it is for consumers to get any reliable information on the origin of raw materials, and the enormous geographical scope from which they're
gathered," Gauriloff told news agency STT. Let's say a programmer in France has been unemployed for 18 months. In actuality, though, this is excellent advice. The temporary workers in the slaughterhouses are not paid by the hour, and work at such a breakneck pace that "human errors" do occur, Gauriloff says. The documentary was not made with the aim of encouraging consumers to buy locally produced goods, Gauriloff says, but rather to raise awareness of the origins of consumer goods. She would like to see information on places of origin being put on packaging of consumer goods, to give consumers a better chance of being able to make informed choices. +358-9-616 621, info@hotelanna.fi
Modern slavery Pride of place in the documentary is given to the people who work on the various factories and farms involved in the production of the raw materials. The greatest boost however came through Al-Jazeera, which also bought screening rights and will broadcast the documentary in around 120 countries.. And, of course, the unemployed person gets to work instead of having to live on public support.
SO IF YOU have been in Finland a long time and are unable to find a job, you should consider emigrating if you can find a job elsewhere. "We tried for four years to get access to a pig farm in Germany with as many as 60,000 animals, but we didn't even get within speaking range," Gauriloff told STT.
employed to go where they can get a job. One of the fundamental problems with Europe is the lack of labour mobility. The most horrific conditions the team encountered were in an open-cast mine in Brazil, where a mother of 12 who scraped up iron ore with her bare hands. If people migrate from an area with high unemployment to another locale If you have been in in need of workers, everyone benefits. She points out that the film crew were unlikely to have seen the worst of the worst, since they only got permits to film in factories where the owners obviously felt they had nothing to hide. It would be worth it. The documentary's footage of pigs' carcasses being hauled through Europe and pigs and cattle being slaughtered in Poland and Romania is shocking, even though no clear illegality was observed by the filmmakers. For instance, there should be a massive investment in a European-wide jobs database. While in theory, any EU citizen can emigrate anywhere in Europe, in practice mobility is quite low.
LABOUR mobility is extremely important for an econo-
my, because it is part of a self-correcting mechanism. The European Jobs Mobility Portal EURES is a good start, but I would like to see something much more grand, where a jobless person is automatically told of available work abroad.
THERE should also be financial incentives. Given the enormous geographical scale of the production process and the huge amount of transportation involved at all the various stages, how is it possible that Finnish consumers can buy
the final product so cheaply. The Finland a long time high unemand are unable to find area with reduces the ployment a job, you should con- number of jobless and competition for work, sider emigrating. LABOUR mobility should be actively encouraged. Canned Dreams was released in Finland on 27 January. Employment Commissioner Laszlo Andor has urged young people to look for jobs abroad. It has already generated a good deal of international interest, and television channels in Germany, France, Norway, Portugal, and Israel placed advance orders for it. Europe should do everything it can to increase labour mobility. He is also a private investor with over ten years of experience.
Get out of Finland
some EU leaders have been giving a startling message to their citizens: get out of the country. Most importantly, the unemployed programmer would have a job. It would be best for you, best for Finland, and best for whatever country you go to. France would not have to pay unemployment benefits for her in the future, and Finland should make that money back in increased tax revenues after a couple of months. "The first two years went to researching the ingredients used in the production and investigating their backgrounds and production chains. Please come to Finland. She finds a job in Finland. The answer lies in the extremities to which manufacturers go at every step in the production chain to ensure that costs are kept as low as they can possibly be. An unemployed person at a Kela office should hear of possible jobs anywhere in Europe, and that person should be informed of the financial incentives.
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Annankatu, 00120 Helsinki tel. The more you look into the background, the harder it is to say what's right
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should be a public relations campaign encouraging people to move where needed. HOWEVER, if you are an unemployed nurse or doctor, sitting in Portugal or Spain reading this online, I have another suggestion. "We knew in advance that slavery is still a reality in many parts of the world, but when you see it firsthand it's a harrowing experience," says Gauriloff. "For example, Portuguese tomato producers told that me that just some years ago, a crop of 60,000 tonnes a year would have been considered excellent. "In this case, more knowledge is not always easy to stomach. The low unemployment rate area gets the needed talent, pushes down labour costs, and the local government gains added tax revenue. THE SIMPLE, but difficult, trick is to encourage the un-
director Katja Gauriloff never suspected how far across the world she would be taken when she decided to trace the production chain of a one-euro tin of ready-cooked ravioli. If you can't find a job here, you should look elsewhere. Tomato pickers in Portugal, farm labourers in Ukraine, and East European slaughterhouse workers tell about their dreams, which most frequently involve securing a future for their children. Work on the film documenting the search took four years. Both France and Finland should help pay for the move 1,000 from each nation. while the local government lowers expenditures. Now even 100,000 tonnes is not enough, and quality is not a major concern," says the documentary's producer Joonas Berghäll.
or wrong any more," she says. Portugal's PM Pedro Passos Coelho and Spain's PM Mariano Rajoy have done the same thing. I suggest a 2,000 tax-free bonus to move. Cord david@helsinkitimes.fi The writer is a journalist and columnist for Helsinki Times. We are desperately in need of healthcare workers. The Portuguese tomatoes, Hungarian tomatoes, Italian olive oil, and the Danish pigs travelled over 30,000 kilometres back and forth across Europe before they ended up in the convenience food, which was tinned in France and then shipped to Europe
Icelanders are once again flocking to overseas cities on shopping trips this time Boston is popular. Perhaps not. Prior to December 2007, Jonsson ran a thriving business. After the crash, the exchange rate almost doubled. People are arguing for and against this bill, because it is important to do so. Those in the building sector were particularly affected, as the house market collapsed.
ers were left with worthless real estate for which they had to repay loans that exceeded the value of the property. Last year she was told the loan on her flat had returned to 110 per cent of the market value. One woman, Kristin Hafsteinsdottir, bought her small flat in 2007 but increased mortgage payments became too much for her, so she went to work overseas for a year. Jonsson will have to vacate the premises by early March. It was the largest banking collapse ever in relation to the size of the economy. The protestors won, the government resigned, and a left-wing government consisting of the Left-Green Movement and the Social Democratic Alliance took over. There has been an upsurge in the sale of luxury cars. Megaupload's website was shut down on 21 January by US authorities.
110 per cent measure The people worst off are those who bought real estate in the year or two preceding the bank crash, when house prices were at their peak and the banks were offering 100 per cent loans. In Finland, Elisa was forced to block access to Pirate Bay without any debate. To keep her job open, she had to return within a year, which she did and then paid off her mortgage by taking money out of her savings from her work abroad and her pension fund. New homeown-
Pre-crash consumerism `very 2007' According to the national tax authority, 40 per cent of Icelanders have negative equity they owe more than they own. Sturla Jonsson is one of these. "But I've studied the law and I'll fight it," he adds. The crisis also made people suddenly wake up and take stock of their situation. "The current laws regarding IP rights should be
This TV grab shows internet guru and founder of Megaupload. Norway is especially popular, as abundant work is available in the oil industry. "When you begin to limit access to certain websites due to copyright, the same right has to be made available to other interest groups outside the music industry. Before the crash, would-be house buyers were frequently advised to take out mortgages in foreign currency, or a blend of Icelandic and foreign currency. Icelanders have always worked extremely long hours, often doing two or more jobs. After its final review of the Icelandic economy, the IMF declared that Iceland's economy was recovering well. In Iceland, a nation of 300,000, about 75 per cent of people own the property they live in. He then discovered that his mortgage repayments had been recalculated and he had to pay back more than he could. com Kim Schmitz, also known as "Kim Dotcom", escorted by a policeman as he appeared in an Auckland district court in New Zealand on 20 January.
Recent file-sharing events May 2011: IFPI Finland sues Elisa October: Helsinki District Court orders Elisa to block Pirate Bay; Elisa appeals 9 January 2012: Elisa loses appeal; cases against Sonera and DNA continuing; Anonymous attacks the websites of two Finnish anti-piracy groups 18 January: Many sites, including Wikipedia, go dark in protest against the American Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) 19 January: Megaupload shut down and employees arrested 20 January: Hackers attack websites of American government and anti-piracy groups; US Congress halts debate on bills after protests
all three major commercial banks in Iceland collapsed because they could not refinance their short-term debt. People lost their jobs, or took wage cuts, or were banned from working overtime, or worked on the black market. He points to history as his guide: the longshoremen and paper-worker strikes of a few years ago damaged Finland's reputation, and the risk of conducting business here increased. The bank collapse did not have purely negative repercussions, however. In the end, this will have huge implications on what kind of content people are able to see online, if this kind of activity gets out of hand." Vilpponen believes that Finland's sterling image has been tarnished by the court order. The entertainment industry wishes to be compensated for the movies and songs they create. The loan is related to the consumer price index, and every time that goes up so does my loan and the price increase compensation," she says.
A view of "Dotcom Mansion" in Coatesville, New Zealand, where four men were arrested in connection with the Megaupload.com website on 20 January. Then things started to
slow down, and he got no contracts between December and the following May. HELSINKI TIMES
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
Court-ordered block of Pirate Bay worries some in tech industry
The war between intellectual property rights and free information has come to Finland.
DAV I D J . "I'm sure Facebook's data centres in Sweden and Google's in Hamina have inspired other internet companies to look at the region, but sudden changes certainly increase the risk factor regarding Finland," Vilpponen contends.
enough," he says. This is a huge change, and even though Finnish law isn't built upon case law, this does have huge implications." Finnish society has a long tradition of making tough decisions by consensus and compromise. For instance, children are happier. C O R D HEL SINKI TIMES
regarding the sharing of information on the internet has increased in recent days. "The digital economy is very much built upon the assumption that online access isn't limited by the interests of certain industries who are unable to transform their businesses to the new demands of customers," he concludes. He thinks, in effect, that the political risk for doing high-tech business in Finland has just increased.
L E H T I K U VA / A F P P H O T O/ T V 3
Damaged image Some may believe that the actions of the Finnish court could have the opposite effect: an act to protect intellectual property rights could make Finland a desirable place to do business. The hacker group Anonymous has retaliated.
"It is quite simple, actually," he says. The fact that this decision-making process has been abandoned for the Pirate Bay case may make businesses wary of doing business in Finland. Food, fuel and consumer goods were particularly affected, and are still much more expensive than they were prior to the crash. Some of these people have given up on life in Iceland and moved overseas. Earlier this month, a Finnish court ordered Elisa to block access to Pirate Bay, one of the world's largest file sharing sites that has inspired both a political party and a religion. Around the world authorities have tried to stop illegal file sharing, only to be attacked by hackers. "Now the price indexation is crippling me again. While one side claims the infringement of intellectual property (IP) rights, the other assert censorship. The work he did get was not enough to pay the oil expenses for his vehicles, let alone the mortgage repayments on his house. He wrote an editorial on his site regarding this, which rapidly became one of the most-read articles ever. After the crash the Icelandic krona devalued significantly, which meant that the price of anything which had to be imported or was dependent on foreign currency increased considerably. In Finland, fears have arisen that a court order could hurt Finnish business. The file-sharing website Megaupload, based in Hong Kong, has been shut down, while its charismatic German-Finnish leader, Kim Dotcom [sic] has been arrested in New Zealand. Clearly at least some Icelanders are benefiting from the new situation.. He managed to earn enough to keep up with the repayments, but finally returned to Iceland as his back was causing problems. The new government pledged to look after the welfare of the average Icelander, but opinions differ whether it has managed to do that. Their opponents believe everything should be freely disseminated on the web. And yet wages in banks are increasing. In June 2009 Jonsson went to Norway to work, first getting work in the trucking business and then with tiling. She is still in financial difficulties, though. "No matter what types of censorship are put in place, the hackers always come up with new ways."
Iceland's level of unemployment has improved somewhat, and now only 6.1 per cent of its citizens are registered unemployed.
Iceland recovering dubiously from the crash analysis
Three years ago, thousands of Icelanders were standing outside Iceland's parliament building chanting "incompetent government" in an attempt to bring down the conservative government that had been seen as responsible for the collapse of the country's banking system.
IN 2008
Increased political risk. She had become one of the people eligible for one of the new schemes to help homeowners, the so-called 110 per cent measure. This corresponds to 60,000 families. Here, the financial institution or bank writes off a portion of the loan if mortgage payments have been kept up to date. But people with loans in Icelandic currency also suffered. With overtime cut back after the crash, they have more time to spend with family and friends. "My house was sold at auction by the District Commissioner," he says. The courts just decided to do so. Vilpponen doesn't think so. Today, signs of extravagances of pre-crash consumerism are said to be "very 2007". Antti Vilpponen, the CEO of the Nordic technology news site ArcticStartup, thinks the actions of the Finnish court could hurt Finnish business. Is it really necessary to have two new, fuel-hungry 4-WD cars for a family of four. In recent days an online protest has killed the antipiracy bills SOPA and PIPA in the American Congress. "In the US, the SOPA / PIPA legislative changes have been debated for months. At the heart of the matter is a philosophy regarding the sharing of information. But some people return, for one reason or another
Helena Kaartinen is the flight attendant who came up with the idea and she told the New York Times she linked up
with a friend who is a Bollywood teacher to develop the dance. ALVINE KAPITAKO
land are more eager than ever to buy more locally and organically produced goods. If organic rye bread costs three times as much as the non-organic versions, those on more modest incomes are in effect forced to go for the less healthy option. The main obstacle, however, has for a long time been the prices of such goods, which were prohibitively high for many. This means that local suppliers and manufacturers must also take the initiative and ensure that local authorities know about them and their goods.
European Affairs and Foreign Trade Minister Alexander Stubb.
L E H T I K U VA / K I M M O M Ä N T Y L Ä
nothing to stop local authorities from being bold enough to make the use of locally produced and organic ingredients one condition that caterers must fulfil if they are to win contracts to provide meals to schools, kindergartens and workplaces.
ty Natalegawa on Tuesday morning, after which he was scheduled to meet Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa, Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Jero Wacik, Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan and Agriculture Minister Suswono...". Siilasmaa started F-Secure, originally called Data Fellows, in 1988 as a student at the Finnish Technology Institute. Stubb met with Indonesian Foreign Minister Mar-
ALSO, LOCAL authorities must be willing to go to the ef-
fort of finding out where these products can be found in the locality. Business confidence improved to minus 8 this month from a revised minus 9 in December, the Confederation of Finnish Industries said in a separate report..."
