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Innosol Rondo bright-light therapy lamp
Tomas Whitehouse
Issue 9 2010
Issue 9 2010
Money Transfers
bAsic rules of geocAching:
1. if you take something from the cache, leave something of equal or greater value. 2. write about your find in the cache logbook. 3. Do not move the cache from its original position. 4. log your experience at the web site.
To geocAche you neeD:
· A gps device. · Access to the internet to acquire co-ordinates. · A map and compass, if not merely staying in the city. · items to trade with once caches have been located. · curiosity and patience.
There Are A number of DifferenT sTyles of geocAches hiDDen ArounD The worlD. some of The mosT populAr cAches Are: Traditional: The basic cache type. The cache is found at the co-ordinates given and involves only one stage. Contains a logbook, may or may not include tradable items. multi-cache: Consists of two or more locations. There are many variations, but most multi-caches have a hint to find the second cache, the second cache has hints to the third, and so on. mystery cache: Similar to the multi-cache except that the initial co-ordinates are for a location containing information that encodes the final cache co-ordinates. This form of cache can involve complicated puzzles you will first need to solve to determine the coordinates. Interested in giving geocaching a go? For more information and co-ordinates to begin your own treasure hunt:
Helsinki 9-23 November 2010
The program includes e.g. Titi Robin Trio (FR) · 9.11. Savoy Theatre, 30/25 (Lippupalvelu) Acoustic Africa: Habib Koité (Mali), Oliver Mtukudzi (Zimbabwe), Afel Bocoum (Mali) · 10.11. Savoy Theatre, 35/30 (Lippupalvelu) ,, Ensemble Ferenc Sebo (HU) · 11.11. Savoy Theatre, 30/25 (Lippupalvelu) Samo (Tajikistan) · 14.11. Malmitalo, 15/12 (Lippupalvelu) Les Triaboliques (UK) · 23.11. Korjaamo Culture Factory, 22/20/18 (Lippupiste and Tiketti) Also clubs, lectures, Etnosoi! for Children and much more!
More info: · The festival reserves the right to make changes to the program.
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