A planned program leading to the Matriculation Examination / YLIOPPILASTUKINTO Kaksikielinen lukio-ohjelma on suunniteltu aikuisille maahanmuuttajille, jotka voivat opiskella lukion kursseja englanniksi samalla kun he vielä opiskelevat suomea. BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS!
The AICE DIPLOMA option!
Both tuition and finals are taken in English. From next year the Diploma is a recognised entrance qualification for polytechnics, Universities of Applied Sciences. The 3-4 year program is for students who have not completed high school studies in their own country; whose high school diploma is not recognized in Finland or Finnish nationals returning to Finland who have studied in English and need a bilingual education.
ENTRANCE TEST on 27 November 2009 at 12:00 on school premises.
Eiran Aikuislukio - Eira High School for Adults Laivurinkatu 3, Helsinki Email: high.school@eiraedu.com Tel: 09 4542 270 www.eiraedu.com
Excellence in education and research Top ranking university for employment 30 International Master´s Degree Programmes Application period 16 November 2009 1 February 2010
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