THE JAKARTA POST 24 January. Päivi Joki-Kyyny, the attaché at the Embassy of Finland, said at the signing ceremony that the present and future decision-makers targeted by the project include young professionals, local and regional authorities and rural residents managing their water resources..."
BLOOMBERG 27 January
Cuba: Tourist Destination of the Year in Finland
WE MUST also remember that choosing these products
Finland's Consumer, Business Sentiment Rise as Crisis Abates
"FINLAND'S consumer sentiment rose to the highest in five months and business confidence improved as falling "bond yields brought a respite in the debt crisis. Even now, using locally and organically products every day is considered blatantly elitist because of the high prices.
THIS is not a good state of affairs. If the main criterion is always the cheapest products at the lowest possible prices, there is little chance of healthier and better organic and locally products getting onto more people's plates on an everyday basis.
Finland seeks to boost renewable energy partnership with RI
"FINNISH European Affairs and Foreign Trade Minister Alexander Stubb was in Jakarta on Tuesday as Finland seeks to strengthen its economic partnerships with Indonesia, with a highlight on renewable energy cooperation. Known
Mirja Vehkaperä is a Centre Party Member of Parliament from Haukipudas in North Ostrobothnia. has an ethical dimension. She is also the spokesperson of the North Ostrobothnia provincial government.
True to taste
ON MY WALKS through Helsinki, I've noticed to my de-
New Nokia chairman, Risto Siilasmaa.
METRO.CO.UK 27 January
L E H T I K U VA / K I M M O M Ä N T Y L Ä
light how places are now offering locally produced and organic foods. With local and organic foods, you can be far more sure of what you're getting: you needn't worry about additives and artificial flavours, and you needn't compromise on genuine flavours.
to celebrate India's 63rd Republic Day, staff on a Finnair flight from Helsinki to New Delhi performed the choreographed routine, which has already racked up hundreds of thousands of views. Just a couple of days after the video was uploaded to YouTube, it already has close to 3 million views and has been liked by more than 10,000 users on the site..."
the ecologically sustainable development of Namibia, particularly with regard to water and sanitation. Cuban ambassador Sergio Gonzalez received the acknowledgement, and expressed his appreciation on behalf of the ministries of Tourism and Foreign Affairs, the government, and "all those who made it possible for the over 2,700,000 tourists who visited the island last year to have a pleasant stay..."
January from 0.4 in the prior month, Statistics Finland in Helsinki said on its website today. Fresh, clean, locally produced and healthy fruit, vegetables, and baked and dairy products entice passers-by from attractive shop window displays; I can't resist popping in to try them out.
SEVERAL recent studies have shown that people in Fin-
nominated entrepreneur Risto Siilasmaa to succeed Jorma Ollila as
chairman, signaling that key decisions at the world's biggest mobile-phone company
in Finland as a representative for entrepreneurs and business investors, he joined Nokia's board in 2008. In addition, a lot of people just didn't know where they could purchase these products. THE PRICES
Finnair crew's Bollywood jig goes viral
Finland funds desert research
"THE EMBASSY of Finland in Namibia has given the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN) over N$ 2.2 million in funding for a period of one year. The project aims at enhancing the capacity of future decision-makers to address
of these products could be brought within more people's reach by more people who can afford them choosing to do so: the greater the demand, the more affordable the products will become for all. The consumer confidence index rose more than estimated, increasing to 3.4 in
Association of Travel Journalists unanimously gave the island one of its annual certificates honouring the most notable events in
this sector, the Cuban Tourism Ministry informed on Friday by way of a press release. Siilasmaa, 45, is chairman of security software Freedom maker F-Secure Oyj, which he founded, and of telephone List company Elisa Oyj. 10
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
L E H T I K U VA / K I M M O M Ä N T Y L Ä
Nokia Names Siilasmaa as Brave Chairman to Replace Retiring Ollila Finland by handsets deliveries will Tops Press stay in Finland. The company listed shares on the Helsinki stock exchange in 1999, the last major high-tech company to join the stock exchange in the Nordic country..."
"SO MUCH for the land of the
free: the US fell more than two dozen slots in the annual Reporters without Borders press-freedom index, down from 20th in 2010 to 47th in 2012. Ms Kaartinen added she thought it would be a good way for the staff of the airline to show they understood something about Indian culture. ERWIDA MAULIA
locally and organically produced products are still few and far between on menus in Finnish playschools, schools and workplace canteens. Although domestically produced foods are more expensive than their foreign equivalents, in addition to choosing safe, healthy and responsibly produced Finnish-grown products we'll be promoting jobs at home. Finland and Norway topped the list for the second year in a row as other European nations and the US took hits for their brutal treatment of reporters covering global protests ..."
NEWERA.COM.NA 26 January. This is deeply unfortunate, since organic and locally produced products are not by definition luxury items they are made in traditional ways, from wholesome, healthy ingredients that everyone should have the chance to enjoy. The increased opportunities for producers to sell their goods directly from the farm or other place of manufacture provide further ways of keeping prices at reasonable levels: by cutting out the middleman, more of the profits stay with the producer, and customers end up paying less for tasty and healthy organic and locally produced foods. I consider this one major criterion that needs to be taken into account when local authorities open the provision of school and workplace catering to tender
Many parents who struggled with either language in school themselves will want to give this opportunity to their kids it can make studying the other Germanic languages much easier also," explains Herberts. Has amassed nearly 20 awards in a 16-year playing career, including an Olympic Silver Medal as a member of Team Finland.
contacts and are able to always speak Swedish with their counterparts there." The proportion of Swedish-speaking Finns is currently about 5.5 per cent of the population and the decrease in numbers has tapered off in recent years due to reduction in emigration, and increasingly these days about two-thirds of bilingual families will register their children as Swedish-speaking these kids often go to Swedish-speaking schools, and having a Swedish-speaking as well as a Finnish-speaking parent they grow up bilingual. Many of those who defined Finnishness and the Finnish national identity had Swedish as their mother tongue. In 1966 Jansson won the Hans Christian Andersen Award for her contributions to children's literature. "Also when the Common Nordic Labour Market came about in 1954 large numbers of young men and women from small farms left Ostrobothnia, and elsewhere in Finland, to seek work in Sweden. Niklas Bäckström, (born 1978). Helsinki Times talks to Kjell Herberts, a sociologist and expert on the topic.
"It is very important for us to stress that we are Finns. "The Åland Islands and west coast are where the main concentrations of Swedish-speakers are. This was hardly the choice of the Swedish-speaking Finns, though it may have made climbing the social ladder somewhat easier. More opportunity "For practical reasons and to support their kids, bilingual families' parents give more opportunity to Swedish because Finnish is there in any case. "In Swedish, finländare is how we refer to all the people of Finland ourselves included." Kjell Herberts, a native of Ostrobothnia, is a Finland-Swedish sociologist. A fisherman was a fisherman, a hunter was a hunter, he didn't see himself as Finnish or Swedish because these entities didn't really exist he went where there was fish or game," says Herberts. Most research now thinks that Finland was settled by both populations around the same time. The term finlandssvenskar, or even suomenruotsalaiset in Finnish, is not really accurate. Tove Jansson, (1914-2001). The closeness between Ostrobothnia and the east coast of Sweden made this easier," says Herberts. In 2000, Helsinki-born Torvalds , was listed 17th in Time Magazine's Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century poll. The Swedish-speaking population was once around 17 per cent in the country at the turn of the last century. The Design Forum Finland awards the yearly Kaj Franck Design Prize to a designer or team of designers working in the spirit of the late Kaj Franck. Metropolitan area Helsinki itself was once predominantly Swedish-speaking, but over time, as people gravitated towards the capital in search of work from other parts of the country, the population diluted, and now in recent years there are more and more foreigners, which also diminishes the proportion of finlandssvenkar in the metropolitan area. Kjell Herberts is a Finland-Swedish sociologist. Finnish former rally driver. But the vast majority have been the same as regular Finns farmers, fishermen and so on, although the `visible' Swedish-speaking Finns have been upper-class. In 2008 there were over 675,000 people in Sweden who were either born in Finland or have at least one parent or grandparent who was born in Finland. Kaj Franck, (1911-1989). He has been a researcher at the Institute of FinlandSwedish Social Research in Åbo Akademi University since 1982, and president of the Swedish-Ostrobothnian Society since 1999. She is best known as the author of the Moomin books. I prefer Swedish-speaking Finns. But this is not true when we look at the demographic situation today. One of the leading figures of Finnish design his works are seen in many Finnish homes. Voted The Greatest Finn of All Time in 2004. Finnish professional ice hockey goaltender currently playing for the Minnesota Wild in the NHL. Finnish novelist, painter, illustrator and comic-strip author. "There are still such views, in Swedish it is bättre folk, the better folk. "I'm responsible for the Finland-Swedish Barometer and these opinion polls about Swedish-speakers in Finland every year. The phrase is a little longer, but it is more correct than finlandssvenkar," explains Kjell Herberts of Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa. We are Swedish-speaking, but we are Finns by identity. The major political organisation representing the Swedish-speakers in Finland, the Swedish People's Party and Folktinget, has defined the Swedish-speaking Finns as a people who express Finnish identity in the Swedish language. Their identity has often been the cause of confusion, and at times a little prejudice. Driving for Peugeot, he won the World Rally Championship in 2000 and 2002. "As a Swedish-speaker you can understand Norwegian, at least written Danish and German, and I've even managed to get the meaning from some Dutch texts it can be a key to other languages." One charge often levelled at Swedish-speakers by their fellowFinns is the lingering concept that Swedish is somehow the language of the upper-class particularly they can be seen as the `old money' in Finland. But who are the Swedish-speaking Finns, where did they come from and where do they live. I don't think anybody can claim `we were first here.' Maybe the Sami population are the only ones who can really make this claim." One third, about 100,000, of the Swedish-speaking Finnish population live in Ostrobothnia, and 200,000 living in the south and south-west, from Loviisa and to Raseborg as well as the Åboland archipelago and the Åland Islands. They have always been the visible ones and people unfortunately judge the whole group," says Herberts. None of this made them any less proud to be Finnish the same can be said of the current Swedish-speaking Finns, whether they ply their trade from a fishing boat in the Gulf of Bothnia, or in the boardrooms of Helsinki.
Text by Dave Dunne
Magma is a Finland-Swedish think-tank www.magma.fi. "Researchers have different opinions on the history of the first settlers in Finland, but I think if you look at historical migration from the west you didn't speak about languages at that time of course. The Swedish-speaking Finns, who make up about 5.5 per cent of the population, are a minority group in this country, but take their sense of Finnishness very seriously. Linus Torvalds, (born 1969). Software engineer and hacker, best known for having initiated the development of the open source Linux kernel. Grönholm also won the 2002 Race of Champions, taking home the Henri Toivonen Memorial Trophy and earning the title Champion of Champions. HELSINKI TIMES
This page is sponsored by Magma
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
Swedish blood, Finnish heart
Swedish-speaking Finns make up a small minority of Finland's population, yet their influence on the country has been great. Curiously when we asked about Sweden and how close Swedish culture is for Swedish-speakers here we found that in Ostrobothnia and Åland there are very strong ties because they still have family members there, but in the Helsinki region many Swedish-speaking Finns do have close ties, but because of their jobs they have the Nordic
Some notable Swedish-speaking Finns
Karl Gustaf Mannerheim, (1867-1951). Marcus Grönholm, (born 1968). Swedish, alongside Finnish, is one of the two official languages of Finland. Military commander and reluctant politician, who led the Finnish defence against Soviet invasion in 1939, bringing the offensive to an unlikely halt and giving Finland room for negotiation. The simple fact was that for the centuries of Swedish control of the country, the Swedish language was the language of the Church and the universities, and the spoken language of the leading lights of the artistic world. You have to understand that the elite in Finland the economic elite and cultural elite have been Swedish for centuries
The Guest Section is in English and mainly offers information for visiting yachts, as Sirpalesaari is also a guest marina. suomalainenpursiseura.fi. Boating magazines such as Vene naturally carry advertisements, as do many daily papers like Helsingin Sanomat especially during the sailing season. Most members cruise in the Baltic Sea area, but there are also several who have extended their voyages to the oceans. For those who are able to read Finnish, the club website is a good basic source of information. Throughout its history, the club has been home both to racers and cruisers. Fresh water and electricity are available in the docking area for no extra charge. This is no more evident than in the sheer number of boats, of all shapes and sizes, that drift along its shoreline during the summertime. Prospective members should have two sponsors who are currently SPS members. With these kinds of boats the main purpose is often fishing. SPS, as it is known to members and locals alike, was the first Finn-
ish-speaking yacht club in the country and today it boasts more than 450 members, who own an impressive 123 boats between them. A: Docking costs 16 euros per square metre. This largely due to the approximately half a million summer cottages, most of which have at least a rowing boat or a small open powerboat. I am unable to give figures for larger boats with overnight facilities, but, with both sailing and powerboats included, the number is probably in six figures.
Up-to-date information on vacant guest berths is available from harbour master Mikko Lanki mikko.lanki@blueshipline.fi For those considering membership of SPS and a permanent berth at Sirpalesaari, the best source of information is the club office tel. A: Founded in 1913, the club will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year. For example, the European championships of the Olympic classes last summer were organised by a consortium of seven clubs, of which SPS was one. Furthermore, we arrange sailing races, both on our own and in cooperation with other Helsinki yacht
L E H T I K U VA / J U S S I N U K A R I
clubs. Furthermore, the club itself owns a number of Optimist dinghies, which are available for basic sailing training. Furthermore, there are brokers for used yachts; indeed, many brokers also sell new yachts, either imported or Finnish-made. Several members have had highly successful racing careers, the most prominent among them being Thomas Johanson, who won an Olympic gold medal in the 49er class at the 2000 games in Sydney. It has witnessed countless sea battles that have shaped its history and culture, and nowadays it sits proudly atop an abundance of beautiful islands and inlets, the likes of which can be found nowhere else on earth.
It is therefore not surprising to find that its residents are deeply passionate about every aspect of the water that encompasses this sea-faring capital. From pleasure boats to cruise ships, and from canoes to the
multi-million-euro yachts of the super-rich, the city is awash with people desperate to sample the beauty of the Baltic Sea and the islands within it. Q: How popular is yachting as a past time in Finland. A: If you include all kinds of boating, from canoes and rowing boats to large yachts, it is one of the most popular summer pastimes in Finland. For those who wish to take boating a little more seriously, away from the throngs of tourists and markets that surround Kauppatori during the summer months, the Finnish Yacht Club, or Suomalainen Pursiseura (SPS), is an institution steeped in the rich nautical history of the city. Q: If someone was looking to purchase a boat in Fin-
land, what advice would you offer them. There are also shower and lavatory facilities that can be used free of charge by those docking their boats or who have a summer berth at Sirpalesaari. 12
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
L E H T I K U VA / S I X T E N J O H A N S S O N
According to Kai Torvi of the Finnish Yacht Club, yachting is one of the most popular summer pastimes in Finland.
The islands near Helsinki are easily accessible with a sailing boat.
Sailing: A very Finnish pastime
Despite a turbulent past, Helsinki is a city that still thrives on its location.
HELSINKI was born due to its
location and proximity to the sea. If, however, one does not know any members beforehand, this requirement can be waived and one or two members of the club board will then interview the applicant to assess his/her suitability as a member. Q: If you have a boat, what kind of fees are you looking at to dock it at SPS during the winter months. The Finnish Yacht Club charges 16 euros per square metre to dock a boat during these months.. A: A great deal of information on SPS can be obtained from the website, at www. Kai Torvi is both the office manager at SPS and a keen sailor with more than 30 years' experience on the water, meaning he has a first-hand view of the sailing scene in Helsinki as well as a wealth of knowledge regarding the club itself. Our original base was on the island of Nihtisaari but this location was eventually overrun by the Sompasaari ro-ro harbour in the early 1960s, which meant SPS had to find a new home on Sirpalesaari. A: There are some websites with advertisements for used boats, the most prominent of which is probably www.venenetti.fi. The fee includes docking in the autumn, winter storage, launching in the spring, use of the self-service mast crane and the summer storage of docking gear. +358 50 3422 836 info@suomalainenpursiseura
Leaving a boat in the water over winter is not advisable. Q: How do you get involved with the club. Q: Kai, can you tell us a little about SPS
Lauded for her soulful vocals and raw guitar sound, Marshall has released eight albums, collaborating with the likes of Beck, Marianne Faithful,
Cat Power
Dave Grohl and Eddie Vedder along the way. Merenmies was awarded the William Thuring Prize in 2009, and the Stina Krook Prize in 2010.
Elina Merenmies: Secret Joy Until 4 March Taidehalli/Kuntshalle Nervanderinkatu 3 Helsinki
Elina Merenmies: Poor girl.
THE NAME on her driver's license may read Chan Marshall, but for this native Atlantan, Cat Power has been her professional moniker for the best part of her 20-year career. Those readers who handle everyday Finnish will be able to enjoy the film on the big screen, while others may want to wait for the DVD version with subtitle options.
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
Mission: Predictable
unassailable popularity has taken a hit in recent years, following the couch jumping incident on Oprah a few years back and a handful of box office duds including Knight and Day (2010). Whether it be Cruise jumping off the top of a building in Shanghai (M:I-3), free climbing over dangerous
Hair by Elina Merenmies Ugliness stops being ugly when one has the courage to look at it.
Secret joy
A film with insights on modern city life
VUOSAARI , the new film by Aku Louhimies, depicts the lives and loves of different people, all of whom face transitions in their lives and try to hold things together as they move along. Stepping into the comfortable shoes of IMF agent
Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol (K12) Release Date: 3 February Director: Brad Bird Starring: Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner
The Descendants (K7) Release Date: 3 February Director: Alexander Payne Starring: George Clooney, Shailene Woodley
Ethan Hunt, this time he is backed by a brand spanking new crew, with only Simon Pegg returning to the fold from the previous instalment. She also studied art in Brussels and Prague. With a 540 million-dollar box office already in the piggybank, why wouldn't they. ural asymmetry. An empty shell positively stuffed with visceral thrills, the film collapses breathlessly over the finish line, ending with a horribly clichéd final reunion that leaves the door swinging wide open for the inevitable fifth instalment. With many of the artists inspired by the temporary nature of their artwork, the shelf life of their hard labour and creativity varies, depending on such factors as the temperature, as well as the prevalence of wind and rain.
All participants, comprising both local and international artists, have been selected after an application process. Starting off in Budapest, we head to Moscow, then Dubai, before taking in a pit stop in Mumbai as our heroes chase the bog-standard "evil guy who wants to do away with the world". Surrounded by palm trees and Hawaiian shirts, George Clooney is in Golden Globe-winning form as he comes to terms with the realities exposed when his wife slips into a coma. A big Ving Rhames fan. "Ugliness stops being ugly when one has the courage to look at it," she says. Utilising around 40,000 kilos of ice, a total of 36 sculptures will be produced during the competition.
International Ice Sculpture Competition Art Meets Ice 4-5 & 11-12 February Korkeasaari Zoo, Helsinki www.korkeasaari.fi. Many have already pointed to the impressive sequence where Cruise scales the exterior of Dubai's Burj Khalifa as this instalment's greatest set piece, but when Cruise's BMW effortlessly charges through the relatively empty streets of Mumbai without the slightest hint of the hideously congested roads indigenous to a city typically bulging with cars, cows, people and carts, one feels that this takes the removed-from-reality-cake. Interspersing her own material with cover versions, her diversity of sound incorporates a variety of genres including indie rock, folk, soul, gospel and R`n'B. One of the other common features of the series has been the suspension of disbelief. This creative mix has made the artist one of the most original contemporary artists in Finland.
Her interest in the tradition of expressive art, outsider art and old Flemish painting have had a notable influence on her paintings. Aside from a range of memorable set pieces, the Mission: Impossible series is known for its exotic locations, and this one doesn't disappoint. This week sees Tom Cruise back on familiar turf with Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol. The exhibition also includes a unique installation which represents a fresh departure for the artist. She was an Ars Fennica nominee in 2007, and has been a member of the Ars Fennica Prize committee since 2009. Need closure on the events of the last outing. Don't worry: all previous plot lines are neatly sewn up early on in the proceedings with a bit of back-story nonsense. The exhibition includes more than 80 works from her early career in the late 1980s as well as her latest, extremely large paintings featuring an intense, colourful palette. Merenmies' works are suffused with a blend of humour, surprise, belief and wonder. Disappointed. Vuosaari opens in cinemas on 3 February. While years of substance abuse and mental issues often resulted in erratic and unpredictable live performances, recent years have seen her curb her wilder impulses. According to Merenmies, the title of the exhibition is a reference to how things happen in works of art which are surprising even to the artist herself, and lead to the discovery of beauty in unexpected places. However, this wellworn tale is given a local twist with actor-cum-singer Samuli Edelmann in cohorts with the villain of the piece. We give them a personal touch, creating fascinating stories about the world and its inhabitants. Elsewhere this week sees the much-anticipated release of The Descendants. The storyline captures time in life-defining moments, which realistically vary from person to person. Moving on, things hit the proverbial fan for our friends when they are tangled up in the bombing of the Kremlin. Elina Merenmies has captured her own views and stories about the world in her most important solo exhibition in Finland, Secret Joy. Now, after a 20-year wait, the acclaimed singer-song-
writer hits the Finnish stage, performing at The Circus on 5 February.
Cat Power 5 February, 20:00 Tickets 46 The Circus, Salomonkatu 1-3 Helsinki
Putting it on ice
HELSINKI ZOO plays play host
to the eight iteration of the Art Meets Ice international ice sculpture competition over the first two weekends of February.
Celebrating the theme of "200 Years Ago", the first weekend of 4 and 5 February sees the work of individual sculptors on display, with the twoperson category competing with the theme "Designed by Nature" on 11 and 12 February. With IMF shut down, our man Hunt and his new team go rogue in order to clear their organisation's name, and track down just who is responsible. HELSINKI TIMES
mountains in Utah (M:I-2) or being propelled to the top of a moving train as it hurtles through the Channel Tunnel between France and the UK (M:I), audiences have grown accustomed to slipping all sense of reality safely into their pockets for a couple of hours. Fate grimaces at these characters driven by lust, fortune and fame, and love can best
be felt in the instant when it is lost but growth often comes with a change of perspective. Too long between drinks for director Alexander Payne; here he follows up 2004's superb Sideways with this bittersweet comedy. Louhimies has insightfully woven a grey-and-white fabric of urban life, where all the different threads seem to run together in a most nat-
Got the power
a world shaped by different perceptions of reality. The international cast, with Lenna Kuurmaa, Laura Birn, Deogracias Masomi and Amanda Pilke, exhibits intensity with discipline in a flawless piece. His work shows a great eye for cinematically dissecting the eponymous city district into a plethora of adjacent and layered microcosms. We spice up the everyday things that surround us with our imagination. Merenmies pays homage to the architecture and classical galleries of the Kunsthalle building with an incredible piece painted on the gallery's wall.
Helsinki-based artist Elina Merenmies graduated with a Master's degree from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in 1999
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
A potted history of Helsinki's major streets
Street View
Helsinki has some 180 km of regularly serviced cross-country skiing tracks.
Trails galore cross-country skiing in Helsinki
AFTER NEARLY 20 years of skiing the trails around Helsinki, I have to admit that it IS possible to spot a non-native skier at 100 metres' distance, partly because most of us ski at a fraction of the speed of the locals and wear very amateurish attire. · The name Kamppi is derived from the Swedish word for battle, Kampen. Two years, since I moved from Punavuori. His best-known production is The Tales of Ensign Stål, the poems of which describe the events of the Finnish War of 180809. By Marjo Matilainven
www.mski.fi /helsinki For reports and maps (Finnish only, but easily understood) www.hel.fi /hki/liv/en/ Sports+facilities City pages in English go to `Skiing tracks' for 60km of trails
The latest SixDegrees is out!
Get your copy from your nearest distribution point. The heart of Kamppi is a part of the Central Business District. The street took a long time to build and was opened to traffic in 1910. Aside from the visual spectacle, rhythms layered with unexpected fills and accents give a boost to the percussive elements of each song. · The Helsinki Old Church and its adjacent park are located in the district of Kamppi. Runeberg is the national poet of Finland, and his work has a distinctively patriotic tone. I would recommend a visit to K-supermarket in Kamppi there are always really
Mishka Luganski has a thing for tattoos.
good-looking tattooed `cashier-girls', nice music and a really large assortment of food. Let's not even discuss skiing styles. Utilising a three-pronged vocal attack, with the articulations of Laura Pleasants ensuring a diverse sound, the band rose to prominence with a number of releases that initially saw them placed in the
sludge genre, before the acclaimed Spiral Shadow saw the band embracing their psychedelic influences to create one of the more memorable releases of 2010. Further adding to their sound are the beats of two drummers. Matching
dacron jacket and leggins are rare, let alone tightly gripping spandex! My jeans and baggy cagoule are surely a give-away but are quite adequate in moderate winter conditions. The street was named after the Finnish-Swedish poet, author and journalist, Johan Ludvig Runeberg (1807-1877). Another option is the trail starting just south of Käpylä Station, which takes you alongside the railway up to the Vantaa River a winding scenic route that also leads up to the north. There is no capital city in the world with such good facilities for crosscountry skiing and even budgetary restrictions can't take this eminently suitable local topography away. Protect your extremities and you will be comfortable even without a cosy café along the trail. Its current name was confirmed in 1928. Make the most of it while this bracing weather lasts!
Runeberginkatu Runeberginkatu is located in the Kamppi and Töölö districts of Helsinki, and leads to the Opera House. And if you have any concerns about the conditions, there is a superb near-realtime online reporting service with 5 scales of map to get your bearings from as well. While the most popular trails are located in the forests and fields around Paloheino with its waxing centre and café to hand, there is a broad selection of other routes taking you to the nether regions of the town. www.6d.fi
In this fortnightly series, Helsinki Times has a chat with different people about the places they live in, and how they find life there. Streets and also parks and squares have been named after Runeberg in other Finnish towns. From beside the Olympic Stadium one can beat one of the trails up Keskuspuisto into Vantaa, and from there head north as far as Lapland if one insists.
Alternatively, from the shore behind the Recycling Centre and the Arcada campus a flat trail of over 5 km runs the whole gamut of cityscapes, from the initial building site perimeter, along the elegant developments of Arabianranta, past the falls of the Vantaa River at Vanhakaupunki, and finally along a beautiful track through the Viikki Nature Reserve all the way to the Kulosaari recreational area. No strangers to the road, the band is on an European jaunt that has them sandwiching a colossal 31 dates between 24 January and 26 February. What kind of neighbourhood is it. Support on Friday comes from Circle Takes the Square and Canadian trio KEN mode.
Kylesa, Circle Takes the Square, KEN mode 3 February, 21:00 Tickets 18 Nosturi Telakkakatu 8 Helsinki. · The central bus station of Helsinki is located in a modern terminal built entirely underground in Kamppi, and the Helsinki railway station is located only a few hundred metres away.
Kylesa are ready to rock Nosturi.
Kamppi is situated in downtown Helsinki and has everything needed on its doorstep.
Not just sludge
Downtown charm
Where do you live. Under Russian rule in the 19th century, Kamppi was mainly used as a military area by Russian forces. Foreigners are often rather conspicuous in this respect too. Other things you would like HT readers to know about your neighbourhood. And now that the sea has frozen there's no easier, or sunnier, place for beginners. Taking their name from kilesa mara, a Buddhist term for delusory mental states, the band was formed in 2001. A popular destination in Kamppi is Tennispalatsi, the largest cinema multiplex in Helsinki.
out from the sizeable shadow of their fellow Savannahians Mastodon, Kylesa bring their own brand of metallic noise to Nosturi on Friday 3 February. Without a cottage to entice us away to the countryside, many Helsinki residents are likely to be better acquainted with the routes in the metropolitan area than more migratory Finns. What do you like about your neighbourhood?
The best thing about living in downtown, is that you can get to any place you need, in 5 minutes, by walking. City neighbourhood right in the centre. What is special about your neighbourhood. There is Orion (the National Audio Visual Archive), and the statue to Arvo Parkkila who championed the cause of the homeless in Helsinki. Kamppi, Helsinki How long have you lived there. Runeberg Day is celebrated on 5 February. With over 180 km of regularly serviced cross-country tracks
in its area, the city offers as good a selection of trails as many dedicated ski centres. Please recommend one shop or service in your neighbourhood that you would like to promote. Explore different areas of Helsinki with a local guide! This week: Kamppi.
L E H T I K U VA / M A R T T I K A I N U L A I N E N
Did you know?
· Kamppi (Swedish: Kampen) is a neighbourhood in the centre of Helsinki. For the recreational skier, comfort is a prime consideration, and layers of easily loosened clothing are the secret to not boiling over from your exertions
"Much less hassle with overintoxicated customers, but quite a challenge economically." It was the owners, the Methodists, who decided to enforce the alcohol-free requirement on their property for all except private or party booked diners at the restaurant, forcing the restaurateurs to look to their culinary survival skills anew.
Fresh food on all fronts As a result, Tori offers an extensive and reasonably priced à la carte menu that changes two or three times
per year, and a lunchtime selection that rotates more or less every week. Tori is well received in blogs and online reviews: just check the ratings at Tripadvisor or the breakfast story at Outrageous Outings. Critical to the atmosphere is the classic vitrine, containing prêt-a-porter sandwiches as well as delicious cakes and pies. HELSINKI TIMES
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
Delicious Finnish-style fry-up to make your mouth water.
Tori does bohemian to rival any other spot in the world. It's hard
to overstate the appeal of a restaurant where a Sierra Leonean and a Birmingham Brit, an Estonian and a South African, wrangle over the niceties of your meal before your very eyes. Back in the times when the square in front of the shop was not pedestrianised, and the buzz there included the regular ringing of a taxi-station bell, meatballs were the staple offering
Tori is located in the super-trendy design quarter of Helsinki.
for these, the standard customers. It's not quite that everything is hanging out down there, but you can expect to be sat in the company of a cosmopolitan gang of fashion designers or a gaggle of actors or musicians, along with a run of everyday normals. The cooks scurry behind this low dividing wall, preparing everything before your eyes as well as serving the food to your table. Along with a standard Finnish main course, one or two vegetarian meals are offered at lunchtime. With the concept of a locally-based, quality drop-in eatery wellestablished among nearby residents, the team have had to pull out all the stops to ensure its survival during the recent transition from a barbased approach to an alcohol-free range.
"It's had its good and its bad sides," admits Fredi late one quiet January afternoon. 010 76 64300 (0,0828 /puhelu + 0,1199 /min)
Tori's interior design fits its plush neighbourhood.. There's even some local art on the walls, courtesy of cooperation with local agency Myymällä 2.
Ravintola Tori Punavuorenkatu 2 Helsinki www.ravintolatori.fi
Food inspired by Finnish National Hockey League.
KAIVOKATU 8, 00100 HKI - SPORTSACADEMY.FI puh. Considering their location, one can assume quite a critical clientele. As Fredi acknowledges, the breakfast and lunchtime crowd now form the backbone of the clientele, with shopkeepers, office workers and often a handful of mums with prams flooding the tables around midday until nearly 3 pm. The menu includes one Scandinavian stalwart, for which Tori has a deserved reputation. They are still served every day, and judging by the on-line records, go down well with the fly-away-tomorrow crowd too. Founder Eki Kallunki was heavily involved in running Bar9 in the same block at the turn of the millenium, and is now part of the management team in partnership with colleagues Fredi Kuhlefelt and Jyrki Vuori. London, Paris and Amsterdam should take note.
Down at the Tori
in the heart of the design quarter of south Helsinki, tucked into a basement of the massive old Methodist Church near the southern end of Fredrikinkatu, lies what a recent edition of Lonely Planet described as the most bohemian restaurant in Helsinki. And while this isn't Amsterdam or Copenhagen, the atmosphere in this cosy local diner would not be out of place in Kreutzberg or Hackney. It's no surprise then that the three men behind Ravintola Tori have all served their
time working outside Finland, as well as putting in time developing the concept of the current establishment. This lack of demarcation is rare in Finland, even nowadays, but is an essential part of the attraction of this carefree and relaxed atmosphere
Even though the original idea stemmed from frustration with bureaucracy it was decided very early on that instead of something rebellious Restaurant Day should be fun and exciting. Book your table tel. By the time the third event came around in November over 300 restaurants opened in over 40 different towns. +358 9 4336 6330 omalleys.torni@sok.fi / www.omalleys.fi Opening hours: Mon-Thu 4pm-1am Fri-Sat 2pm-2am, Sun closed
with a modern twist
Töölönkatu 27
www.ravintol akuu.fi
Tel.+358 (0)9 270 90973. The idea stuck in Antti's head and he started to plan an event around it. Already the next event is set for 19 May 2012.
Nepalese Restaurant
The biggest Nepalese Restaurant in Helsinki · Suitable for group parties · Fully licensed · Delicious food with tandoor
Welcome to Satkar
Fredrikinkatu 46 (Kamppi, Autotalo). The idea is the brainchild of Antti Tuomola who last spring, when helping a friend set up a restaurant, noticed the bureaucracy jungle involved in the process and the frustration this was causing his friend. (09) 647 551, mob 040 7347 638 www.himalaya.fi
Salomonkatu 19, Helsinki Tel. restaurantday.org for information on restaurants in your area this Saturday. Such is the success of the idea that restaurants are now registering from Switzerland, Austria and Thai-
land, Iceland and Estonia following hot on the heels of Germany, Austria and the UK, who took part last year. KITCHEN 12-24 SUN 12-24 . The event has taken Finland by storm, attracting restaurateurs from Hanko to Ivalo to participate. KITCHEN 11-23 FRI 11-02 . 09 694 0750 Mon-Fri 11-23, Sat 12-23, Sun 12-22
VAPIANO HELSINKI MIKONKATU 15 tel. Let us know your topic suggestions at
Yrjönkatu 26, Helsinki, tel. KITCHEN 11-24 SAT 12-02 . +358 9 635 732 www.juuri.fi
Transforming Finnish gifts of nature in an innovative manner to suit modern tastes.
Nepalese Cuisine
Since 1993
The Oldest Nepalese Restaurant in Finland
Open Mon-Fri 11-23, weekends 12-23, Lunch: Mon-Fri 11-15 Contact Ratakatu 1B, 00120 Helsinki. After about a month, on 21 May 2011, the first ever Restaurant Day saw daylight and ever since the event has been hugely successful. 00100 Helsinki, Finland Tel. 16
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
People queuing for the vegan offerings of Kallion Herkut in Helsinki on 21 August 2011 during Finland's second Restaurant Day.
Al fresco for all
THIS SATURDAY sees the first Restaurant Day of 2012 when anyone can set up a restaurant, café or a bar for a day.
On Restaurant Day you can set-up anywhere; at home, at work, on a street corner, your back yard or in the park the important thing is to present good food in a good place where people can enjoy it.
Last May saw the first Ravintolapäivä when almost 40 restaurants opened in 13 different towns around Finland. 09 6981225, helsinki1@vapiano.fi, www.vapiano.fi MON-THU 11-24 . +358 9 611 077, +358 40 707 1140 www.satkar.fi
Korkeavuorenkatu 27 Helsinki Tel. Check out www. KITCHEN 12-23
Happy with
Helsinki Times Eat&Drink topics
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
MON-THU 11-22 I FRI 11-24 I SAT 14-24 I SUNDAY CLOSED I ANNANKATU 4 I WWW.VAELSA.FI I +358 9 698 00 12 I
Bar & Restaurant
Unioninkatu 18, Helsinki Mon-Fri 11:00-02:00, Sat 17:00-02:00, Sun closed
Newly opened Nepalese Restaurant
treats you like a royalty right in the heart of Helsinki City center.
Lunch A la carte Mon-Fri 10:30-15:00 15:00-23:00 Sat & Sun 12:00-23:00 www.basecampnepal.fi Find us in facebook: www.facebook.com/basecampnepal Yliopistonkatu 5, Helsinki, tel: 09 698 0995
Two more pints please!
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Te n n i s p a l a t s i n a u k i o 4 - H e l s i n k i - o l u t h u o n e . 010 832 2600 | email. Wednesday 8th Feb Live Music with Mr James "Danger" lechelles @ 9:30pm.
Come and have a Tooheys or two!
AUSSIE BAR Salomonkatu 5, Kamppi 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. Hesperiankatu 22 tel. (09) 611 217 Mon-Tue 10.30-23.00 Wed-Sat 10.30-24.00 Sun 12.00-23.00
H E L S I N K I · L A H T I
Forum Mannerheimintie 20 tel. +358 9 6128 5200 mon-thu 11-24, fri 11-01, sat 13-01, sun 13-23 www.royalravintolat.com. +358 (0)9 737 373 E-mail: aussiebar@aussiebar.net www.aussiebar.net
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½ pint
12 cl Eco Malbec or Eco torrontes Welcome!
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Eteläesplanadi 24 tel. 6 Nations Rugby starts Saturday check web site for details. (09) 694 4207 Mon-Fri 10.30-21.00 Sat 10.30-19.00 Sun 11.00-19.00
· T A M P E R E
w w w . f i
Open: 14-02 Sunday-Tuesday 12-03 Wednesday-Saturday
Thursday to Saturday DJ's @ 9:30pm
The Finnish Museum of Photography The Cable Factory Tallberginkatu 1 Tue-Sun 11:00-18:00 Wed 11:00-20:00 Tickets 0/4/6 www.valokuvataiteenmuseo.fi Until Sun 6 May Designworld Exhibition looks at international contemporary design with broad strokes, giving an overall picture of today's design. The Circus Salomonkatu 1-3 Tickets 17-19 www.thecircus.fi Sat 4 February Club Visions Deep tech house. Tavastia Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6 Tickets 16/19 www.tavastiaklubi.fi Thu 2 February Batiskaf 14 (RUS) Melancholic Russian melodies with Caribbean swing. 5 Street dance event. www.flamenco.fi
Thu 2 February Vallenfyre (UK) Death metal. at 7 p.m., Kanneltalo RELEASE CONCERT Tickets 20 , Lippupalvelu COMPAÑIA MILENA URMAS:
Thursday 9.2. Björklund spent some of her childhood in France, and it was one sleepless night in Paris when it all became clear inspired by the movie Delicatessen, she had to learn how to play the musical saw! The concert in Sello Hall features atmospheric and optimistic songs from her latest album, Chanson d'Automne (2011), which has received excellent reviews. Bar Loose, Annankatu 21 Tickets 5/7 www.barloose.com Fri 3 February Georg Friedrich Händel: Julius Caesar Popular opera, with brilliant music and dramatic storyline. Napa Gallery Eerikinkatu 18 Tue-Fri 12:00-18:00 Sat 12:00-16:00 www.napagalleria.wordpress.com Until Sun 12 February Believe It Or Not Exhibition featuring new works of the Helsinki Art Museum from 2007 to 2011. Music Centre, Restaurant Mannerheimintie 13 Tickets 10 www.musiikkitalo.fi Thu 2-Sat 4 February PRKL! Pimp My Winter Fest 2012 Rock, punk, psychobilly, death metal and techno. Manala Töölönkatu 3 Tickets 8-10. The Circus Salomonkatu 1-3 Tickets 6 www.thecircus.fi Thu 2 February Moped Band that draws its music from jazz, 70s punk and Finnish nature. Dom, Fredrikinkatu 42 Tickets 15 www.domhelsinki.fi Thu 2 February Club Lagoon Beach party in the middle of winter. Kuudes Linja Hämeentie 13 Tickets 4/7 www.kuudeslinja.com Thu 2 February Esoteric (UK) Doom metal. Design Museum Korkeavuorenkatu 23 Tue 11:00-20:00 Wed-Sun 11:00-18:00 Tickets 0/3/8 www.designmuseum.fi Until Sun 17 June Thank You for the Music - How Music Moves Us Exhibition on how the experiences of listening to music, watching music videos or going to a concert can appear in the life and work of an artist, a music lover, a fan. Tapiola Hall, Espoo Cultural Centre Tickets 45 , Lippupiste
XV Festival
Saturday 11.2. The Circus Salomonkatu 1-3 Tickets 46 www.thecircus.fi Mon 6 February First Aid Kit (SWE) Sweet folk. Helsinki Music Centre, 18:00 Concert Hall Mannerheimintie 13 www.musiikkitalo.fi
Sat 4 February Hospitality Helsinki: Netsky (BEL), High Contrast (UK), Borgore (ISR) Massive drum'n'bass and dubstep event. Nosturi Telakkakatu 8 Tickets 25 www.elmu.fi Wed 8 February Death Hawks Blues, krautrock and psychedelia. Finnish National Opera, 19:00 Helsinginkatu 58 Tickets 12-55 www.opera.fi
Journey through the various genres of metal, from the dark and brutal to the classic and melodic. With a saw." Thu 2 February Sello Hall Soittoniekanaukio 1 (Espoo) Tickets 18 www.espoo.fi
We Butter the Bread with Butter (GER), Eyes Set To Kill (USA), Attila (USA) Metal. at 7 p.m. Tavastia Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6 Tickets 15/17 www.tavastiaklubi.fi Tue 7 February Get Infected Tour 2012: Caliban (GER), Winds of Plague (USA),
Sat 4 & Sun 5 February Nordic Moves vol. Club Prkl Kaisaniemenkatu 4 Tickets 8-25 www.prklclub.fi
Fri 3 February Kemopetrol Pop rock. Finnish National Opera, 19:00 Helsinginkatu 58 Tickets 14-70 www.opera.fi Fri 3-Sun 5 February Dance Theatre Glims & Gloms: Arka paikka & Amatöörit Evening of two contemporary dance pieces. Venue Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 Tickets 13.20-23.20 www.clubvenue.fi Sat 4 & Mon 6 February Giacomo Puccini: La Fanciulla del West Bold and colourful opera set in the Wild West. Kiasma, Mannerheiminaukio 2 Tue 10:00-17:00 Wed-Thu 10:00-20.30 Fri 10:00-22:00 Sat 10:00-18:00 Sun 10:00-17:00 Tickets 0/8/10 www.kiasma.fi
A cut above the rest the multi-talented Irina Björklund plays Sello Hall tonight.
Thu 2 February The Greatest Love Songs Syrup-scented dance cavalcade. Stoa Turunlinnantie 1 Tickets 12/20 www.stoa.fi Fri 3-Sat 11 February Helsinki Flamenco Festival Brilliant international performances on various venues. The album was done in collaboration with award-winning film composer Peter Fox and other brilliant musicians. at 7 p.m., Savoy Theatre Tickets 39 , Lippupalvelu
solution sudoku
NIGHT OF THE AFICIONADOS BOHEMIKA ALBUM Wednesday 8.2. at 7 p.m., Kanneltalo Tickets 20 , Lippupalvelu
www.flamenco.fi/festivaalit. Nobody else makes music like this, except Patricia Kaas. Kuudes Linja, Hämeentie 13 Tickets 10 www.kuudeslinja.com
Fri 3 February Judy Soulful cocktail of r'n'b and pop. Conduction by Mikko Franck. Nosturi Telakkakatu 8 Tickets 22 www.elmu.fi Sat 4 February Sibafest Closing Concert Sibelius Academy Symphony Orchestra feat. Bassment Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 Tickets 6 www.bassment.fi Sat 4 February Clinic 4 Years Anniversary Dance event with progressive house DJ/producer Jerome IsmaAe (GER). It has a dash of the charming, slightly odd French chanson and a pinch of American roots music. Espoo Cultural Centre Kaupinkalliontie 10 Tickets 35/45 www.espoo.fi Sat 4 February Reggae Snowsplash 2012: Jukka Poika, Groundsound Band, Nopsajalka, Momocat and Band, Dynamq (USA) Winter's biggest reggae party. Helsingin Sanomat puts it thus: "The album is near-impossible to categorise. Stoa, Turunlinnantie 1 Tickets 5/8 www.stoa.fi Fri 3 February Ishmail & Ismo-iltamat Surprising evening with Ismo Alanko, Ishmail Sandstroem and Reino Nordin. Korjaamo Culture Factory Töölönkatu 51 B Tickets 25 www.korjaamo.fi Fri 3 February K-X-P Krautrock-influenced, hypnotic sounds. 18
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
Autumn chansons...with a saw
Sello Hall will fill with enchanting energy on Thursday 2 February when actor, singer and musical saw player Irina Björklund steps on stage to share some of her loving memories of Paris. And Björklund does it in a much more interesting way. Tavastia, Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6 Tickets 12/14 www.tavastiaklubi.fi Fri 3 February Kylesa (USA) Experimental post-hardcore. at 7 p.m., Kanneltalo Tickets 20 , Lippupalvelu
Friday 10.2. Bar Loose Annankatu 21 Tickets 5/6 www.barloose.com Wed 8 February Your Choice! concert FNO performs a selection of favourites. Zodiak Cable Factory Tallberginkatu 1 B Tickets 12/20 www.zodiak.fi Thu 2 February The English Comedy Club Helsinki Tiernan Douieb (UK), Ali Jahangiri (FIN/IRN), Eric Seufert (USA). Finnish National Opera, 19:00 Helsinginkatu 58 Tickets 22-99 www.opera.fi Sat 4 February Miguel Poveda (ESP) Brilliant flamenco singer. Tavastia, Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6 Tickets 20 www.tavastiaklubi.fi Sat 4 February Angel Witch (UK) Heavy metal. Various venues Tickets 11-41 www.nordicmoves.com Sat 4 & Sun 5 February Circo Aereo & Les Objets Volants: Espresso A combination of traditional circus expression, cabaret and the movement-based style of contemporary circus. Stoa Gallery Turunlinnantie 1 Mon-Tue 9:00-20:00 Fri 9:00-18:00 Sat-Sun 10:00-16:00 Free entry www.stoa.fi Until Sat 4 February Yasushi Koyama: Panda Travelling Meeting with friends makes Panda's journey happy! Artworks of Yasushi Koyama inspired by Finnish forests, folklore, and the work of the artists Niki de Saint Phalle and Yoshitomo Nara. Finnish National Opera, 19:00 Helsinginkatu 58 Tickets 14-77 www.opera.fi Sun 5 February Cat Power (USA) Soulful vocals and raw, minimalist guitar playing by acclaimed American singer-songwriter. Espoo Cultural Centre (Louhisali) Kaupinkalliontie 10 Tickets 15/20 www.espoo.fi Tue 7 February Brutal Ballet (AUS): Out of the Darkness
FLAMENCO de Helsinki
Saturday 4.2. Sello Hall Soittoniekanaukio 1 (Espoo) Tickets 30 www.espoo.fi
From Thu 2 February Stefan Bremer: Helsinki Photographer's declaration of love to his home city. Nosturi, Telakkakatu 8 Tickets 18 www.elmu.fi Fri 3 February Tirehtöörit Ska. Kunsthalle Helsinki Nervanderinkatu 3 Tue, Thu, Fri 11:00-18:00 Wed 11:00-20:00 Sat-Sun 11:00-17:00 Tickets 0/5.50/8 www.taidehalli.fi Until Sun 29 April Timo Kelaranta: Strange love As a photographer Kelaranta is a poet, a master of the abstract image and of minimalism, for whom the most important thing in a picture is its form. Semifinal Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6 Tickets 6/7 www.semifinal.fi Fri 3 February Helsinki Arte Vivo Cinta Hermo from Andalusia, Algerian-born Ali Amran (guitar and vocals), Brazilian percussionist Marcelino P.B., Tanzanian percussionist Menard Mponda and Australian Nathan Riki Thomson (double bass and calimba). Dave Liebman (USA) saxophone and Santtu Rouvali, conductor. Art Museum Meilahti Tamminiementie 6 Tue-Sun 11:00-18:30 Free entrance Until Sun 4 March Elina Merenmies: Secret Joy Light as feather, the drawings and paintings of Elina Merenmies move in a zone between dream and reality. Thu 2 & Tue 7 February Don Quixote One of the major works in classical ballet updated by Patrice Bart
Jon is the captain of a rugby team and plays in a band, too. 17:00 Sturm der Liebe In German. USA/1997 02:30 Born to Kill (K16) 03:20 Deadline (K16) In German. 08:49 The Flying Doctors 11:10 Die Schwarzwaldklinik In German. Germany/2010 14:35 That 70's Show 15:00 Dad Camp 15:55 Airport 16:30 Hale and Pace 17:00 America's Funniest Home Videos 17:30 My Wife and Kids 18:00 That 70's Show 18:30 The King of Queens 19:00 The King of Queens 19:30 America's Funniest Home Videos 20:00 Breaking The Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 21:00 21 FILM Ben Cambell needs to find a way to finance his studies. Adam wonders whether doctor's work suits him after all. It follows various people at the hotel on the day of the assassination: a retired hotel doorman, an alcoholic singer whose career is going downhill, a couple that marries so the man can avoid the Vietnam War, and a beautician who works in the hotel saloon. Lou and Peter go away for the weekend. Evan and Du Plessis hit a cheetah with a car. Ranska/Meksiko/ USA/2006 23:00 Geordie Shore SERIES BEGINS. 11:55 The Cup 12:25 Biathlon World Cup SPORT 14:00 Bandy SPORT 15:25 Biathlon World Cup SPORT 17:00 Children's Programming In Finnish. The supporting cast also includes Ashton Kutcher, Joy Bryant, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead.
TV5 21:00
YLE Teema 21:30. SERIES ENDS.
Rita Rocks MT V3 15:05 07:00 Children's Programming In Finnish. 19:30 Junior Doctors Part 3/6. Starring: Alexandra Neldel, Omar El-Saeidi, Murali Perumal. SERIES ENDS. HELSINKI TIMES
Helsinki Times T V Guide offers a selection of English and other language broadcasting on Finnish television.
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
10:05 13:00 14:00 15:05 17:05 Emmerdale Doctors Jamie's Ministry of Food Kath & Kim The Young and the Restless 18:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Mentalist 22:35 Modern Family 23:05 Election 1 FILM A crime film about two gang leaders' power struggle in Hong Kong. Starring: Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Steve-O, Jason WeeMan Acuna, Chris Pontius. It was a co-production among France, the United States and Mexico.
This American drama film written and directed by Emilio Estevez is a fictionalised account of the hours leading up to the shooting of United States Senator Robert F. Directed by Johnnie To. 22:30 Rude Tube (K16) 23:00 South Park 23:30 Naked & Funny 00:00 JIM D: Modern Marvels: Super Human
11:55 Bondi Rescue 12:25 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain visits Hudson Valley in the state of New York, where he meets different kinds of families and ends up having lunch with Bill Murray. 15:00 Red Bull Cliptomaniacs 15:30 Make Me a Supermodel 16:30 Marienhof In German. 02:15 Geordie Shore 03:00 Relic Hunter
11:50 Bondi Rescue 12:20 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain travels to Istanbul during Ramadan, when Muslims only eat between sunrise and sunset. The film combines newsreel footage of Kennedy with dramatic sequences involving fictional characters. The film is featured by some of Hollywood's biggest stars such as Anthony Hopkins, Demi Moore and Helen Hunt. 13:55 Junior Doctors Part 3/6. 15:05 Gary Unmarried 15:35 Eddie & Jeff 16:05 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 17:10 Pink Panther 17:15 Accidentally on Purpose 21:30 Ghostbusters II FILM Directed by Ivan Reitman. Sam wants to find out what is the problem between Tommy and Joe Lee.
Wild at Heart YLE News in English The Green Green Grass Arctic with Bruce Parry Part 1/5. USA/2008 23:20 Navy NCIS 00:20 Smack the Pony Four episodes. Adventurer Bruce Parry explores the lives of people living in the arctic circle. 16:05 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 17:10 Married... 20:20 Biathlon World Cup SPORT 22:05 Game of Thrones Part 4/10. Ned is investigating his predecessor's death and finds out about King Robert's illegitimate child. 23:30 True Blood Sookie is afraid for Bill, whose fate is in Lorena's hands. 08:20 Pink Panther 08:30 Eddie & Jeff 09:00 Food Club 09:30 A Baby Story 10:00 How to Look Good Naked Canada 13:00 A Baby Story 13:30 How to Look Good Naked Canada 14:30 Sweet Baby James SERIES RETURNS. Starring: Tim Robbins, Derek Luke, Bonnie Henna, Mncedisi Shabangu. Morgan's aunt suspects that one of the victims might be her daughter. with Children 00:15 Cleaner
08:00 Sturm der Liebe In German. USA/1989 00:05 Jackass Number Two (K16) FILM Directed by Jeff Tremaine. 18:30 Will & Grace 19:00 Friends 19:30 American Idol 20:30 Simpsons 21:00 US Kitchen Nightmares 22:30 C.S.I. 21:30 Bobby FILM A story about the assassination of Robert Kennedy and the people in the hotel in Los Angeles on the day of the shooting in 1968. A year after the make-over Gok returns to find out whether Mandy has continued to dress herself according to his advice. USA/ France/UK/2006 00:50 Sensing Murder
10:00 Landgirls SERIES ENDS. 23:15 Frasier 23:45 Married... USA/2006
17:00 Il était une fois... Sara Sadoval (Salma Hayek) and María Álvarez's (Penélope Cruz) fathers are both victims of the bank's scheming. Directed by Joachim Roenning, Espen Sandberg. 08:55 Marienhof In German. 19:00 Lark Rise to Candleford 22:55 The Commander Part 3/3. Starring: Kate Bosworth, Laurence Fishburne, Kevin Spacey, Jim Sturgess. Hong Kong/2005
10:00 11:05 12:35 16:00
10:05 Emmerdale 13:00 Doctors 14:05 North Sea 15:05 Rita Rocks 17:05 The Young and the Restless 18:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Forgotten 22:50 Catch a Fire FILM Directed by Phillip Noyce. Directed by Emilio Estevez. 13:15 Border Security: Australia's Front Line 13:45 Monster Jam 2010 14:15 JIM D Biography: David Letterman 15:10 Dragon's Den 16:05 Dinner Impossible 16:35 Bondi Rescue 18:00 New York City Food Show 18:30 Grimefighters 19:30 South Park 21:00 JIM D: Autopsy: Most Shocking Stories 22:00 Weird or What. The trail leads them to a cancer clinic, where they find out details of the victims.
07:00 Grounded for Life 07:25 The King of Queens 07:50 The King of Queens 08:15 Airport 13:10 Superstars of Dance 14:05 Jon & Kate Plus 8 14:35 That 70's Show 15:00 Relic Hunter 15:55 Airport 16:30 Hale and Pace 17:00 America's Funniest Home Videos 17:30 My Wife and Kids 18:00 That 70's Show 18:30 The King of Queens 19:00 The King of Queens 19:30 America's Funniest Home Videos 20:30 Smack the Pony 21:00 Bandidas FILM When a New York bank begins to terrorise a town in Mexico, two very different women decide to take action. He gets to know the local fishing culture. 18:00 American Idol 19:00 American Idol 20:30 Simpsons 22:30 Sons of Anarchy 00:25 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 00:55 Vampire Diaries
06:50 Children's Programming In Finnish. Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Demi Moore, Martin Sheen, Elijah Wood, Sharon Stone. 20:30 Free Radio 22:05 Law & Order: Criminal Intent Logan and Barek investigate the murder of two sisters. Kennedy in a hotel in Los Angeles. Starring: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis. In what ways has crucifixion been used in modern times. 17:10 Wild at Heart Danny is trying to decide whether it is wise to sign a contract that ties the family and their finances in Africa. Russell begins to carry out his plan with the help of Eric. Notorious DOC In French. It is set in 1848 Mexico, where a big New York bank is planning to put a railroad across the country. with Children 21:00 Criminal Minds A serial killers' graveyard is found in the sea. The case changes the whole family's life, when they decide to take the animal back to Africa by themselves. 00:30 Ultimate Tourist Scams 01:00 Jack Osbourne: Adrenaline Junkie 01:55 Man Hunters: Fugitive Task Force 02:25 Naked & Funny 02:55 Naked & Funny
19:00 Earth Days DOC Part 1/2. 18:00 The Queen DOC Part 4/5. Starring: Penélope Cruz, Salma Hayek, Steve Zahn. Directed by Robert Luketic. The second part of the documentary explores what eventually caused the death of Christ on the Cross. Starring: Simon Yam, Tony Leung Ka Fei, Louis Koo, Nick Cheung. 13:15 Border Security: Australia's Front Line 13:45 Monster Jam 2010 14:15 Extreme Fishing Robson Green's fishing trip continues in Kenya. 21:00 1967 de Gaulle in Québec In French. 17:00 Sturm der Liebe In German. 15:00 Red Bull Cliptomaniacs 15:30 Make Me a Supermodel 16:30 Marienhof In German. JIM 22:00
This western comedy film is directed by Norwegian directors Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg, and produced and written by Luc Besson. 08:30 Eddie & Jeff 09:30 A Baby Story 10:00 How to Look Good Naked Canada 13:00 A Baby Story 13:30 How to Look Good Naked Canada 15:00 Gok's Fashion Fix Mandy wore her friends' old clothes before Gok came to rescue. Bandidas is the first movie that Penélope Cruz and Salma Hayek have starred in together. USA/2006 02:00 13: Fear is Real
08:00 Sturm der Liebe In German. 04:10 Relic Hunter
06:40 Grounded for Life 07:05 The King of Queens 07:30 The King of Queens 07:55 Airport 12:50 Bollywood in the Alps FILM Directed by Holger Haase. Olivia gets bitten by a snake. Starring: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dennis Rodman, Mickey Rourke. 16:15 Heartland Amy decides her horse needs help. 15:10 Dragon's Den 16:10 Dinner Impossible 16:40 Bondi Rescue 18:00 Dragon's Den 19:30 South Park 20:00 Border Security: Australia's Front Line 21:00 JIM D: Crucifixion Part 2/2. How alert will he be at work. 08:55 Marienhof In German. Blake's judgement leads her to commit a desperate act. 19:00 Bleak House Part 4/8. In order to do that, the bank buys small banks and evicts farmers who are on the way of the proposed rail line. Therefore the two women from very different backgrounds decide to team up and take revenge on the enforcer terrorizing their home town. 08:50 The Flying Doctors 11:10 Die Schwarzwaldklinik In German. 17:00 Children's Programming In Finnish. 00:20 Knight Rider 01:15 Miami Vice 02:15 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
06:50 Children's Programming In Finnish. He is invited to a group of gifted math students, whose plan is to use their skills in Las Vegas' casinos. He begins his journey in Siberia. 00:00 Double Team (K16) Directed by Tsui Hark. 22:00 Blue Bloods SERIES ENDS. Keir is thinking about a surgeon's career. 00:00 Fifth Gear SERIES BEGINS. To solve the case, the investigator asks for the help of the families of the missing people. 11:05 YLE News in English 12:35 The Green Green Grass 14:50 Encyclopedia 16:00 Le salaire de la dette DOC 17:10 Wild at Heart Veterinarian Danny Trevanio's new patient is an African monkey who is barely alive. She visits a talented horse whisperer, who is her mother's friend. 19:00 As the Time Goes By Jean is worried about spending an evening with her sister-in-law, to whom she doesn't want to reveal that she is thinking about retiring.
Blue Bloods Nelonen 22:00 07:00 Children's Programming In Finnish. Will Hall's memory return when he visits the murder scene. 21:00 The Plastic Fantastic Brain DOC Part 2/2.
Programmes on Yle Teema may be viewed in the original language(s) by changing the digital receiver's settings.
Weird or What
21:55 American Chopper 22:55 Weird or What. USA/2006 02:20 13: Fear is Real
13:30 Red Bull Cliptomaniacs 14:00 Will & Grace Four episodes. 11:15 L'Instit Part 1/2. Starring: Mitchel Musso, Sam Lerner, Spencer Locke. 23:00 Trigger Happy TV 23:30 Penn & Teller 00:05 Free for All SERIES BEGINS. An autopsy performed 41 year after Olson's death might provide some answers.
09:35 Flip This House 10:55 Rescue 1 11:25 JIM D Biography: Diana True Story 12:25 JIM D History: Ancient Discoveries 13:15 JIM D: Life After People SERIES BEGINS. USA/France/Canada/1999 20:00 Flashpoint 21:00 Gothika (K16) FILM Directed by Mathieu Kassovitz. He is looking for new challenges. 14:45 Accidentally on Purpose 15:15 Life Unexpected 16:15 Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition 19:00 Monster House FILM A computer animated film about three teenagers who discover the secret of their neighbour Nebbercracker's house. 14:05 Biathlon World Cup SPORT 15:00 Bandy SPORT 16:10 Biathlon World Cup SPORT 18:15 Trot SPORT 19:20 Track and Field SPORT 20:50 Der Staatsanwalt In German. 21:00 JIM D: Megaquake Part 1/2. 11:15 L'Instit 13:30 Real Life. Only the animals best adapted to the hard climate stay. Rebecca asks her to throw her a baby shower. 17:30 Top Gear USA 21:00 Terra Nova 22:35 Intolerable Cruelty FILM Divorce attorney Miles Massey, who makes money with other people's breakups, meets his match in Marylin Rexroth. Directed by Joel Coen. Starring Denis Arndt, Michael Douglas, George Dzundza, Sharon Stone. USA/UK/France/2008 23:20 Raising the Bar 00:20 Blue Bloods 01:20 Cleaner
10:00 Friends Four episodes. 15:05 Shark Tank SERIES BEGINS. A young energetic teacher called Irwin (Stephen Campbell Moore) is recruited to challenge them further.
MTV3 22:35
Sub 21:00. Decades later his son wants to find out what really happened. Food 19:30 New York City Food Show SERIES ENDS. USA/2006 20:47 Pink Panther 21:00 Burn After Reading FILM Starring: Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Frances McDormand, John Malkovich, Tilda Swinton. UK/2006 17:00 Parenthood 23:00 Rubicon 00:00 Without a Trace
08:05 Arctic with Bruce Parry Part 1/5. Directed by Gil Kenan. Starring: Kate Bosworth, Laurence Fishburne, Kevin Spacey, Jim Sturgess. FILM Two brothers go to their cousin's wedding in Buenos Aires. USA/France/1992 01:30 Sexcetera (K18) 02:30 Jean-Claude Van Damme: Behind the Closed Doors 03:20 21 FILM Directed by Robert Luketic. The film is set in 1980s Britain. 16:00 Customs 16:30 Food Club 17:00 New York City Food Show 17:30 Surf Patrol SERIES ENDS. 18:00 Spellbound FILM A psychiatrist helps a murder suspect who has lost his memory. Starring Ann-Kathrin Kramer. Directed by Edouard Deluc. DOC 14:10 Gilmore Girls 14:50 Real Life. She is divorcing her unfaithful husband, Rex Rexroth (Edward Herrmann), who has Miles as his attorney. 13:55 Chopin: The Women Behind the Music DOC 15:25 The Queen DOC Part 4/5. Marilyn has married Rex solely to obtain wealth, and she is looking forward to the financial independence brought by a successful divorce. This documentary asks, if there will be an earth quake more destructive than any of those seen so far. Starring: George Clooney, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Geoffrey Rush. Starring: Halle Berry, Robert Downey Jr. But how about Luke's own secrets. Starring: Klaus J. 22:00 Dónde está Kim Basinger. Starring: Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman. Rory and Lorelai begin to mend their relationship. Starring: Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz, Ellen Burstyn, Mark Margolis. 01:05 Big Trouble in Thailand 02:50 Naked & Funny 03:20 Naked & Funny
06:15 Grounded for Life 06:40 Superstars of Dance 11:50 The Hottest Home Baker 12:45 Das Gespenst von Canterville FILM Directed by Isabel Kleefeld. 14:00 Friday Night Lights 15:00 What Katie Did Next 16:00 Supersize vs Superskinny 17:00 Big Bang Theory 17:30 2 Broke Girls 19:55 Mythbusters 21:00 History Boys FILM A comedy about school boys and their teachers in the 1980s England. In French. Germany/2008 03:15 Dr. 00:45 Autopsy: Most Shocking Stories Military scientist Frank Olson fell from a window and died. USA/1995 23:25 Battlestar Galactica 00:25 The Fountain FILM Directed by Darren Aronofsky. 20
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
07:50 Children's Programming In Finnish. Directed by Allison Anders, Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino. 22:00 The Big C (K15) Cathy finds returning to work feeling awkward because the students are too sympathetic. Now 13:45 Gilmore Girls Luke is jealous because Lorelai gets a call from Christopher. 22:30 Waking the Dead (K15) A case from the beginning of Grace's career makes a sudden return, when someone copies the murderer's methods. Directed by Nicholas Hytner. Starring: Paul Walker, Bruce Greenwood, Moon Bloodgood. He seems to have it all, but he has reached a crossroads in his life. 12:05 Last of the Summer Wine 12:35 Are we still evolving. Starring: Richard Griffiths, Frances de la Tour. UK/2006 23:10 Wikileaks: War, Lies and Videotape DOC 00:15 The Impressions Show With Culshaw & Stephenson 00:50 The Impressions Show With Culshaw & Stephenson 01:25 Sober House 02:15 Red Bull Cliptomaniacs
07:45 Children's Programming In Finnish. Starring: Barbra Streisand, Jeff Bridges, Lauren Bacall, Pierce Brosnan. USA/2006 17:50 Melrose Place 19:00 Wipeout UK 21:00 Four Rooms FILM This film by four director's consists of four separate stories, that take place in a hotel on New Year's eve. Directed by Kenny Ortega. The film is directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. 20:00 Anthony Bourdain: The Layover 21:00 JIM D Biography: Fathers and Sons in Hollywood Part 2/2. The film was directed by Nicholas Hytner, who directed the original theatre production. Germany/2005 14:30 That 70's Show 15:00 Dad Camp 15:55 Relic Hunter 16:50 Breaking The Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 17:45 Dick FILM Directed by Andrew Fleming. USA/2003 23:00 Navy NCIS 23:55 Vanished (K16) FILM Directed by Andreas Prochaska. 22:05 Snowboarding SPORT 23:35 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
10:55 Cuéntame cómo pasó In Spanish. USA/2009 23:10 Basic Instict (K18) Directed by Paul Verhoeven. 17:00 American Idol 18:00 American Idol 19:00 American Idol 22:50 United States of Tara 23:20 Sons of Anarchy 00:15 Knight Rider 01:10 Rock of Love
08:05 Frozen Planet DOC Part 5/6. 14:30 Croatia's Undersea World 16:00 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 18:45 Frozen Planet DOC Part 5/6. USA/2003 00:30 Saving Grace
07:40 Children's Programming In Finnish. Everything changes, when he meets his match in Marylin Rexroth (Catherine Zeta-Jones). 11:20 At the End of My Leash 14:05 Sixty Six FILM Directed by Paul Weiland. Antoine's wife has just left him and Marcus tries to get him into party mood. Now 15:05 Bombing of Germany DOC 16:00 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 18:45 The Making of Frozen Planet 19:00 Hercule Poirot: Halloween Party 22:10 Law & Order: UK 23:35 Free Agents Part 1/ 6.
Wikileaks: War, Lies and Videotape Sub 23:10 07:15 Wipeout UK 08:15 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 10:45 Animal Planet 11:45 Animal Rescue 12:45 Frasier Four episodes. USA/1996 21:00 Michael Jackson's This Is It FILM Interviews, rehearsals and backstage footage of Michael Jackson as he prepared for his series of shows in London. It also features the original cast of the play. Earth quakes have killed over 600000 people around the world between years 2000 and 2009. However, Miles is standing in the way of her plans. Steve-O (K16) 03:50 Hale and Pace
16:00 The Plastic Fantastic Brain DOC Part 2/2. Starring: Gregg Sulkin, Helena Bonham Carter. Starring: Tim Roth, Jennifer Beals, Antonio Banderas, Madonna. It also stars Academy Award winners Geoffrey Rush and Billy Bob Thornton.
The History Boys
The History Boys is a 2006 British comedy-drama film adapted by Alan Bennett from his play of the same name, which won the Olivier Award for Best New Play and the Tony Award for Best Play. A group of young men at Cutlers' Grammar School all have the brains, and the will, to earn the chance of getting accepted into the finest universities in the nation. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. 17:00 JIM D: Crucifixion Part 2/2. 11:25 American Chopper 12:20 Extreme Fishing 13:15 JIM D Biography: Genesis SERIES ENDS. 12:00 World Palooza 12:30 Two and a Half Men Three episodes. 16:45 Prohibition DOC Part 4/5 17:40 Bleak House Part 4/8. 22:00 Top Shot SERIES ENDS. USA/1945 21:00 Genius of Photography Part 3/6. Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Michelle Williams, Will Ferrell. 16:15 Pharma Sutra DOC 17:10 Une village Français In French. 18:00 Dinner Impossible 19:00 Man v. 23:55 Top Shot SERIES ENDS. SERIES ENDS. Most of the animals leave the polar region for the winter. Perhaps the actual killer has been free all these years?
Michael Jackson's This Is It T V5 21:00 13:30 Waverly Place Wizards 14:00 Rules of Engagement 14:30 Secret Life of American Teenager 15:30 Eight Below FILM Antarctic explorers are forced to leave their team of sled dogs behind in order to survive. 19:30 Chopin: The Women Behind the Music DOC Documentary about the life of the great pianist and composer Chopin, and the story of the women whose voices inspired his music.
Eight Below Nelonen 15:30
Animal Rescue Nelonen 11:45
Intolerable Cruelty
Miles Massey (George Clooney) is a top divorce attorney and the inventor of the Massey Pre-nup, a completely foolproof prenuptial agreement. 09:55 Surf Patrol SERIES ENDS. 19:40 Midsomer Murders Part 1/2. Directed by Barbra Streisand. USA/2008 05:20 Hale and Pace
07:45 Children's Programming In Finnish. Behrendt, Saskia Vester. Argentina/2009 22:30 Estrellas DOC In Spanish.
09:25 Fifth Gear SERIES BEGINS. Despite the teaching of excellent professionals, the Headmaster Felix (Clive Merrison) is not satisfied. Starring: Michael Jackson, Alex Al, Alexandra Apjarova. 14:10 Shark Tank 16:00 JIM D: 3 Shots That Changed America Part 1/3. 10:30 Zeke's Pad 10:53 Connor Undercover 11:20 Downhill Skating SPORT 12:20 Bandy SPORT 14:10 Biathlon World Cup SPORT 16:10 Biathlon World Cup SPORT 18:10 Lonely Planet: Colombia 21:00 Boardwalk Empire 22:10 Episodes 22:40 Yle Live: Glastonbury 2011 23:40 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
06:55 Grounded for Life 07:20 The King of Queens 07:45 The King of Queens 08:10 Airport 13:05 Packed to the Rafters 14:00 DC Cupcakes 14:30 Breakthrough with Tony Roberts 16:40 The Mirror Has Two Faces FILM Two professors, Rose and Gregory, end up together with surprising consequences
08:55 Marienhof In German. Starring: Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Jason Schwartzmann, Amara Karan, Anjelica Huston. Dawn Porter, who is in the risk group, explores the backgrounds and treatments of the cancer. In French. USA/2003 04:10 Flashpoint
Good Wife Nelonen 21:00
Arctic with Bruce Parry T V1 19:00
Nick Barlow nick@helsinkitimes.fi. After a lifetime spent in a world with no sun why don't the people travelling back in time need to use vast amounts of sunscreen to prevent themselves getting fried. The writer knows the art of channel surfing.
Terra Nova, which has just begun on MTV3 to much fanfare, is like a really expensive bottle of wine. USA/2007 22:50 C.S.I. Simon wants the children to return to England, and Sarah is furious. DOC
Do We Really Need the Moon. Why do none of the colonist's weapons damage the dinosaurs in any way whatsoever. 08:25 Eddie & Jeff 08:55 Sweet Baby James 09:30 A Baby Story 10:00 How to Look Good Naked Canada 13:00 A Baby Story 13:30 How to Look Good Naked Canada 14:30 Sweet Baby James 15:05 Inspector Cartoons 16:10 Life Unexpected 17:10 Married... Tyler gets a surprise holiday from the university in the middle of a semester. 18:00 Dragon's Den 19:30 South Park 20:00 The Crocodile Hunter 21:00 JIM D: Cold Case Files: Cat and Mouse A woman dies in a car accident. What does the film reveal about the time of its making. with Children 20:00 America's Next Top Model 21:00 Good Wife 22:00 Nurse Jackie Jackie returns to Eddie's bed and asks him not to be friends with Kevin. Unfortunately the first fifteen minutes of the hour and a half long first episode were the most interesting by far. with Children 22:00 4D: Hoarders Robin's house is filled with garbage and cat faeces. Danny, who is tracking a lion with Du Pless, doesn't know about the childrens' adventures. 16:35 Bondi Rescue It's Christmas time, and the lifeguards are in the Christmas spirit. Boycie gets interested in genealogy with surprising consequences. He wonders whether he could get one from the mail order. SERIES ENDS. Ron Howard and Mira Sorvino talk about their family lives.
07:00 Grounded for Life 07:25 That 70's Show 07:50 That 70's Show 08:15 Airport 09:40 The Little Couple 13:10 Breakthrough With Tony Robbins 14:05 Jon & Kate Plus 8 14:30 The King of Queens 15:00 Relic Hunter 15:55 Airport 16:30 Hale and Pace 17:00 America's Funniest Home Videos 17:30 My Wife and Kids 18:00 That 70's Show 18:30 That 70's Show 19:00 The King of Queens 19:30 America's Funniest Home Videos 20:30 Smack the Pony 21:00 The Net FILM Software engineer Angela Bennett wakes up after an accident. with Children 00:25 NCIS Los Angeles
08:00 Sturm der Liebe In German. He believes the discovery will help solving what the Mayans actually predicted. The farm is busy with the autumn works. 18:30 Will & Grace 19:00 Friends 19:30 Two and a Half Men 20:00 Big Bang Theory 20:30 Simpsons 22:30 Skins 23:30 Heroes 00:25 C.S.I. 21:00 Downton Abbey 22:50 Do We Really Need the Moon. Starring: Timothy Busfield, Bill Duke, Colm Feore, Martin Lawrence, Eric Roberts. 15:00 Red Bull Cliptomaniacs 15:30 Make Me a Supermodel 16:30 Marienhof In German. 22:35 Californication 23:25 Frasier 23:55 Married... Directed by Franklin J. 21:55 Désobéir FILM In 1940 people escaping from the Nazis sought refuge in embassies. 12:30 The Green Green Grass Bryan's pet turkey seems to be in need of a vet. 16:15 Heartland 17:00 Children's Programming In Finnish. 17:00 Sturm der Liebe In German. TV1 19:00 07:00 Children's Programming In Finnish. Rosie is pleased with the events. 19:00 Une village Français Germany's secret police takes interest in Marcel. The fathers in old television shows used to know everything, but in reality parenting is more difficult even for the Hollywood stars. O'Hara's former girlfriend returns to town. Rick Stein visits Sri Lanka, where he tastes a variety of hot and spicy vegetable curries. Starring: Sandra Bullock, Jeremy Northam, Dennis Miller. Starring: Halle Berry, Penelope Cruz, Robert Downey Jr. New York 23:45 Jamelia, Whose Hair Is It Anyway. Miami 22:35 In Plain Sight 23:35 Freaks and Geeks
10:05 Emmerdale 12:55 Doctors 14:00 Grand Designs 15:05 Two and a Half Men 17:05 The Young and the Restless 18:00 Emmerdale 22:35 C.S.I. Humans travel back 180 million years into the past from a future filled with unsubtle Nazi references to a new world (geddit?) filled with badly animated dinosaurs. 23:15 Frasier 23:45 Married... A Portuguese diplomat acted according to his conscience and saved thousands of lives. 17:10 Wild at Heart When Evan and Olivia's father Simon turns up, things get out of hand. 10:00 Wild at Heart 11:05 YLE News in English 11:40 Bêtes de pouvoir DOC What do the politicians' pets, for instance the Clintons' cat or Sarkozy's chihuahua, reveal about their owners. Each year 12,000 women die of breast cancer in England. 08:50 The Flying Doctors 09:40 Globe Trekker: Asian Cities 11:10 Die Schwarzwaldklinik In German. Watch it sink without a trace.
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
10:05 13:00 14:05 15:05 17:05 Emmerdale Doctors At the End of My Leash Bleep My Dad Says The Young and the Restless 18:00 Emmerdale 21:00 C.S.I. People get mauled by dinos and survive. Naturally, plenty of plot holes come along for the ride. 19:00 Arctic with Bruce Parry Part 2/5. 18:00 World Palooza 18:30 Will & Grace 19:00 Friends 19:30 Two and a Half Men 20:00 United States of Tara 20:30 Simpsons 21:00 Darjeeling Limited FILM Three estranged brothers travel across India and are thrown out of the train in the middle of a desert. USA/2003 02:00 Navy NCIS 02:50 Sexcetera (K18) 04:10 Relic Hunter
17:00 My Breasts Could Kill Me DOC Part 1/2. In short, as I believe people who write on the internet would say, WTF. In year 1994, archeologist Jim Turner found a statue resembling the sun god of the Mayans. 08:55 Marienhof In German. 19:00 Cuéntame cómo pasó In Spanish. This bottle was given to you as gift on a momentous occasion, and you know that when you drink it, each glass will be worth as much money as you earn in a month. 23:05 South Park 23:35 Naked & Funny 00:05 JIM D Biography: Fathers and Sons in Hollywood Part 2/2. 18:00 Il était une fois.. Directed by Dennis Dugan. 16:05 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 17:10 Married... The general plot is quite intriguing. The main family, the Shannons, are a bunch of largely unlikeable or completely forgettable characters. 19:00 Do We Really Need the Moon. USA/1973
06:50 Children's Programming In Finnish. He discovers the delights of tea plantations, and experiences the secrets of making cinnamon. 16:15 Heartland 17:00 Children's Programming In Finnish. The town threatens to tear the house down if it isn't cleaned up. Terra Nova is a dire show which will be lucky to get a second season and is notable mainly for the fact that it is costing Rupert Murdoch an awful lot of money. 17:10 Wild at Heart After being reprimanded by Danny, Evan escapes with Olivia. 15:00 Red Bull Cliptomaniacs 15:30 Make Me a Supermodel 16:30 Marienhof In German. USA/2003 22:55 5D: Pregnant Man 23:55 Gothika FILM Directed by Mathieu Kassovitz. 08:50 The Flying Doctors 11:10 Die Schwarzwaldklinik In German. The ancient Mayans believed that the end of the world will take place in 2012. Starring: Timothy Busfield, Bill Duke, Colm Feore, Martin Lawrence. 17:00 Sturm der Liebe In German. 21:00 Prohibition DOC Part 5/5.
11:45 Bondi Rescue 12:15 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations 13:10 Border Security: Australia's Front Line 13:40 Monster Jam 2010 14:10 Iron Chef UK 15:10 Dragon's Den 16:05 Dinner Impossible Robert Irvine has few hours to prepare food for 450 hungry cowboys. In French.
07:10 Grounded for Life 08:00 The Little Couple 08:30 The Hottest Home Baker 14:05 Jon & Kate Plus 8 14:30 DC Cupcakes 15:00 Relic Hunter 15:55 Airport 16:30 Hale and Pace 17:00 America's Funniest Home Videos 17:30 My Wife and Kids 18:00 That 70's Show 18:30 That 70's Show 19:00 The King of Queens 19:30 America's Funniest Home Videos 20:30 Smack the Pony 21:00 National Security FILM Two mismatched security guards end up solving a crime together. Has someone betrayed him. Mr Shannon is on his way to becoming chief of police despite being in the colony illegally. SERIES ENDS. New York 01:20 No Signal
06:50 Children's Programming In Finnish. It's so expensive that you would never dream of buying it for yourself, and so valuable that no matter how good it tastes you're always going to be thinking, "I could feed my family for weeks on this plonk." Likewise, the executively-produced by Steven Spielberg Jurassic Park-meets-Little House on the Prairie show under discussion was so flabbergastingly expensive to produce (season premier cost: $20 million) that with every passing minute you're thinking, "200,000 bucks for every 60 seconds of this?" Don't let the fact Spielberg is involved in it fool you. 18:00 Dragon's Den 19:30 South Park 20:00 Customs 21:00 JIM D: Apocalypse Island Part 1/2. Ken might go to prison if he doesn't take the junk out of his property. After that the show's problems really started adding up. 18:00 Rick Stein's Far Eastern Odyssey Part 5/6. In South Carolina, the police investigate the murder of a taxi driver that took place decades ago. Directed by Irwin Winkler. Bizarrely, the writers seem to have been so desperate to capture our attention that, as well as filling our screens with terrible CGI effects, they introduced about a dozen possible plot lines and dubious occurrences in one episode that in a show like Lost would be presented over several months. USA/1995 00:20 National Security FILM Directed by Dennis Dugan. Food Adam is in Boulder, Colorado, where he experiences the delicacies of Rocky Mountains. 22:30 Trigger Happy TV 23:00 South Park 23:30 Naked & Funny 00:00 JIM D: Cold Case Files: Cat and Mouse
17:00 Earth Days DOC Part 2/2. The heat exhausts the hardworking group of cooks. Some Like It Hot DOC A documentary about Billy Wilder's classic comedy from 1959. It's totally unoriginal, unrealistic, and unintelligent telly. The cliché's come thick and fast:
We have the irritatingly rebellious teenage son who escapes the camp every evening with a bunch of his idiotic peers to go drink moonshine and nearly get eaten by dinosaurs (we live in hope); the cute, inquisitive little girl playing the prohibited third child role; the geek sciencemad daughter who will probably invent something to save everyone in a later episode; an uber-efficient doctor mum; and a dad who was a cop, got banged up for hitting another policeman, escaped from a maximum security prison with an electric toothbrush, broke into another maximum security facility using a backpack dumped on the street by persons unknown, and stowed away on the warp drive to the past carrying his illegal child hidden in his bag. How did the current environmental movement began and what is the message of the Earth day. Liz finds out her upstairs neighbour is a man of her dreams, a doctor who also likes baking.
09:30 Fork to Fork Part 5/6. Starring: Steve McQueen, Dustin Hoffman. Miami 23:35 Nip/Tuck 00:35 30 Rock Jack tries to figure out why Elisa's grandmother can't stand him. 20:00 Genius of Photography DOC Part 3/6. with Children 00:45 Body of Proof
08:00 Sturm der Liebe In German. To say it's unsophisticated would be an insult to Dolph Lundgren. DOC
Two and a Half Men MT V3 15:05 07:00 Children's Programming In Finnish. 08:25 Eddie & Jeff 08:55 Sweet Baby James 09:30 A Baby Story 10:00 How to Look Good Naked Canada 13:00 A Baby Story 13:30 How to Look Good Naked Canada 14:30 Sweet Baby James 15:05 10 Years Younger: The Challenge 50-year-old Mary and Kathleen compete each other in looking younger. 00:55 No Signal 01:25 World Palooza
10:00 Wild at Heart 11:05 YLE News in English 12:40 The Green Green Grass Ryan is dreaming about a wife. Years later it turns out it wasn't an ordinary accident. Directed by Wes Anderson. 18:30 Stoked 22:05 Winners and Losers 22:50 Game of Thrones Part 4/10.
13:15 Border Security: Australia's Front Line 13:45 Monster Jam 2010 14:15 Madhouse 15:10 Anthony Bourdain: The Layover 16:05 Dinner Impossible 17:00 Man v. She discovers she is robbed of her identity and embroiled in a dangerous web of schemes. Are they using peashooters. 18:13 Garfield 20:30 18 to Life 23:20 Papillon FILM A convict serving a sentence on Devil's Island attempts several escapes. In French. Will he get in trouble. Schaffner. 17:30 New York City Food Show Angus Vail discovers a cure for his hang-over from Russian kitchen
19:55 Last of the Summer Wine Compo and Clegg are bored. 00:40 30 Rock
09:30 Croatia's Undersea World Part 5/10. 21:45 L'enfant FILM A young couple with a newborn child struggles to make a living. 23:25 Men Behaving Badly SERIES RETURNS. Martin even agrees to take Daphne's mother out, but of course nothing goes as planned. Starring: Sandra Bullock, Jeremy Northam, Dennis Miller. 20:30 The Cup 23:10 Boardwalk Empire Jimmy is starting a life in Chigaco and immediately gets into trouble with Al Capone.
-24 -23 -22 -19 -18 -21 -18 Mon 2/6 -18 -12 -15 -17 -9 -21 -18 Tue 2/7 -10 -9 -11 -15 -5 -16 Wed 2/8 -5 -2 -4 -6 -1 -6 -11 -9 Thursday 2/2 -16 -17 -22 -13
+16 +3 +13 +30 +18 -7 -14 -7 +7 -10 -2 +2 +28 +7
07:05 Grounded for Life 07:30 That 70's Show 07:55 That 70's Show 08:20 Airport 09:45 Hello Goodbye 13:10 Packed to the Rafters 14:05 Jon & Kate Plus 8 14:30 The King of Queens 15:00 Relic Hunter 15:55 Airport 16:30 Hale and Pace 17:00 America's Funniest Home Videos 17:30 My Wife and Kids 18:00 That 70's Show 18:30 That 70's Show 19:00 The King of Queens 19:30 America's Funniest Home Videos 20:30 Smack the Pony 21:00 One FILM Directed by James Wong. 20:30 1967 de Gaulle in Québec DOC Charles de Gaulle, the President of France, made headlines all around the world in 1967 by uttering the words: `Vive la Québec libre!' In French. with Children 00:15 Three Rivers 01:15 Raising the Bar 02:10 NCIS Los Angeles
Thu 2/2 Fri 2/3 Sat 2/4 Sun 2/5
10:05 13:00 14:05 15:05 17:05 Emmerdale Doctors Parenthood How I Met Your Mother The Young and the Restless 18:00 Emmerdale 21:00 C.S.I. In French.
11:50 Bondi Rescue 12:20 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations 13:15 Border Security: Australia's Front Line 13:45 Monster Jam 2010 14:15 Dinner Impossible 15:10 Dragon's Den 16:05 Dinner Impossible 16:35 Bondi Rescue 18:00 Dragon's Den 19:30 South Park 20:00 Grimefighters SERIES ENDS. 21:00 Modern Marvels: Power Plants After the discovy of electricity, Thomas Ediston and George Westinghouse competed in making it available to customers and industry. A group of specialists investigate a lethal disease coming from the outer space. 22:30 Gene Simmons Family Jewels 23:00 South Park 23:30 Naked & Funny 00:00 JIM D: Apocalypse Island Part 1/2.
-8 +29 -8 -18 -19 +5 +1 +10 -7
8:33 am 4:34 pm 8:46 am 4:44 pm 8:46 am 4:32 pm
9:03 am 4:00 pm 9:16 am 3:47 pm 9:49 am 3:04 pm
One T V5 21:00
Sonia (Déborah François) and Bruno (Jérémie Renier) are a young couple, who have just had a son. 15:00 Red Bull Cliptomaniacs 15:30 Make Me a Supermodel 16:30 Marienhof In German. In Spanish. Many of them sought refuge in the displaced persons' camps in Berlin. 17:10 Wild at Heart Everything is going wrong just before the arrival of the first tourists. In German. with Children 21:00 Body of Proof Sam and Bud's co-worker Joe Salerno is found hit by a car on a highway. 08:55 Marienhof In German. 23:45 Married... One day Sonia allows Bruno to take Jimmy for a walk while she stands in line for her benefits. 08:25 Eddie & Jeff 08:55 Sweet Baby James 09:30 A Baby Story Laura and Mike Virgilio are expecting triplets due to a fertility treatment. USA/2001 22:55 Call Me Fitz SERIES BEGINS. Belgium/2005. 19:00 Jewish Transit Berlin From Hell to Hope DOC After the Second World War, hundreds of thousands Jewish survivors were homeless and unaware of what had happened to their families. 08:36 Garfield 08:50 The Flying Doctors 17:00 Children's Programming In Finnish. 17:00 Sturm der Liebe In German. 23:15 Frasier Niles has decided to propose Daphne and he wants the evening to be perfect. Starring Jet Li, Carla Gugino, Delroy Lindo. 19:00 Weissensee Part 5/6. Please send a brief email to heidi@helsinkitimes.fi with some information about yourself and what kind of experiences you would like to write about, and we will give you more information on how to proceed with your story.
YLE Teema 21:45
Bring this advert and get a 10% discount on our website prices. 23:55 The Net FILM Directed by Irwin Winkler. In hospital they discover how serious an operation a c-section is. 22:00 Human Trafficking Part 4/4.
Mon 2/6
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-4 +12 +33 +3
-2 +12 +32 +5 +1 -9 -3 -8 +19 -6 +19 +20 -7 -7 -5 +13 +3 +7 +1 +21 +15 +3 +14 +29 +19 -5 -16 -10 +6 -12 -3 +1 +30 +2 -3 +31 -10 -14 -17 0 +1 +12 -9
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-27 -28 -24 -25 -22 -22 -18 Sat 2/4 -28 -27 -24 -23 -22 -20 -16 -19
-1 -8 -5 -6 +15 -4 +20 +22 -6 -3 -6 +17 0 +10 +1 +20
08:00 Sturm der Liebe In German. Now 16:00 Frozen Planet DOC Part 5/6. 22
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
Thu 2/2 -27 -28 -28 -26 -26 -25 -23 -19 Fri 2/3
Mythbusters MT V3 22:35 07:00 Children's Programming In Finnish. He even sublets Sonia's apartment during the time she is in the hospital. It was the second time the directors Jean-Pierre Dardenne and Luc Dardenne won the award. Once again Megan is ready to find the murderer with any means necessary. SERIES BEGINS. 10:00 Wild at Heart 10:45 The Making of Frozen Planet 11:05 YLE News in English 12:30 Last of the Summer Wine 14:20 Real Life. A power failure and elephants gone wild threaten to destroy the family's hard work. Bruno, who didn't visit her while she was in the hospital, makes living by petty crimes committed with his fourteen-year-old associate. USA/1995 01:55 Navy NCIS 02:45 5D: Pregnant Man 03:40 Relic Hunter
17:00 Estrellas DOC The resident of an Argentinian slum are offered a chance to star in a film. Sonia has named the child Jimmy. Foggy tries to cheer them up, but will he succeed. 10:00 How to Look Good Naked Canada 13:00 A Baby Story 13:30 How to Look Good Naked Canada 14:30 Sweet Baby James 15:05 10 Years Younger: The Challenge 16:05 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 17:10 Married... Directed by Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne. On that walk, Bruno makes a decision that shocks Sonia. It turns out Salerno has been obsessively investigating a murder case. L'Enfant won the Palme d'Or award in 2005 Cannes Film Festival. The film was also nominated for Best Film and Best Actor at the European Film Awards.
Have you got expat views?
Helsinki Times runs a column series called EXPAT VIEWS, where we publish voluntary contributions written by expats, and we're interested in your experiences.
Share your funny, memorable, frustrating or great experiences of Finland with our readers. 22:35 Mythbusters 23:40 Andromeda Strain A four-part mini-series produced by Ridley Scott and Tony Scott. 18:30 Will & Grace 19:00 Friends 19:30 Two and a Half Men 20:00 2 Broke Girls 20:30 Simpsons 22:30 Fly Girls 23:00 Numb3rs 23:55 Numb3rs 00:50 Skins
-19 Sun 2/5
06:50 Children's Programming In Finnish
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Having first moved to Finland around six years ago, James O'Sullivan's feet are finally starting to thaw after the shock of their first day here.
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Let it snow
IF YOU come from a city where the temperature never dips below zero, no one can really prepare you for living in a cold environment. Others jogged past me in the snow, leaving me far behind as I struggled to tie my shoelace with gloved hands. Wanha Kauppahalli ("Old Market Hall") at the Market Square and Hakaniemen Kauppahalli ("Hakaniemi Market Hall") are the most popular. I don't give a second thought to the paws of the dogs as they shuffle eagerly through the snow and I find myself wondering just how much a pair of winter tyres will cost for my bike whenever a red-faced cyclist passes me by.
Jason Ivors Skilled Carpenter 0440 100 538 jason@ivorsconstruction.fi www.ivorsconstruction.fi
Next week... Well, being Australian, "local" actually meant a fourhour drive into the middle of nowhere, with snowmaking machines pumping out the white stuff in light of a dearth of naturally produced snow. The currency exchange counter at the harbour in Katajanokka, Helsinki is open every day (Mon-Sat 10-11:30, 1617:30 and 19:30-21:15, Sun 10-11:30, 16-17:30 and 6:30-8). Both are open Mon-Fri 8-18 and Sat 8-16 but are closed on Sundays.
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Two years ago we began offering our services in Helsinki our second year of working together for health and well-being!
Our broad selection of regenerating, stress-removing and revitalizing treatments has been very well received in Finland. I know not to cross over onto the ski tracks when I'm jogging in Keskuspuisto, and I keep as far away from the road as possible when the temperature rises above zero and the snow begins to melt, lest I be sprayed by passing cars. Market halls. Then, as if to highlight the absurdity of my surroundings, a man casually cycled past me, his cheeks set aflame by the icy winds. Most grocery stores are open Mon-Fri 7-21, Sat 7-18 and Sun 12-21. Growing up in Australia, the only exposure I ever had to snow was a compulsory school excursion as a ten-year-old to the local mountain range. Grocery stores in the Helsinki Central Railway Station tunnel are open Mon-Sat 7-22 and Sun 10-22. Cycling. Dial 112. See www.posti.fi Emergency Numbers. Grocery stores. Now, moving to Finland six years ago to be greeted by a temperature of -25 degrees was a huge shock. HELSINKI TIMES
2 8 FEBRUARY 2012
Finland info
Banks and Bureaux de Change. Nowadays, however, I've come to appreciate the stillness and beauty of winter. Imagine my surprise when I finally stepped outside to take a walk, to see people casually chatting on mobile phones while walking their dogs dogs without any protection for their paws, mind you. The Forex desk at Helsinki Central Railway Station is open Mon-Sun 8-21. I began to learn the ritual of allowing plenty of time to put on layers of clothes before leaving home, and also what coats need to be worn in different temperatures. Helsinki's General Post Office is also open at the weekend 10-18. Travel theme with Lapland Helsinki Times will have a d Profesrn Lights in focus. In addition, you will also get a Gummerus Finnish-English-Finnish pocket dictionary!
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Contact us now and we will send you the first English learning package free of charge by email! Contact us for more information at opetus@helsinkitimes.fi or tel. My only memories of that day are of slipping off the chairlift, marking my uncoordinated arrival to the top of the mountain, and feeling so cold that I had to retreat teary-eyed to the warmth of the nearby lodge
far before our allocated skiing time was up. Post Offices. Banks are usually open Mon-Fri 9:15-16:15 except for the bank at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, which is open 6-22 daily. F or non-urgent ambulance services, dial 09 394 600, and non-urgent police matters, dial 09 1891. I would anticipate the inevitable sweat bath that would occur when visiting certain shops, where owners overcompensated for the cold outside by cranking up their heating.
I also tried my hand at skating, my uncoordinated waving of arms and the occasional leg providing onlookers with great entertainment as I slipped and slid, glaring under my helmet enviously at the swarms of kids effortlessly gliding past me. In time, however, this cold soon brought with it a great many realisations, chief among them that everyone's balcony here doubles as a very spacious walk-in freezer, hair
can snap off when its frozen and, at odds with my initial instinct to hibernate indoors until the cold nightmare was over, life somehow continues when it's below zero outside. The discounted price for the 8 subscriptions with the English exercise packages is only 336 euros for the school year. See www.forex.fi for more information. Post offices are usually open Mon-Fri 10-18. We welcome You to experience the beneficial effects of our treatments on your health and well-being and to breathe new life into the spring together!
Helsinki Times English Programme
Teach and learn English with Helsinki Times
Helsinki Times has created an English-language learning package, the Helsinki Times English Programme, to provide English teachers with inspirational teaching material for their lessons.
Gather a minimum of 8 Helsinki Times subscriptions with this special offer and you will get 8 ready-to-use English exercises during 2012 sent to you by email free of charge. I soon became accustomed to this strange weather, and would lie in bed with a finger resting on the snooze button, surrounded by the darkness of a Finnish winter morning and listening for the sounds of a plough pushing its way through the freshly fallen snow. Also, rea and the Nor the lysis of the outcome of the sor Hiski Haukkala's ana presidential elec tion.
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e on iPad just es is availabl on your iP ad Helsinki Tim sinki Times p from the n read Hel ap Now you ca nload the free printed. In this weather. Dow as if it were day! A pp Store to
In this series expatriates write about their lives in Finland.